public void ContainerHostListenerSaslPlainNegativeTest() { var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); socket.Connect(this.Uri.Host, this.Uri.Port); var stream = new NetworkStream(socket); stream.Write(new byte[] { (byte)'A', (byte)'M', (byte)'Q', (byte)'P', 3, 1, 0, 0 }, 0, 8); TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x41, 3, 0, new Symbol("PLAIN"), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("guest\0invalid")); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int total = 0; int readSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { readSize = socket.Receive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None); if (readSize == 0) { break; } total += readSize; } Assert.IsTrue(total > 0, "No response received from listener"); Assert.AreEqual(0, readSize, "last read should be 0 as socket should be closed"); }
public void SendWithInvalidRemoteChannelTest() { this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Transfer, (stream, channel, fields) => { // send an end with invalid channel TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x17UL, 0, 33); return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); string testName = "SendWithProtocolErrorTest"; Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { Connection connection = new Connection(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); SenderLink sender = new SenderLink(session, "sender-" + testName, "any"); try { sender.Send(new Message("test") { Properties = new Properties() { MessageId = testName } }); Assert.IsTrue(false, "Send should throw exception"); } catch (AmqpException exception) { Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.NotFound, (string)exception.Error.Condition); } connection.Close(); Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.NotFound, (string)connection.Error.Condition); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { Connection connection = await Connection.Factory.CreateAsync(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); SenderLink sender = new SenderLink(session, "sender-" + testName, "any"); try { await sender.SendAsync(new Message("test") { Properties = new Properties() { MessageId = testName } }); Assert.IsTrue(false, "Send should throw exception"); } catch (AmqpException exception) { Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.NotFound, (string)exception.Error.Condition); } await connection.CloseAsync(); Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.NotFound, (string)connection.Error.Condition); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void ConnectionMaxFrameSizeTest() { this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Open, (stream, channel, fields) => { TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x10UL, 0, 0, "TestListener", "localhost", 512u); return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Begin, (stream, channel, fields) => { TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x11UL, 0, channel, channel, 0u, 100u, 100u, 8u, null, null, null, new Fields() { { new Symbol("big-string"), new string('a', 1024) } }); return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); string testName = "ConnectionMaxFrameSizeTest"; Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { Open open = new Open() { ContainerId = testName, HostName = "localhost", MaxFrameSize = 2048 }; Connection connection = new Connection(this.address, null, open, null); Session session = new Session(connection); SenderLink sender = new SenderLink(session, "sender-" + testName, "any"); sender.Send(new Message("test") { Properties = new Properties() { MessageId = testName } }); connection.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(connection.Error == null, "connection has error!" + connection.Error); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.AMQP.MaxFrameSize = 2048; Connection connection = await factory.CreateAsync(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); SenderLink sender = new SenderLink(session, "sender-" + testName, "any"); await sender.SendAsync(new Message("test") { Properties = new Properties() { MessageId = testName } }); await connection.CloseAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(connection.Error == null, "connection has error!" + connection.Error); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void ReceiveWithLinkDetachErrorTest() { this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Flow, (stream, channel, fields) => { // detach link with error. receive calls should throw TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x16UL, 0, channel, fields[0], true, new Error() { Condition = ErrorCode.InternalError }); return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Detach, (stream, channel, fields) => { return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); string testName = "ReceiveWithLinkDetachErrorTest"; Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { Connection connection = new Connection(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); ReceiverLink receiver = new ReceiverLink(session, "receiver-" + testName, "any"); try { receiver.Receive(); Assert.IsTrue(false, "Receive should fail with error"); } catch (AmqpException exception) { Assert.AreEqual((Symbol)ErrorCode.InternalError, exception.Error.Condition); } connection.Close(); Assert.AreEqual((Symbol)ErrorCode.InternalError, receiver.Error.Condition); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { Connection connection = await Connection.Factory.CreateAsync(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); ReceiverLink receiver = new ReceiverLink(session, "receiver-" + testName, "any"); try { await receiver.ReceiveAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(false, "Receive should fail with error"); } catch (AmqpException exception) { Assert.AreEqual((Symbol)ErrorCode.InternalError, exception.Error.Condition); } await connection.CloseAsync(); Assert.AreEqual((Symbol)ErrorCode.InternalError, receiver.Error.Condition); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void SaslMismatchTest() { this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Header, (stream, channel, fields) => { stream.Write(new byte[] { (byte)'A', (byte)'M', (byte)'Q', (byte)'P', 3, 1, 0, 0 }, 0, 8); stream.Write(new byte[] { (byte)'A', (byte)'M', (byte)'Q', (byte)'P', 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 0, 8); TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x10UL, 0, 0, "TestListener", "localhost", 512u); TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x18UL, 0, 0); return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); string testName = "SaslMismatchTest"; bool failed; Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { failed = true; try { Open open = new Open() { ContainerId = testName, HostName = "localhost", MaxFrameSize = 2048 }; Connection connection = new Connection(this.address, null, open, null); connection.Close(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); failed = connection.Error != null; } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "Exception {0}:{1}", e.GetType().Name, e.Message); } Assert.IsTrue(failed, "should fail"); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { failed = true; try { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.AMQP.MaxFrameSize = 2048; Connection connection = await factory.CreateAsync(this.address); await connection.