public static void AddLoot(Hunt h, Item item, int itemCount) { h.AddItem(item, itemCount); int stamp = TimestampManager.getDayStamp(); Tuple<int, int> time = TimestampManager.getCurrentTime(); LootDatabaseManager.InsertMessage(h, stamp, time.Item1, time.Item2, String.Format("{0}:{1} Loot of a non-existent creature: {2} {3}", time.Item1, time.Item2, itemCount, item.GetName())); LootDatabaseManager.UpdateLoot(); }
private static Item registerItem(Item item) { if (item == null) return null; lock (ItemLock) { if (_itemIdMap.ContainsKey( { item.image.Dispose(); return _itemIdMap[]; } _itemIdMap.Add(, item); string name = item.GetName().ToLower(); if (!_itemNameMap.ContainsKey(name)) { _itemNameMap.Add(item.GetName().ToLower(), item); } } return item; }
public SimpleLootNotification(Creature cr, List <Tuple <Item, int> > items, string message) : base() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.creature = cr; this.Size = new Size(SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SimpleNotificationWidth"), this.Size.Height); bool showCopyButton = SettingsManager.getSettingBool("SimpleNotificationCopyButton"); this.InitializeSimpleNotification(); creatureBox.Click -= c_Click; ToolTip value_tooltip = new ToolTip(); value_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; value_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; value_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; value_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; value_tooltip.UseFading = true; int max_x = this.Size.Width - creatureBox.Width - (showCopyButton ? 32 : 4); int base_x = 64, base_y = 20; int x = 0; int y = 0; int item_spacing = 4; Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); List <Tuple <Item, int> > updatedItems = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { if (tpl.Item1.GetName().ToLower() == "gold coin" && tpl.Item2 > 100) { Item platinumCoin = StorageManager.getItem("platinum coin"); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(platinumCoin, tpl.Item2 / 100)); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2 % 100)); } else { updatedItems.Add(tpl); } } updatedItems = updatedItems.OrderByDescending(o => o.Item1.GetMaxValue() * o.Item2).ToList(); x = 0; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in updatedItems) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { item_size = new Size(24, 24); x = 0; base_y = 4; creatureDropLabel.Visible = false; break; } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } if (x == 0) { break; } } x = 0; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in updatedItems) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = 0; y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); picture_box.Name = item.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Click += openItem_Click; if (item.stackable) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } else { picture_box.Image = item.GetImage(); } picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; picture_box.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); picture_box.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, item.displayname.ToTitle() + " value: " + Math.Max(item.actual_value, item.vendor_value) * mitems); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } } Image creatureImage = cr.GetImage(); if (creatureImage.Size.Width <= creatureBox.Width && creatureImage.Size.Height <= creatureBox.Height) { creatureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } else { creatureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; } this.creatureBox.Image = cr.GetImage(); this.creatureDropLabel.Text = String.Format("Loot of {0}.", cr.displayname); if (showCopyButton) { PictureBox copyButton = new PictureBox(); copyButton.Size = new Size(32, 32); copyButton.BackColor = Color.Transparent; copyButton.Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - copyButton.Size.Width - 4, base_y == 4 ? (this.Size.Height - copyButton.Size.Height) / 2 : base_y); copyButton.Click += CopyLootText; copyButton.Name = message; copyButton.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("copyicon.png"); copyButton.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; this.Controls.Add(copyButton); } }
private void CombineItems() { foreach (Control c in itemControls) { Controls.Remove(c); } itemControls.Clear(); Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); //size of item image int dropbar_height = 6; //height of dropbar int item_spacing = 6; //spacing between items int base_x = this.mainImage.Location.X + this.mainImage.Width + item_spacing; int base_y = 24; int max_x = this.Size.Width - 108; int max_y = 388; // add a tooltip that displays the actual droprate when you mouseover ToolTip droprate_tooltip = new ToolTip(); droprate_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; droprate_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; droprate_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; droprate_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; droprate_tooltip.UseFading = true; int x = item_spacing, y = item_spacing; List <ItemDrop> sorted_items = creature.itemdrops.OrderByDescending(o => o.percentage).ToList(); foreach (ItemDrop drop in sorted_items) { if (x > (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = item_spacing; y += item_size.Height + item_spacing; if (base_y + y + item_size.Height > max_y) { y -= item_size.Height + item_spacing; break; } } DisplayItem(drop, base_x, base_y, x, y, item_size, droprate_tooltip, dropbar_height); x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } if ( != null) { Item skinItem = StorageManager.getItem(; ItemDrop skinDrop = new ItemDrop(); PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height + 10); picture_box.Name = skinItem.