static void DoLeft(Rect leftRect) { //List<string> rootMembers = ToggleManager.Toggles.Select(x => x.Root).Distinct().ToList(); //float leftY = (rootMembers.Count() + 20) * 30f; float leftY = 25 * 30f; var leftView = new Listing_Toggles(); leftView.BeginListing(leftRect, ref scrollPositionLeft, leftY); // Hotkey button MarkButton(leftView, ButtonCat.MetaModSettings); leftView.GapLine(24); // Sets up category labels in the left view according to each unique toggle root. foreach (string root in ToggleManager.Toggles.Select(x => x.Root).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x)) { leftView.Label(root.Translate()); // Populates each root label with each respective toggles according to their group. foreach (string group in ToggleManager.Toggles.Where(x => x.Root.Equals(root)).Select(x => x.Group).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x)) { MarkButton(leftView, group); } leftView.Gap(); } leftView.EndListing(); }
static void MarkButton(Listing_Toggles view, string group) { if (ActiveGroup.Equals(group)) { GUI.color = ClickedColor; } if (view.ButtonText(group.Translate())) { ActiveGroup = group; } GUI.color = DefaultColor; }
static void DoMetaSettingsView(Rect middleRect) { float middleY = 10 * 25f; var view = new Listing_Toggles(); view.BeginListing(middleRect, ref scrollPositionMiddle, middleY); view.CustomLabel("HotkeysHeader".Translate(), -1, "HotkeysDesc".Translate()); foreach (string defName in HotkeyHandler.HotKeyDict.Keys) { Hotkey hotkey = HotkeyHandler.HotKeyDict.TryGetValue(defName); hotkey.CustomLabel = view.TextEntry(hotkey.CustomLabel); } view.Gap(); if (view.ButtonText("KeyBindingsButton".Translate(), width: 100f)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_KeyBindings()); } view.EndListing(); }
// Right view static void DoRight(Rect rightRect) { // Logged letters if (ActiveGroup.Equals(ButtonCat.Letters)) { List <string> loggedLetters = Letter_Patch.LoggedLetters; float rightY = (loggedLetters.Count() + 2) * 25f; var rightView = new Listing_Toggles(); rightView.BeginListing(rightRect, ref scrollPositionRight, rightY); rightView.CustomLabel("LoggedLetters".Translate(), -1, "LoggedLettersDesc".Translate()); foreach (string letter in loggedLetters) { if (rightView.CustomButtonText(letter)) { Letter_Patch.AddRawLetter(letter); } } rightView.EndListing(); } // Alert me later if (ActiveGroup.Equals(ButtonCat.Alerts)) { float rightY = 10 * 25f; var rightView = new Listing_Toggles(); rightView.BeginListing(rightRect, ref scrollPositionRight, rightY); int alertSleepHours = AlertsReadout_Patch.hourMultiplier; rightView.CustomLabel("AlertMeLater".Translate(), -1, "AlertMeLaterDesc".Translate(alertSleepHours)); rightView.GapLine(); rightView.CustomLabel("AlertSleepCount".Translate(alertSleepHours)); AlertsReadout_Patch.hourMultiplier = Mathf.RoundToInt(rightView.Slider((float)alertSleepHours, 1f, 24f));; rightView.EndListing(); } }
// View of standard toggles, with multipicker. static void DoToggleView(Rect middleRect) { List <Toggle> groupToggles = ToggleManager.Toggles.Where(x => x.Group.Equals(ActiveGroup)).ToList(); float middleY = (groupToggles.Count() + 5) * 25f; var middleView = new Listing_Toggles(); middleView.BeginListing(middleRect, ref scrollPositionMiddle, middleY); // Establishes references for checking if Option buttons are disabled further down. string optionsEntryButton = $"{ButtonCat.ButtonsEntry}_Options"; string optionsPlayButton = $"{ButtonCat.ButtonsPlay}_Options"; bool optionsEntryFlag = ToggleManager.IsActive(optionsEntryButton); bool optionsPlayFlag = ToggleManager.IsActive(optionsPlayButton); // Draw multi picker. // Only show if any button has been clicked at start. if (!ActiveGroup.NullOrEmpty()) { bool wasPartial = false; if (groupToggles.All(x => { state = MultiCheckboxState.On; } else if (groupToggles.All(x => ! { state = MultiCheckboxState.Off; } else { state = MultiCheckboxState.Partial; wasPartial = true; } state = middleView.MultiCheckBoxLabel(state, GetHotkeyFloatOptions(groupToggles), "Hotkey".Translate(), ActiveGroup.Translate(), $"{ActiveGroup}Desc".Translate()); // If partial is clicked, it defaults to off. This workaround turns all on instead, by checking if it was partial before clicking. if (state == MultiCheckboxState.On || (wasPartial && state == MultiCheckboxState.Off)) { groupToggles.ForEach(x => = true); } else if (state == MultiCheckboxState.Off) { groupToggles.ForEach(x => = false); } } middleView.GapLine(); // Draw toggles in middle view depending on what button is active in left view. foreach (Toggle toggle in groupToggles.OrderBy(x => x.PrettyLabel)) { middleView.CheckboxLabeled(toggle.PrettyLabel, toggle.PrettyHotkey, ref, GetHotkeyFloatOptions(toggle)); } // Opens confirmation window if user has deactivated the Options button. CheckOptionsActive(optionsEntryButton, optionsEntryFlag); CheckOptionsActive(optionsPlayButton, optionsPlayFlag); middleView.EndListing(); }