Пример #1
        static public IntelImage FlipYIntelImage(IntelImage img)
            Bitmap tempbm = new Bitmap(img.IplImageStruc().width, img.IplImageStruc().height, img.IplImageStruc().widthStep,
                                       System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, img.IplImageStruc().imageData);

            IntelImage _img = CreateIntelImageFromBitmap(tempbm);

            tempbm = null;
Пример #2
        static public IntPtr HistEqualize(IntelImage isrc)
                //image for processing
                IntelImage iimg = new IntelImage(isrc.IplImageStruc().width, isrc.IplImageStruc().height);

                //convert src image to ycrcb format
                NativeMethods.CvCvtColor(isrc.IplImage(), iimg.IplImage(), NativeMethods.CV_BGR2YCrCb);

                //converted src image structure
                IplImage iimg_iplimage = iimg.IplImageStruc();

                //get all the channels from the
                IntPtr   y    = NativeMethods.cvCreateImage(new CvSize(iimg_iplimage.width, iimg_iplimage.height), 8, 1);
                IplImage yimg = (IplImage)Marshal.PtrToStructure(y, typeof(IplImage));

                IntPtr   cr    = NativeMethods.cvCreateImage(new CvSize(iimg_iplimage.width, iimg_iplimage.height), 8, 1);
                IplImage crimg = (IplImage)Marshal.PtrToStructure(cr, typeof(IplImage));

                IntPtr   cb    = NativeMethods.cvCreateImage(new CvSize(iimg_iplimage.width, iimg_iplimage.height), 8, 1);
                IplImage cbimg = (IplImage)Marshal.PtrToStructure(cb, typeof(IplImage));

                NativeMethods.CvSplit(ref iimg_iplimage, ref yimg, ref crimg, ref cbimg);


                //*******Equalized for y plane only

                //the ydest intel image
                // IntelImage iydest = new IntelImage(yimg);
                //  IntPtr ydest = NativeMethods.cvCreateImage(new CvSize(iimg_iplimage.width, iimg_iplimage.height), 8, 1);
                //  NativeMethods.CvEqualizeHist(y, ydest);

                NativeMethods.CvSaveImage(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\temp\\~eq.y1.bmp", y);
                //   NativeMethods.CvSaveImage(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\temp\\~eq.cr1.bmp", cr);
                //   NativeMethods.CvSaveImage(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\temp\\~eq.cb1.bmp", cb);

                // NativeMethods.CvSaveImage(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\temp\\~eq.ydest.bmp", ydest);

                //   IplImage ydest_iplimage = iydest.IplImageStruc();

                //merge back into processing image
                //   NativeMethods.CvMerge(ref ydest_iplimage, ref crimg, ref cbimg, ref iimg_iplimage);
                //  IntPtr presult = NativeMethods.cvCreateImage(new CvSize(iimg_iplimage.width, iimg_iplimage.height), 8, 3);
                // IntPtr presult = NativeMethods.cvCreateImage(new CvSize(iimg_iplimage.width, iimg_iplimage.height), 8, 1);
                //   NativeMethods.CvCvtColor(iimg.IplImage(), presult, NativeMethods.CV_YCrCb2BGR);
                //    IplImage result_img = (IplImage)Marshal.PtrToStructure(presult, typeof(IplImage));
                //   NativeMethods.CvCopy(ref ydest_iplimage, ref result_img);

                //  NativeMethods.CvSaveImage(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\temp\\~eq.bmp", presult);

                // NativeMethods.cvReleaseImage(ref y);
                NativeMethods.cvReleaseImage(ref cb);
                NativeMethods.cvReleaseImage(ref cr);
                //NativeMethods.cvReleaseImage(ref presult);

                iimg = null;
                //   iydest.Dispose();
                //   iydest = null;

                // return presult;
                // return ydest;
            }catch (Exception ex)

Пример #3
        //return "0" for single face and "c"(cache) for multiple face
        //for multiple face, the face rectangles are stored in CCommon.cacheRects
        //CComon.cacheBm store the 24bit Bitmap for source image
        public static string FindFaceAndEyes(BitmapSource srcimage, out System.Drawing.Rectangle facerect, out System.Drawing.Rectangle[] eyesrect)
            String faceFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml";
            String eyeFileName  = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "haarcascade_eye.xml";

