public static Endpoint Parse(string string_to_parse)
            Endpoint _endpoint = new Endpoint();

            try //try catch for parsing endpoint
                JObject oServerReturn = JObject.Parse(string_to_parse);


                    String nameStr = oServerReturn["name"].ToString();

                    String adminURLStr = oServerReturn["adminURL"].ToString();
                    String internalURL = oServerReturn["internalURL"].ToString();
                    String publicURLStr = oServerReturn["publicURL"].ToString();

                    String typeStr = oServerReturn["type"].ToString();
                    String regionStr = oServerReturn["region"].ToString();
                    String idStr = oServerReturn["id"].ToString();

                    _endpoint.admin_url = adminURLStr;
                    _endpoint.internal_url = internalURL;
                    _endpoint.public_url = publicURLStr;
                    _endpoint.region = regionStr;
           = nameStr;
           = idStr;
                    _endpoint.endpoint_type = typeStr;
                    _endpoint.endpoint_error = "";

                    return _endpoint;

                     //   String nameStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["name"].ToString();

                        String adminURLStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["adminurl"].ToString();
                        String internalURL = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["internalurl"].ToString();
                        String publicURLStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["publicurl"].ToString();

                        String regionStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["region"].ToString();
                        String idStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["id"].ToString();

                        _endpoint.admin_url = adminURLStr;
                        _endpoint.internal_url = internalURL;
                        _endpoint.public_url = publicURLStr;
                        _endpoint.region = regionStr;
                    // = nameStr;
               = idStr;
                        //   _endpoint.type = typeStr;
                        _endpoint.endpoint_error = "";

                        return _endpoint;
                        throw new BadJson("Json command was contained incorrect fields");
                    } //end catch of second parse attempt
                } //End of first parse attempt
            } catch {
                    throw new BadJson("Json command contained incorrect fields");
                } //end try catch for parsing endpoint
        public static List<Endpoint> List_Endpoints(string url, string userId, string AdminToken)
            List<Endpoint> Endpoint_List = new List<Endpoint>();
            Endpoint newEndpoint = new Endpoint();
            string ret = string.Empty;

                try //try catch for the web request
                    ret = newEndpoint.GET(AdminToken, url + "/v2.0/tokens/" + userId + "/endpoints");
                }  catch (Exception x)

                Exception ex = OpenStackObject.Parse_Error(x);
                throw ex;
                } //end try catch for web request

            try //Try catch for server return (with catch if empty)
                JObject root = JObject.Parse(ret);
                JArray ServerReturn = (JArray)root["endpoints"];

                for (int i = 0; i < ServerReturn.Count; i++)
                    newEndpoint = new Endpoint();

                    try //try catch for endpiont parsing
                        newEndpoint = Endpoint.Parse(ServerReturn[i].ToString());
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw x;
                    } //end try catch for endpoint parsing


                return Endpoint_List;

            catch  (Exception x)

               return new List<Endpoint>();
            } //end try catch for server return
        /// <summary>
        /// Lists all endpoints in the server connected to the user associated with the userToken with a GET call. Fills in the endpoint_list field of the endpoint manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The url is the OpenStack server address. The port required is the admin port number. For example: http://sampleserveraddress:35357, where 35357 is the admin port.</param>
        /// <param name="userToken"> This is the id of a token given to a user. This determines which endpoints will be seen by the admin. If seeing all is desired, use the admin token as the user token as well.</param>
        /// <param name="AdminToken"> This is the id of a token given to a user with admin permissions.</param>
        public void List_Endpoints(string url, string userToken, string AdminToken)
            List<Endpoint> Endpoint_List = new List<Endpoint>();
            string ret = string.Empty;
                HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url + "/tokens/" + userToken + "/endpoints");

                webRequest.Method = "GET";
                webRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
                webRequest.Headers.Add("X-Auth-Token", AdminToken);
                webRequest.Timeout = 2000;

                HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
                Stream resStream = resp.GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resStream);
                ret = reader.ReadToEnd();

