Пример #1
        public override void Prepare(Avatar observer)
#if halfwalls && !useCulFace
            showFront = true;
            showBack  = true;
            showFrom  = true;
            showTo    = true;
            showTop   = true;
            Point3D position  = (observer.Origin - from).Normalized;
            Point3D direction = (to - from).Normalized;
            if (direction.ScalarProduct(position) > 0)
                this.showFrom = false;
            if ((observer.Origin - to).ScalarProduct(-direction) > 0)
                this.showTo = false;
            double rot = this.planeRot(direction, 90).Normalized.ScalarProduct(position.Normalized);
            if (rot > 0)
                this.showBack = false;
            if (-rot > 0)
                this.showFront = false;
            if (observer.Origin.Y < this.bottom + this.height)
                this.showTop = false;
Пример #2
        public override Point3D ColisionNormal(Point3D punto, Point3D direccion, double radius)
            Point3D punto2 = punto + direccion;

            if (punto2.Y < this.bottom || punto2.Y > this.bottom + this.height)
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            punto2 = new Point3D(punto2.X, 0, punto2.Z);
            if (((to - from).Norm < radius / 2))
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            if ((punto2 - (to - from).Scaled(.5) - from).Norm > (width + radius) / 2)
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            Point3D walldir = (to - from).Normalized;
            Point3D exto    = to + walldir.Scaled(1.1);
            Point3D exfrom  = from - walldir.Scaled(1.1);
            Point3D pos     = (punto2 - exfrom).Normalized;
            double  d       = 0;

            #region punto2 esta antes o despues de la pared. No hay colision.
            if (walldir.ScalarProduct(pos) < 0)           // El punto esta antes de from
//				d=(punto2-frome).Norm;
//				if (d<radius)
//					return pos.Scaled(radius-d);
//				else
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            if ((punto2 - exto).ScalarProduct(-walldir) < 0)         // El punto esta despues del to
//				d=(punto2-to).Norm;
//				if (d<radius)
//					return (punto2-to).Normalized.Scaled(radius-d);
//				else
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));

            Point3D referencia;
            if ((from - punto2).Norm > (to - punto2).Norm)
                referencia = from;
                referencia = to;

            Point3D pr = (to - from).CrossProduct(new Point3D(0, 1, 0)).Normalized;
            double  d1 = this.distancePointRect(punto.X, punto.Z, from.X, from.Z, to.X, to.Z);
            double  d2 = this.distancePointRect(punto2.X, punto2.Z, from.X, from.Z, to.X, to.Z);
            if (d1 * d2 < 0)
                return(pr.Scaled(-Math.Sign(d2) * radius - d2));
            if (Math.Abs(d2) < radius)
                return(pr.Scaled(Math.Sign(d2) * radius - d2));
            return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
Пример #3
        public override Point3D ColisionNormal(Point3D punto, Point3D direccion, double radius)
            //Console.WriteLine("Llamando a CN de wall");
            Point3D punto2 = punto + direccion;

            if (punto2.Y < this.bottom || punto2.Y > this.bottom + this.height)
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));              //No hay colision
            punto2 = new Point3D(punto2.X, 0, punto2.Z);
//			if ((punto2-from).Norm > width || (punto2-to).Norm>width)
//				return new Point3D(0,0,0);
            if (((to - from).Norm < radius / 2))       //La pared es muy pequenna... Ignorare la colision con esta pared.
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            if ((punto2 - (to - from).Scaled(.5) - from).Norm > (width + radius) / 2) //No puede haber colision
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            Point3D walldir = (to - from).Normalized;
            Point3D exto    = to + walldir.Scaled(1.1);       //radius/2);
            Point3D exfrom  = from - walldir.Scaled(1.1);     //radius/2);
            Point3D pos     = (punto2 - exfrom).Normalized;
            double  d       = 0;

            #region punto2 esta antes o despues de la pared. No hay colision.
            if (walldir.ScalarProduct(pos) < 0)           // El punto esta antes de from
//				d=(punto2-frome).Norm;
//				if (d<radius)
//					return pos.Scaled(radius-d);
//				else
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));
            if ((punto2 - exto).ScalarProduct(-walldir) < 0)         // El punto esta despues del to
//				d=(punto2-to).Norm;
//				if (d<radius)
//					return (punto2-to).Normalized.Scaled(radius-d);
//				else
                return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));

            Point3D referencia;
            if ((from - punto2).Norm > (to - punto2).Norm)
                referencia = from;
                referencia = to;

            Point3D pr = (to - from).CrossProduct(new Point3D(0, 1, 0)).Normalized;
            double  d1 = this.distancePointRect(punto.X, punto.Z, from.X, from.Z, to.X, to.Z);
            double  d2 = this.distancePointRect(punto2.X, punto2.Z, from.X, from.Z, to.X, to.Z);
            if (d1 * d2 < 0)         //semiplanos distintos, hay colision
            //Console.WriteLine("d1: "+d1+" d2: "+d2);
                return(pr.Scaled(-Math.Sign(d2) * radius - d2));
            //return pr.Scaled(radius+d2);
            //Console.WriteLine("Semiplanos distintos, hay colision");
            if (Math.Abs(d2) < radius)
                return(pr.Scaled(Math.Sign(d2) * radius - d2));
//			Point3D pr=this.planeRot(to-from,90).Normalized;;
//			Point3D punto1 = new Point3D(punto.X,0,punto.Z);
//			d=(punto1-referencia).Norm;
//			Point3D v2 = pr.Scaled(d*pr.ScalarProduct((punto2-referencia).Normalized));
//			Point3D v1 = pr.Scaled(d*pr.ScalarProduct((punto1-referencia).Normalized));
//			if (v1.Normalized.ScalarProduct(v2.Normalized)>0) // Estan en el mismo semiplano
//			{
////				double distance = distancePointRect(punto2.X,punto2.Z,to.X,to.Z,from.X,from.Z);
//				if (v2.Norm<radius)
//					return v2.Normalized.Scaled(radius-v2.Norm);
////				if (Math.Abs(distance)<radius)
////					return pr.Normalized.Scaled(radius+distance);
//				else return new Point3D(0,0,0);
//			}
//			else //Estan en semiplanos distintos ==> hubo colision
//			{
//				return -v2.Normalized.Scaled(radius)-v2;
//			}
            return(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));