public static void ConfigureBot(TwitchBotConfigurationSection config)
            // do process to configure bots, call into other sections if needed before finishing
            //TODO: There has to be a better way :)
            Console.WriteLine("Configure TwitchBot");

            //TODO: add better fail detection, not detecting empty, length, valid characters....
            Console.WriteLine("Bot Name:");
            var botName = Console.ReadLine();

            var broadcaster = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enable Twitter:");
            var enableTwitterString = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enable Spotify:");
            var enableSpotifyString = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enable Discord:");
            var enableDiscordString = Console.ReadLine();

            config.BotName     = botName;
            config.Broadcaster = broadcaster;

        public static void ConfigureTwitch(TwitchBotConfigurationSection config)
            Console.WriteLine("Configure TwitchBot Twitch");

            //TODO: add better fail detection, not detecting empty, length, valid characters....
            Console.WriteLine("Twitch OAuth Key:");
            var twitchOAuth = Console.ReadLine();

            //TODO: Probably want to hard code this, for release
            Console.WriteLine("Twitch Client Id:");
            var twitchClientId = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Twitch Access Token:");
            var twitchAccessToken = Console.ReadLine();

            config.TwitchOAuth       = twitchOAuth;
            config.TwitchClientId    = twitchClientId;
            config.TwitchAccessToken = twitchAccessToken;
 public static void ConfigureYouTube(TwitchBotConfigurationSection config)
 public static void ConfigureTwitter(TwitchBotConfigurationSection config)