Пример #1
        public BulletIndent(string indent = null, BulletIndent currentBulletIndent = null, int?level = null, List <string> bulletStyles = null)
            if (indent == null)
                // indicates an empty BulletIndent
            this.bulletStyles = bulletStyles;
            string currentIndent = currentBulletIndent == null ? "" : currentBulletIndent.indent;

            this.indent = indent;
            if (currentBulletIndent == null)
                // establish the first level
                this.level  = level == null ? 0 : level;
                this.index  = 0;
                this.parent = null;
            else if (this.level == level || indent == currentIndent)
                // staying on the same level
                this.level  = currentBulletIndent.level;
                this.index  = currentBulletIndent.index + 1;
                this.parent = currentBulletIndent.parent;
                this.styleInitializerLevel = currentBulletIndent.styleInitializerLevel;
                // search for the same level
                BulletIndent matchingLevel = currentBulletIndent.parent;                 // used to find a previous level
                while (matchingLevel != null)
                    if ((level != null && matchingLevel.level == level) || indent == matchingLevel.indent)
                        // found a matching level, so this one is a continuation
                        this.level  = matchingLevel.level;
                        this.index  = matchingLevel.index + 1;
                        this.parent = matchingLevel.parent;
                        this.styleInitializerLevel = this.level;                         // don't honor style initializers above this level
                        matchingLevel = matchingLevel.parent;
                if (matchingLevel == null)
                    // create a new level
                    this.level  = level == null ? (currentBulletIndent.level + 1) : level;
                    this.index  = 0;
                    this.parent = currentBulletIndent;
                    this.styleInitializerLevel = currentBulletIndent.styleInitializerLevel;
Пример #2
        public BulletIndent clone()
            // clone a BulletIndent that reflects the state
            BulletIndent cloneBulletIndent = new BulletIndent();

            cloneBulletIndent.level                 = this.level;
            cloneBulletIndent.index                 = this.index;
            cloneBulletIndent.indent                = this.indent;
            cloneBulletIndent.parent                = this.parent;
            cloneBulletIndent.lastBullet            = this.lastBullet;
            cloneBulletIndent.bulletStyles          = this.bulletStyles;
            cloneBulletIndent.styleInitializerLevel = this.styleInitializerLevel;
Пример #3
        public string getBullet()
            string        bullet;
            List <string> bulletStyles = this.bulletStyles;

            if (bulletStyles == null || bulletStyles.Count == 0)
                bullet = "(" + this.level + "." + this.index + ")";                 // TODO: default bullet style
                string bulletStyleText = bulletStyles[(int)(this.level < bulletStyles.Count ? this.level : bulletStyles.Count - 1)];
                // support multiple numbers at one level by creating an array of styles that contain 0 or 1 number/letter/roman
                string       concatenatedBullet = "";
                string[]     styleArray         = Regex.Replace(bulletStyleText, @"(.*?(i\:[ivxldcm]+|i|I\:[IVXLDCM]+|I|1\:\d+|1|a\:[a-z]+|a|A\:[A-Z]+|A).\S*?)", "$1").Split('\x02');
                BulletIndent currentBulletLevel = this;
                for (int i = styleArray.Length - 1; i >= 0 && currentBulletLevel != null; i--)
                    string bulletStyle = styleArray[i];
                    string padding     = "";
                    if (new Regex(@"^ +").IsMatch(bulletStyle))
                        padding     = Regex.Replace(bulletStyle, @"^( +).*$", "$1");
                        bulletStyle = bulletStyle.Substring(padding.Length);
                    string prefix     = "";
                    string postfix    = "";
                    string bulletType = "";
                    // TODO: support styles like 'I.a.1.i', '' or even '1:'
                    // TODO: consider allowing \: and \\ for legitimate:
                    // support styles like 'i', 'i:iv', 'I', 'I:LV', '1', '1:13', 'a', 'a:d', 'A', 'A:AF'
                    if (new Regex(@"^.*(i\:[ivxldcm]+|i|I\:[IVXLDCM]+|I|1\:\d+|1|a\:[a-z]+|a|A\:[A-Z]+|A).*$", RegexOptions.Singleline).IsMatch(bulletStyle))
                        prefix      = Regex.Replace(bulletStyle, @"^(.*?)(i\:[ivxldcm]+|i|I\:[IVXLDCM]+|I|1\:\d+|1|a\:[a-z]+|a|A\:[A-Z]+|A).*$", "$1");
                        postfix     = Regex.Replace(bulletStyle, @"^.*?(i\:[ivxldcm]+|i|I\:[IVXLDCM]+|I|1\:\d+|1|a\:[a-z]+|a|A\:[A-Z]+|A)(.*)$", "$2");
                        bulletStyle = Regex.Replace(bulletStyle, @"^.*?(i\:[ivxldcm]+|i|I\:[IVXLDCM]+|I|1\:\d+|1|a\:[a-z]+|a|A\:[A-Z]+|A).*$", "$1");
                        bulletType  = bulletStyle.Substring(0, 1);
                        if (bulletStyle.Contains(":"))
                            if (this.styleInitializerLevel != null && currentBulletLevel.level > this.styleInitializerLevel)
                                // ignore the style initializer because we've already popped back to a level above this
                                bulletStyle = bulletType;
                                // capture the style initializer, which is the value after the ":"
                                bulletStyle = bulletStyle.Substring(bulletStyle.IndexOf(":") + 1);
                    else if (bulletStyle.Length > 1)
                        if ("(<#$%*.-=+`~[{_=+|'\"".Contains(bulletStyle.Substring(0, 1)))
                            prefix      = bulletStyle.Substring(0, 1);
                            bulletStyle = bulletStyle.Substring(1);
                        if (")>*]}.`~*-_=+|:'\"".Contains(bulletStyle.Substring(bulletStyle.Length - 1, 1)))
                            postfix     = bulletStyle.Substring(bulletStyle.Length - 1, 1);
                            bulletStyle = bulletStyle.Substring(0, bulletStyle.Length - 1);
                    bullet = bulletStyle;
                    if (bulletType.Length == 1)
                        switch (bulletType)
                        case "I":
                            bullet = this.numberToRoman(currentBulletLevel.index + (bulletStyle != "I" ? this.romanToNumber(bulletStyle) : 1));

                        case "i":
                            bullet = this.numberToRoman(currentBulletLevel.index + (bulletStyle != "i" ? this.romanToNumber(bulletStyle) : 1)).ToLower();

                        case "1":
                            bullet = (currentBulletLevel.index + (bulletStyle != "1" ? Int32.Parse(bulletStyle) : 1)).ToString();

                        case "A":
                        case "a":
                            bullet = this.numberToAlphabet(currentBulletLevel.index + (bulletStyle.ToLower() != "a" ? this.alphabetToNumber(bulletStyle) : 1));
                            if (bulletType == "a")
                                bullet = bullet.ToLower();
                        if (padding.Length > 0 && bullet.Length < (padding.Length + 1))
                            prefix = padding.Substring(0, padding.Length - bullet.Length + 1) + prefix;
                        bullet             = prefix + bullet + postfix;
                        currentBulletLevel = currentBulletLevel.parent;
                    concatenatedBullet = bullet + concatenatedBullet;
                bullet = concatenatedBullet;
            this.lastBullet = this.indent + bullet.Replace("\x01", "");