Пример #1
        private void btnRender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HashSet<byte> set = null;
            if (txtBlockIDs.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                String[] ids = txtBlockIDs.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                set = new HashSet<byte>();
                foreach (String id in ids)
                    byte b;
                    if (byte.TryParse(id, out b))
                        MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format("\"Block IDs\" must be empty or a comma seperated list of block ids each between 0 and 255. Unable to parse\"{0}\".", id), "Topographer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            dialog.InitialDirectory = lastSavePath;
            dialog.FileName = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}.png", Path.GetFileName(lastWorldPath), dim != Dimension.Overworld ? "." + dim.ToString().ToLower() : "", radBiomes.Checked ? ".biomes" : "");
            dialog.Filter = "PNG (*.png)|*.png";

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            lastSavePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(dialog.FileName);


            Renderer r = new Renderer(regionPath, dialog.FileName, UpdateStatus, ThreadDone);
            r.UpperLimit = (int)spnUpperLimit.Value;
            r.LowerLimit = (int)spnLowerLimit.Value;
            r.ConsiderBiomes = chkBiomeFoliage.Checked;
            r.ShowHeight = chkHeight.Checked;
            r.Transparency = chkTransparency.Checked;
            r.BiomeOverlay = radBiomes.Checked;
            r.LessMemory = chkLessMemory.Checked;
            switch ((String)cmbRotate.SelectedItem)
                case "Rotate 90°":
                    r.Rotate = 90;
                case "Rotate 180°":
                    r.Rotate = 180;
                case "Rotate 270°":
                    r.Rotate = 270;
                    r.Rotate = 0;
            r.CropMap = chkCrop.Checked;
            if (radOnly.Checked)
                r.Only = set;
                r.Exclude = set;

            worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(r.Render));
Пример #2
        static void Main(String[] args)
            String inPath = null;
            String outPath = null;

            bool help = false;
            bool biomeMap = false;
            String upperLimit = "255";
            String lowerLimit = "0";
            bool biomeFoliage = true;
            bool showHeight = true;
            bool transparency = true;
            bool dryRun = false;
            bool version = false;
            String rotation = "0";
            bool crop = true;
            String only = null;
            String exclude = null;
            bool lessMemory = false;

            OptionSet options = new OptionSet();
            options.Add("i|input=", "Path to directory containing *.mca region files. Can be relative to .minecraft/saves/.", delegate(String v) { inPath = v; });
            options.Add("o|output=", "Path including file name for where the output png will be saved.", delegate(String v) { outPath = v; });
            options.Add("m|map=", "\"terrain\" to generate a terrain map or \"biomes\" to generate a color-coded biome map instead. Default: \"terrain\".", delegate(String v) { biomeMap = (v == "biomes"); });
            options.Add("u|upper=", "Only render the world below this elevation, between 0 and 255. Default: 255.", delegate(String v) { upperLimit = v; });
            options.Add("l|lower=", "Only render the world down to this elevation, between 0 and 255. Default: 0.", delegate(String v) { lowerLimit = v; });
            options.Add("b|biome", "Whether blocks such as grass should have their color vary based on biome. Default: enabled. Use -b+ to enable or -b- to disable.", delegate(String v) { biomeFoliage = (v != null); });
            options.Add("h|height", "Whether colors should be made lighter or darker based on elevation. Default: enabled. Use -h+ to enable or -h- to disable.", delegate(String v) { showHeight = (v != null); });
            options.Add("t|transparency", "Whether areas beneath blocks such as water or glass should be visible. Default: enabled. Use -t+ to enable or -t- to disable.", delegate(String v) { transparency = (v != null); });
            options.Add("n|only=", "A comma separated list of block ids that will be the only type(s) of blocks rendered.", delegate(String v) { only = v; });
            options.Add("x|exclude=", "A comma separated list of block ids that will not be rendered.", delegate(String v) { exclude = v; });
            options.Add("r|rotate=", "How much the resulting map should be rotated. Valid values are 0, 90, 180, and 270. Default: 0.", delegate(String v) { rotation = v; });
            options.Add("c|crop", "If empty portions along the edges of the map should be cropped. Default: enabled. Use -c+ to enable or -c- to disable.", delegate(String v) { crop = (v != null); });
            options.Add("y|less-memory", "Generate the map in such a way that less memory is used, however cropping and rotating isn't supported. May be necessary for worlds with 100s of regions. Default: disabled. Use -y+ to enable or -y- to disable.", delegate(String v) { lessMemory = (v != null); });
            options.Add("d|dry-run", "If parameters should be parsed and any errors reported without actually doing anything.", delegate(String v) { dryRun = (v != null); });
            options.Add("?|help", "Display this help message.", delegate(String v) { help = (v != null); });
            options.Add("v|version", "Display version information.", delegate(String v) { version = (v != null); });


            if (version)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("TopographerCMD (Topographer) {0}", FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion));
                Console.WriteLine("Copyright 2012 Matthew Blaine.");
                Console.WriteLine("For more details including license information, please see README.txt,");
                Console.WriteLine("LICENSE.txt, or visit https://github.com/mblaine/Topographer.");

            if (help || inPath == null || outPath == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: TopographerCMD [OPTIONS] -i [DIRECTORY] -o [FILE]");
                Console.WriteLine("TopographerCMD /l 90 /h+ /t- -input /World1/DIM-1/region -output nether.png");
                Console.WriteLine("TopographerCMD -map=biomes -r 270 -i /World1/region -o World1.biomes.png");
                Console.WriteLine("TopographerCMD -x \"8,9,78,79\" --crop- -i /World1/region -o dry.png");

