Пример #1
        public void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Task Parallel Library (TPL) review ...");

            bool runTaskInstantiationOptions = false;

            if (runTaskInstantiationOptions)
                //Tasks can be created implicitly (i.e., Parallel.Invoke) or explicitly (see below).

                //Creating tasks implicitly
                Parallel.Invoke(() => Console.WriteLine("Implicit taks creation - Parallel.Invoke called."));
                Parallel.Invoke(() => PrintMsgAction("Implicit taks creation - Parallel.Invoke called with Action ..."));
                //You can create and run multiple tasks (in parallel) in same invoke statement
                    () => AddIntegers(3, 5),
                    () => PrintMsgAction("Implicit taks creation - Parallel.Invoke with multiple tasks")

                //The three options for instantiating a task explicitly, i.e., new Task followed by Start, Task.Run and
                // Task.Facory.StartNew
                Task ePattern1 = new Task(() => PrintMsgAction("Explicit task instantiation - new Task ..."));
                Task ePattern2 = Task.Run(() => PrintMsgAction("Explicit task instantiation - Task.Run ..."));
                Task ePattern3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => PrintMsgAction("Explicit task instantiation - Task.Facory.StartNew ..."));
                Task.WaitAll(ePattern1, ePattern2, ePattern3);
                //Note, Task.Run and Task.Factory.StartNew are convenience methods. For example, Task.Run uses the default scheduler,
                //and the StartNew is used when you want to create and start in the same line of code

                //When creating a task, the delegate can be a named delegate, an anonymous method or a lambda expression
                Task dPattern1A = new Task(() => PrintMsgAction("Task with named action"));         //using named (Action() delegate
                Task dPattern1B = new Task(() => PrintMsg("Task with named method"));               //using named method
                Task dPattern2  = new Task(() => { Console.WriteLine("Task with anonymous method"); });
                Task dPattern3  = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Task with lambda expression")); //using lambda expression

                Task.WaitAll(dPattern1A, dPattern1B, dPattern2, dPattern3);

                //Example: using  StartNew to pass in state
                List <Task> statefulTasks = new List <Task>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        Task.Factory.StartNew((Object obj) =>
                        TaskState state = obj as TaskState;
                        state.ThreadNum = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Task {0} is running", state.Name));
                    }, new TaskState()
                        Name = String.Format("Stateful Task {0}", i + 1)

                foreach (Task task in statefulTasks)
                    TaskState state = task.AsyncState as TaskState;
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("[Stateful task execution info] Name = {0}, thread = {1}, status = {2}", state.Name, state.ThreadNum, task.Status));

                //Example: Specifying task scheduling options
                //Available options None, PreferFairness (scheduling), LongRunning, AttachdToParent (for sub-tasks), ...
                Task rcoTask = new Task(() => PrintMsg("runCreationOptions task running ..."), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning | TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness);

            bool runTaskParamsAndResult = false;

            if (runTaskParamsAndResult)
                //Recall the two types of Tasks, i.e., one that returns a void and one that returns a result (i.e., Task<TResult>). (So the type
                //declaration does not include the arguments.)
                int  two     = 2;
                Task prTask1 = new Task((x) =>
                    int intx = (int)x;
                    Console.WriteLine(@"Task params and results: {0} squared is {1}", intx, intx * intx);
                }, two);

                Task <int> prTask2 = new Task <int>((x) => { return((int)x * (int)x); }, two);
                Task.WaitAll(prTask1, prTask2);
                if (prTask2.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                    Console.WriteLine(@"The result from prTask2 is: {0}", prTask2.Result);
                    Console.WriteLine(@"The completion status of prTask2 is: {0}", prTask2.Status);

                string prMsg1  = "Task Parameters and Results section - using a delegate";
                Task   prTask3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => PrintMsgAction(prMsg1));

                Task <int> prTask4 = Task <int> .Factory.StartNew(() => ReturnSum(1, 3));

                Console.WriteLine(@"[Params and Results Section] The result from ReturnSum(1,3) is {0}", prTask4.Result);

                Task <int> prTask5 = Task <int> .Factory.StartNew(() => ReturnSumFuncDelegate(2, 4));

                Console.WriteLine(@"[Params and Results Section] The result from ReturnSumFuncDelegate(2,4) is {0}", prTask5.Result);

                //Note: we can use the  '=> (...)' to pass arguments to the task constructor, if any.
                //Below we use a the constructor that takes a state object to pass in variables to the task.
                Task <int> prTask6 = Task.Factory.StartNew((Object obj) =>
                    TaskParams1 taskParams1 = obj as TaskParams1;
                    return(taskParams1.Val1 + taskParams1.Val2);
                }, new TaskParams1()
                    Val1 = 3, Val2 = 6
                Console.WriteLine(@"[Params and Results Section] Using state object to pass parameters, 3 + 6 is {0}", prTask6.Result);

                // For more details on returning a result from a task see
                // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/parallel-programming/how-to-return-a-value-from-a-task
                // Note: Task.Result should be avoided when using async as this could result in a deadlok. More on this later.