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Image = skinItem.GetImage(); picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); picture_box.Click += openItemBox; droprate_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, "You can skin this creature with the item " + skinItem.displayname + "."); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); itemControls.Add(picture_box); skinDrop.itemid =; skinDrop.percentage =; skinDrop.min = 1; skinDrop.max = 1; DisplayItem(skinDrop, 20 + item_size.Width + item_spacing, this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height + 10, 0, 0, item_size, droprate_tooltip, dropbar_height, "Skin rate of "); if (y < this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height) { y = this.huntButton.Location.Y + this.huntButton.Size.Height; } } if (base_height < (base_y + y + item_spacing * 2 + item_size.Height)) { this.Height = base_y + y + item_spacing * 2 + item_size.Height; } this.Refresh(); }
public void RefreshLoot() { foreach (Control c in createdControls) { this.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); } createdControls.Clear(); if (page < 0) { page = 0; } int base_x = 20, base_y = 30; int x = 0, y = 0; int item_spacing = 4; Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); int max_x = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("LootFormWidth"); if (max_x < minLootWidth) { max_x = minLootWidth; } int width_x = max_x + item_spacing * 2; long total_value = 0; int currentPage = 0; bool prevPage = page > 0; bool nextPage = false; averageGold = GetAverageGold(creatures); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { total_value += tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue() * tpl.Item2; } Dictionary <Item, List <PictureBox> > newItemControls = new Dictionary <Item, List <PictureBox> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (base_x + x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = 0; if (y + item_size.Height + item_spacing > pageHeight) { currentPage++; if (currentPage > page) { nextPage = true; break; } else { y = 0; } } else { y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; } } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable || SettingsManager.getSettingBool("StackAllItems")) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; if (currentPage == page) { PictureBox picture_box; if (itemControls.ContainsKey(item)) { picture_box = itemControls[item][0]; itemControls[item].RemoveAt(0); if (itemControls[item].Count == 0) { itemControls.Remove(item); } picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); if (picture_box.TabIndex != mitems && (item.stackable || mitems > 1)) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } picture_box.TabIndex = mitems; long individualValue = item.GetMaxValue(); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(item.displayname) + " value: " + (individualValue >= 0 ? (individualValue * mitems).ToString() : "Unknown")); } else { picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); picture_box.Name = item.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = mitems; picture_box.TabStop = false; if (item.stackable || mitems > 1) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } else { picture_box.Image = item.GetImage(); } picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); picture_box.Click += openItemBox; long individualValue = item.GetMaxValue(); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(item.displayname) + " value: " + (individualValue >= 0 ? (individualValue * mitems).ToString() : "Unknown")); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); } if (!newItemControls.ContainsKey(item)) { newItemControls.Add(item, new List <PictureBox>()); } newItemControls[item].Add(picture_box); } x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } if (currentPage > page) { break; } } if (page > currentPage) { page = currentPage; RefreshLoot(); return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <Item, List <PictureBox> > kvp in itemControls) { foreach (PictureBox p in kvp.Value) { this.Controls.Remove(p); p.Dispose(); } } itemControls = newItemControls; y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; if (prevPage) { PictureBox prevpage = new PictureBox(); prevpage.Location = new Point(10, base_y + y); prevpage.Size = new Size(97, 23); prevpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("prevpage.png"); prevpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; prevpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; prevpage.Click += Prevpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(prevpage); createdControls.Add(prevpage); } if (nextPage) { PictureBox nextpage = new PictureBox(); nextpage.Location = new Point(width_x - 108, base_y + y); nextpage.Size = new Size(98, 23); nextpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; nextpage.