                JObject root = JObject.Parse(ret);
                JArray ServerReturn = (JArray)root["endpoints"];

                if (ServerReturn != null)

                    for (int i = 0; i < ServerReturn.Count; i++)
                        Endpoint newEndpoint = new Endpoint();
                        newEndpoint = Endpoint.Parse(ServerReturn[i].ToString());

                    endpoint_list = Endpoint_List;
                    endpoint_list = new List<Endpoint>();

            catch (Exception x)
                endpoint_manager_error = x.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes raw json and converts it into an endpoint.
        /// Json infomation must include at bare minimum:
        /// name, adminURL, internalURL, public URL, type, and id.
        /// This is not a server call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="string_to_parse">json string that is to be turned into an endpoint.  </param>
        /// <returns>If successful, will parse will return an endpoint with the given fields filled in. If unsuccessful will return an endpoint with the endpoint error field filled</returns>
        public static Endpoint Parse(string string_to_parse)
            Endpoint _endpoint = new Endpoint();

                JObject oServerReturn = JObject.Parse(string_to_parse);
                String nameStr = oServerReturn["name"].ToString();

                String adminURLStr = oServerReturn["adminURL"].ToString();
                String internalURL = oServerReturn["internalURL"].ToString();
                String publicURLStr = oServerReturn["publicURL"].ToString();

                String typeStr = oServerReturn["type"].ToString();
                String regionStr = oServerReturn["region"].ToString();
                String idStr = oServerReturn["id"].ToString();

                _endpoint.admin_url = adminURLStr;
                _endpoint.internal_url = internalURL;
                _endpoint.public_url = publicURLStr;
                _endpoint.region = regionStr;
       = nameStr;
       = idStr;
                _endpoint.type = typeStr;
                _endpoint.endpoint_error = "";

                return _endpoint;
            catch (Exception x)
                    JObject oServerReturn = JObject.Parse(string_to_parse);
                    String nameStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["name"].ToString();

                    String adminURLStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["adminurl"].ToString();
                    String internalURL = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["internalurl"].ToString();
                    String publicURLStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["publicurl"].ToString();

                    //String typeStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["type"].ToString();
                    String regionStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["region"].ToString();
                    String idStr = oServerReturn["endpoint"]["id"].ToString();

                    _endpoint.admin_url = adminURLStr;
                    _endpoint.internal_url = internalURL;
                    _endpoint.public_url = publicURLStr;
                    _endpoint.region = regionStr;
           = nameStr;
           = idStr;
                 //   _endpoint.type = typeStr;
                    _endpoint.endpoint_error = "";

                    return _endpoint;

                    _endpoint.endpoint_error = x.ToString();
                    return _endpoint;
        protected void btnTest4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            epTest = new TestDeleteEndpoint();
                lblCreateEPPassFail.Visible = epTest.Set_Up_Delete_Endpoints_Test(LoginSession.adminURL, LoginSession.userToken.token_id, "tstEPTen121314", "tstEPService121314");
                lblCreateEPPassFail.Text = "PASS";

                epTest.em = Endpoint.List_Endpoints(LoginSession.adminURL, LoginSession.userToken.token_id, LoginSession.userToken.token_id);
                //End Set Up
            catch (Exception x)
                txtbTest4.Text = x.Message;
                lblTest4.Visible = true;
                lblTest4.Text = "FAIL";

            Boolean ret = true;
            String output = String.Empty;

                Endpoint fakeEP = new Endpoint();
                fakeEP.Delete_Endpoint(LoginSession.adminURL, LoginSession.userToken.token_id);

                lblTest4.Text = "FAIL";
                //End Run Test

            catch (Exception x)
                txtbTest4.Text = x.Message;
                lblTest4.Visible = epTest.Tear_Down_Delete_Endpoints_Test(LoginSession.adminURL, LoginSession.userToken.token_id, epTest.endpoint_testUser, epTest.endpoint_testServiceid, epTest.endpoint_testTenantid);
                lblTest4.Text = "PASS";