            //working with gdi to get 24bit rgb image
            System.Drawing.Bitmap   bmtest   = CCommon.BitmapImage2Bitmap(srcimage);
            System.Drawing.Bitmap   bmsrc24  = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(bmtest.Width, bmtest.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            System.Drawing.Graphics gbmsrc24 = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmsrc24);
            gbmsrc24.DrawImageUnscaled(bmtest, 0, 0);
            bmtest = null;

            if (cacheBm != null)
            cacheBm = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)bmsrc24.Clone();

            //we do scaling if the source is too large
            double scale = 1.0;

            if (bmsrc24.Height > 500)
                scale = (double)500 / bmsrc24.Height;

            System.Drawing.Bitmap bm = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)(bmsrc24.Width * scale),
                                                                 (int)(bmsrc24.Height * scale),
            System.Drawing.Graphics gbm = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bm);

            //scale down the source image for face dection
                          new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height),
                          new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmsrc24.Width, bmsrc24.Height),

            // bm.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +"temp\\~bm.jpg",System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            IntelImage _img = CDetectFace.CreateIntelImageFromBitmap(bm);

            //IntPtr p_face = CDetectFace.HistEqualize(_img);
            bm = null;
            string strindex = "";

            using (HaarClassifier haarface = new HaarClassifier(faceFileName))
                using (HaarClassifier haareye = new HaarClassifier(eyeFileName))
                    var faces = haarface.DetectObjects(_img.IplImage());
                    // var faces = haarface.DetectObjects(p_face );
                    if (faces.Count > 0)
                        List <System.Drawing.Rectangle> facerects = new List <System.Drawing.Rectangle>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++)
                            var face = faces.ElementAt(i);
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle rt = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)(face.x / scale),
                                                                                       (int)(face.y / scale),
                                                                                       (int)(face.width / scale),
                                                                                       (int)(face.height / scale));
                        cacheRects = facerects;

                        if (faces.Count > 1)
                            //clean up and return
                            eyesrect = null;
                            facerect = facerect = System.Drawing.Rectangle.Empty;

                            bmsrc24 = null;

                            return("c"); //cached

                    //only handle 1 face
                    if (faces.Count == 1)
                        var face = faces.ElementAt(0);

                        facerect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)(face.x / scale),
                                                                (int)(face.y / scale),
                                                                (int)(face.width / scale),
                                                                (int)(face.height / scale));

                        int x = facerect.X, y = facerect.Y, h0 = facerect.Height, w0 = facerect.Width;

                        //to handle oversize face area
                        double rescale = 1.0;
                        if (h0 > 300)
                            rescale = 300.0 / h0;

                        System.Drawing.Rectangle temprect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x, y, w0, 10 * h0 / 16);

                        System.Drawing.Bitmap bm_eyes = bmsrc24.cropAtRect(temprect);

                        bm_eyes.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "temp\\~eye.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                        IntelImage image_eyes = CDetectFace.CreateIntelImageFromBitmap(bm_eyes);

                        //resize eyes area for better detection
                        IntelImage image_eyes2X = new IntelImage((int)(image_eyes.IplImageStruc().width *2 * rescale),
                                                                 (int)(image_eyes.IplImageStruc().height *2 * rescale));
                        NativeMethods.CvResize(image_eyes.IplImage(), image_eyes2X.IplImage(), NativeMethods.CV_INTER_CUBIC);

                        IntPtr p_eq_img_eyes = CDetectFace.HistEqualize(image_eyes2X);

                        var eyes = haareye.DetectObjects(p_eq_img_eyes);

                        ////clean up
                        NativeMethods.cvReleaseImage(ref p_eq_img_eyes);
                        image_eyes = null;

                        image_eyes2X = null;

                        if (eyes.Count > 0)
                            eyesrect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle[eyes.Count];

                            for (int i = 0; i < eyesrect.Length; i++)
                                var eye = eyes.ElementAt(i);

                                //note that we had scale the eyes area by 2, so we scale back
                                eyesrect[i] = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)(eye.x / (2 * rescale)),
                                                                           (int)(eye.y / (2 * rescale)),
                                                                           (int)(eye.width / (2 * rescale)),
                                                                           (int)(eye.height / (2 * rescale)));

                            int mineyesize = (h0 / 12);
                            int maxeyesize = (h0 / 3);
                            var tempeyeslist = eyesrect.ToList();