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nextpage.png"); nextpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; nextpage.Click += Nextpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(nextpage); createdControls.Add(nextpage); } if (prevPage || nextPage) { y += 23; } x = 0; base_x = 5; Size creature_size = new Size(1, 1); Size labelSize = new Size(1, 1); foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> tpl in creatures) { Creature creature = tpl.Key; creature_size.Width = Math.Max(creature_size.Width, creature.GetImage().Width); creature_size.Height = Math.Max(creature_size.Height, creature.GetImage().Height); } { Dictionary <Creature, Tuple <PictureBox, Label> > newCreatureControls = new Dictionary <Creature, Tuple <PictureBox, Label> >(); int i = 0; foreach (Creature cr in creatures.Keys.OrderByDescending(o => creatures[o] * (1 + o.experience)).ToList <Creature>()) { Creature creature = cr; int killCount = creatures[cr]; if (x >= max_x - creature_size.Width - item_spacing * 2) { x = 0; y = y + creature_size.Height + 23; if (y > maxCreatureHeight) { break; } } int xoffset = (creature_size.Width - creature.GetImage().Width) / 2; int yoffset = (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2; Label count; PictureBox picture_box; if (creatureControls.ContainsKey(creature)) { picture_box = creatureControls[creature].Item1; count = creatureControls[creature].Item2; creatureControls.Remove(creature); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + yoffset + (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2); count.Location = new Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + creature_size.Height); count.Text = killCount.ToString() + "x"; } else { count = new Label(); count.Text = killCount.ToString() + "x"; count.Font = loot_font; count.Size = new Size(1, 10); count.Location = new Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + creature_size.Height); count.AutoSize = true; count.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; count.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; count.BackColor = Color.Transparent; picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + yoffset + (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2); picture_box.Name = creature.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(creature.GetImage().Width, creature.GetImage().Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Image = creature.GetImage(); picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.Click += openCreatureDrops; picture_box.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Controls.Add(picture_box); this.Controls.Add(count); } int measured_size = (int)count.CreateGraphics().MeasureString(count.Text, count.Font).Width; int width = Math.Max(measured_size, creature.GetImage().Width); if (width > creature.GetImage().Width) { picture_box.Location = new Point(picture_box.Location.X + (width - creature.GetImage().Width) / 2, picture_box.Location.Y); } else { count.Location = new Point(count.Location.X + (width - measured_size) / 2, count.Location.Y); } newCreatureControls.Add(creature, new Tuple <PictureBox, Label>(picture_box, count)); labelSize = count.Size; i++; x += width + xoffset; } y = y + creature_size.Height + labelSize.Height * 2; foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, Tuple <PictureBox, Label> > kvp in creatureControls) { this.Controls.Remove(kvp.Value.Item1); this.Controls.Remove(kvp.Value.Item2); kvp.Value.Item1.Dispose(); kvp.Value.Item2.Dispose(); } creatureControls = newCreatureControls; } long usedItemValue = 0; foreach (var tpl in HuntManager.GetUsedItems(hunt)) { usedItemValue += tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue() * tpl.Item2; } int xPosition = width_x - totalValueValue.Size.Width - 5; y = base_y + y + item_spacing + 10; huntNameLabel.Text =; totalValueLabel.Location = new Point(5, y); totalValueValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalValueValue.Text = total_value.ToString("N0"); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(totalValueValue, String.Format("Average gold for these creature kills: {0} gold.", averageGold.ToString("N0"))); totalExpLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); totalExpValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalExpValue.Text = hunt.totalExp.ToString("N0"); expHourValue.Text = ScanningManager.lastResults == null ? "-" : ScanningManager.lastResults.expPerHour.ToString("N0"); expHourLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); expHourValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalTimeLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); totalTimeValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); usedItemsValue.Text = usedItemValue.ToString("N0"); usedItemsLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); usedItemsValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); long profit = total_value - usedItemValue; value_tooltip.SetToolTip(usedItemsValue, String.Format(profit > 0 ? "Total Profit: {0} gold" : "Total Waste: {0} gold", profit.ToString("N0"))); totalTimeValue.Text = TimeToString((long)hunt.totalTime); y += 20; int widthSize = width_x / 3 - 5; lootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); lootButton.Location = new Point(5, y); allLootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); allLootButton.Location = new Point(7 + widthSize, y); rawLootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); rawLootButton.Location = new Point(10 + 2 * widthSize, y); y += allLootButton.Size.Height + 2; huntNameLabel.Size = new Size(width_x, huntNameLabel.Size.Height); this.Size = new Size(width_x, y + 5); lootLarger.Location = new Point(Size.Width - lootLarger.Size.Width - 4, 4); lootSmaller.Location = new Point(Size.Width - 2 * lootLarger.Size.Width - 4, 4); }
