// When the form first loads
        private void SuppliersForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the info from the DB and display it in the visible fields in the form

            // set the current supplier (first in the list on load)
            currentSupplier = suppliers.First<Supplier>();

            // the current selection stores the List index value of whatever Supplier Object is currently selected
            // on load it will be 0, the index of the first supplier
            currentSelection = suppliers.IndexOf(currentSupplier);

            // hide the modify and delete buttons until there is something selected to modify or delete
            modifyBtn.Enabled = false;
            deleteBtn.Enabled = false;            
Пример #2
        // updates one supplier by supplierId
        public static bool UpdateSupplier(Supplier supplier)
            SqlConnection connection = TravelExpertsDB.GetConnection();

            string updateSuppliers = "UPDATE Suppliers SET SupName=@SupName WHERE SupplierId=@SupplierId";

            SqlCommand updateCommand = new SqlCommand(updateSuppliers, connection);

            updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SupplierId", supplier.SupplierId);
            updateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SupName", supplier.SupName);

                // since no data is acutally being requested from the DB, only given, we use a non query SQL command

            // if the update failed, catch the exception
            catch (Exception ex)
                //send it to the GUI to be processed and displayed to the user
                throw ex;
                // close the connection
            return true;
Пример #3
        // Inserts one supplier by supplierId
        public static Supplier AddSupplier(string supName)
            int maxId = -1;
            Supplier supplier = new Supplier(maxId, supName);

            SqlConnection connection = TravelExpertsDB.GetConnection();

            // select SQL string which finds the last row in the table and stores its ID
            string findMaxId = "SELECT * " +
                               "FROM Suppliers " +
                               "WHERE SupplierId = (" +
                               "SELECT MAX(SupplierId) " +
                               "FROM Suppliers)";

            // finding and storing the last row in the table is necessary because:
            // 1. the supplier IDs in the table are non-sequential and
            // 2. the primary keys (in this case the suplier IDs) are not set to
            // auto increment which presents a problem when adding new rows to the table
            SqlCommand findMaxIdCommand = new SqlCommand(findMaxId, connection);

            // insert SQL string for adding a new supplier
            string addString = "INSERT " +
                               "INTO Suppliers (SupplierId, SupName) " +
                               "VALUES (@SupplierId, @SupName)";

                SqlDataReader supplierReader = findMaxIdCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow);

                // if you get a row back it will be the last row in the table
                if (supplierReader.HasRows)
                    // read that row

                    // and set the maxId variable to that row's supplier ID
                    //  + 1 so we can add the next record after that last one
                    maxId = ((int)supplierReader[0]) + 1;

                    // close the connection

                    // then actually start to add the new row
                    SqlCommand addCommand = new SqlCommand(addString, connection);

                    // unless you finish one SQL command before you start another you get errors
                    // so it's important to close and reopen the connection for multiple SQL commands
                    // this also took me over an hour to figure out... sigh... :)

                    // add the ID
                    addCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SupplierId", maxId);

                    // add the name
                    addCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SupName", supName);


                    // Set the supplier object with the new values
                    supplier.SupplierId = maxId;
                    supplier.SupName = supName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                // close the second connection
            // return the supplier object
            return supplier;
Пример #4
        // Gets a List of all Suppliers
        public static List<Supplier> GetSuppliers()
            // Get the connection string stored centrally in the TravelExpertsDB class
            SqlConnection connection = TravelExpertsDB.GetConnection();

            // set the select statement, the * means all suppliers
            string selectStatement = "SELECT * FROM Suppliers";

            // build the actually SQL command using the connection string and select statement
            SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, connection);

            // instantiate a new List of Suppliers to put all that DB info into
            List<Supplier> suppliers = new List<Supplier>();

            // try to access the database.. an exception will be caught if any failure occurrs
                connection.Open(); // um.. open the database..

                // prepare to execute the SQL command, this two step execution took me a while to understand
                // This actually reads the data from the database and stores it.  But a separate command
                // actually retrieves the data from the SqlDataReader.  I wasn't putting in the
                // supplierReader.Read() code which actually moves through the rows of data stored when
                // accessed from the DB.  This took me about an hour to figure out... sigh
                SqlDataReader supplierReader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();

                // if there were actually any rows retrieved from the DB
                if (supplierReader.HasRows)
                    // loop through those rows in the SqlDataReader and store them in the List
                    while (supplierReader.Read())
                        // instantiate a new object of type Supplier and use the default constructor with parameters from the DB
                        Supplier supplier = new Supplier((int)supplierReader["SupplierId"], (string)supplierReader["SupName"]);

