Пример #1
        public static SpecialAgent CreateSpecialAgentByZone(string clientNumber, string clientDivision, string zoneCode)
            //Create a special agent by zone
            SpecialAgent specialAgent = null;

            try {
                //Use cached data
                specialAgent = (SpecialAgent)SpecialAgentsByZoneCached[clientNumber.Trim() + clientDivision.Trim() + zoneCode.Trim()];
                if (specialAgent == null)
                    specialAgent = SpecialAgentDefault;
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while creating special agent by zone.", ex); }
Пример #2
 public static void RefreshCache()
     //Refresh cached data
     try {
         //Get special agents from data store and cache results
         DataSet ds = Mediator.FillDataset(USP_SPECIALAGENT_DETAIL, TBL_SPECIALAGENT_DETAIL, null);
         if (ds == null)
             throw new ApplicationException("Failed to cache special agents.");
             //Cache special agents
             SpecialAgentsCached       = new Hashtable();
             SpecialAgentsByZoneCached = new Hashtable();
             SpecialAgentDS specialAgentDS = new SpecialAgentDS();
             for (int i = 0; i < specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                 SpecialAgent agent = null;
                 if (specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable[i].ID == "0000")
                     agent = SpecialAgentDefault = new SpecialAgent(specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable[i]);
                 else if (specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable[i].ID == "0001")
                     agent = new StatSampleSpecialAgent(specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable[i]);
                 else if (specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable[i].ID.Substring(0, 2) == "04")
                     agent = new UPSSpecialAgent(specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable[i]);
                     agent = new SpecialAgent(specialAgentDS.SpecialAgentTable[i]);
                 SpecialAgentsCached.Add(agent.CLIENT_NUMBER.Trim() + agent.CLIENT_DIVISION.Trim() + agent.SAN_ID.Trim(), agent);
                 SpecialAgentsByZoneCached.Add(agent.CLIENT_NUMBER.Trim() + agent.CLIENT_DIVISION.Trim() + agent.ZONE_CODE.Trim(), agent);
     catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
     catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while caching SortFactory data.", ex); }