/// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { using (Game1 game = new Game1()) { game.Run(); } }
public LevelSelectionScreen(Game1 game) { this.game = game; lmState = mState = Mouse.GetState(); cursor = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"); levelWriting = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/level"); title = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/ScreenFont"); }
public GameOverScreen(Game1 game) { this.game = game; title = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/Massive"); enemy = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("GamePlay/enemyTank"); cursor = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"); gameoverWriting = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/level"); lmState = mState = Mouse.GetState(); }
public StartScreen(Game1 game) { this.game = game; Title = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/ScreenFont"); normalWriting = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/Arial"); cursor = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"); tankModel = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("GamePlay/tank"); enemyModel = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("GamePlay/enemyTank"); massiveWriting = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/Massive"); lmState = mState = Mouse.GetState(); }
public CongratsScreen(Game1 game) { this.game = game; //background = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("screenBackground"); player = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("GamePlay/tank"); cursor = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"); title = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/ScreenFont"); congratsWriting = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/level"); sw = new StreamWriter("scores.txt", true); sw.WriteLine(game.Score); sw.Close(); }
public GamePlayLevel2(Game1 game) { this.game = game; GameEntity character, enemy; camera = new Camera(game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport); character = new Character(); enemy = new Enemy(); game.Entities.Add(character); game.Entities.Add(enemy); game.Enemies.Add(enemy); for (int i = 0; i < game.Entities.Count; i++) game.Entities[i].LoadContent(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) powerSpawn[i] = (int)random.Next(40); Game1.Instance.PowerFlag = true; game.SpriteFont = Game1.Instance.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font/Arial"); }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; instance = this; }
public ScoreScreen(Game1 game) { this.game = game; cursor = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"); }