} // end returnFilteredList

        private void mouseClickInfoAction(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
                    if (Common.checkForToSDirectory(tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir) == false)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please set a valid ToS Program directory."); return;
                    Image             i             = (Image)sender;
                    addonDisplayData  addon         = (addonDisplayData)i.DataContext;
                    addonDataFromRepo selectedAddon = listOfAllAddons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.whichRepo == addon.whichRepo && x.Name == addon.name);
                    if (selectedAddon != null)
                        addonInfo addonInfoWin = new addonInfo {
                            addonData = selectedAddon, installedAddonData = listOfInstalledAddons, rootDir = tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir, webConnector = webConnector, Owner = this
                        // The popup window can update the installed Addon list, so we need to update our List<> and cache file, and then re-process the display.
                        listOfInstalledAddons = addonInfoWin.installedAddonData;
                        saveInstalledAddonDataToFile(); // Writes JSON file.
                        addonInfoWin = null;            // WPF should clean up all resources, so this is probably pointless.
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Common.showError("Mouse Click Info Action Error", ex);
            } finally {
        } // end mouseClickInfoAction
        } // end mouseClickInstallAction

        private void mouseClickUninstallAction(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
                    if (Common.checkForToSDirectory(tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir) == false)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please set a valid ToS Program directory."); return;
                    if (Common.checkForToSProcess())
                        MessageBox.Show("Cannot uninstall addons while ToS is running.", "ToS Running", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return;
                    Image             i             = (Image)sender;
                    addonDisplayData  addon         = (addonDisplayData)i.DataContext;
                    addonDataFromRepo selectedAddon = listOfAllAddons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.whichRepo == addon.whichRepo && x.Name == addon.name);
                    if (selectedAddon != null)
                        MessageBoxResult mbr = MessageBox.Show("Delete Addon?", "Uninstall", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                        if (mbr == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                            MessageBoxResult mb = MessageBox.Show($"Remove associated addon directory?{Environment.NewLine}Addon-specific settings are stored here, so if you plan on reinstalling, select 'No'", "Addon directory", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                            AddonManagement  am = new AddonManagement()
                                addonData = selectedAddon, installedAddonData = listOfInstalledAddons, rootDir = tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir, addonInstallerOverrides = listOfAddonOverrides
                            bool deleteAddonResultBool = am.deleteInstalledAddon(mb == MessageBoxResult.Yes ? true : false);
                            if (!deleteAddonResultBool)
                                MessageBox.Show("Apparently, there was an error while attempting to delete the addon.. :<"); return;
                            bool updateListResultBool = am.updateInstalledAddonList(1);
                            if (!updateListResultBool)
                                MessageBox.Show("Apparently, there was an error while attempting to update the installed addon list.. :<"); return;
                            listOfInstalledAddons = am.installedAddonData;
                            statusBar1TextBlock.Text = "Uninstall Complete";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Common.showError("Mouse Click Install Action Error", ex);
            } finally {
        } // end mouseClickUninstallAction
 private void FindExistingAddons_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     try {
         if (Common.checkForToSDirectory(tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir) == false)
             MessageBox.Show("Please set a valid ToS Program directory."); return;
         MessageBoxResult mb = MessageBox.Show("This will attempt to find addons that were previously installed manually or through another manager and update the installed addon list.  Proceed?", "Find Existing Addons", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information);
         if (mb == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
             string[]        fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles($"{tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir}/data/", "_*.ipf");
             AddonManagement am       = new AddonManagement();
             int             z        = 0;
             foreach (string q in fileList)
                 System.IO.FileInfo fI            = new System.IO.FileInfo(q);
                 string[]           fileNameSplit = fI.Name.Split('-'); // 0 will be root of the filename, with _ at the start.  1 will be the unicode char.  2 will be version + ".ipf"
                 string             fN            = fileNameSplit[0].Replace("_", "");
                 string             fV            = fileNameSplit[2].Replace(".ipf", "");
                 if (listOfInstalledAddons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.addonFilename == fN && x.addonVersion == fV) == null)   // Addon is not installed from this manager.
                     addonDataFromRepo foundAddon = listOfAllAddons.FirstOrDefault(i => i.File == fN && i.Unicode == fileNameSplit[1] && i.FileVersion == fV);
                     if (foundAddon != null)
                         am.installedAddonData = listOfInstalledAddons; am.addonData = foundAddon;
                         listOfInstalledAddons = am.installedAddonData;
             if (z > 0)
                 MessageBox.Show($"Found {z} existing addons and added them to the list of installed addons", "Found Addons", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                 MessageBox.Show("We did not find any additional addons", "No Addons Discovered", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         Common.showError("Allow Automatic Update Check Changed Error", ex);
        } // end mouseClickInfoAction

        private async void mouseClickInstallAction(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
                    if (Common.checkForToSDirectory(tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir) == false)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please set a valid ToS Program directory."); return;
                    Image             i             = (Image)sender;
                    addonDisplayData  addon         = (addonDisplayData)i.DataContext;
                    addonDataFromRepo selectedAddon = listOfAllAddons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.whichRepo == addon.whichRepo && x.Name == addon.name);
                    if (selectedAddon != null)
                        AddonManagement am = new AddonManagement()
                            addonData = selectedAddon, installedAddonData = listOfInstalledAddons, rootDir = tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir, addonInstallerOverrides = listOfAddonOverrides
                        installedAddons iA            = listOfInstalledAddons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.addonRepo == addon.whichRepo && x.addonName == addon.name);
                        bool            allowContinue = false;
                        if (iA != null)   // Allow Update from here as well.
                            if (MessageBox.Show("Update Addon?", "Update", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                                allowContinue = true;
                                bool updateListResultBool = am.updateInstalledAddonList(1); // Remove the addon from the installed list.
                                if (!updateListResultBool)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Apparently, there was an error while attempting to update the installed addon list.. :<"); return;
                            if (MessageBox.Show("Install Addon?", "Install", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                                allowContinue = true;
                        if (allowContinue)
                            Progress <taskProgressMsg> progressMessages = new Progress <taskProgressMsg>(updateForTaskProgress);
                            bool downloadResultBool = await am.downloadAndSaveAddon(progressMessages, webConnector);

                            if (!downloadResultBool)
                                MessageBox.Show("Apparently, there was an error while attempting to download the addon.. :<"); return;
                            statusBar1TextBlock.Text = "Updating installed addon list...";
                            bool updateListResultBool = am.updateInstalledAddonList(0);
                            if (!updateListResultBool)
                                MessageBox.Show("Apparently, there was an error while attempting to update the installed addon list.. :<"); return;
                            listOfInstalledAddons = am.installedAddonData;
                            statusBar1TextBlock.Text = "Install Complete";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Common.showError("Mouse Click Install Action Error", ex);
            } finally {
        } // end mouseClickInstallAction