Пример #1
        private static GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> FilterPeaks(GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> peaks, int maximumNumberOfPeaks)
            GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> filtered_peaks = new GraphML_List <MsMsPeak>(peaks);

            if (maximumNumberOfPeaks > 0 && filtered_peaks.Count > maximumNumberOfPeaks)
                filtered_peaks.RemoveRange(maximumNumberOfPeaks, filtered_peaks.Count - maximumNumberOfPeaks);

Пример #2
        private static GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> Deisotopebkp(GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> peaks, int maxCharge, MassTolerance isotopicMzTolerance)
            GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> new_peaks = new GraphML_List <MsMsPeak>(peaks);


            for (int lowMassIndex = 0; lowMassIndex < new_peaks.Count - 1; lowMassIndex++)
                if (new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Charge > 0)
                    int    toRemove      = -1;
                    double bestMassError = isotopicMzTolerance.Value;
                    double aim           = Numerics.IsotopicMassShift(1, new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Charge) + new_peaks[lowMassIndex].MZ;

                    int potentialIsotopeIndex = lowMassIndex + 1;
                    while (potentialIsotopeIndex < new_peaks.Count && new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].MZ < aim + bestMassError)
                        if (new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Intensity > new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            double massError = Math.Abs(Numerics.CalculateMassError(new_peaks[potentialIsotopeIndex].MZ, aim, isotopicMzTolerance.Units));
                            if (massError < bestMassError)
                                bestMassError = massError;
                                toRemove      = potentialIsotopeIndex;
                    if (toRemove > 0)
                        new_peaks[lowMassIndex].Intensity += new_peaks[toRemove].Intensity;
Пример #3
        public static Spectra Load(pwiz.CLI.msdata.MSDataFile msFile, DBOptions options, string filePath, bool loadMS = true, bool filterMS2 = true)
            //Find file name in msFile;
            string  mzMlFilepath = filePath;
            int     num_spectra  = msFile.run.spectrumList.size();
            Spectra spectra      = new Spectra(num_spectra);
            //List<Trail> trails = new List<Trail>();
            MS1Spectrum previousMS1 = null;

                //TODO DONT forget to remove the limiter
                //int maxNbMSMS = 10;
                double LastMs1InjectionTime = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < num_spectra /* && i < 200*/; i++)//TODO Fix that later!
                    pwiz.CLI.msdata.Spectrum spec = msFile.run.spectrumList.spectrum(i, true);

                    if (spec.precursors.Count > 0 || spec.cvParam(pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_ms_level).value > 1)//is an MSMS
                        double retention_time = spec.scanList.scans[0].cvParam(pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_scan_start_time).timeInSeconds() / 60.0;

                        //List precursors and their intensities
                        double precursor_mz         = 0;//Is there a value for the time a scan took to complete?
                        int    charge               = 2;
                        double precursor_intensity  = 0;
                        string fragmentation_method = "unknown";
                        double isolationWindow      = 1.0;
                        double injectionTime        = spec.scanList.scans[0].cvParam(pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_ion_injection_time).value;
                        foreach (pwiz.CLI.msdata.Precursor precursor in spec.precursors)
                            fragmentation_method = precursor.activation.cvParams[0].name;
                            if (precursor.isolationWindow.cvParams.Count > 2 && (double)precursor.isolationWindow.cvParams[1].value == (double)precursor.isolationWindow.cvParams[2].value)
                                isolationWindow = precursor.isolationWindow.cvParams[1].value;
                            else if (precursor.isolationWindow.cvParams.Count > 2)
                                options.ConSole.WriteLine("Weird Isolation Window");

                            foreach (pwiz.CLI.msdata.SelectedIon ion in precursor.selectedIons)
                                //Cycle through MS to get real precursor intensities
                                precursor_mz = ion.cvParams[0].value;
                                if (ion.cvParams.Count > 1)
                                    charge = (int)ion.cvParams[1].value;
                                //    dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("No charge computed for precursor ");
                                if (ion.cvParams.Count > 2)
                                    precursor_intensity = ion.cvParams[2].value;

                        int scan_index  = i;
                        int scan_number = scan_index + 1;

                        pwiz.CLI.msdata.BinaryDataArray mz        = spec.getMZArray();
                        pwiz.CLI.msdata.BinaryDataArray intensity = spec.getIntensityArray();

                        int num_peaks = mz.data.Count;
                        if (num_peaks != intensity.data.Count)
                            options.ConSole.WriteLine("PreoteWizard reports peaks arrays (mz/intensity) of different sizes : (" + num_peaks + "/" + intensity.data.Count + ")");
                            if (intensity.data.Count < num_peaks)
                                num_peaks = intensity.data.Count;
                        GraphML_List <MsMsPeak> peaks = new GraphML_List <MsMsPeak>(num_peaks);
                        for (int k = 0; k < num_peaks; k++)
                            if (intensity.data[k] > 0)
                                MsMsPeak peak = new MsMsPeak(mz.data[k], intensity.data[k], 0);
                        mz.Dispose(); mz = null;
                        intensity.Dispose(); intensity = null;


                        if (filterMS2)
                            //peaks = AssignChargeStates(peaks, options.maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState, options.precursorMassTolerance);
                            //peaks = Deisotopebkp(peaks, options.maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState, options.precursorMassTolerance);
                            peaks = AssignChargeStatesAndDeisotope(peaks, options.MaximumPrecursorChargeState, new MassTolerance(options.productMassTolerance.Value * 0.5, options.productMassTolerance.Units));
                            peaks = FilterPeaks(peaks, options.MaximumNumberOfFragmentsPerSpectrum);

