//Constructor public Character(string name, int str, int dex, int con, int intel, int wis, Weapon weapon, Armor armor) { this.name = name; this.str = str; this.dex = dex; this.con = con; this.intel = intel; this.wis = wis; XPValue = Convert.ToInt32((double)level * XPVALUEMULTIPLIER); this.maxHP = (int)((double)con * hpMultiplier); this.maxMP = (int)((double)intel * mpMultiplier); this.manaGen = (int)((double)wis * manaGenMultiplier); this.weapon = weapon; this.armor = armor; this.HP = maxHP; this.MP = maxMP; //setting attack values on construction //this.physDamage = (int)(this.weapon.getPhysicalDamage() + this.str); setAttack(); //setting resists on construction //this.physResist = (int)(this.armor.getPhysicalResist() + this.str); //this.magResist = (int)(this.armor.getMagicResist() + this.wis); setResist(); }
public CharacterClass(string name, int str, int dex, int con, int intel, int wis) { Armor WoodenShield = new Armor("Wooden Sheild", 10, "Normal", 10, "Fire"); Weapon RustySword = new Weapon("Rusty Sword", 30, "Normal", 40, "Fire"); this.name = name; this.str = str; this.dex = dex; this.con = con; this.intel = intel; this.wis = wis; this.maxHP = (int)((double)con * hpMultiplier); this.maxMP = (int)((double)intel * mpMultiplier); this.manaGen = (int)((double)wis * manaGenMultiplier); this.weapon = RustySword; this.armor = WoodenShield; this.HP = maxHP; this.MP = maxMP; //setting attack values on construction this.physDamage = (int)(this.weapon.getPhysicalDamage() + this.str); //setting resists on construction this.physResist = (int)(this.armor.getPhysicalResist() + (this.str/2)); this.magResist = (int)(this.armor.getMagicResist() + this.wis); }
//Default Constructor (Build a character) public Character(CharacterClass charClass) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Character Builder!"); Console.Write(" Please Select a name: "); this.name = Console.ReadLine(); //Console.ReadLine(); //Wait Console.Clear(); str = charClass.str; dex = charClass.dex; con = charClass.con; intel = charClass.intel; wis = charClass.wis; XPValue = Convert.ToInt32((double)level * XPVALUEMULTIPLIER); this.maxHP = (int)((double)con * hpMultiplier); this.maxMP = (int)((double)intel * mpMultiplier); this.manaGen = (int)((double)wis * manaGenMultiplier); weapon = new Weapon("Rusty Sword", 20, "Normal", 0, "None"); armor = new Armor("Wooden Sheild", 10, "Normal", 0, "None"); this.HP = maxHP; this.MP = maxMP; //setting attack values on construction //this.physDamage = (int)(this.weapon.getPhysicalDamage() + this.str); setAttack(); //setting resists on construction //this.physResist = (int)(this.armor.getPhysicalResist() + this.str); //this.magResist = (int)(this.armor.getMagicResist() + this.wis); setResist(); }
public void testAttack() { Armor WoodenSheild = new Armor("Wooden Sheild", 10, "Normal", 10, "Fire"); Weapon RustySword = new Weapon("Rusty Sword", 30, "Normal", 40, "Fire"); Character Joe = new Character("Joe", 100, 20, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, RustySword, WoodenSheild); Character Bob = new Character("Bob", 100, 20, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, RustySword, WoodenSheild); Bob.Attack(Joe); Assert.AreEqual(40, Joe.getHP()); }
//Constructor public Character(string name, int maxHP, int maxMP, double toughness, double strength, double manaGen, Weapon weapon, Armor armor) { this.name = name; this.maxHP = maxHP; this.maxMP = maxMP; this.toughness = toughness; this.strength = strength; this.manaGen = manaGen; this.weapon = weapon; this.armor = armor; this.HP = maxHP; this.MP = maxMP; //setting attack values on construction this.physDamage = (int)(this.weapon.getPhysicalDamage() * this.strength); this.magDamage = (int)(this.weapon.getMagicDamage() * this.strength); //setting resists on construction this.physResist = (int)(this.armor.getPhysicalResist() * this.toughness); this.magResist = (int)(this.armor.getMagicResist() * this.toughness); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Build and create a 3d board //Application.Run(new Board()); Armor WoodenShield = new Armor ("Wooden Sheild", 10, "Normal", 10, "Fire"); Weapon RustySword = new Weapon ("Rusty Sword", 30, "Normal", 40, "Fire"); Weapon BetterSword = new Weapon("Better Sword", 50, "Normal", 60, "Electric"); Armor BetterArmor = new Armor("Better Armor", 