private int drawDirections(Coordinate begin, Coordinate end, string settings, string description, int start_x, int y, bool variableSize, int imageCount, bool noText, out int width) { int mapSize = this.Size.Width / 2; Size minSize = new Size(mapSize, mapSize); List <Color> additionalWalkableColors = new List <Color>(); List <Target> targetList = new List <Target>(); // parse settings if (settings != null) { string[] splits = settings.ToLower().Split('@'); foreach (string split in splits) { string[] setting = split.Split('='); switch (setting[0]) { case "walkablecolor": string[] rgb = setting[1].Split(','); additionalWalkableColors.Add(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2]))); break; case "marking": Target target = new Target(); string[] coordinate = setting[1].Split(','); target.size = 12; target.image = StyleManager.GetImage("cross.png"); target.coordinate = new Coordinate(int.Parse(coordinate[0]), int.Parse(coordinate[1]), int.Parse(coordinate[2])); targetList.Add(target); break; case "markicon": Image image = null; switch (setting[1].ToLower()) { case "item": image = StorageManager.getItem(setting[2]).image; break; case "npc": image = StorageManager.getNPC(setting[2]).image; break; case "cr": image = StorageManager.getCreature(setting[2]).image; break; case "spell": image = StorageManager.getSpell(setting[2]).image; break; case "object": image = StorageManager.getWorldObject(setting[2]).image; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown image type " + setting[1] + "."); } targetList[targetList.Count - 1].image = image; break; case "marksize": targetList[targetList.Count - 1].size = int.Parse(setting[1]); break; } } } if (targetList.Count == 0) { targetList = null; } MapPictureBox map = UIManager.DrawRoute(begin, end, variableSize ? new Size(0, 0) : new Size(mapSize, mapSize), minSize, new Size(mapSize, mapSize), additionalWalkableColors, targetList); width = map.Width + 5; if (!noText) { map.Location = new Point(this.Size.Width - (map.Width + 5), y); } else { map.Location = new Point(start_x, y); } map.MapUpdated += refreshTimer; this.Controls.Add(map); addedControls.Add(map); if (noText) { return(y + map.Height + 5); } if (description.Contains("@")) { int x = 5; int minheightoffset = 20; string[] questStrings = description.Split('@'); int minY = y + map.Size.Height + 10; foreach (string instruction in questStrings) { if (instruction == "") { y += 10; continue; } if (instruction.Contains("=")) { string[] splits = instruction.Split('='); if (splits[0].ToLower() == "cr" || splits[0].ToLower() == "npc" || splits[0].ToLower() == "item") { bool blockWidth = true; string imageString = splits[1]; if (splits[1].Contains(';')) { string[] options = splits[1].Split(';'); imageString = options[0]; for (int i = 1; i < options.Length; i++) { if (options[i].ToLower() == "blockheight") { blockWidth = false; } } } string command = ""; Image image = null; if (splits[0].ToLower() == "cr") { Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(imageString); image = cr.GetImage(); command = "creature" + Constants.CommandSymbol + cr.GetName().ToLower(); } else if (splits[0].ToLower() == "npc") { NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPC(imageString); image = npc.GetImage(); command = "npc" + Constants.CommandSymbol + npc.GetName().ToLower(); } else if (splits[0].ToLower() == "item") { Item item = StorageManager.getItem(imageString); image = item.GetImage(); command = "item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + item.GetName().ToLower(); } PictureBox pictureBox = new PictureBox(); pictureBox.Location = new Point(x, y); pictureBox.Image = image; pictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pictureBox.Size = new Size(image.Width, image.Height); pictureBox.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pictureBox.Name = command; pictureBox.Click += QuestTitle_Click; if (blockWidth) { x += pictureBox.Size.Width; minheightoffset = pictureBox.Size.Height + 5; } else { y += pictureBox.Size.Height; } addedControls.Add(pictureBox); this.Controls.Add(pictureBox); continue; } } Label label = new Label(); label.Location = new Point(x, y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = requirementFont; label.AutoSize = true; label.MaximumSize = new Size(this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width) - x, 0); string labelText = CreateLinks(label, instruction); label.Text = labelText == "" ? "" : "- " + labelText; int labelHeight = 0; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(label.Handle)) { labelHeight = (int)(gr.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font, this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width + 10) - x, StringFormat.GenericTypographic).Height * 1.2); } addedControls.Add(label); this.Controls.Add(label); y += Math.Max(labelHeight, minheightoffset); minheightoffset = 0; x = 5; } if (y < minY) { y = minY; } } else { Label label = new Label(); label.Location = new Point(5, y); label.ForeColor = StyleManager.NotificationTextColor; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = requirementFont; string labelText = CreateLinks(label, description); label.Text = labelText == "" ? "" : "- " + labelText; Size size; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(label.Handle)) { size = gr.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font, this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width + 10)).ToSize(); label.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - (map.Size.Width + 5), Math.Max((int)(size.Height * 1.3), map.Size.Height)); } addedControls.Add(label); this.Controls.Add(label); y += Math.Max(label.Size.Height, map.Size.Height) + 10; } return(y); }
