public static void SetSelection(Player player, Vector2[] selection) { if (isInSelectionlist(player)) selectionPlayers.Remove(player.Name); selectionPlayers.Add(player.Name, selection); }
public static List<String> SerializePlayer(Player player) { List<String> data = new List<String>(); foreach (PropertyInfo info in player.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { if (!IgnoreFields.Contains(info.Name)) { string pInfo = info.Name + ":"; //Type mType = info.GetValue(player, null).GetType(); object variable = info.GetValue(player, null); if (variable is Vector2) { Vector2 vVar = (Vector2)variable; data.Add(pInfo + variable.ToString() + " {" + vVar.X.ToString() + ", " + vVar.Y.ToString() + "}"); } else data.Add(pInfo + variable.ToString()); } } catch { } } return data; }
public void removeGlobalWarp(Player player, string warpName) { Passport passport = passportManager.getPassport(player); // must be logged in to remove a global warp if (passport == null) { player.sendMessage("Error: Must be logged in to Passport to remove a global warp.", 255, 255f, 0f, 0f); return; } if (!globalWarpExists(warpName)) { player.sendMessage("Error: Global warp <" + warpName + "> does not exist.", 255, 255f, 0f, 0f); return; } User user = passport.getUser(); Warp warp = null; globalWarpList.TryGetValue(warpName, out warp); // only allow if they own the warp if (globalOwnershipEnforced && !warp.owner.Equals(user.username)) { player.sendMessage("Error: Cannot delete global warp you do not own.", 255, 255f, 0f, 0f); warpDrivePlugin.Log(player.Name + " attempted to remove warp <" + warpName + "> unsuccessfully."); return; } globalWarpList.Remove(warpName);; player.sendMessage("Global warp <" + warpName + "> removed.", 255, 0f, 255f, 255f); warpDrivePlugin.Log("<" + user.username + ">[" + player.Name + "] removed warp " + warpName); }
public static void DeleteHouse(string PlayerName, string HouseName, Player Deleter) { int playerIndex = House.plugin.GetPlayerHouseIndex(PlayerName); if (playerIndex < 0) { Deleter.sendMessage("Invalid player", House.plugin.chatColor); } else { int playerHouseIndex = House.plugin.GetPlayerHouseIndex(PlayerName); if (playerHouseIndex < 0) { if (PlayerName == Deleter.Name) { Deleter.sendMessage("You have no houses to delete", House.plugin.chatColor); } else { Deleter.sendMessage("There are no houses to delete for " + PlayerName, House.plugin.chatColor); } } else { int coordsIndex = House.plugin.GetHouseCoordsIndexByName(PlayerName, HouseName); if (coordsIndex < 0) Deleter.sendMessage("There is no house called " + HouseName, House.plugin.chatColor); else { House.plugin.playerHouses[playerHouseIndex].Houses.RemoveAt(coordsIndex); Deleter.sendMessage("You've deleted the house called " + HouseName, House.plugin.chatColor); } } } }
public static Vector2[] GetSelection(Player player) { Vector2[] selections = null; if (isInSelectionlist(player) && selectionPlayers.TryGetValue(player.Name, out selections)) return selections; else return null; }
//This is what TDSM will check. public bool IsPermitted(string node, Player player) { User user; if (Permissions.users.TryGetValue(player.Name, out user)) return ((player.AuthenticatedAs != null && IsUserAllowed(node, user)) || player.Op); return false; }
public bool isPermitted(string node, Player player) { User user; if (users.TryGetValue(player.Name, out user)) { if (user.hasPerm.Contains(node)) return true; } return false; }
public bool personalWarpExists(Player player, string warpName) { bool warpAlreadyExists = false; Passport passport = passportManager.getPassport(player); if (passport != null) { WarpList personalWarpList = getPersonalWarpList(player); if (personalWarpList != null) { warpAlreadyExists = personalWarpList.ContainsKey(warpName); } } return warpAlreadyExists; }
//the following is taken and modified from Commands.cs from TDSM source. Thanks guys!!! ;) public bool highlightsearch(Player player, string nameOrID) { List<ItemInfo> itemlist; if (Server.TryFindItemByName(nameOrID, out itemlist) && itemlist.Count > 0) { if (itemlist.Count > 1) { player.sendMessage("There were " + itemlist.Count + " Items found regarding the specified name"); return false; } foreach (ItemInfo id in itemlist) highlightID = id.Type; } else { player.sendMessage("There were no Items found regarding the specified Item Id/Name"); return false; } return true; }
public void RemovePlayer(Player player) { if (isInSelectionlist(player)) selectionPlayers.Remove(player.Name); }
