//Show the information of a client given its id public DataSet showClientData(string ID) { ClientCAD c = new ClientCAD(); DataSet ds = c.showClientInfo(ID); return(ds); }
//Searches a client provided its dni and password public DataSet searchDNIClient(String dni, string pass) { ClientCAD c = new ClientCAD(); DataSet ds = c.searchClients(dni, pass); return(ds); }
//Shows all the clients of the DB public DataSet showAllClient() { ClientCAD c = new ClientCAD(); DataSet ds = c.showClient(this); return(ds); }
//Updates the information about a client public DataSet update_Client(int i) { ClientCAD c = new ClientCAD(); DataSet ds = c.updateClient(this, i); return(ds); }
//Adds a new Client to the DB public DataSet add_Client() { ClientCAD c = new ClientCAD(); DataSet ds = c.addClient(this); return(ds); }
//Updates the information about the client by id and password public void update_Client2(String ID) { ClientCAD c = new ClientCAD(); c.updateClient2(this, ID); }
public void login_user() { m_cc = new ClientCAD(); m_cc.login_user(this); }
public void update_user() { m_cc = new ClientCAD(); m_cc.update_user(this); }
public void delete_user() { m_cc = new ClientCAD(); m_cc.delete_user(this); }
public void register_user() { m_cc = new ClientCAD(); m_cc.register_user(this); }