public static void AddLoot(Hunt h, Item item, int itemCount) { h.AddItem(item, itemCount); int stamp = TimestampManager.getDayStamp(); Tuple <int, int> time = TimestampManager.getCurrentTime(); LootDatabaseManager.InsertMessage(h, stamp, time.Item1, time.Item2, String.Format("{0}:{1} Loot of a non-existent creature: {2} {3}", time.Item1, time.Item2, itemCount, item.GetName())); LootDatabaseManager.UpdateLoot(); }
public SimpleLootNotification(Creature cr, List <Tuple <Item, int> > items) : base() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.creature = cr; this.InitializeSimpleNotification(); creatureBox.Click -= c_Click; ToolTip value_tooltip = new ToolTip(); value_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; value_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; value_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; value_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; value_tooltip.UseFading = true; int max_x = 300; int base_x = 64, base_y = 20; int x = 0; int y = 0; int item_spacing = 4; Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); List <Tuple <Item, int> > updatedItems = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { if (tpl.Item1.GetName().ToLower() == "gold coin" && tpl.Item2 > 100) { Item platinumCoin = StorageManager.getItem("platinum coin"); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(platinumCoin, tpl.Item2 / 100)); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2 % 100)); } else { updatedItems.Add(tpl); } } updatedItems = updatedItems.OrderByDescending(o => o.Item1.GetMaxValue() * o.Item2).ToList(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in updatedItems) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = 0; y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); picture_box.Name = item.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Click += openItem_Click; if (item.stackable) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } else { picture_box.Image = item.GetImage(); } picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.BackgroundImage = StyleManager.GetImage("item_background.png"); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(item.displayname) + " value: " + Math.Max(item.actual_value, item.vendor_value) * mitems); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } } Image creatureImage = cr.GetImage(); if (creatureImage.Size.Width <= creatureBox.Width && creatureImage.Size.Height <= creatureBox.Height) { creatureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } else { creatureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; } this.creatureBox.Image = cr.GetImage(); this.creatureDropLabel.Text = String.Format("Loot of {0}.", cr.displayname); }
public static bool ResolveConditions(Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> > > dropInformation) { List <string> conditions = SettingsManager.getSetting("NotificationConditions"); var connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=:memory:"); connection.Open(); SQLiteCommand command; command = new SQLiteCommand("CREATE TABLE item(name STRING, value INTEGER, capacity DOUBLE, count INTEGER)", connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command = new SQLiteCommand("CREATE TABLE creature(name STRING, exp INTEGER, hp INTEGER)", connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Creature cr = dropInformation.Item1; if (cr != null) { command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO creature (name, exp, hp) VALUES (\"{0}\",{1},{2})", cr.GetName().Replace("\"", "\\\""), cr.experience,, connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (dropInformation.Item2 != null && dropInformation.Item2.Count > 0) { foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in dropInformation.Item2) { Item it = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; if (it == null) { continue; } command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO item (name, value, capacity, count) VALUES (\"{0}\",{1},{2},{3})", it.GetName().Replace("\"", "\\\""), it.GetMaxValue(), it.capacity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), count), connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO item (name, value, capacity, count) VALUES (\"nothing\",0,1,1)"), connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } foreach (string condition in conditions) { if (condition.Trim().Length == 0) { continue; } string query = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM item,creature", condition); try { command = new SQLiteCommand(query, connection); SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { double value = reader.GetDouble(0); if (value > 0) { return(true); } } } catch { } } return(false); }
