Пример #1
    public static Vector2 getTiledMapSize(Tiled2Unity.TiledMap map)
        var width  = map.NumTilesWide * map.TileWidth * map.ExportScale;
        var height = map.NumTilesHigh * map.TileHeight * map.ExportScale;

        return(new Vector2(width, height));
Пример #2
 Vector2 MapSize(Tiled2Unity.TiledMap from)
     return(new Vector2(
                from.NumTilesWide * from.TileWidth / PixelsPerUnit,
                from.NumTilesHigh * from.TileHeight / PixelsPerUnit
Пример #3
    //esto establece  el limites q resive como parametro el objeto map
    public void Establecer_Limite(GameObject map)
        //Tiled2Unity.TiledMap hace referencia al sscript q tiene cada uno de nuestro mapas, q cargamos esto en una varible llamada config
        //ahora recuperamos el componente Tiled2Unity.TiledMap de map
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap> ();

        //aqui creamos una varible tipo float q carga el size de nuestra camara(dinamicamente)
        //q con Camera.main.orthographicSize lo carga automatico
        float cameraSize = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        //despues ya listo todo eso estabelecemos lo limites top y button de nuestra camara

        //map.transform.position.x es la posiscion q se encuentra el mapa en el eje x
        //map.transform.position.y es la posiscion q se encuentra el mapa en el eje y
        //cameraSize es el tamaño de la camara
        //config.NumTilesWide el numero de tiled q confooma el mapa
        TopX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize;

        TopY = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;

        buttonX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide + cameraSize;

        buttonY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh - cameraSize;

        //llamamos a fastMov() para q rectifique estos limites
Пример #4
    private Tiled2Unity.TiledMap SpawnTilemap(Tiled2Unity.TiledMap from, Vector3 origin)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap result = Instantiate(from);

        result.transform.position = origin;
        result.transform.parent   = transform;

Пример #5
    public void SetBound(GameObject Map)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = Map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float CameraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        tLX = (Map.transform.position.x + CameraSize + 6);
        tLY = Map.transform.position.y - CameraSize;
        bRX = (Map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - 6) - CameraSize;
        bRY = (Map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh) + CameraSize;
    public void SetLimites(GameObject map)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float camaraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        tLX = map.transform.position.x + camaraSize + 4;
        tLY = map.transform.position.y - camaraSize;
        bRX = (map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - camaraSize - 13) / 2;
        bRY = (map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + camaraSize + 5) / 2;
Пример #7
    public void SetBound(GameObject map)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float camaraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        tlX = map.transform.position.x + camaraSize;
        tlY = map.transform.position.y - camaraSize;
        brX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - camaraSize;
        brY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + camaraSize;
Пример #8
    void Start()
        //Escoge el mapa y crea los bordes para que la camara no salga hacia fuera
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float cameraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        tLX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize;
        tLY = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;
        bRX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - cameraSize;
        bRY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesWide + cameraSize;
Пример #9
    public void SetBound(GameObject map)
        // Este metodo mantiene la camara dentro de la escena
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float cameraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        tLX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize;
        tLY = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;
        bRX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - cameraSize;
        bRY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + cameraSize;
Пример #10
    Vector3 GetLocationInMap()
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap mapScript = map.gameObject.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float mapHeight = mapScript.TileHeight;
        float mapWidth  = mapScript.TileWidth;

        // Get position in the map, approx,
        float randomX = (Random.Range(map.position.x + 1, map.position.x + mapWidth - 1));
        float randomY = (Random.Range(map.position.y - 1, map.position.y - mapHeight + 1));

        return(new Vector3(randomX, randomY, 0));
Пример #11
    Vector3 LerpMap(Tiled2Unity.TiledMap from, Vector2 lerp)
        Vector2 mapSize = MapSize(from);

        Vector3 localPosition = new Vector3(
            mapSize.x * lerp.x,
            -mapSize.y * lerp.y,

Пример #12
    public void SetBound(GameObject map)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float cameraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        tLX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize + 4;
        tLY = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;
        bRX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - cameraSize - 4;
        bRY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + cameraSize;

Пример #13
    public void subSetBounds(GameObject goMap)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap tmConfig = goMap.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float numCameraSize           = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        tLX = goMap.transform.position.x + numCameraSize * 1.78f;
        tLY = goMap.transform.position.y - numCameraSize;
        bRX = goMap.transform.position.x + tmConfig.NumTilesWide - numCameraSize * 1.78f;
        bRY = goMap.transform.position.y - tmConfig.NumTilesHigh + numCameraSize;

    static bool AttachMetadata(MenuCommand command)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap tiledMap = ((GameObject)Selection.activeGameObject).GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        if (tiledMap == null)

