Пример #1
        public void Parses_ULong_Argument()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(ulong))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-n", "6" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.number == 6UL);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.number.GetType() == typeof(ulong));
Пример #2
        public void Parses_String_Argument()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(string))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-s", "test" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.str == "test");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.str.GetType() == typeof(string));
Пример #3
        public void Parses_Guid_Argument()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(Guid))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-g", "25e5a2c8-a0ea-452c-809c-df288a4c444c" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.guid == new Guid("25e5a2c8-a0ea-452c-809c-df288a4c444c"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.guid.GetType() == typeof(Guid));
Пример #4
        public void Parses_Switch()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new Switch()

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-k" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.kay == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.kay.GetType() == typeof(bool));
Пример #5
        public void Parses_SByte_Argument()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(sbyte))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-b", "6" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.byt == (sbyte)6);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.byt.GetType() == typeof(sbyte));
Пример #6
        public void Parses_Char_Argument()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(char))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-c", "t" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.ch == 't');
            Assert.IsTrue(result.ch.GetType() == typeof(char));
Пример #7
        public void Parses_Bool_Argument()
            // I don't know why you would do this instead of a switch, but it should probably be handled.
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(bool))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-b", "true" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.boolean == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.boolean.GetType() == typeof(bool));
Пример #8
        public void Parses_DateTime_Argument()
            // Uses the .NET DateTime.Parse method. Does not give a particular culture, so it should use the machine's culture.
            // This will probably go into the configuration object at some point so that it can be injected, so the test can pass in other cultures.
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(DateTime))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-d", "11/9/2018" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.date == new DateTime(2018, 11, 9));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.date.GetType() == typeof(DateTime));
Пример #9
        public void Parses_Multiple_Arguments_In_Order()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(int))
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(double))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-n", "6", "-d", "2.0" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.number == 6);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.dub == 2.0);
Пример #10
        public void Parses_Two_Switches_With_One_Not_Passed()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new Switch()
                      .Argument(new Switch()

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-k" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.kay == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.tee == false);
Пример #11
        public void Parses_Multiple_Arguments_With_Only_One_Passed()
            var app = new Application("Test")
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(int))
                      .Argument(new ValueArgument(typeof(double))

            var result = app.Parse(new[] { "-n", "6" });

            Assert.IsTrue(result.number == 6);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.dub == default(double));