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Frame, "Error {0}", connection.Error); failed = connection.Error != null; } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "Exception {0}:{1}", e.GetType().Name, e.Message); } Assert.IsTrue(failed, "should fail"); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void ConnectionEventsOnProtocolError() { ManualResetEvent closeReceived = null; ManualResetEvent closedNotified = null; this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Begin, (stream, channel, fields) => { // begin with invalid remote channel TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x11UL, 0, channel, (ushort)2, 0u, 100u, 100u, 8u); return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Close, (stream, channel, fields) => { closeReceived.Set(); return(TestOutcome.Continue); }); Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { closeReceived = new ManualResetEvent(false); closedNotified = new ManualResetEvent(false); Connection connection = new Connection(this.address); connection.Closed += (o, e) => closedNotified.Set(); Session session = new Session(connection); Assert.IsTrue(closeReceived.WaitOne(5000), "Close not received"); Assert.IsTrue(closedNotified.WaitOne(5000), "Closed event not fired"); Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.NotFound, (string)connection.Error.Condition); Assert.IsTrue(session.IsClosed); Assert.IsTrue(connection.IsClosed); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { closeReceived = new ManualResetEvent(false); closedNotified = new ManualResetEvent(false); Connection connection = await Connection.Factory.CreateAsync(this.address); connection.Closed += (o, e) => closedNotified.Set(); Session session = new Session(connection); Assert.IsTrue(closeReceived.WaitOne(5000), "Close not received"); Assert.IsTrue(closedNotified.WaitOne(5000), "Closed event not fired"); Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.NotFound, (string)connection.Error.Condition); Assert.IsTrue(session.IsClosed); Assert.IsTrue(connection.IsClosed); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void CloseSessionWithDetachTest() { this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.End, (stream, channel, fields) => { // send a detach TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x16UL, 0, channel, 0u, true); return(TestOutcome.Continue); }); string testName = "CloseSessionWithDetachTest"; Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { Connection connection = new Connection(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); SenderLink sender = new SenderLink(session, "sender-" + testName, "any"); sender.Send(new Message("test") { Properties = new Properties() { MessageId = testName } }); session.Close(0); connection.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(connection.Error == null, "connection has error!" + connection.Error); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { Connection connection = await Connection.Factory.CreateAsync(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); SenderLink sender = new SenderLink(session, "sender-" + testName, "any"); await sender.SendAsync(new Message("test") { Properties = new Properties() { MessageId = testName } }); session.Close(0); await connection.CloseAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(connection.Error == null, "connection has error!" + connection.Error); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void ReceiveWithLinkDetachTest() { this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Flow, (stream, channel, fields) => { // detach link without error. receivers should return null (eof) TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x16UL, 0, channel, fields[0], true); return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Detach, (stream, channel, fields) => { return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); string testName = "ReceiveWithLinkDetachTest"; Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { Connection connection = new Connection(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); ReceiverLink receiver = new ReceiverLink(session, "receiver-" + testName, "any"); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; var message = receiver.Receive(30000); Assert.IsTrue(message == null); connection.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(dt).TotalMilliseconds < 10000, "receive should return right away"); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { Connection connection = await Connection.Factory.CreateAsync(this.address); Session session = new Session(connection); ReceiverLink receiver = new ReceiverLink(session, "receiver-" + testName, "any"); DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; var message = await receiver.ReceiveAsync(30000); Assert.IsTrue(message == null); await connection.CloseAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(dt).TotalMilliseconds < 10000, "receive should return right away"); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void ReceiveWithNoCreditTest() { this.testListener.RegisterTarget(TestPoint.Attach, (stream, channel, fields) => { bool role = !(bool)fields[2]; TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x12UL, 0, channel, fields[0], fields[1], role, fields[3], fields[4], new Source(), new Target()); TestListener.FRM(stream, 0x14UL, 0, channel, fields[1], 0u, new byte[0], 0u, true, false); // transfer return(TestOutcome.Stop); }); string testName = "ReceiveWithNoCreditTest"; Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "sync test"); { ManualResetEvent closed = new ManualResetEvent(false); Connection connection = new Connection(this.address); connection.Closed += (s, a) => closed.Set(); Session session = new Session(connection); ReceiverLink receiver = new ReceiverLink(session, "receiver-" + testName, "any"); Assert.IsTrue(closed.WaitOne(5000), "Connection not closed"); Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.TransferLimitExceeded, (string)connection.Error.Condition); Assert.IsTrue(receiver.IsClosed); } Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Information, "async test"); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { ManualResetEvent closed = new ManualResetEvent(false); Connection connection = await Connection.Factory.CreateAsync(this.address); connection.Closed += (s, a) => closed.Set(); Session session = new Session(connection); ReceiverLink receiver = new ReceiverLink(session, "receiver-" + testName, "any"); Assert.IsTrue(closed.WaitOne(5000), "Connection not closed"); Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.TransferLimitExceeded, (string)connection.Error.Condition); Assert.IsTrue(receiver.IsClosed); }).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public void TestInitialize() { this.testListener = new TestListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port)); this.testListener.Open(); this.address = new Address("amqp://" + port); }
public void Initialize() { this.testListener = new TestListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port)); this.testListener.Open(); }