        //attatch the metadata script to the object
        ((GameObject)command.context).AddComponent <MetadataSettings>();
        ((GameObject)command.context).GetComponent <MetadataSettings>().enabled = false;
Пример #15
     * Adjust the camera to the inside of the room
     * Calculate the bounds based on the camera aspect and size and the wide and high of the room, in tiles
    private void AdjustBounds()
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float x          = ((1.7F * Camera.main.aspect) / 1.353065F) * Camera.main.aspect;
        float cameraSize = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        topLeftX     = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize + x;
        topLeftY     = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;
        bottomRightX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - cameraSize - x;
        bottomRightY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + cameraSize;

Пример #16
    void UpdateScroll()
        if (m_playerTransform)
            m_currentMap = GameObject.FindWithTag("CurrentMap");
            if (m_currentMap != null)
                Vector3 mapPos = m_currentMap.transform.position;
                Tiled2Unity.TiledMap mapInfos = m_currentMap.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap> ();

                float cameraHalfVerticalSize   = Camera.main.orthographicSize;
                float cameraHalfHorizontalSize = cameraHalfVerticalSize * Screen.width / Screen.height;

                float min_x = 0.0f;
                float max_x = 0.0f;
                // If the map width is less than the camera horizontal size, clip it on the middle of the middle of the map so it does not move on the X axis
                if (cameraHalfHorizontalSize * 2f >= mapInfos.MapWidthInPixels * 0.01f)
                    min_x = max_x = mapPos.x + mapInfos.MapWidthInPixels * 0.01f * 0.5f;
                else                 //else the camera is centered on the player when far from an edge, and clamp to the edge when next to it
                    min_x = mapPos.x + cameraHalfHorizontalSize;
                    max_x = mapPos.x + mapInfos.MapWidthInPixels * 0.01f - cameraHalfHorizontalSize;

                float min_y = 0.0f;
                float max_y = 0.0f;
                if (cameraHalfVerticalSize * 2f >= mapInfos.MapHeightInPixels * 0.01f)
                    min_y = max_y = mapPos.y - mapInfos.MapHeightInPixels * 0.01f * 0.5f;
                    min_y = cameraHalfVerticalSize + mapPos.y - mapInfos.MapHeightInPixels * 0.01f;
                    max_y = mapPos.y - cameraHalfVerticalSize;

                transform.position = new Vector3(
                    Mathf.Clamp(m_playerTransform.position.x, min_x, max_x),
                    Mathf.Clamp(m_playerTransform.position.y, min_y, max_y),
Пример #17
    public void setBounds(GameObject map)
        currentMap = map;
        //pega as propriedades do tiledmap para caputrar os limites da camera
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        cameraSize = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        //calcula os limites da camera, nos dois pontos canto superior esquerdo e canto inferiror direito

        topLeftX = map.transform.position.x + (1.77777778f * cameraSize);                            // +1
        //topLeftX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize; // +1
        topLeftY   = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;                                          //-1
        downRightX = map.transform.position.x + (config.NumTilesWide) - (1.777777778f * cameraSize); //-1
        //downRightX = map.transform.position.x + (config.NumTilesWide) - cameraSize;//-1
        downRightY = map.transform.position.y - (config.NumTilesHigh) + cameraSize;                  //-1

Пример #18
        private void HandleTiledAttributes(GameObject gameObject, XElement goXml)
            // Add the TiledMap component
            TiledMap map = gameObject.AddComponent <TiledMap>();

                map.NumTilesWide = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "numTilesWide");
                map.NumTilesHigh = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "numTilesHigh");
                map.TileWidth    = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "tileWidth");
                map.TileHeight   = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "tileHeight");
                Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("Error adding TiledMap component. Are you using an old version of Tiled2Unity in your Unity project?"));
Пример #19
    public void SetBound(GameObject map)                                          //map va a ser el mapa que rescatamos desde el fichero tiled to unity
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap> (); //el nombre esta aparte de la clase por eso lo llamo con TiledMap despues cargo la config, de ese mapa rescato el componente script
        float cameraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;               //almacena el tamaño de la camara

        if (map.tag == "Interior")
            cameraSize = cameraSize - 5;
            cameraSize = 10;
        tLX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize;                       //aca limitamos con la ubicacion de los extremos del mapa y el tamaño de la camara
        tLY = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;
        bRX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - cameraSize; //el config nos da el tamaño de tiles para saber donde esta el extremo inferior del mapa
        bRY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + cameraSize;

Пример #20
 public void Load(Tiled2Unity.TiledMap newMap)
     //save the old state
     map = newMap;
     if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + map.gameObject.name + "_meta" + ".dat"))
         BinaryFormatter   bf   = new BinaryFormatter();
         FileStream        file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + map.gameObject.name + "_meta" + ".dat", FileMode.Open);
         List <GameObject> data = (List <GameObject>)bf.Deserialize(file);
         GameObject gameObjects = map.transform.Find("GameObjects").gameObject;
         foreach (GameObject obj in data)
             GameObject tmp;
             tmp = gameObjects.transform.Find(obj.name).gameObject;
             tmp = obj;
Пример #21
    //Obtiene el tamaño de los tiles del mapa
    public void SetBound(GameObject map)
        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap config = map.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
        float cameraSize            = Camera.main.orthographicSize;

