Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Write Source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        internal override void WriteSource(System.IO.StreamWriter writer, TsGeneratorOptions options, TsWriteInformation info)
            //write base stuff
            base.WriteSource(writer, options.Clone(options.IndentString, false), info);
            //get line Intend string
            var intendLineString = options.GetPreLineIndentString(info.Depth);
            //membername (nullable for inline objects not allowed)
            var memberName = IsNullable && info.ForType != TsElementTypes.InlineObject ? string.Format(TsDomConstants.NULLABLE_FORMAT, Name) : Name;
            //prepare source
            var source = string.Empty;

            //we dont need the type for constant
            if (info.ForType == TsElementTypes.Constant ||
                info.ForType == TsElementTypes.InlineObject ||
                info.ForType == TsElementTypes.Enumerations)
                //if its an inline object and membername as string => add string signs
                if (info.ForType == TsElementTypes.InlineObject && info.MemberNameAsString)
                    memberName = string.Format(TsDomConstants.STRING_VALUE_FORMAT, memberName);
                source += memberName;
                source += string.Format(TsDomConstants.TS_ELEMENT_TYPE_FORMAT, memberName, GetTypeSource());
            //typeattributes are only interresting in classes
            if (info.ForType == TsElementTypes.Class)
                //get type attributes
                var typeAttributes = TsTypeAttributeMappings.TypeMappings.Where(el => TypeAttributes.HasFlag(el.Key)).OrderBy(el => el.Key).ToList();
                //combine attriubtes
                var typeAttributeSource = string.Join(TsDomConstants.ATTRIBUTE_SEPEARATOR, typeAttributes.Select(el => el.Value));
                //add type attribute
                source = string.Format(TsDomConstants.TS_ATTRIBUTE_COMBINE_FORMAT, typeAttributeSource, source);
            //add line intendent string
            source = intendLineString + source;
            //add init statement if its set
            if (InitStatement != null)
                AddInitStatement(ref source, info.ForType, options, info);
            //add end seperator (for enum its different
            var endSeperator = info.ForType == TsElementTypes.Enumerations || info.ForType == TsElementTypes.Constant || info.ForType == TsElementTypes.InlineObject ? TsDomConstants.LIST_ELEMENT_SEPERATOR : TsDomConstants.EXPRESSION_END;

            //add end seperator
            source += endSeperator;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Write Source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        internal override void WriteSource(System.IO.StreamWriter writer, TsGeneratorOptions options, TsWriteInformation info)
            //write base stuff
            base.WriteSource(writer, options.Clone(options.IndentString, false), info);
            //sec check
            if (info.ForType != TsElementTypes.Class)
                throw new Exception("TsCodeMemberProperty can only be defined for class");
            if (!Types.Any())
                throw new Exception("TsCodeMemberProperty type not defined");
            //prepare source
            var source = options.GetPreLineIndentString(info.Depth);

            //add attributres
            if (Attributes != TsMemberAttributes.None)
                source += TsMemberAttributeMappings.TypeMappings[Attributes] + TsDomConstants.ATTRIBUTE_SEPEARATOR;
            //if there is no setter and getter this is a bit useless
            if (!HasSet && !HasGet)
                throw new Exception("TsCodeMemberProperty there is no setter and getter for MemberProperty" + Name);
            //if we have a getter write getter
            if (HasGet)
                var getSource = source + string.Format(TsDomConstants.GETTER_FORMAT, Name, GetTypeSource()) + TsDomConstants.STATEMENT_BRACKET_BEGIN;
                //write begin line
                //write statemetns
                GetStatements.ToList().ForEach(el => el.WriteSource(writer, options, info.Clone(info.Depth + 1)));
                //write end source
                writer.WriteLine(GetStatementEnd(options, info.Depth));
            //as setter
            if (HasSet)
                var setSource = source + string.Format(TsDomConstants.SETTER_FORMAT, Name, SetParameterName, GetTypeSource()) + TsDomConstants.STATEMENT_BRACKET_BEGIN;
                //write begin line
                //write statemetns
                SetStatements.ToList().ForEach(el => el.WriteSource(writer, options, info.Clone(info.Depth + 1)));
                //write end source
                writer.WriteLine(GetStatementEnd(options, info.Depth));