                //[TBD]When you create a task and pass in a delegate, can you also pass state to the task method? If so, how do you
                //acess the state object from withing that method.

            bool runTaskCustomization = false;

            if (runTaskCustomization)
                //Task.StartNew provides more control such as, specifying the scheduler, providing state, etc.

                string w    = "";
                Task   temp = new Task((o) => { Console.WriteLine(0); }, w);

                //With Task.Run as this is a single statment you cannot pass any parametrs.
                //You can access variables in the task but be aware as the task in on a separate thread so multiple
                //threads may update the same variable.
                int i     = 1;
                int iCopy = i; //Create a copy for the task, just to be on the safe side.
                Task.Run(() => ReturnSum(iCopy, 2));

                var startNew = Task <string> .Factory.StartNew((o) => ("holy " + o), "cow");


            bool runTaskCulture = false;

            if (runTaskCulture)
                //Unless you have sepecified the culture for all threads using  CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture, each
                //thread gets its culture from the System Culture. (Note that a new thread does not get its culture from the
                //the thread that created it. )

                //Starting from .NET 4.6 onwards each task inherits its culture from it's calling thread.

            bool runTaskContinue = false;

            if (runTaskContinue)
                //Take a palindrome, unformat, reverse each word, construct palindrome and format.
                string          originalStr           = "Able was I I saw Elba";
                Task <string[]> deconstructPalindrome = Task.Factory.StartNew((Object obj) =>
                    return((obj as string).Split(""));
                }, originalStr);

                Task <string[]> reverseWords = deconstructPalindrome.ContinueWith((x) =>
                    string[] words         = x.Result as string[];
                    string[] reversedWords = new string[words.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                        char[] chars = words[i].ToCharArray();
                        reversedWords[i] = new string(chars);

                Task <string> makeSentence = reverseWords.ContinueWith((x) =>
                    return(String.Join(" ", x.Result));

                Console.WriteLine(@"[TaskContinueWith] Palindrome of <{0}> is <{1}>", originalStr, makeSentence.Result);

                //Note: we could string the three tasks together in a single statements as follows:
                //Task<string[]> deconstructPalindrome = Task.Factory.StartNew((Object obj) => {...}, ...).ContinueWith(...)

            bool runTaskSyncAndManagement = true;

            if (runTaskSyncAndManagement)
                //Child tasks
                //Detached child task example
                Task <Task> parentTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    Task childTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Thread.SpinWait(2000));
                Task detachedChild = parentTask.Result;
                Console.WriteLine(@"[Detached Child] Parent task status is {0}. Detached child task status is {1}", parentTask.Status, detachedChild.Status);
                Console.WriteLine(@"[Detached Child] After WaitAll(detachedChild), child task status is {0}", detachedChild.Status);

                //Attached  child task example. (Note, parent cannot return the child task as its not available at end of task)
                parentTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    Task childTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    }, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent);
                Task attachedChild = parentTask.Result;
                Console.WriteLine(@"[Attached Child] Parent task status is {0}. Attached child task status is {1}", parentTask.Status, attachedChild.Status);

                //Task cancellation ....
                Console.WriteLine("Runninng task cancellation ...");
                CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
                Task cancelTask             = null;

                //// Involuntary task cancellation
                //// *** Note, currently this is not possible. The task needs to do monitor token and terminate upon request.
                //cancelTask = new Task(() => PrintMsgLoopAction("Testing involuntary cancel"), cts.Token);
                //while (!cancelTask.IsCanceled && !cancelTask.IsCompleted)

                cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
                // Managed task cancellation
                cancelTask = new Task(() => PrintMsgLoopActionWithGracefulCancel("Testing graceful cancel", cts.Token), cts.Token);
                    //Task.WaitAll(new Task[] {cancelTask}, cts.Token);
                catch (OperationCanceledException ocex)
                    //Note: An exception *is* thrown when waiting on a task that is cancelled

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Task Cancellation completed. Task status = {0}, IsCancelled = {1}", cancelTask.Status, cancelTask.IsCanceled));

                //Taks wait (WaitAll, WaitAny)
                Console.WriteLine("Runninng task wait ...");
                Task.Run(() => PrintMsg("Task 1")).Wait();       // will wait before moving on to next line of code
                Task task2 = Task.Run(() => PrintMsg("Task 2")); // will start task and move on to next line of code
                Task task3 = Task.Run(() => PrintMsg("Task 3")); // will start task and move on to next line of code
                Task.WaitAll(task2, task3);

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Tasks wait completed. Task2 status = {0}, Task3 status = {1}", task2.Status, task3.Status));

                //[Example TBD] WhenAll - asynchronously waits for Task or Task<TResult> objects to finish. This is an asynchronous version of (blocking) WaitAll.
                //[Example TBD] WhenAny

                //[Example TBD] Task.Delay - produces a task object that finishes after given period of time.

                //[Example TBD] Task(T).FromResult

            Console.WriteLine("Completed TaskBasics.");
Пример #2
 private async Task <int> SumTaskParams1Vals(TaskParams1 taskParams1)
     return(taskParams1.Val1 + taskParams1.Val2);