public virtual AndroidEmulatorInstanceInfo EnsureInstance(SingleInstanceMode mode, Guid id, string avdName, int? consolePort, bool noBootAnim, bool noWindow)

            AndroidEmulatorInstanceInfo result = new AndroidEmulatorInstanceInfo(_logger);

            var adb = _adbFactory.GetAndroidDebugBridge();
            var devices = adb.GetDevices();
            var deviceOnSamePort = devices.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Port == consolePort);

            if (deviceOnSamePort != null)

                switch (mode)
                    case SingleInstanceMode.Abort:
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot start emulator as there is already an existing emulator running on the same port. Use argument -s to specify single instance re-use options.");

                    case SingleInstanceMode.KillExisting:
                        // TODO: issue kill command for existing emulator before proceeding.
                        _logger.LogMessage("Found existing android device listening on same console port. Will kill.");

                    case SingleInstanceMode.ReuseExisting:
                    case SingleInstanceMode.ReuseExistingThenKill:
                        // TODO: don't start new emulator, use existing one - and' don't terminate afterwards.
                        _logger.LogMessage("Found existing android device listening on same console port. Will re-use this device.");
                        // Get existing process
                        result.Process = new ExistingEmulatorExeProcess(_emulatorExePath);
                        result.Device = deviceOnSamePort;
                        result.LeaveDeviceOpen = mode == SingleInstanceMode.ReuseExisting;
                        return result;

            // did not detect existing emulator instance / process on port, so proceed to create a new one.
            StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder();
            args.AppendFormat("-avd {0}", avdName);
            if (consolePort.HasValue && consolePort != 0)
                args.AppendFormat(" -port {0}", consolePort);
            if (noBootAnim)
                args.Append(" -no-boot-anim");
            if (noWindow)
                args.Append(" -no-window");

            args.AppendFormat(" -prop emu.uuid={0}", id);
            var process = ProcessHelper.GetProcess(_emulatorExePath, args.ToString());

            result.Process = process;
            result.Device = null;
            result.LeaveDeviceOpen = false;

            return result;
 public void Stop()
     if (IsRunning)
         _instanceInfo = null;
 private void StartInstance()
     _logger.LogMessage("Resolving emulator instance");
     _instanceInfo = _instanceResolver.EnsureInstance(_instanceMode, _id, _avdName, _consolePort, _noBootAnime, _noWindow);