public void CalculateTax_SantaMonicaZipTest() { TaxJar taxJar = new TaxJar(); TaxResponse taxResponse = new TaxResponse(); Tax tax = new Tax(); tax.FromCountry = "US"; tax.FromZip = "07001"; tax.FromState = "NJ"; tax.ToCountry = "US"; tax.ToZip = "07446"; tax.ToState = "NJ"; tax.Amount = 16.5m; tax.Shipping = 1.5m; TaxLineItem lineItem = new TaxLineItem(); lineItem.Quantity = 1; lineItem.UnitPrice = 15.0m; lineItem.ProductTaxCode = "31000"; tax.LineItems.Add(lineItem); var taxService = new TaxService.TaxService(); Task.Run(async() => { taxResponse.Tax = await taxService.CalculateTax(taxJar, tax); }); Assert.IsTrue(taxResponse.OrderTotalAmount == 16.5m); Assert.IsTrue(taxResponse.Shipping == 1.5m); }
public void GetRate_EmptyZipTest() { TaxJar taxJar = new TaxJar(); RateResponse rateResponse = new RateResponse(); string zip = ""; var taxService = new TaxService.TaxService(); Task.Run(async() => { rateResponse.Rate = await taxService.GetRate(taxJar, zip); }); Assert.IsNull(rateResponse.Rate); }
public void GetRate_SantaMonicaZipTest() { TaxJar taxJar = new TaxJar(); RateResponse rateResponse = new RateResponse(); //zip of city of Santa Monica string zip = "90404"; var taxService = new TaxService.TaxService(); Task.Run(async() => { rateResponse.Rate = await taxService.GetRate(taxJar, zip); }); Assert.IsTrue(rateResponse.Rate.City.Equals("SANTA MONICA")); }
public void CalculateTax_EmptyToCountryTaxInfoTest() { TaxJar taxJar = new TaxJar(); TaxResponse taxResponse = new TaxResponse(); Tax tax = new Tax(); tax.ToCountry = ""; var taxService = new TaxService.TaxService(); Task.Run(async() => { taxResponse.Tax = await taxService.CalculateTax(taxJar, tax); }); Assert.IsNull(taxResponse.Tax); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome! This is a console for some Tax Calculation Testing."); Console.WriteLine(""); // The API key can be stored in a Azure key vault for security purpose // Hard coded for now string strTaxjarApiKey = "5da2f821eee4035db4771edab942a4cc"; // test data / parameter preparation string strZip = "30024"; var address = new Address { Country = "US", City = "Suwanee", Street = "3620 Peachtree Pkwy" }; var order = new Order { FromCountry = "US", FromZip = "92093", FromState = "CA", FromCity = "La Jolla", FromStreet = "9500 Gilman Drive", ToCountry = "US", ToZip = "90002", ToState = "CA", ToCity = "Los Angeles", ToStreet = "1335 E 103rd St", Amount = 15F, Shipping = 1.5F }; string strRate; TaxRate taxRate; string strTax; // Testing TaxjarClient class Console.WriteLine("Testing TaxjarClient class ... \n"); var taxjarClient = new TaxjarClient.TaxjarClient(strTaxjarApiKey); strRate = await taxjarClient.GetTaxRateAsync(strZip, address); Console.WriteLine(strRate); Console.WriteLine("\n"); strTax = await taxjarClient.TaxForOrderAsync(order); Console.WriteLine(strTax); Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); // Testing TaxService class Console.WriteLine("Testing TaxService class ... \n"); var taxService = new TaxService.TaxService(taxjarClient); strRate = await taxService.GetTaxRateAsync(strZip); Console.WriteLine(strRate); Console.WriteLine("\n"); strRate = await taxService.GetTaxRateAsync(strZip, address); Console.WriteLine(strRate); Console.WriteLine("\n"); taxRate = await taxService.GetTaxRateObjectAsync("30301"); Console.WriteLine(taxRate.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("\n"); taxRate = await taxService.GetTaxRateObjectAsync(strZip, address); Console.WriteLine(taxRate.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("\n"); strTax = await taxService.TaxForOrderAsync(order); Console.WriteLine(strTax); }