                            //dist to center of face
                            //  <-1/2 w -->
                            //  |          |          |
                            //  |<-x ->o<d>|          |
                            //  |          |          |
                            //  |          |          |
                            //  |          |          |
                            // o=center of eye
                            // x= x dist to center of eye
                            // d= difference of 1/2 w and x
                            //  = distance of eye center to center of face
                            // the further this distance, the more likely it is an eye
                            int half_facewidth = facerect.Width / 2;
                            tempeyeslist = tempeyeslist.OrderByDescending(eye => Math.Abs(eye.X + eye.Width / 2 - (half_facewidth))).ToList();

                            //size: should be within min and max eye size
                            tempeyeslist = tempeyeslist.OrderByDescending(eye => (eye.Width > mineyesize)).ToList();
                            tempeyeslist = tempeyeslist.OrderByDescending(eye => (eye.Width < maxeyesize)).ToList();

                            eyesrect = tempeyeslist.ToArray();
                            eyesrect = null;
                        facerect = System.Drawing.Rectangle.Empty;
                        eyesrect = null;

            //NativeMethods.cvReleaseImage(ref  p_face );


            bmsrc24 = null;

Пример #4
        //Load from cache CCommon cacheBm and cacheRects
        public static void FindEyesFromCache(int faceindex, out System.Drawing.Rectangle[] eyesrect)
            String eyeFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "haarcascade_eye.xml";

            using (HaarClassifier haareye = new HaarClassifier(eyeFileName))
                var face = cacheRects.ElementAt(faceindex);

                var facerect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)(face.X),

                int x = facerect.X, y = facerect.Y, h0 = facerect.Height, w0 = facerect.Width;

                //to handle oversize face area
                double rescale = 1.0;
                if (h0 > 300)
                    rescale = 300.0 / h0;

                System.Drawing.Rectangle temprect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x, y, w0, 10 * h0 / 16);

                System.Drawing.Bitmap bm_eyes = cacheBm.cropAtRect(temprect);

                bm_eyes.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "temp\\~eye.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                IntelImage image_eyes = CDetectFace.CreateIntelImageFromBitmap(bm_eyes);

                //resize eyes area for better detection
                IntelImage image_eyes2X = new IntelImage((int)(image_eyes.IplImageStruc().width * 2 * rescale),
                                                         (int)(image_eyes.IplImageStruc().height * 2 * rescale));
                NativeMethods.CvResize(image_eyes.IplImage(), image_eyes2X.IplImage(), NativeMethods.CV_INTER_CUBIC);

                IntPtr p_eq_img_eyes = CDetectFace.HistEqualize(image_eyes2X);

                var eyes = haareye.DetectObjects(p_eq_img_eyes);

                ////clean up
                NativeMethods.cvReleaseImage(ref p_eq_img_eyes);
                image_eyes = null;

                image_eyes2X = null;

                if (eyes.Count > 0)
                    eyesrect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle[eyes.Count];

                    for (int i = 0; i < eyesrect.Length; i++)
                        var eye = eyes.ElementAt(i);

                        //note that we had scale the eyes area by 2, so we scale back
                        eyesrect[i] = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)(eye.x / (2 * rescale)),
                                                                   (int)(eye.y / (2 * rescale)),
                                                                   (int)(eye.width / (2 * rescale)),
                                                                   (int)(eye.height / (2 * rescale)));

                    int mineyesize = (h0 / 12);
                    int maxeyesize = (h0 / 3);

                    var tempeyeslist = eyesrect.ToList();

                    //dist to center of face
                    //  <-1/2 w -->
                    //  |          |          |
                    //  |<-x ->o<d>|          |
                    //  |          |          |
                    //  |          |          |
                    //  |          |          |
                    // o=center of eye
                    // x= x dist to center of eye
                    // d= difference of 1/2 w and x
                    //  = distance of eye center to center of face
                    // the further this distance, the more likely it is an eye
                    int half_facewidth = facerect.Width / 2;
                    tempeyeslist = tempeyeslist.OrderByDescending(eye => Math.Abs(eye.X + eye.Width / 2 - (half_facewidth))).ToList();

                    //size: should be within min and max eye size
                    tempeyeslist = tempeyeslist.OrderByDescending(eye => (eye.Width > mineyesize)).ToList();
                    tempeyeslist = tempeyeslist.OrderByDescending(eye => (eye.Width < maxeyesize)).ToList();

                    eyesrect = tempeyeslist.ToArray();
                    eyesrect = null;