private void Button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Random rand = new Random(); int Service_num = rand.Next(100, 1000);// creatingservice number try { string date = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortDateString(); string service = "", employee = ""; //adding the employee name and type of service if (checkBox1.Checked) { service += checkBox1.Text; employee += "Sam Deker, "; } else { service += ""; employee += ""; } if (checkBox2.Checked) { service += checkBox2.Text; employee += "Stembiso Zwane,"; } else { service += ""; employee += ""; } if (checkBox3.Checked) { service += checkBox3.Text; employee += "James Hlope"; } else { service += ""; employee += ""; } if (radioButton5.Checked) { service = radioButton5.Text; employee = "David May"; } else { service += ""; employee += ""; } string Client_ID = Login.Client_ID; // adding service info to service table SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.conString); conn.Open(); string insert = "INSERT INTO Service ([Service_number], [Client_id], [Service_type], [Service_date], [Employee_name], [Total_cost]) VALUES('" + Service_num + "','" + Client_ID + "','" + service + "','" + date + "','" + employee + "','" + totalCost + "')"; SqlDataAdapter adapter1 = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(insert, conn); adapter1.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(insert, conn); adapter1.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // displaying user message MessageBox.Show("Service appointment made successfully! \n Service number: " + Service_num.ToString() + " Service Date: " + date.ToString()); Welcome w = new Welcome(); w.ShowDialog(); this.Hide(); }