Пример #1


        #region -= static methods =-

        /// <summary>
        /// must be in the format 24952.32,N
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="positionalDegree"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PositionalDegree Parse(string inputString)
            //---- declare vars
            PositionalDegree position = new PositionalDegree();

            //---- split it in half
            string[] halves = inputString.Trim().Split(',');
            if (halves.Length < 2)
                throw new FormatException("Input string must be in the format 23490.32,N");

            //---- parse the direction
            position.Direction = DirectionUtil.Parse(halves[1]);

            //---- parse the degrees, minutes seconds
            decimal degrees;

            if (decimal.TryParse(halves[0], out degrees))
                int d = (int)(degrees / 100);
                var f = (degrees - d * 100);
                position.Degrees = (d + f / 60.0m);
            //else { throw new FormatException("Degrees must be in the format 20934.23"); }

Пример #2
        #region -= static methods =-

        /// <summary>
        /// must be in the format 239.02,E
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MagneticVariation Parse(string inputString)
            //---- declare vars
            MagneticVariation magVar = new MagneticVariation();

            string[] halves = inputString.Split(',');

            if (halves.Length < 2)
                throw new FormatException("Input string must be in the format of 33.02,E");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(halves[0]))
                magVar.Degrees = 0.0M;
                magVar.Degrees = decimal.Parse(halves[0]);
            magVar.Direction = DirectionUtil.Parse(halves[1]);

            //---- return