                        // add that object to the List created earlier
                    return suppliers;
                // if there were no rows in the SqlDataReader
                    return null; // as far as I know this is different from a database exception so it isn't redundant
                // catch any exceptions that may have occured when the DB was accessed
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
                // after everything has been attempted, close the connection
Пример #5
        // Gets one supplier by supplierId
        public static Supplier GetSupplier(int supplierId)
            // a supplier object to store the returning row of data
            Supplier supplier;

            // the connection string from TravelExpertsDB
            SqlConnection connection = TravelExpertsDB.GetConnection();

            // SELECT everything from the Supliers Table by a unique supplierId
            string selectStatement = "SELECT * " +
                                     "FROM Suppliers " +
                                     "WHERE SupplierID = @supplierId";

            SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, connection);

            // when the select statement is built using the selectCommand, substitute the
            // @supplierId placeholder with the value stored in the supplierId variable
            // passed into this method when it was called from the GUI using the Supplier
            // entity class
            selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SupplierId", supplierId);

                SqlDataReader supplierReader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow);

                if (supplierReader.HasRows)
                    // since we are only trying to retrieve one row from the Suppliers table in the DB there is no
                    // need to loop through the supplierReader when we execute the supplierReader.Read() method

                    // instantiate a new object of type Supplier and use the default constructor with parameters from the DB
                    supplier = new Supplier((int)supplierReader["SupplierId"], (string)supplierReader["SupName"]);

                    // send the resulting info, stored in this new object, back to the GUI which requested it
                    return supplier;
                    // if there were no rows read from the DB return null
                    return null;
            // catch any DB exceptions that may have occured
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
                // close the connection
        // when the delete button is clicked
        private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // confirm witht the user that they really want to delete the selected supplier
            DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Delete " + currentSupplier.SupName.ToString() + "?",
                "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            // if the user's answer is yes
            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    // call SuppliersDB and use the DeleteSupplier() Method
                    // if the DeleteSupplier() Method succeeds 
                    if (SuppliersDB.DeleteSupplier(currentSupplier.SupplierId))
                        // tell the user the Supplier was deleted successfully
                        MessageBox.Show("Supplier deleted.");
                        // now that the last item in the list has been deleted, reset the current supplier to the first in the list
                        currentSupplier = suppliers.First<Supplier>();

                        // update the Suppliers list box and clear all other fields

                    // if the DeleteSupplier() Method did not succeed
                        // read the current Supplier from the DB
                        currentSupplier = SuppliersDB.GetSupplier(currentSupplier.SupplierId);

                        // if it is not there
                        if (currentSupplier == null)
                            // it has already been deleted
                            MessageBox.Show("Another user has already deleted that Supplier.", "DB Error");
                            // it has been modified concurrently
                            MessageBox.Show("Another user has has changed that Supplier and it could not be deleted.", "DB Error");
                // catch any other problems not foreseen
                catch (Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't delete this supplier.  It still has products associated with it.");
        // when the list box selected item is changed
        private void suppliersLbx_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // reset the currentSelection
            currentSelection = suppliersLbx.SelectedIndex;

            // reset the current supplier based on the currentSelection
            currentSupplier = suppliers[currentSelection];
            supplierIdTxt.Text = currentSupplier.SupplierId.ToString();
            nameTxt.Text = currentSupplier.SupName;

            // enable the modify and delete buttons
            modifyBtn.Enabled = true;
            deleteBtn.Enabled = true;

            foreach (Product p in SuppliersDB.GetSuppliersProducts(Convert.ToInt32(supplierIdTxt.Text)))
            // end Paul
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int searchId = -1;

            // check to see if the user input is actually a valid integer
            bool result = Int32.TryParse(supplierIdTxt.Text, out searchId);

            // if it is a valid and positive integer
            if (result == true && searchId >= 0)
                currentSupplier = SuppliersDB.GetSupplier(searchId);
                if (currentSupplier == null)
                    // Supplier ID is not in the database
                    MessageBox.Show("The Supplier ID you entered is not in the database.", "DB Error");
                    suppliersLbx.SetSelected((currentSelection), true);

                    // if a valid Supplier was returned from the database display it to the user
                    currentSelection = suppliers.FindIndex(supplier => supplier.SupplierId.Equals(searchId)); 
                    supplierIdTxt.Text = currentSupplier.SupplierId.ToString();
                    nameTxt.Text = currentSupplier.SupName;

                    // change the currently selected package in the combo box to the one returned by from the database 
                    suppliersLbx.SetSelected(currentSelection, true);
                // Package ID is not a positive integer
                MessageBox.Show("The Supplier ID must be a positive integer");
                currentSelection = CurrentSupplier.SupplierId;
                supplierIdTxt.Text = currentSelection.ToString();