public void RefreshLoot() { foreach (Control c in createdControls) { this.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); } createdControls.Clear(); if (page < 0) { page = 0; } int base_x = 20, base_y = 30; int x = 0, y = 0; int item_spacing = 4; Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); int max_x = MainForm.mainForm.getSettingInt("LootFormWidth"); if (max_x < minLootWidth) { max_x = minLootWidth; } int width_x = max_x + item_spacing * 2; // add a tooltip that displays the actual droprate when you mouseover ToolTip value_tooltip = new ToolTip(); value_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; value_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; value_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; value_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; value_tooltip.UseFading = true; long total_value = 0; int currentPage = 0; bool prevPage = page > 0; bool nextPage = false; averageGold = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> tpl in creatures) { double average = 0; foreach (ItemDrop dr in tpl.Key.itemdrops) { Item it = MainForm.getItem(dr.itemid); if (!it.discard && it.GetMaxValue() > 0 && dr.percentage > 0) { average += ((dr.min + dr.max) / 2.0) * (dr.percentage / 100.0) * it.GetMaxValue(); } } Console.WriteLine(average); Console.WriteLine(tpl.Value); averageGold += (int)(average * tpl.Value); } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { total_value += tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue() * tpl.Item2; } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (base_x + x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = 0; if (y + item_size.Height + item_spacing > pageHeight) { currentPage++; if (currentPage > page) { nextPage = true; break; } else { y = 0; } } else { y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; } } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable || count > 100) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; if (currentPage == page) { PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); picture_box.Name = item.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; if (item.stackable || mitems > 1) { picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } else { picture_box.Image = item.GetImage(); } picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.BackgroundImage = MainForm.item_background; picture_box.Click += openItemBox; long individualValue = Math.Max(item.actual_value, item.vendor_value); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(item.displayname) + " value: " + (individualValue >= 0 ? (individualValue * mitems).ToString() : "Unknown")); createdControls.Add(picture_box); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); } x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } if (currentPage > page) { break; } } if (page > currentPage) { page = currentPage; RefreshLoot(); return; } y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; if (prevPage) { PictureBox prevpage = new PictureBox(); prevpage.Location = new Point(10, base_y + y); prevpage.Size = new Size(97, 23); prevpage.Image = MainForm.prevpage_image; prevpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; prevpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; prevpage.Click += Prevpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(prevpage); createdControls.Add(prevpage); } if (nextPage) { PictureBox nextpage = new PictureBox(); nextpage.Location = new Point(width_x - 108, base_y + y); nextpage.Size = new Size(98, 23); nextpage.BackColor = Color.Transparent; nextpage.Image = MainForm.nextpage_image; nextpage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; nextpage.Click += Nextpage_Click; this.Controls.Add(nextpage); createdControls.Add(nextpage); } if (prevPage || nextPage) { y += 23; } x = 0; base_x = 5; Size creature_size = new Size(1, 1); Size labelSize = new Size(1, 1); foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> tpl in creatures) { Creature creature = tpl.Key; creature_size.Width = Math.Max(creature_size.Width, creature.GetImage().Width); creature_size.Height = Math.Max(creature_size.Height, creature.GetImage().Height); } { int i = 0; foreach (Creature cr in creatures.Keys.OrderByDescending(o => creatures[o] * (1 + o.experience)).ToList <Creature>()) { Creature creature = cr; int killCount = creatures[cr]; if (x >= max_x - creature_size.Width - item_spacing * 2) { x = 0; y = y + creature_size.Height + 23; if (y > maxCreatureHeight) { break; } } int xoffset = (creature_size.Width - creature.GetImage().Width) / 2; int yoffset = (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2; Label count = new Label(); count.Text = killCount.ToString() + "x"; count.Font = loot_font; count.Size = new Size(1, 10); count.Location = new Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + creature_size.Height); count.AutoSize = true; count.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; count.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(191, 191, 191); count.BackColor = Color.Transparent; int measured_size = (int)count.CreateGraphics().MeasureString(count.Text, count.Font).Width; int width = Math.Max(measured_size, creature.GetImage().Width); PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x + xoffset, base_y + y + yoffset + (creature_size.Height - creature.GetImage().Height) / 2); picture_box.Name = creature.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(creature.GetImage().Width, creature.GetImage().Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Image = creature.GetImage(); picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.Click += openCreatureDrops; picture_box.BackColor = Color.Transparent; if (width > creature.GetImage().Width) { picture_box.Location = new Point(picture_box.Location.X + (width - creature.GetImage().Width) / 2, picture_box.Location.Y); } else { count.Location = new Point(count.Location.X + (width - measured_size) / 2, count.Location.Y); } labelSize = count.Size; i++; x += width + xoffset; createdControls.Add(picture_box); createdControls.Add(count); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); this.Controls.Add(count); } y = y + creature_size.Height + labelSize.Height * 2; } int xPosition = width_x - totalValueValue.Size.Width - 5; y = base_y + y + item_spacing + 10; huntNameLabel.Text =; totalValueLabel.Location = new Point(5, y); totalValueValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalValueValue.Text = total_value.ToString(); value_tooltip.SetToolTip(totalValueValue, String.Format("Average gold for these creature kills: {0} gold.", averageGold)); totalExpLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); totalExpValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); totalExpValue.Text = hunt.totalExp.ToString(); totalTimeLabel.Location = new Point(5, y += 20); totalTimeValue.Location = new Point(xPosition, y); long totalSeconds = (long)hunt.totalTime; string displayString = ""; if (totalSeconds >= 3600) { displayString += (totalSeconds / 3600).ToString() + "h "; totalSeconds = totalSeconds % 3600; } if (totalSeconds >= 60) { displayString += (totalSeconds / 60).ToString() + "m "; totalSeconds = totalSeconds % 60; } displayString += totalSeconds.ToString() + "s"; totalTimeValue.Text = displayString; y += 20; int widthSize = width_x / 3 - 5; lootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); lootButton.Location = new Point(5, y); allLootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); allLootButton.Location = new Point(7 + widthSize, y); rawLootButton.Size = new Size(widthSize, lootButton.Size.Height); rawLootButton.Location = new Point(10 + 2 * widthSize, y); y += allLootButton.Size.Height + 2; huntNameLabel.Size = new Size(width_x, huntNameLabel.Size.Height); this.Size = new Size(width_x, y + 5); lootLarger.Location = new Point(Size.Width - lootLarger.Size.Width - 4, 4); lootSmaller.Location = new Point(Size.Width - 2 * lootLarger.Size.Width - 4, 4); }
public SimpleLootNotification(Creature cr, List <Tuple <Item, int> > items) : base() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.creature = cr; this.InitializeSimpleNotification(); creatureBox.Click -= c_Click; ToolTip value_tooltip = new ToolTip(); value_tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; value_tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; value_tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; value_tooltip.ShowAlways = true; value_tooltip.UseFading = true; int max_x = 300; int base_x = 64, base_y = 20; int x = 0; int y = 0; int item_spacing = 4; Size item_size = new Size(32, 32); List <Tuple <Item, int> > updatedItems = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in items) { if (tpl.Item1.GetName().ToLower() == "gold coin" && tpl.Item2 > 100) { Item platinumCoin = MainForm.getItem("platinum coin"); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(platinumCoin, tpl.Item2 / 100)); updatedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2 % 100)); } else { updatedItems.Add(tpl); } } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in updatedItems) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; while (count > 0) { if (x >= (max_x - item_size.Width - item_spacing)) { x = 0; y = y + item_size.Height + item_spacing; } int mitems = 1; if (item.stackable) { mitems = Math.Min(count, 100); } count -= mitems; PictureBox picture_box = new PictureBox(); picture_box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(base_x + x, base_y + y); picture_box.Name = item.GetName(); picture_box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(item_size.Width, item_size.Height); picture_box.TabIndex = 1; picture_box.TabStop = false; picture_box.Click += openItem_Click; if (item.stackable) { /* * Bitmap image = LootDropForm.GetStackImage(item.image, mitems, item); * Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(image); * int numbers = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(mitems, 10)) + 1; * int xoffset = 1, logamount = mitems; * for (int i = 0; i < numbers; i++) { * int imagenr = logamount % 10; * xoffset = xoffset + MainForm.image_numbers[imagenr].Width + 1; * gr.DrawImage(MainForm.image_numbers[imagenr], * new Point(image.Width - xoffset, image.Height - MainForm.image_numbers[imagenr].Height - 3)); * logamount /= 10; * }*/ picture_box.Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, mitems); } else { picture_box.Image = item.GetImage(); } picture_box.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; picture_box.BackgroundImage = MainForm.item_background; value_tooltip.SetToolTip(picture_box, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(item.displayname) + " value: " + Math.Max(item.actual_value, item.vendor_value) * mitems); this.Controls.Add(picture_box); x += item_size.Width + item_spacing; } } this.creatureBox.Image = cr.GetImage(); this.creatureDropLabel.Text = String.Format("Loot of {0}.", cr.displayname); }