public void logIP(Player player) { string playername = player.Name.Replace ("'", @"\'"); DateTime value = DateTime.Now; string time = value.ToString ("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff"); // logs player IP to mysql table 'terraria_iplog' IDbConnection dbcon; dbcon = new MySqlConnection (connectionString); dbcon.Open(); IDbCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand (); string sql = "INSERT INTO terraria_iplog ( timestamp, player, ip ) " + "VALUES ( '" + time + "', '" + playername + "', '" + player.IPAddress + "' )"; dbcmd.CommandText = sql; IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader (); // clean up reader.Close(); reader = null; dbcmd.Dispose (); dbcmd = null; dbcon.Close(); dbcon = null; //end mysql }
/// <summary> /// Spawns specified NPC type on specified player /// </summary> /// <param name="player">Instance of player to spawn on</param> /// <param name="playerIndex">Index of player to spawn on</param> /// <param name="Type">Type of NPC to spawn</param> public static void SpawnOnPlayer(Player player, int playerIndex, int Type) { if (Main.stopSpawns) return; bool flag = false; int x = 0; int y = 0; int minX = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeX * 3; int maxX = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeX * 3; int minY = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeY * 3; int maxY = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeY * 3; int xLeft = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeX; int xRight = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeX; int yLeft = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeY; int yRight = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeY; if (minX < 0) { minX = 0; } if (maxX >= Main.maxTilesX) { maxX = Main.maxTilesX - 1; } if (minY < 0) { minY = 0; } if (maxY >= Main.maxTilesY) { maxY = Main.maxTilesY - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) { int j = 0; while (j < 100) { int tileX = Main.rand.Next(minX, maxX); int tileY = Main.rand.Next(minY, maxY); if (Main.tile.At(tileX, tileY).Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(tileX, tileY).Type]) { if (!flag && !flag) { j++; continue; } break; } if (Main.tile.At(tileX, tileY).Wall != 1) { int yTile = tileY; while (yTile < Main.maxTilesY) { if (Main.tile.At(tileX, yTile).Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(tileX, yTile).Type]) { if (tileX < xLeft || tileX > xRight || yTile < yLeft || yTile > yRight) { //byte arg_220_0 = Main.tile.At(tileX, y).Type; x = tileX; y = yTile; flag = true; break; } break; } else { yTile++; } } if (!flag) { if (!flag && !flag) { j++; continue; } break; } int spawnMinX = x - NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int spawnMaxX = x + NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int spawnMinY = y - NPC.spawnSpaceY; int spawnMaxY = y; if (spawnMinX < 0) { flag = false; } if (spawnMaxX >= Main.maxTilesX) { flag = false; } if (spawnMinY < 0) { flag = false; } if (spawnMaxY >= Main.maxTilesY) { flag = false; } if (flag) { for (int l = spawnMinX; l < spawnMaxX; l++) { for (int m = spawnMinY; m < spawnMaxY; m++) { if (Main.tile.At(l, m).Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(l, m).Type]) { flag = false; break; } } } } if (!flag && !flag) { j++; continue; } break; } } if (flag) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(x * 16, y * 16, 16, 16); for (int n = 0; n < 255; n++) { if (Main.players[n].Active) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)(Main.players[n].Position.X + (float)(Main.players[n].Width / 2) - (float)(NPC.sWidth / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeX), (int)(Main.players[n].Position.Y + (float)(Main.players[n].Height / 2) - (float)(NPC.sHeight / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeY), NPC.sWidth + NPC.safeRangeX * 2, NPC.sHeight + NPC.safeRangeY * 2); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { flag = false; } } } } if (flag) { break; } } if (flag) { int npcIndex = NPC.NewNPC(x * 16 + 8, y * 16, Type, 1); Main.npcs[npcIndex].target = playerIndex; string str = Main.npcs[npcIndex].Name; if (Main.npcs[npcIndex].type == NPCType.N13_EATER_OF_WORLDS_HEAD) { str = "Eater of Worlds"; } if (Main.npcs[npcIndex].type == NPCType.N35_SKELETRON_HEAD) { str = "Skeletron"; } if (npcIndex < MAX_NPCS) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", npcIndex); } NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str + " has awoken!", 255, 175f, 75f, 255f); } }
public bool isInSelectionlist(Player player) { return selectionPlayers.ContainsKey(player.Name); }
public static bool IsRestrictedForUser(Player player, Region region, Node node) { if (UsingPermissions) { var Allowed = Program.permissionManager.IsPermittedImpl(node.Path, player); if (!Allowed) return region.IsRestrictedForUser(player); return !Allowed; } return region.IsRestrictedForUser(player); }
