Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will call the Story Resource access class method to Delete the Topic from the 
 /// More about section and also send a email to all admin user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objStory">stories object which contain the Section id and Userbioagraphy ID
 ///                        of the topic which topic user wants to delete
 /// </param>
 public void DeleteTopic(Stories objStory)
         StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will call the Story Resource access class method to get the Tribute Detail,  
        /// Story, and List of topic in More About section. and calcumate the age of the User.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objStory"> This is the stories object which contain the Tribute ID to get 
        ///the story for that tribute and user ID to get that user is admin or not for that tribute 
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> This method will return the story object 
        /// </returns>
        public Stories GetStoryDetail(Stories objStoryParam)
                StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();
                Stories objStory = objStoryRes.GetStoryDetail(objStoryParam);

                if (objStory.TributeType == "Memorial")
                    objStory.Age = CalculateAge( objStory.Date1, objStory.Date2 );

                return objStory;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to send email to the list of users
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TribuetId">Tribute ID to get the list of admin</param>
        /// <param name="strSubject">Subject of the mail</param>
        public void SendEmail(int TribuetId, string strSubject, string EmailBody)
            StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();

            UserInfo objUser = objStoryRes.GetTributeAdministrators(TribuetId, "Gift");
            //Function to send the mail to the list of users who have added the Tribute in their list of favourites
            UserInfo objUserFav = objStoryRes.GetFavouriteTributeUsers(TribuetId, "Gift");

            EmailMessages objEmail = EmailMessages.Instance;

            if (objUser.UserEmail != "")
                bool val = objEmail.SendMessages("Your " + WebConfig.ApplicationWord + "<" + WebConfig.NoreplyEmail + ">", objUser.UserEmail, strSubject, CreateBody(EmailBody), EmailMessages.TextFormat.Html.ToString());

            //favourite mail
            //As per discussion with Rupendra: will send the mail in "To" field.
            //ie a comma separated list of users in the "to" field
            if (objUserFav.UserEmail != "")
                bool val = objEmail.SendMessages("Your " + WebConfig.ApplicationWord + "<" + WebConfig.NoreplyEmail + ">", objUserFav.UserEmail, strSubject, CreateBody(EmailBody), EmailMessages.TextFormat.Html.ToString());
Пример #4
        public void SendSponsorMailsWithMessage(String Sponsor, String Message, int TributeId, string TributeType, string TributeName, string TributeUrl, string Expiry, int PackageId)
            string _EmailBody = string.Empty;
            EmailMessages objEmail = EmailMessages.Instance;
            MailBodies objMail = new MailBodies();
            StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();
            UserInfo objUser = new UserInfo();
            objUser = objStoryRes.GetTributeAdministrators(TributeId, "");
            if (PackageId == 2 || PackageId == 5 || PackageId == 7)
                _EmailBody = objMail.TributeSponsor1YearWithMessage(Sponsor, Message, TributeType, TributeName, TributeUrl, Expiry);
            if (PackageId == 1 || PackageId == 4 || PackageId == 6)
                _EmailBody = objMail.TributeSponsorLifeWithMessage(Sponsor, Message, TributeType, TributeName, TributeUrl, Expiry);

            bool val = objEmail.SendMessages("Your " + WebConfig.ApplicationWord + "<" + WebConfig.NoreplyEmail + ">", objUser.UserEmail, Sponsor + " has sponsored the " + TributeName + " " + TributeType + " " + WebConfig.ApplicationWordForInternalUse + "...", _EmailBody, EmailMessages.TextFormat.Html.ToString());
Пример #5
 //New Methods added for Sponsor email functionality.
 public void SendSponsorMails(String Sponsor, string FromUserEmail, int TributeId, string TributeType, string TributeName, string TributeUrl, string Expiry, int PackageId)
     string _EmailBody = string.Empty;
     EmailMessages objEmail = EmailMessages.Instance;
     MailBodies objMail = new MailBodies();
     StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();
     UserInfo objUser = new UserInfo();
     objUser = objStoryRes.GetTributeAdministrators(TributeId, "");
     if (PackageId == 2 || PackageId == 5 || PackageId == 7)
         _EmailBody = objMail.TributeSponsor1Year(Sponsor, TributeId, TributeType, TributeName, TributeUrl, Expiry);
     if (PackageId == 1 || PackageId == 4 || PackageId == 6)
         _EmailBody = objMail.TributeSponsorLife(Sponsor, TributeId, TributeType, TributeName, TributeUrl, Expiry);
     if (Sponsor != null && Sponsor != String.Empty)
         // For the anonymous email when the sponsor does not want to show who he is to the tribute owner
         if (Sponsor.Contains("An anonymous person"))
             bool val = objEmail.SendMessages(FromUserEmail, objUser.UserEmail, "Someone has sponsored the " + TributeName + " " + TributeType + " " + WebConfig.ApplicationWordForInternalUse + "...", _EmailBody, EmailMessages.TextFormat.Html.ToString());
             bool val = objEmail.SendMessages(FromUserEmail, objUser.UserEmail, Sponsor + " sponsored the " + TributeName + " " + TributeType + " " + WebConfig.ApplicationWordForInternalUse + "...", _EmailBody, EmailMessages.TextFormat.Html.ToString());
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This Method will call the Story Resource access class method to get the Topic list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objStoryParam">An object which contain the Tribute type for which wants to  get the Topic list
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>This method will return the StoryMoreAbout object which contain the list of topic
        /// </returns>
        public IList<StoryMoreAbout> GetTopic(object[] objStoryParam)
                StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();