50, "Normal", 20, "Electric"); SpellEffect poison = new SpellEffect("Poison", "Normal", 2, 3); Spell NewSpell = new Spell("testSpell", 5, 20, "Fire", poison); Spell NextSpell = new Spell("nextSpell", 2, 5, "Fire"); Character Joe = new Character("Joe", 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, RustySword, WoodenShield); Character Bob = new Character ("Bob", 10, 10, 5, 2, 2, RustySword, WoodenShield); Bob.LevelCharacter(3); Console.WriteLine(Bob.getWeapon().getName()); Bob.changeWeapon(BetterSword); Console.WriteLine(Bob.getWeapon().getName()); Bob.changeWeapon(RustySword); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); //Joe.hurt(Bob); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.heal(100F); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); //change weapon test Bob.changeWeapon(BetterSword); Bob.Attack(Joe); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.heal(100F); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.changeArmor(BetterArmor); Bob.Attack(Joe); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.heal(100F); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); //string path = serializer(Joe); //Character Joe2 = deserializer(path); Joe.LearnSpell(NewSpell); Joe.LearnSpell(NewSpell); Joe.CastSpell(Bob); List<SpellEffect> effectList = new List<SpellEffect>(); effectList = SpellEffect.ImportEffects("../../ImportFiles/effect-list.csv", effectList); List<Spell> spellList = new List<Spell>(); spellList = Spell.ImportSpells("../../ImportFiles/spell-list.csv", spellList, effectList); foreach (Spell spell in spellList) { Console.WriteLine(spell.getName()); } //StartMenu game = new StartMenu(); StartMenu menu = new StartMenu(); menu.startMenu(); //Wait Console.ReadKey(); }
public void changeArmor(Armor newArmor) { //setting the character's new armor this.armor = newArmor; //setting the new resists this.physResist = (int)(this.armor.getPhysicalResist() * this.toughness); this.magResist = (int)(this.armor.getMagicResist() * this.toughness); }
public void changeArmor(Armor newArmor) { //setting the character's new armor this.armor = newArmor; //setting the new resists //this.physResist = (int)(this.armor.getPhysicalResist() + this.str); //this.magResist = (int)(this.armor.getMagicResist() * this.wis); setResist(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Armor WoodenSheild = new Armor ("Wooden Sheild", 10, "Normal", 10, "Fire"); Weapon RustySword = new Weapon ("Rusty Sword", 30, "Normal", 40, "Fire"); Weapon BetterSword = new Weapon("Better Sword", 50, "Normal", 60, "Electric"); Armor BetterArmor = new Armor("Better Armor", 50, "Normal", 20, "Electric"); SpellEffect poison = new SpellEffect("Poison", "Normal", 2, 3); Spell NewSpell = new Spell("testSpell", 5, 20, "Fire", poison); Spell NextSpell = new Spell("nextSpell", 2, 5, "Fire"); Character Joe = new Character ("Joe", 100, 20, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, RustySword, WoodenSheild); Character Bob = new Character ("Bob", 100, 20, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, RustySword, WoodenSheild); Console.WriteLine(Bob.getWeapon().getName()); Bob.changeWeapon(BetterSword); Console.WriteLine(Bob.getWeapon().getName()); Bob.changeWeapon(RustySword); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.hurt(Bob); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.heal(100F); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); //change weapon test Bob.changeWeapon(BetterSword); Bob.Attack(Joe); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.heal(100F); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.changeArmor(BetterArmor); Bob.Attack(Joe); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); Joe.heal(100F); Console.WriteLine(Joe.getHP()); string path = serializer(Joe); Character Joe2 = deserializer(path); Joe.LearnSpell(NewSpell); Joe.LearnSpell(NewSpell); List<SpellEffect> effectList = new List<SpellEffect>(); effectList = SpellEffect.ImportEffects("../../ImportFiles/effect-list.csv", effectList); List<Spell> spellList = new List<Spell>(); spellList = Spell.ImportSpells("../../ImportFiles/spell-list.csv", spellList, effectList); foreach (Spell spell in spellList) { Console.WriteLine(spell.getName()); } Console.WriteLine(Environment.CurrentDirectory); PlayGame game = new PlayGame(); //Wait Console.ReadKey(); }