static void Main(string[] args)
            string startupPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;  // this projects bin directory (here: ..\bin\x86\Debug)

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.WriteLine("TELLO DRONE - NDI");
            Console.WriteLine("1) Please turn on Tello Drone so it blinks yellow");
            Console.WriteLine("2) Connect to Tello Wifi (TELLO-C77E11) and wait until connected");
            Console.WriteLine("3) If already connected, please turn drone off and on, and take step 1) + 2) again.");
            Console.WriteLine("4) Then press enter.");

            UDPSender   udpSenderService   = new UDPSender(TelloIP, CommandPort);
            UDPReceiver udpReceiverService = new UDPReceiver(TelloStatePort, VideoPort);

            if (udpSenderService.SendCommandToTello("command"))
                Console.WriteLine("Tello ready for your input.");

            string userMenuInput = "1";              // default

            while (userMenuInput.ToUpper() != "Q")
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter menu choice ('Q' to quit):");
                Console.WriteLine("  1: Control Command");
                Console.WriteLine("  2: Set Command");
                Console.WriteLine("  3: Read Command (get all info)");
                Console.WriteLine("  4: Show video stream data and save in file");
                Console.WriteLine("  5: Send video stream data to NDI");
                userMenuInput = Console.ReadLine();

                if (userMenuInput == "1")
                    Console.WriteLine("Find list of commands here:");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please write command to drone: ");
                    string userCommand = "";

                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    userCommand             = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                    if (udpSenderService.SendCommandToTello(userCommand))
                        Console.WriteLine("Command " + userCommand + " executed succesfully.");

                if (userMenuInput == "2")
                    Console.WriteLine("Set Commands is UNDER CONSTRUCTION in this App!");

                if (userMenuInput == "3")
                    var list = udpReceiverService.GetTelloInfoList();

                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                    foreach (var kvp in list)
                        Console.WriteLine(kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value);

                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                if (userMenuInput == "4")
                    string rawVideoFileFullPath = startupPath + TempImagePath + RawVideoFile;

                    if (udpSenderService.SendCommandToTello("streamon"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Stream turned on.");

                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;

                    while (!Console.KeyAvailable)                  // until key is pressed
                        var videoData = udpReceiverService.GetVideoData();

                        Console.WriteLine("Video data: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Writing to file...");

                        ByteArrayToFile(rawVideoFileFullPath, videoData);

                        Console.WriteLine("File writing finished.");
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                if (userMenuInput == "5")
                    if (udpSenderService.SendCommandToTello("streamon"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Stream turned on.");

                    Console.WriteLine("Please open NDI Studio Monitor.");

                    measureTimeList.Add(startingTimeKey, DateTime.Now);

                    //FFMPEG PATHS:
                    //ffmpeg -i udp:// -f image2 C:/SOURCE/$tello%03d.bmp
                    //string cPath = @"C:\SOURCE\TelloDrone+NDI_Send_ConsoleApp\TelloDrone+NDI_Send_ConsoleApp\bin\x86\Debug\ffmpeg\";
                    //string cParams = "-y -i udp:// -f image2 "+TempImagePath+"$tello%03d.bmp     //-y overwriting files

                    string fullTempImagePath = startupPath + TempImagePath;
                    string cPath             = startupPath + @"\ffmpeg\";
                    string cParams           = "-y -i udp:// -f image2 " + fullTempImagePath + "$tello%03d.bmp"; //-y overwriting files
                    string filename          = Path.Combine(cPath, "ffmpeg.exe");
                    var    proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filename, cParams);

                    string firstFilePath    = fullTempImagePath + "$tello001.bmp";
                    bool   firstFileCreated = false;

                    measureTimeList.Add("FFmpeg started (no bitmapfile yet)", DateTime.Now);

                    while (!firstFileCreated)                                                               // wait until ffmpeg creates first file
                        if (File.Exists(firstFilePath))                                                     // if file exists
                            if (File.GetLastWriteTime(firstFilePath) > measureTimeList[startingTimeKey])    // check if file is new (the file should be created after I started the timer)
                                firstFileCreated = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Waiting for FFmpeg to create first bitmap file...");