                return objStoryRes.GetTopic(objStoryParam);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will calculate the age of the user if tribute is memorial
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Date1">This is datetime object which is date of Birth</param>
 /// <param name="Date2">This is datetime object which is date of Death</param>
 /// <returns>This will return the </returns>
 private string CalculateAge(Nullable<DateTime> Date1, Nullable<DateTime> Date2)
         if ((Date1 != null) && (Date1.ToString() != "") && (Date2 != null) && (Date2.ToString() != ""))
             Stories story = new Stories();
             story.Date1 = Date1;
             story.Date2 = Date2;
            TributesPortal.ResourceAccess.StoryResource sr=new StoryResource ();
            story =sr.ClaculateAge(story);
            if (story.Age != "0")
            return story.Age;
            return "<1";
             return "0";
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will call the Story Resource access class method to update the tribute detail
        /// and also send a email to all admin user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objTribute">Stories object which contain the Tribute detail which user want to update
        /// </param>
        public void UpdateTributeDetail(Stories objStory)
                StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();

                StateManager objStateManager = StateManager.Instance;
                SessionValue objSessionValue = (SessionValue)objStateManager.Get(PortalEnums.SessionValueEnum.objSessionvalue.ToString(), StateManager.State.Session);

                StateManager objStateManager_ = StateManager.Instance;
                Tributes objTribute = (Tributes)objStateManager_.Get(PortalEnums.SessionValueEnum.TributeSession.ToString(), StateManager.State.Session);

                TributesPortal.Utilities.StateManager stateManager = TributesPortal.Utilities.StateManager.Instance;
                string Servername = (string)stateManager.Get("SERVERNAME", TributesPortal.Utilities.StateManager.State.Session);

                string UserName = objSessionValue.FirstName == string.Empty ? objSessionValue.UserName : (objSessionValue.FirstName + " " + objSessionValue.LastName);
                string EmailSubject = UserName + " updated a story on Your Tribute...";
                StringBuilder obhstrb = new StringBuilder();
                obhstrb.Append("<font style='font-size: 12px; font-family:Lucida Sans;'><p>" + UserName + " updated the story in the " + objTribute.TributeName + " " + objTribute.TypeDescription + " Tribute.</p>");
                obhstrb.Append("<p>To read the story, follow the link below:<br/>");
                string strLink = "http://" + objTribute.TypeDescription.Replace("New Baby", "newbaby").ToLower() + "." + WebConfig.TopLevelDomain + "/" + objTribute.TributeUrl + "/story.aspx";
                obhstrb.Append("<a href='" + strLink + "' >" + strLink + "</a><p>");
                obhstrb.Append("Your Tribute Team</p></font>");

                SendEmail(objStory.TributeId, EmailSubject, obhstrb.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Пример #9
 public void UpdateObituaryDetail(Stories objStory)
         StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to send email to the list of users
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TribuetId">Tribute ID to get the list of admin</param>
        /// <param name="strSubject">Subject of the mail</param>
        public void SendEmail(int TribuetId, string strSubject, string strBody, string FromUserEmail)
            StoryResource objStoryRes = new StoryResource();
            UserInfo objUser = new UserInfo();
            objUser = objStoryRes.GetTributeAdministrators(TribuetId, "");

            EmailMessages objEmail = EmailMessages.Instance;

            bool val = objEmail.SendMessages(FromUserEmail, objUser.UserEmail, strSubject, strBody, EmailMessages.TextFormat.Html.ToString());