                            //TODO Add Contaminant removal
                            //peaks = ContaminantMasses.RemoveContaminantsFromMzSortedList(peaks, options.productMassTolerance);

                            //Can sometime be sorted by intensity after this call
                            //peaks = FilterPeaksV2(peaks);

                        /*//TODO Validate that in most cases, next steps can calculate missing charge
                         * if (charge == 0)
                         * {
                         *  for (int c = options.minimumAssumedPrecursorChargeState; c <= options.maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState; c++)
                         *  {
                         *      if (options.assignChargeStates)
                         *      {
                         *          peaks = AssignChargeStates(peaks, c, options.productMassTolerance);
                         *          if (options.deisotope)
                         *          {
                         *              peaks = Deisotope(peaks, c, options.productMassTolerance);
                         *          }
                         *      }
                         *      double precursor_mass = Utilities.MassFromMZ(precursor_mz, c);
                         *      ProductSpectrum spectrum = new ProductSpectrum(mzMlFilepath, scan_number, retention_time, fragmentation_method, precursor_mz, precursor_intensity, c, precursor_mass, peaks);
                         *      spectra.Add(spectrum);
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * else//*/
                          * if (options.assignChargeStates)
                          * {
                          * peaks = AssignChargeStatesbkp(peaks, charge, options.productMassTolerance);
                          * if (options.deisotope)
                          * {
                          *     peaks = Deisotopebkp(peaks, charge, options.productMassTolerance);
                          * }
                          * }//*/
                         //peaks = AssignChargeStatesAndDeisotope(peaks, options.maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState, options.productMassTolerance);

                            double precursor_mass = Numerics.MassFromMZ(precursor_mz, charge);

                            ProductSpectrum spectrum = new ProductSpectrum(scan_number, retention_time, fragmentation_method, precursor_mz, precursor_intensity, charge, precursor_mass, peaks, isolationWindow, injectionTime, LastMs1InjectionTime);
                            //zones.Add(new Zone(precursor_mz - isolationWindow, precursor_mz + isolationWindow, retention_time));

                        //if (spectra.Count >= maxNbMSMS)
                        //    i = 10000000;
                    else //Is an MS
                        LastMs1InjectionTime = spec.scanList.scans[0].cvParam(pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_ion_injection_time).value;
                        if (loadMS)
                            double retention_time = spec.scanList.scans[0].cvParam(pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_scan_start_time).timeInSeconds() / 60.0;

                            pwiz.CLI.msdata.BinaryDataArray mz        = spec.getMZArray();
                            pwiz.CLI.msdata.BinaryDataArray intensity = spec.getIntensityArray();

                            if (previousMS1 != null)
                                previousMS1.ScanDuration = retention_time - previousMS1.RetentionTimeInMin;
                            previousMS1 = new MS1Spectrum(i, retention_time, intensity.data, mz.data, 1);
                            //Trail.Follow(mz.data, intensity.data, retention_time, ref trails, options);
                            //Trail.RemoveFinished(ref trails, spectra, 1);
                    spec.Dispose(); spec = null;
                    Console.Write("\r{0}%   ", ((100 * i) / num_spectra));
                if (previousMS1 != null)

                 * //Optimization of Track following parameters
                 * long nbChargedTracks = 0;
                 * for(int missingScans = 1; missingScans < 5; missingScans++)
                 * {
                 *  for(int centroid = 1; centroid < 5; centroid++)
                 *  {
                 *      for(int minPeaks = 1; minPeaks < 7; minPeaks++)
                 *      {
                 *          for(double valleyFactor = 0.1; valleyFactor < 4; valleyFactor += 0.3)
                 *          {
                 *              //weightedMean
                 *              Tracks tracks = ComputeSpectraTracks(spectra, options, mzMlFilepath, missingScans, centroid, minPeaks, valleyFactor, MaxQuant.CentroidPosition.weightedMean);
                 *              tracks.Sort(Tracks.AscendingPrecursorMassComparison);
                 *              long cumulIsotopes = 0;
                 *              foreach (stTrack track in tracks)
                 *                  cumulIsotopes += Queries.GetIsotopes(track, options, tracks, sample).Count;
                 *              if (cumulIsotopes > nbChargedTracks)
                 *              {
                 *                  nbChargedTracks = cumulIsotopes;
                 *                  dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine(missingScans + "," + centroid + "," + minPeaks + "," + valleyFactor + ",weightedMean");
                 *              }
                 *              //Gaussian
                 *              tracks = ComputeSpectraTracks(spectra, options, mzMlFilepath, missingScans, centroid, minPeaks, valleyFactor, MaxQuant.CentroidPosition.gaussian);
                 *              tracks.Sort(Tracks.AscendingPrecursorMassComparison);
                 *              cumulIsotopes = 0;
                 *              foreach (stTrack track in tracks)
                 *                  cumulIsotopes += Queries.GetIsotopes(track, options, tracks, sample).Count;
                 *              if (cumulIsotopes > nbChargedTracks)
                 *              {
                 *                  nbChargedTracks = cumulIsotopes;
                 *                  dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine(missingScans + "," + centroid + "," + minPeaks + "," + valleyFactor + ",Gaussian");
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }//*/

                if (spectra.MS1s.Count > 0)
                    spectra.tracks = ComputeSpectraTracks(spectra, options, mzMlFilepath, 3, 1, 3, 1.7, MaxQuant.CentroidPosition.weightedMean);
                    spectra.tracks = new Tracks();
                Console.Write("\r{0}%   ", 100);

            catch (Exception ex)