//takes ticket id as input and cancels the booking by removing required column in booking table
        //increments the available tickets
        //returns confirmation as a string with calculated refund item with respect to hours left to booking
        public static string CancelTicket(string bookid)
                double amountRefund;
                var    r = from L in d.Booking_Table
                           where L.Ticket_ID == bookid
                           select L;
                Booking_Table B   = r.FirstOrDefault();
                string        sid = B.SID;
                int           not = B.NoOfTickets;

                var s = from L1 in d.Schedule_Table
                        where L1.SID == sid
                        select L1;
                Schedule_Table S         = s.FirstOrDefault();
                string         rid       = S.Route_ID;
                DateTime       dateOT    = S.DateOfJourney;
                int            timeOT    = int.Parse(S.StartTime.Hours.ToString());
                DateTime       todaydate = DateTime.Now;
                int            age       = (int)(dateOT.Subtract(todaydate).TotalHours);
                int            hoursLeft = age + timeOT;
                var            rt        = from L2 in d.Route_Table
                                           where L2.Route_ID == rid
                                           select L2;
                Route_Table R          = rt.FirstOrDefault();
                int         cost       = R.Cost;
                int         TicketCost = cost * not;
                if (hoursLeft >= 48)
                    amountRefund = TicketCost - (0.1 * TicketCost);
                else if (hoursLeft < 48 && hoursLeft >= 24)
                    amountRefund = TicketCost - (0.25 * TicketCost);
                else if (hoursLeft < 24 && hoursLeft >= 12)
                    amountRefund = TicketCost - (0.5 * TicketCost);
                    amountRefund = TicketCost - (1 * TicketCost);
                S.AvailableSeats = S.AvailableSeats + not;
                return("Tickets Cancelled Successfully. Refund of Amount Rs:" + amountRefund + " inititated to Customer");
            catch (DbUpdateException E)
                SqlException ex = E.GetBaseException() as SqlException;
 //takes the required values and add schedule related information to database
 public static string AddSchedule(addSchedule a)
         var b = from L in d.BusDetails_Table
                 where L.Bus_ID == a.Bid
                 select L;
         var s = from K in d.Schedule_Table
                 select K;
         List <Schedule_Table> sc = s.ToList();
         int flag = 0;
         foreach (var c in sc)
             if (a.Doj == c.DateOfJourney && a.Bid == c.Bus_ID)
                 flag = 1;
         BusDetails_Table B = b.FirstOrDefault();
         if (B.Capacity >= a.Capacity)
             if (flag == 0)
                 int sid = (from r in d.Schedule_Table
                            select r).Count() + 1;
                 Schedule_Table Sh = new Schedule_Table();
                 Sh.SID            = "S" + sid;
                 Sh.Route_ID       = a.Rid;
                 Sh.Bus_ID         = a.Bid;
                 Sh.StartTime      = a.StartTime.TimeOfDay;
                 Sh.DateOfJourney  = a.Doj;
                 Sh.AvailableSeats = a.Capacity;
                 return("Schedule created with Schedule id " + Sh.SID);
                 return("Journey already exist");
             return("Available seats are more than capacity");
     catch (DbUpdateException E)
         SqlException ex = E.GetBaseException() as SqlException;
 //confirms the ticket by putting data in Booking_Table
 //reduces the number of available tickets
 //returns string to show confirmation
 public static string BookTicket(string sid, int seats, int cid)
         var r = (from L in d.Schedule_Table
                  where L.SID == sid
                  select L).FirstOrDefault();
         Schedule_Table S   = r;
         string         bid = S.Bus_ID;
         if (S.AvailableSeats < seats)
             return("Sorry , no seats left");
             S.AvailableSeats = S.AvailableSeats - seats;
         string day   = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd");
         string month = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM");
         string year  = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy");
         int    bno   = (from rno in d.Booking_Table
                         select rno).Count() + 1;
         Booking_Table Bt = new Booking_Table();
         Bt.Customer_ID = cid;
         Bt.SID         = sid;
         Bt.NoOfTickets = seats;
         Bt.Ticket_ID   = bid + day + month + year + string.Format("{0:0000}", bno);
         return("“Ticket Booked successfully");
     catch (DbUpdateException E)
         SqlException ex = E.GetBaseException() as SqlException;
         if (ex.Message.Contains("PK_Schedule_Table"))
             return("schedule id already exists");
         if (ex.Message.Contains("PK_BusDetails_Table"))
             return("Bus id already exists");