            String attempt = Path.GetFullPath(inPath);
            if (!Directory.Exists(attempt))
                attempt = String.Format("{0}{1}.minecraft{1}saves{1}{2}", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, inPath.TrimStart(new char[] { '\\', '/' }));
                if (!Directory.Exists(attempt))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("ERROR: Unable to find input directory \"{0}\".", inPath));
                    inPath = attempt;
                inPath = attempt;

            outPath = Path.GetFullPath(outPath);
            attempt = Path.GetDirectoryName(outPath);
            if (!Directory.Exists(attempt))
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("ERROR: Unable to find output directory \"{0}\".", attempt));

            byte upper = 255;
            byte lower = 0;
            uint rotate = 0;
            if (!biomeMap)
                if (!byte.TryParse(upperLimit, out upper))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("ERROR: Upper limit must be between 0 and 255 inclusive. Unable to parse \"{0}\".", upperLimit));

                if (!byte.TryParse(lowerLimit, out lower))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("ERROR: Lower limit must be between 0 and 255 inclusive. Unable to parse \"{0}\".", lowerLimit));

                if (lower > upper)
                    byte temp = lower;
                    lower = upper;
                    upper = temp;

                if (!uint.TryParse(rotation, out rotate))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("ERROR: Rotation must be a positive integer. Unable to parse \"{0}\".", rotation));
                    rotate = ((rotate % 360) / 90) * 90;

            HashSet<byte> onlyIds = null;
            if (only != null && only.Length > 0)
                String[] ids = only.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                onlyIds = new HashSet<byte>();
                foreach (String id in ids)
                    byte b;
                    if (byte.TryParse(id, out b))
                        Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("ERROR: Only must be a comma seperated list of block ids each between 0 and 255. Unable to parse\"{0}\".", id));

            HashSet<byte> excludeIds = null;
            if (exclude != null && exclude.Length > 0)
                String[] ids = exclude.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                excludeIds = new HashSet<byte>();
                foreach (String id in ids)
                    byte b;
                    if (byte.TryParse(id, out b))
                        Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("ERROR: Exclude must be a comma seperated list of block ids each between 0 and 255. Unable to parse\"{0}\".", id));

            if (onlyIds != null && excludeIds != null)
                foreach (byte b in excludeIds)
                    if (onlyIds.Contains(b))
                excludeIds = null;

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Input: {0}", inPath));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Output: {0}", outPath));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Rendering: {0}", biomeMap ? "biome map" : "terrain map"));
            if (!biomeMap)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Rendering layers from {0} to {1}.", lower, upper));
                if (biomeFoliage)
                    Console.WriteLine("Blocks such as grass will have their color vary based on biome.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Blocks such as grass will be their default color regardless of biome.");
                if (showHeight)
                    Console.WriteLine("Blocks will be lighter or darker in color depending on elevation");
                    Console.WriteLine("Blocks of the same type will have the same brightness regardless of elevation.");
                if (transparency)
                    Console.WriteLine("Blocks such as water and glass will have transparency.");
                    Console.WriteLine("All blocks will be opaque.");

            if (onlyIds != null)
                List<byte> l = new List<byte>(onlyIds);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Only block ids {0} will be rendered.", String.Join<byte>(", ", l)));

            if (excludeIds != null)
                List<byte> l = new List<byte>(excludeIds);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("All blocks except block ids {0} will be rendered.", String.Join<byte>(", ", l)));

            if (lessMemory)
                Console.WriteLine("The map will be generated using the algorithm that requires less memory.");
                Console.WriteLine("The map will be generated using the normal algorithm.");

            if(!lessMemory && rotate > 0)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Map will be rotated {0} degrees.", rotate));
                Console.WriteLine("Map will not be rotated.");

            if (!lessMemory && crop)
                Console.WriteLine("Map will be cropped.");
                Console.WriteLine("Map will not be cropped.");

            Renderer r = new Renderer(inPath, outPath, Console.Out);
            r.UpperLimit = upper;
            r.LowerLimit = lower;
            r.ConsiderBiomes = biomeFoliage;
            r.ShowHeight = showHeight;
            r.Transparency = transparency;
            r.BiomeOverlay = biomeMap;
            r.Only = onlyIds;
            r.Exclude = excludeIds;
            r.Rotate = rotate;
            r.CropMap = crop;
            r.LessMemory = lessMemory;

            if (dryRun)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Found {0} *.mcr region files.", Renderer.GetRegionCount(inPath)));