public static void SavePlayer(Player newPlayer) { string playerPath = Statics.PlayerPath + "\\" + newPlayer.Name; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Statics.PlayerPath); } catch { } if (playerPath == null) { return; } string destFileName = playerPath + ".bak"; if (File.Exists(playerPath)) { File.Copy(playerPath, destFileName, true); } string text = playerPath + ".dat"; using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(text, FileMode.Create)) { using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileStream)) { binaryWriter.Write(Statics.CURRENT_RELEASE); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.Name); binaryWriter.Write(; binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.statLife); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.statLifeMax); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.statMana); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.statManaMax); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.hairColor.R); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.hairColor.G); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.hairColor.B); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.skinColor.R); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.skinColor.G); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.skinColor.B); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.eyeColor.R); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.eyeColor.G); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.eyeColor.B); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.shirtColor.R); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.shirtColor.G); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.shirtColor.B); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.underShirtColor.R); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.underShirtColor.G); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.underShirtColor.B); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.pantsColor.R); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.pantsColor.G); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.pantsColor.B); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.shoeColor.R); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.shoeColor.G); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.shoeColor.B); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (newPlayer.armor[i].Name == null) { newPlayer.armor[i].Name = ""; } binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.armor[i].Name); } for (int j = 0; j < 44; j++) { if (newPlayer.inventory[j].Name == null) { newPlayer.inventory[j].Name = ""; } binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.inventory[j].Name); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.inventory[j].Stack); } for (int k = 0; k < Chest.MAX_ITEMS; k++) { if ([k].Name == null) {[k].Name = ""; } binaryWriter.Write([k].Name); binaryWriter.Write([k].Stack); } for (int l = 0; l < 200; l++) { if (newPlayer.spN[l] == null) { binaryWriter.Write(-1); break; } binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.spX[l]); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.spY[l]); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.spI[l]); binaryWriter.Write(newPlayer.spN[l]); } binaryWriter.Close(); } } Player.EncryptFile(text, playerPath); File.Delete(text); }
public static void OnPlayerLeft(Player player, ServerSlot slot, bool announced) { player.Active = false; if (announced) { ProgramLog.Users.Log ("{0} @ {1}: LEAVE {2}", slot.remoteAddress, slot.whoAmI, player.Name); var msg = NetMessage.PrepareThreadInstance(); msg.SynchBegin (player.whoAmi, 0 /*inactive*/); if (player.DisconnectReason != null) msg.PlayerChat (255, string.Concat (player.Name, " disconnected (", player.DisconnectReason, ")."), 255, 165, 0); else msg.PlayerChat (255, string.Concat (player.Name, " has left."), 255, 240, 20); msg.BroadcastExcept (player.whoAmi); } PlayerLogoutEvent Event = new PlayerLogoutEvent(); Event.Slot = null; Event.Sender = player; Program.server.PluginManager.processHook(Plugin.Hooks.PLAYER_LOGOUT, Event); }
public static void SpawnOnPlayer(Player player, int playerIndex, int Type) { if (Main.netMode == 1) { return; } bool flag = false; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeX * 3; int num4 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeX * 3; int num5 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeY * 3; int num6 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeY * 3; int num7 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeX; int num8 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeX; int num9 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeY; int num10 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeY; if (num3 < 0) { num3 = 0; } if (num4 > Main.maxTilesX) { num4 = Main.maxTilesX; } if (num5 < 0) { num5 = 0; } if (num6 > Main.maxTilesY) { num6 = Main.maxTilesY; } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int j = 0; while (j < 100) { int num11 = Main.rand.Next(num3, num4); int num12 = Main.rand.Next(num5, num6); if (Main.tile[num11, num12].Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num11, num12].type]) { goto IL_2E1; } if (Main.tile[num11, num12].wall != 1) { int k = num12; while (k < Main.maxTilesY) { if (Main.tile[num11, k].Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num11, k].type]) { if (num11 < num7 || num11 > num8 || k < num9 || k > num10) { byte arg_220_0 = Main.tile[num11, k].type; num = num11; num2 = k; flag = true; break; } break; } else { k++; } } if (!flag) { goto IL_2E1; } int num13 = num - NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num14 = num + NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num15 = num2 - NPC.spawnSpaceY; int num16 = num2; if (num13 < 0) { flag = false; } if (num14 > Main.maxTilesX) { flag = false; } if (num15 < 0) { flag = false; } if (num16 > Main.maxTilesY) { flag = false; } if (flag) { for (int l = num13; l < num14; l++) { for (int m = num15; m < num16; m++) { if (Main.tile[l, m].Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[l, m].type]) { flag = false; break; } } } goto IL_2E1; } goto IL_2E1; } IL_2E7: j++; continue; IL_2E1: if (!flag && !flag) { goto IL_2E7; } break; } if (flag) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(num * 16, num2 * 16, 16, 16); for (int n = 0; n < 255; n++) { if (Main.players[n].Active) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)(Main.players[n].Position.X + (float)(Main.players[n].width / 2) - (float)(NPC.sWidth / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeX), (int)(Main.players[n].Position.Y + (float)(Main.players[n].height / 2) - (float)(NPC.sHeight / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeY), NPC.sWidth + NPC.safeRangeX * 2, NPC.sHeight + NPC.safeRangeY * 2); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { flag = false; } } } } if (flag) { break; } } if (flag) { int num17 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, Type, 1); Main.npc[num17].target = playerIndex; string str = Main.npc[num17].Name; if (Main.npc[num17].type == 13) { str = "Eater of Worlds"; } if (Main.npc[num17].type == 35) { str = "Skeletron"; } if (Main.netMode == 2 && num17 < 1000) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num17); } if (Main.netMode == 0) { return; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str + " has awoken!", 255, 175f, 75f, 255f); } } }
public void StatusPlayer(Player player) { switch (this.type) { case ProjectileType.N55_STINGER: if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) player.AddBuff(20, 600, true); break; case ProjectileType.N44_DEMON_SICKLE: if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) player.AddBuff(22, 900, true); break; case ProjectileType.N82_FLAMING_ARROW: if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) player.AddBuff(24, 420, true); break; case ProjectileType.N96_CURSED_FLAME: if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) player.AddBuff(39, 480, true); break; case ProjectileType.N101_EYE_FIRE: if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) player.AddBuff(39, 480, true); break; case ProjectileType.N98_POISON_DART: player.AddBuff(20, 600, true); break; } }
public object clientClone() { Player player = new Player(); player.zoneEvil = this.zoneEvil; player.zoneMeteor = this.zoneMeteor; player.zoneDungeon = this.zoneDungeon; player.zoneJungle = this.zoneJungle; player.direction = this.direction; player.selectedItemIndex = this.selectedItemIndex; player.controlUp = this.controlUp; player.controlDown = this.controlDown; player.controlLeft = this.controlLeft; player.controlRight = this.controlRight; player.controlJump = this.controlJump; player.controlUseItem = this.controlUseItem; player.statLife = this.statLife; player.statLifeMax = this.statLifeMax; player.statMana = this.statMana; player.statManaMax = this.statManaMax; player.Position.X = this.Position.X; player.chest = this.chest; player.talkNPC = this.talkNPC; for (int i = 0; i < 44; i++) { player.inventory[i] = (Item)this.inventory[i].Clone(); if (i < 8) { player.armor[i] = (Item)this.armor[i].Clone(); } } return player; }
/// <summary> /// Spawns specified NPC type on specified player /// </summary> /// <param name="player">Instance of player to spawn on</param> /// <param name="playerIndex">Index of player to spawn on</param> /// <param name="Type">Type of NPC to spawn</param> public static void SpawnOnPlayer(Player player, int playerIndex, int Type) { bool flag = false; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeX * 3; int num4 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeX * 3; int num5 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeY * 3; int num6 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeY * 3; int num7 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeX; int num8 = (int)(player.Position.X / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeX; int num9 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeY; int num10 = (int)(player.Position.Y / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeY; if (num3 < 0) { num3 = 0; } if (num4 >= Main.maxTilesX) { num4 = Main.maxTilesX - 1; } if (num5 < 0) { num5 = 0; } if (num6 >= Main.maxTilesY) { num6 = Main.maxTilesY - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int j = 0; while (j < 100) { int num11 = Main.rand.Next(num3, num4); int num12 = Main.rand.Next(num5, num6); if (Main.tile.At(num11, num12).Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(num11, num12).Type]) { goto IL_2E1; } if (Main.tile.At(num11, num12).Wall != 1) { int k = num12; while (k < Main.maxTilesY) { if (Main.tile.At(num11, k).Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(num11, k).Type]) { if (num11 < num7 || num11 > num8 || k < num9 || k > num10) { byte arg_220_0 = Main.tile.At(num11, k).Type; num = num11; num2 = k; flag = true; break; } break; } else { k++; } } if (!flag) { goto IL_2E1; } int num13 = num - NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num14 = num + NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num15 = num2 - NPC.spawnSpaceY; int num16 = num2; if (num13 < 0) { flag = false; } if (num14 >= Main.maxTilesX) { flag = false; } if (num15 < 0) { flag = false; } if (num16 >= Main.maxTilesY) { flag = false; } if (flag) { for (int l = num13; l < num14; l++) { for (int m = num15; m < num16; m++) { if (Main.tile.At(l, m).Active && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(l, m).Type]) { flag = false; break; } } } goto IL_2E1; } goto IL_2E1; } IL_2E7: j++; continue; IL_2E1: if (!flag && !flag) { goto IL_2E7; } break; } if (flag) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(num * 16, num2 * 16, 16, 16); for (int n = 0; n < 255; n++) { if (Main.players[n].Active) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)(Main.players[n].Position.X + (float)(Main.players[n].Width / 2) - (float)(NPC.sWidth / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeX), (int)(Main.players[n].Position.Y + (float)(Main.players[n].Height / 2) - (float)(NPC.sHeight / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeY), NPC.sWidth + NPC.safeRangeX * 2, NPC.sHeight + NPC.safeRangeY * 2); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { flag = false; } } } } if (flag) { break; } } if (flag) { //Boss summon? NPCBossSummonEvent npcEvent = new NPCBossSummonEvent(); npcEvent.BossType = Type; npcEvent.Sender = Main.players[playerIndex]; Program.server.PluginManager.processHook(Hooks.NPC_BOSSSUMMON, npcEvent); if (npcEvent.Cancelled) { return; } int npcIndex = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, Type, 1); Main.npcs[npcIndex].target = playerIndex; String str = Main.npcs[npcIndex].Name; if (Main.npcs[npcIndex].type == NPCType.N13_EATER_OF_WORLDS_HEAD) { str = "Eater of Worlds"; } if (Main.npcs[npcIndex].type == NPCType.N35_SKELETRON_HEAD) { str = "Skeletron"; } if (npcIndex < MAX_NPCS) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", npcIndex); } NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str + " has awoken!", 255, 175f, 75f, 255f); } }
public static void TeleportToHouse(string PlayerName, string HouseName, Player Teleporter) { int playerIndex = House.plugin.GetPlayerHouseIndex(PlayerName); if (playerIndex < 0) { Teleporter.sendMessage("Invalid player", House.plugin.chatColor); } else { if ( || Teleporter.Op) { int houseIndex = House.plugin.GetHouseCoordsIndexByName(PlayerName, HouseName); if (houseIndex < 0) { if (PlayerName == Teleporter.Name) Teleporter.sendMessage("You don't have a house called " + HouseName, House.plugin.chatColor); else Teleporter.sendMessage(PlayerName + " doesn't have a house called " + HouseName, House.plugin.chatColor); } else { Teleporter.sendMessage("Teleporting to " + HouseName, House.plugin.chatColor); PlayerHouseCoords pHC = House.plugin.playerHouses[House.plugin.GetPlayerHouseIndex(PlayerName)].Houses[houseIndex]; if (pHC.TeleportPoint.X > 0 && pHC.TeleportPoint.Y > 0) Teleporter.Teleport(pHC.TeleportPoint.X * 16, pHC.TeleportPoint.Y * 16); else Teleporter.Teleport(((pHC.TopLeft.X * 16) + (pHC.BottomRight.X * 16)) / 2, ((pHC.TopLeft.Y * 16) + (pHC.BottomRight.Y * 16)) / 2); } } else Teleporter.sendMessage("Only OPs can teleport to houses", House.plugin.chatColor); } }
public void teleportTo(Player player) { this.teleportTo(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y); }
public Boolean IsRestrictedForUser(Player player) { return (Restricted && player.Op || !player.Op && !ContainsUser(player.Name) && !ContainsUser(player.IPAddress)); }
public bool isPermitted(Node node, Player player) { return false; }
public static Boolean isInSelectionlist(Player player) { return selectionPlayers.ContainsKey(player.Name); }
