Пример #1
        public static void runKFoldCrossValidation(object parameters)
            try {

                // Setting environment for experiments
                ThreadParams p = (ThreadParams)parameters;
                string dbFile = p.dbFile;
                int nFolds = p.nFolds;
                int nIterations = p.nIterations;

                // Check if the DB file exists
                if (!File.Exists(dbFile))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(dbFile);

                // Do experiments for each methodology
                foreach (Methodology methodology in Program.methodologies) {
                    // Get ego user's ID and his like count
                    long egoUser = long.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dbFile));
                    int cntLikes = 0;

                    // Check if this experiment has ever been performed earlier
                    int m = (int)methodology;
                    if (Program.existingResults.ContainsKey(egoUser) && Program.existingResults[egoUser].Contains(m)) {
                        lock (Program.locker) {
                            Console.WriteLine("Ego network(" + egoUser + "): done on experiment #" + m);

                    // Final result to put the experimental result per fold together
                    var finalResult = new Dictionary<EvaluationMetric, double>();
                    foreach (EvaluationMetric metric in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EvaluationMetric)))
                        finalResult.Add(metric, 0d);

                    // Need to avoid the following error: "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute"
                    List<EvaluationMetric> metrics = new List<EvaluationMetric>(finalResult.Keys);

                    // K-Fold Cross Validation
                    for (int fold = 0; fold < nFolds; fold++) {
                        // Load graph information from database and then configurate the graph
                        DataLoader loader = new DataLoader(dbFile, nFolds);
                        if (fold == 0) {
                            if (loader.checkEgoNetworkValidation() == false)
                            cntLikes = loader.cntLikesOfEgoUser;
                        loader.graphConfiguration(methodology, fold);

                        // Nodes and edges of graph
                        Dictionary<int, Node> nodes = loader.allNodes;
                        Dictionary<int, List<ForwardLink>> edges = loader.allLinks;

                        // Exeption: for the case that mention count is included when the friendship is none
                        if (methodology == Methodology.INCL_MENTIONCOUNT
                            || methodology == Methodology.EXCL_FRIENDSHIP
                            || methodology == Methodology.INCL_FOLLOWSHIP_ON_THIRDPARTY_AND_MENTIONCOUNT) {
                            foreach (List<ForwardLink> forwardLinks in edges.Values) {
                                List<int> indFriendshipLinks = new List<int>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < forwardLinks.Count; i++) {
                                    if (forwardLinks[i].type == EdgeType.FRIENDSHIP)
                                foreach (int i in indFriendshipLinks) {
                                    ForwardLink forwardLink = forwardLinks[i];
                                    if (forwardLink.type == EdgeType.FRIENDSHIP) {
                                        forwardLink.type = EdgeType.UNDEFINED;
                                        forwardLinks[i] = forwardLink;

                        // Make a graph structure to run Random Walk with Restart algorithm
                        Graph graph = new Graph(nodes, edges);

                        // Get recommendation list
                        Recommender recommender = new Recommender(graph);
                        var recommendation = recommender.Recommendation(0, 0.15f, nIterations);

                        //// temp
                        //lock (Program.locker) {
                        //    StreamWriter logger = new StreamWriter(Program.dirData + "rank.dat", true);
                        //    logger.WriteLine(methodology);
                        //    for (int i = 0; i < recommendation.Count; i++)
                        //        logger.WriteLine(recommendation[i].Key + ":\t" + recommendation[i].Value);
                        //    logger.Close();

                        // Get evaluation result
                        int nHits = 0;
                        double sumPrecision = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < recommendation.Count; i++) {
                            if (loader.testSet.Contains(recommendation[i].Key)) {
                                nHits += 1;
                                sumPrecision += (double)nHits / (i + 1);

                        // Add current result to final one
                        foreach (EvaluationMetric metric in metrics) {
                            switch (metric) {
                                case EvaluationMetric.HIT:
                                    finalResult[metric] += nHits; break;
                                case EvaluationMetric.AVGPRECISION:
                                    finalResult[metric] += (nHits == 0) ? 0 : sumPrecision / nHits; break;

                    lock (Program.locker) {
                        // Write the result of this ego network to file
                        StreamWriter logger = new StreamWriter(Program.dirData + "result.dat", true);
                        logger.Write(egoUser + "\t" + (int)methodology + "\t" + nFolds + "\t" + nIterations);
                        foreach (EvaluationMetric metric in metrics) {
                            switch (metric) {
                                case EvaluationMetric.HIT:
                                    logger.Write("\t" + (int)finalResult[metric] + "\t" + cntLikes); break;
                                case EvaluationMetric.AVGPRECISION:
                                    logger.Write("\t" + (finalResult[metric] / nFolds)); break;
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            } finally {