                    DateTime lastWriteTimeFileOne = File.GetLastWriteTime(firstFilePath);
                    measureTimeList.Add("Creation timestamp of first file", lastWriteTimeFileOne);
                    measureTimeList.Add("First FFmpeg file created (before NDI connection)", DateTime.Now);

                    NDISend NDISendInstans = new NDISend(TelloStatePort, VideoPort, fullTempImagePath);
        public void NDISendFrame()
            UDPReceiver udpService = new UDPReceiver(ReceiveStatePort, ReceiveVideoPort);

            String failoverName = String.Format("{0} (Tello NDI)", System.Net.Dns.GetHostName());

            using (Sender sendInstance = new Sender("Tello NDI", true, false, null, failoverName))
                using (VideoFrame videoFrame = new VideoFrame(960, 720, (4.0f / 3.0f), 30000, 1200))
                    using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(videoFrame.Width, videoFrame.Height, videoFrame.Stride, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb, videoFrame.BufferPtr))
                        using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                            graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                            StringFormat textFormat = new StringFormat();
                            textFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
                            textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                            FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily("Verdana");

                            int    fileNumberInt = 1;
                            string fileNumberString;

                            for (int frameNumber = 1; frameNumber < 10000; frameNumber++)
                                if (sendInstance.GetConnections(10000) < 1)                               // any connections ?
                                    Console.WriteLine("No current connections, so no rendering needed."); // if not: No rendering
                                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50);                                    // Wait a bit, otherwise it will end before you can connect to it
                                    if (fileNumberInt == 1)
                                        Program.measureTimeList.Add("Before writing first NDI videoframe", DateTime.Now);
                                    if (frameNumber == 25 || frameNumber == 50 || frameNumber == 75)
                                        Program.measureTimeList.Add("Before writing NDI videoframe " + frameNumber + " Filenumber: " + fileNumberInt, DateTime.Now);

                                    graphics.Clear(Color.DarkBlue); // clear with background color

                                    if (frameNumber <= 9)
                                        fileNumberString = "00" + fileNumberInt;
                                    else if (fileNumberInt >= 10 && fileNumberInt <= 99)
                                        fileNumberString = "0" + fileNumberInt;
                                        fileNumberString = fileNumberInt.ToString();

                                    string imagefilename = "$tello" + fileNumberString + ".bmp";
                                    string imagePath     = FullTempImagePath + imagefilename;
                                    Image  image         = Image.FromFile(imagePath);

                                    graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0);

                                    string infoString = "Tello Drone Info:" +
                                                        "\r\n Height: " + udpService.GetTelloInfoValueString("h") + " cm" +
                                                        "\r\n Barometer: " + udpService.GetTelloInfoValueString("baro") + " cm" +
                                                        "\r\n Battery: " + udpService.GetTelloInfoValueString("bat") + " %" +
                                                        "\r\n Temperature: " + udpService.GetTelloInfoValueString("temph") + " °C";

                                    DrawText(graphics, infoString, 30.0f, fontFamily, new Point(480, 100), textFormat, Brushes.Lime);

                                    string frameAndFile = String.Format("Frame {0}   File: {1}", frameNumber.ToString(), imagefilename);
                                    DrawText(graphics, frameAndFile, 30.0f, fontFamily, new Point(480, 350), textFormat, Brushes.White);

                                    int yPos = 400;
                                    foreach (var mt in Program.measureTimeList)
                                        TimeSpan counterFromStart = mt.Value.Subtract(Program.measureTimeList[Program.startingTimeKey]);
                                        string   displayKvp       = mt.Key + " - " + counterFromStart.ToString(@"mm\:ss\:fff");
                                        DrawText(graphics, displayKvp, 20.0f, fontFamily, new Point(480, yPos), textFormat, Brushes.Yellow);
                                        yPos += 20;

                                    sendInstance.Send(videoFrame);      // Submitting frame to NDI. Clocked at 25 fps

                                    Console.WriteLine("Frame number {0} sent to NDI. File used: {1}", frameNumber, imagefilename);