public static void KillTile(int i, int j, bool fail = false, bool effectOnly = false, bool noItem = false, Player player = null) { if (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < Main.maxTilesX && j < Main.maxTilesY) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Active) { if (j >= 1 && Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).Active && ((Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).Type == 5 && Main.tile.At(i, j).Type != 5) || (Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).Type == 21 && Main.tile.At(i, j).Type != 21) || (Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).Type == 26 && Main.tile.At(i, j).Type != 26) || (Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).Type == 72 && Main.tile.At(i, j).Type != 72) || (Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).Type == 12 && Main.tile.At(i, j).Type != 12)) && (Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).Type != 5 || ((Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).FrameX != 66 || Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).FrameY < 0 || Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).FrameY > 44) && (Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).FrameX != 88 || Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).FrameY < 66 || Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).FrameY > 110) && Main.tile.At(i, j - 1).FrameY < 198))) { return; } if (!effectOnly && !WorldGen.stopDrops) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 3) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX == 144) { Item.NewItem(i * 16, j * 16, 16, 16, 5, 1, false); } } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 24) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX == 144) { Item.NewItem(i * 16, j * 16, 16, 16, 60, 1, false); } } } } if (effectOnly) { return; } if (fail) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 2 || Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 23) { Main.tile.At(i, j).SetType (0); } if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 60 || Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 70) { Main.tile.At(i, j).SetType (59); } WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(i, j, true); return; } if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 21) { int l = (int)(Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX / 18); int y = j - (int)(Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameY / 18); while (l > 1) { l -= 2; } l = i - l; if (!Chest.DestroyChest(l, y)) { return; } } if (!noItem && !WorldGen.stopDrops) { int num4 = 0; if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 0 || Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 2) { num4 = 2; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 1) { num4 = 3; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 3 || Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 73) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 && Main.players[(int)Player.FindClosest(new Vector2((float)(i * 16), (float)(j * 16)), 16, 16)].HasItem(281)) { num4 = 283; } } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 4) { num4 = 8; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 5) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX >= 22 && Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameY >= 198) { if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0) { int num5 = j; while ((!Main.tile.At(i, num5).Active || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(i, num5).Type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile.At(i, num5).Type])) { num5++; } if (Main.tile.At(i, num5).Type == 2) { num4 = 27; } else { num4 = 9; } } else { num4 = 9; } } else { num4 = 9; } } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 6) { num4 = 11; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 7) { num4 = 12; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 8) { num4 = 13; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 9) { num4 = 14; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 13) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX == 18) { num4 = 28; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX == 36) { num4 = 110; } else { num4 = 31; } } } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 19) { num4 = 94; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 22) { num4 = 56; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 23) { num4 = 2; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 25) { num4 = 61; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 30) { num4 = 9; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 33) { num4 = 105; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 37) { num4 = 116; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 38) { num4 = 129; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 39) { num4 = 131; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 40) { num4 = 133; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 41) { num4 = 134; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 43) { num4 = 137; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 44) { num4 = 139; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 45) { num4 = 141; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 46) { num4 = 143; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 47) { num4 = 145; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 48) { num4 = 147; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 49) { num4 = 148; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 51) { num4 = 150; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 53) { num4 = 169; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type != 54) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 56) { num4 = 173; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 57) { num4 = 172; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 58) { num4 = 174; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 60) { num4 = 176; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 70) { num4 = 176; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 75) { num4 = 192; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 76) { num4 = 214; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 78) { num4 = 222; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 81) { num4 = 275; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 80) { num4 = 276; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 61 || Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 74) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX == 162) { num4 = 223; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX >= 108 && Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX <= 126 && (double)j > Main.rockLayer) { if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0) { num4 = 208; } } else { if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(100) == 0) { num4 = 195; } } } } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 59 || Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 60) { num4 = 176; } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 71 || Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 72) { if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(50) == 0) { num4 = 194; } else { if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(2) == 0) { num4 = 183; } } } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type >= 63 && Main.tile.At(i, j).Type <= 68) { num4 = (int)(Main.tile.At(i, j).Type - 63 + 177); } else { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 50) { if (Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX == 90) { num4 = 165; } else { num4 = 149; } } else { if (Main.tileAlch[(int)Main.tile.At(i, j).Type] && Main.tile.At(i, j).Type > 82) { int num6 = (int)(Main.tile.At(i, j).FrameX / 18); bool flag = false; if (Main.tile.At(i, j).Type == 84) { flag = true; } if (num6 == 0 && Main.dayTime) { flag = true; } if (num6 == 1 && !Main.dayTime) { flag = true; } if (num6 == 3 && Main.bloodMoon) { flag = true; } num4 = 313 + num6; if (flag) { Item.NewItem(i * 16, j * 16, 16, 16, 307 + num6, WorldGen.genRand.Next(1, 4), false); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (num4 > 0) { Item.NewItem(i * 16, j * 16, 16, 16, num4, 1, false); } } Main.tile.At(i, j).SetActive (false); if (Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile.At(i, j).Type]) { Main.tile.At(i, j).SetLighted (false); } Main.tile.At(i, j).SetFrameX (-1); Main.tile.At(i, j).SetFrameY (-1); Main.tile.At(i, j).SetFrameNumber (0); Main.tile.At(i, j).SetType (0); WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(i, j, true); } } }
public static bool IsRestricted(Node node, Player player) { if (IsRunningPermissions()) { var isPermitted = Program.permissionManager.IsPermittedImpl(node.Path, player); var isOp = player.Op; return !isPermitted && !isOp; } return !player.Op; }
public static void OnPlayerLeft(Player player, ServerSlot slot, bool announced) { player.Active = false; if (announced) { ProgramLog.Users.Log ("{0} @ {1}: LEAVE {2}", slot.remoteAddress, slot.whoAmI, player.Name); var msg = NetMessage.PrepareThreadInstance(); msg.SynchBegin (player.whoAmi, 0 /*inactive*/); if (player.DisconnectReason != null) msg.PlayerChat (255, string.Concat (player.Name, " disconnected (", player.DisconnectReason, ")."), 255, 165, 0); else msg.PlayerChat (255, string.Concat (player.Name, " has left."), 255, 240, 20); msg.BroadcastExcept (player.whoAmi); } var ctx = new HookContext { Player = player, Sender = player, }; var args = new HookArgs.PlayerLeftGame { Slot = slot.whoAmI, }; HookPoints.PlayerLeftGame.Invoke (ref ctx, ref args); }
