public FormRepeatTask(RepeatTask t) { InitializeComponent(); rTask = t; textBoxName.Text = rTask.Name; // Load Repeat settings numericUpDownRepetitions.Value = rTask.numRepeats; numericUpDownTimeLimit.Value = rTask.TimeLimit; switch (rTask.RepeatEndType) { case RepeatEndType.Repetitions: radioButtonRepetitions.Checked = true; numericUpDownRepetitions.Enabled = true; numericUpDownTimeLimit.Enabled = false; break; case RepeatEndType.TimeLimit: radioButtonTimeLimit.Checked = true; numericUpDownRepetitions.Enabled = false; numericUpDownTimeLimit.Enabled = true; break; case RepeatEndType.Both: radioButtonBoth.Checked = true; numericUpDownRepetitions.Enabled = true; numericUpDownTimeLimit.Enabled = true; break; default: throw new System.Exception("Unknown RepeatEndType!"); } }
public RepeatTask(RepeatTask rt) { Name = rt.Name; numRepeats = rt.numRepeats; TimeLimit = rt.TimeLimit; RepeatEndType = rt.RepeatEndType; endCondition = rt.endCondition.returnNew(); tasks = new List<Task>(); for (int i = 0; i < rt.tasks.Count; i++) tasks.Add(rt.tasks[i]); }
public Therapy() { Name = "Unnamed Therapy"; //Creating root repeat task tasks = new RepeatTask(); tasks.Name = "root"; tasks.numRepeats = 1; tasks.RepeatEndType = RepeatEndType.Repetitions; tasks.endCondition = new Repeat_rEndCondition(); ((Repeat_rEndCondition)tasks.endCondition).Initialize(1); }
private void buttonCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Task newTask; Form newTaskForm; switch (listBoxTasks.SelectedIndex) { case 0: newTask = new DialogTask(); newTaskForm = new FormDialogTask((DialogTask) newTask); break; case 1: newTask = new Task2D(); newTaskForm = new Form2DTask((Task2D) newTask); break; case 2: newTask = new RepeatTask(); newTaskForm = new FormRepeatTask((RepeatTask) newTask); break; default: return; } this.Visible = false; newTaskForm.Tag = this.Tag; DialogResult result = newTaskForm.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { //if the task name is left empty then set it to a generic name based on the task type if (newTask.Name == null || newTask.Name.Length == 0) { switch (listBoxTasks.SelectedIndex) { case 0: newTask.Name = "Dialog Task"; break; case 1: newTask.Name = "2D Task"; break; case 2: newTask.Name = "Repeat Task"; break; default: newTask.Name = "Task Name"; return; } } therapy.addTask(newTask); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; this.Close(); }
public Therapy(Therapy t) { Name = "copy of " + t.Name; tasks = (RepeatTask)t.tasks.returnNew(); }