        //La camara se centra al entrar a la casa
        if (map.tag == "Mini_Zonas")
            tLX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize + 1;
            tLY = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;
            bRX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - cameraSize - 1;
            bRY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + cameraSize;
            tLX = map.transform.position.x + cameraSize + 4;
            tLY = map.transform.position.y - cameraSize;
            bRX = map.transform.position.x + config.NumTilesWide - cameraSize - 4;
            bRY = map.transform.position.y - config.NumTilesHigh + cameraSize;
Пример #22
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     tileMap = GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();
     GameConst.obstacleLayers = new List <Transform>();
     GameConst.staticLayers   = new List <Transform>();
     GameConst.playerStarts   = new List <Transform>();
     GameConst.monsterStarts  = new List <Transform>();
     foreach (Transform transChild in transform)
         if (transChild.name.StartsWith("obstacle"))
         else if (transChild.name.StartsWith("static"))
         else if (transChild.name == "playerLayer")
         else if (transChild.name == "monsterLayer")
     GameConst.width      = tileMap.NumTilesWide;
     GameConst.height     = tileMap.NumTilesHigh;
     GameConst.tileHeight = tileMap.TileHeight;
     GameConst.tileWidth  = tileMap.TileWidth;
     GameConst.bubbles      = new Bubble[GameConst.height, GameConst.width];
     GameConst.waterColumns = new WaterColumn[GameConst.height, GameConst.width];
     GameConst.items        = new Items[GameConst.height, GameConst.width];
Пример #23
 public MapEntry(string name, Tiled2Unity.TiledMap tiled)
     this.name  = name;
     this.tiled = tiled;
Пример #24
 public void AttachTilemap(Tiled2Unity.TiledMap from, Tiled2Unity.TiledMap tilemap, Vector3 direction)
Пример #25
 private void SetActiveMap(Tiled2Unity.TiledMap map)
     Projectile.projectileParent = map.transform;
     currentAttachement          = map.gameObject.GetComponent <MapAttachements>();
    public void HandleCustomProperties(GameObject gameObject,
                                       IDictionary <string, string> keyValuePairs)
        if (keyValuePairs.ContainsKey("PortalTo"))
            MapPortal portal = gameObject.AddComponent <MapPortal>();
            string[]  parts  = keyValuePairs["PortalTo"].Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
            portal.target = new MapPath(parts[0], parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : "default");

            gameObject.GetComponent <Collider2D>().isTrigger = true;

        if (keyValuePairs.ContainsKey("PortalFrom"))
            StartingPoint portal = gameObject.AddComponent <StartingPoint>();
            portal.locationName = keyValuePairs["PortalFrom"];
            Collider2D collider = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider2D>();

            gameObject.transform.position = collider.bounds.center;

        if (keyValuePairs.ContainsKey("ObjectName"))
            PrefabSpawner spawner = gameObject.AddComponent <PrefabSpawner>();
            PrefabNames   names   = getPrefabMapping();
            if (names != null)
                spawner.toSpawn    = names.GetEntry(keyValuePairs["ObjectName"]).prefab;
                spawner.condition  = keyValuePairs.ContainsKey("When") ? keyValuePairs["When"] : "";
                spawner.properties = keyValuePairs;


            BoxCollider2D collider = gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();

            if (collider != null)
                spawner.size += new Vector3(collider.offset.x, collider.offset.y, 0.0f);

            Tiled2Unity.TileObject tileObject = gameObject.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TileObject>();

            if (tileObject != null)
                spawner.size += new Vector3(tileObject.TileWidth * 0.5f, tileObject.TileHeight * 0.5f, 0.0f);

            while (gameObject.transform.childCount > 0)

        if (sideAttributes.Any((key) => keyValuePairs.ContainsKey(key)))
            MapAttachements attatchments = gameObject.AddComponent <MapAttachements>();
            attatchments.attachments = sideAttributes.Select((name) => {
                if (keyValuePairs.ContainsKey(name))

        Tiled2Unity.TiledMap map = gameObject.GetComponent <Tiled2Unity.TiledMap>();

        if (map != null)
            if (keyValuePairs.ContainsKey("Name"))
                mapName = keyValuePairs["Name"];
                mapName = null;
            Pathfinding pathfinding = gameObject.AddComponent <Pathfinding>();
            pathfinding.width    = map.NumTilesWide;
            pathfinding.height   = map.NumTilesHigh;
            pathfinding.tileSize = new Vector2(map.TileWidth, map.TileHeight) * map.ExportScale;
            pathfinding.layers   = new List <PathfindingLayer> {
                new PathfindingLayer(PathingTypes.Walking, (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("L1: Barrier")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("L1: ProjectilePassible")) | (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("L1: Water"))),
                new PathfindingLayer(PathingTypes.Flying, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("L1: Barrier")),