public void StatusPvP(Player player) { switch (this.type) { case ProjectileType.N2_FIRE_ARROW: if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) player.AddBuff(24, 180, false); break; case ProjectileType.N15_BALL_OF_FIRE: if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) player.AddBuff(24, 300, false); break; case ProjectileType.N19_FLAMARANG: if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) player.AddBuff(24, 180, false); break; case ProjectileType.N34_FLAMELASH: if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) player.AddBuff(24, 240, false); break; case ProjectileType.N35_SUNFURY: if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) player.AddBuff(24, 180, false); break; case ProjectileType.N33_THORN_CHAKRUM: if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) player.AddBuff(20, 420, false); break; case ProjectileType.N54_POISONED_KNIFE: if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) player.AddBuff(20, 600, false); break; case ProjectileType.N63_THE_DAO_OF_POW: if (Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) player.AddBuff(31, 120, true); break; case ProjectileType.N85_FLAMES: player.AddBuff(24, 1200, false); break; case (ProjectileType.N95_CURSED_FLAME): player.AddBuff(39, 420, true); break; case (ProjectileType.N103_CURSED_ARROW): player.AddBuff(39, 420, true); break; case (ProjectileType.N104_CURSED_BULLET): player.AddBuff(39, 420, true); break; } }
public static Player LoadPlayer(string playerPath) { bool flag = false; if (Main.rand == null) { Main.rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); } Player player = new Player(); try { string text = playerPath + ".dat"; flag = Player.DecryptFile(playerPath, text); if (!flag) { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(text, FileMode.Open)) { using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { int release = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); player.Name = binaryReader.ReadString(); = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); player.statLife = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); player.statLifeMax = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax) { player.statLife = player.statLifeMax; } player.statMana = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); player.statManaMax = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (player.statMana > player.statManaMax) { player.statMana = player.statManaMax; } player.hairColor.R = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.hairColor.G = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.hairColor.B = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.skinColor.R = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.skinColor.G = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.skinColor.B = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.eyeColor.R = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.eyeColor.G = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.eyeColor.B = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.shirtColor.R = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.shirtColor.G = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.shirtColor.B = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.underShirtColor.R = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.underShirtColor.G = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.underShirtColor.B = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.pantsColor.R = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.pantsColor.G = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.pantsColor.B = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.shoeColor.R = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.shoeColor.G = binaryReader.ReadByte(); player.shoeColor.B = binaryReader.ReadByte(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { player.armor[i].SetDefaults(Item.VersionName(binaryReader.ReadString(), release)); } for (int j = 0; j < 44; j++) { player.inventory[j].SetDefaults(Item.VersionName(binaryReader.ReadString(), release)); player.inventory[j].Stack = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } for (int k = 0; k < Chest.MAX_ITEMS; k++) {[k].SetDefaults(Item.VersionName(binaryReader.ReadString(), release));[k].Stack = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); } for (int l = 0; l < 200; l++) { int num = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (num == -1) { break; } player.spX[l] = num; player.spY[l] = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); player.spI[l] = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); player.spN[l] = binaryReader.ReadString(); } binaryReader.Close(); } } player.PlayerFrame(); File.Delete(text); return player; } } catch { flag = true; } if (!flag) { return new Player(); } string text2 = playerPath + ".bak"; if (File.Exists(text2)) { File.Delete(playerPath); File.Move(text2, playerPath); return Player.LoadPlayer(playerPath); } return new Player(); }