Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares otherTerm's labels with this term's labels to see if there are any conflicts.
        /// A conflict occurs if the default labels (i.e. term names) are equal for a given language LCID.
        /// Note that we compare all LCIDs from both terms; if a term does not have a default label
        /// for a given LCID, then we fallback to the default language.  (Recall that the "term name"
        /// is the "default label" for each language, and there is also a "default language" for
        /// the term store.)
        /// This check can also consider a proposedNewLabelForOtherTerm, which allows us to detect
        /// problems that would be introduced by adding/changing the otherTerm, before the change
        /// is performed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// An "objection" (i.e. error message) if there is a conflict, or null otheriwse.
        /// </returns>
        internal string ExplainHasLabelConflictWith(LocalTerm otherTerm, LocalTermLabel proposedNewLabelForOtherTerm = null)
            Debug.Assert(this.TermKind == LocalTermKind.NormalTerm);
            Debug.Assert(otherTerm.TermKind == LocalTermKind.NormalTerm);

            // The proposedNewLabelForOtherTerm only affects this comparison if it is the default label for a language
            // (i.e. we don't care about synonyms)
            if (proposedNewLabelForOtherTerm != null && !proposedNewLabelForOtherTerm.IsDefault)
                proposedNewLabelForOtherTerm = null;

            SharedData thisSharedData  = this.GetSharedDataFromSourceTerm(exceptionIfMissing: true);
            SharedData otherSharedData = otherTerm.GetSharedDataFromSourceTerm(exceptionIfMissing: true);

            foreach (int lcid in
                     // Take the union of the LCIDs from both terms, sorted in increasing order,
                     // but compare the default language first
                     new[] { this.DefaultLanguageLcid }
                         .Where(x => x != this.DefaultLanguageLcid)
                         .OrderBy(x => x)
                string thisName  = this.GetNameWithDefault(lcid);
                string otherName = otherTerm.GetNameWithDefaultForConflict(otherSharedData, lcid, proposedNewLabelForOtherTerm);

                if (thisName.Equals(otherName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return("The term name \"" + otherName + "\" is already in use by a sibling term"
                           + " (LCID=" + lcid + ")");