public ActionResult Index()
            loginModel lmodel = new loginModel();

            //ViewBag.Password = new SelectList(db.Departments, "DepartmentCode", "PasswordHash");

            //var displaydeps = db.Departments.Where(s => s.DepartmentCode != null).ToList();

            IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList = from s in db.Departments
                                                     select new SelectListItem
                                                         Value = s.DepartmentCode,
                                                         Text = s.DepartmentCode + " - " + s.Name
            ViewBag.DisplayDepartments = new SelectList(selectList, "Value", "Text").Distinct();

            return View();
        public ActionResult Index(loginModel model)
            //ViewBag.Password = new SelectList(db.Departments, "DepartmentCode", "PasswordHash");

            IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList = from s in db.Departments
                                                     select new SelectListItem
                                                         Text = s.DepartmentCode + " - " + s.Name,
                                                         Value = s.DepartmentCode

            ViewBag.DisplayDepartments = new SelectList(selectList, "Text", "Value");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //string passwordHash = dal.sha256(model.Password);
               // var departmentPassword = (from d in db.Departments where d.DepartmentCode == model.DepartmentCode select d.PasswordHash).ToString();
                 if (DataAccessLayer.UserIsValid(model.DisplayDepartments, model.Password))
              //  if (departmentPassword == passwordHash)

                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.DisplayDepartments, false); //set to false: cookie is destroyed when browser is closed - user will have to login in again if browser is closed
                    return RedirectToAction("index", "AddRequest"); //page is redirected to the page 'index' which has the controller 'home'


                         TempData["notice"] = "Password is incorrect. Please try again.";

                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "login");

            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid password");
            ViewBag.incorrectPassword = "******";
            return RedirectToAction("Index", "login");