Пример #1
        public IActionResult ProduceMovieWithSubitles([FromBody] Subtitles subtitles)
            var file = _mediaService.AddSubTitles(subtitles, GetCancellation());

            return(Ok(new FileResponse {
                File = file
Пример #2
        public int AddSubTitles(Subtitles subtitles, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            int    random        = new Random().Next();
            var    randomNewFile = random + ".mp4";
            string randomFile    = Path.Combine(_options.MediaStoragePath, randomNewFile);

#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            Task.Run(async() =>
                var info     = new ProcessStartInfo();
                var perc     = 0;
                var prevPerc = 0;
                var curDir   = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                var srtFile  = $"{_options.MediaStoragePath}/{new Random().Next()}.srt";
                await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(srtFile, subtitles.Lines, cancellationToken);
                info.FileName = "ffmpeg";

                info.Arguments              = $" -i {Path.Combine(_options.MediaStoragePath, subtitles.Id)}  -vf subtitles={srtFile} {randomFile} -y -progress pipe:1";
                info.UseShellExecute        = false;
                info.RedirectStandardInput  = true;
                info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                info.RedirectStandardError  = true;

                 *      frame=12444 fps= 14 q=29.0 size=   35328kB time=00:00:41.33 bitrate=7002.1kbits/s speed=0.469x
                 *      fps=14.11
                 *      stream_0_0_q=29.0
                 *      bitrate=7002.1kbits/s
                 *      total_size=36175920
                 *      out_time_us=41331519
                 *      out_time_ms=41331519
                 *      out_time=00:00:41.331519
                 *      dup_frames=0
                 *      drop_frames=0
                 *      speed=0.469x
                 *      progress=continue

                using var proc           = Process.Start(info);
                proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                proc.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) =>
                    if (e == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data))
                    var stringD = e.Data;
                    if (stringD.Contains("Duration:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    {                    //Duration: 00:00:06.34, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 21303 kb/s
                        var inv       = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
                        var parseit   = stringD.TrimStart(' ')[10..];
                        var lines     = parseit.Split(',');
                        var time      = lines[0];
                        var timeparts = time.Split(':').Select(s => float.Parse(s, inv)).ToArray();
                        var secs      = Math.Floor(timeparts[2]);
                        var ms        = Math.Floor((timeparts[2] - secs) * 1000);
                        var ts        = new TimeSpan(0, (int)timeparts[0], (int)timeparts[1], (int)secs, (int)ms);
                        duration      = ts.TotalMilliseconds;
                        _logger.LogInformation("Found duration {0}", duration);