public void GetNewTalentSheet(Client client) { if (Settings.DisableCommands) { return; } CharacterGen.SetupNewSheet(client, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, true); client.SendChatMessage("[Talent] Created and Saved Talent Sheet. Use /checksheet"); }
public void GetTalentSheet(Client client) { if (Settings.DisableCommands) { return; } CharacterGen.LoadTalentSheet(client); client.SendChatMessage("[Talent] Loaded. Use /checksheet"); }
public void OnPlayerSpawn(Client client) { // Load player sheets. if (!Settings.LoadSheetsOnJoin) { return; } // Create a new sheet for the client. TalentScoresheet sheet = new TalentScoresheet(client); if (!Settings.AssignRandomStats) { return; } // Setup randomized stats for the player and save it to the database. sheet.Charisma = CharacterGen.GenerateModifier(); sheet.Strength = CharacterGen.GenerateModifier(); sheet.Intelligence = CharacterGen.GenerateModifier(); sheet.Endurance = CharacterGen.GenerateModifier(); sheet.SaveScoresheet(); }