Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// heuristically merge a list of TextElement into a list of TextChunk
        /// ported from PDFBox's PDFTextStripper.writePage, with modifications.
        /// Here be dragons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textElements"></param>
        /// <param name="verticalRulings"></param>
        public static List <TextChunk> MergeWords(IReadOnlyList <TextElement> textElements, IReadOnlyList <Ruling> verticalRulings)
            List <TextChunk> textChunks = new List <TextChunk>();

            if (textElements.Count == 0)

            textChunks.Add(new TextChunk(textElements[0]));

            TextChunk firstTC = textChunks[0];

            double      previousAveCharWidth = firstTC.Width;
            double      endOfLastTextX = firstTC.Right;
            double      maxYForLine = firstTC.Top;       //.getBottom();
            double      maxHeightForLine = firstTC.Height;
            double      minYTopForLine = firstTC.Bottom; //.getTop();
            double      lastWordSpacing = -1;
            double      wordSpacing, deltaSpace, averageCharWidth, deltaCharWidth;
            double      expectedStartOfNextWordX, dist;
            TextElement sp, prevChar;
            TextChunk   currentChunk;
            bool        sameLine, acrossVerticalRuling;

            foreach (TextElement chr in textElements.Skip(1))
                currentChunk = textChunks[textChunks.Count - 1];
                prevChar     = currentChunk.TextElements[currentChunk.TextElements.Count - 1];

                // if same char AND overlapped, skip
                if (chr.GetText().Equals(prevChar.GetText()) && (prevChar.OverlapRatio(chr) > 0.5))

                // if chr is a space that overlaps with prevChar, skip
                if (chr.GetText().Equals(" ") && Utils.Feq(prevChar.Left, chr.Left) && Utils.Feq(prevChar.Bottom, chr.Bottom)) // getTop() getTop()

                // Resets the average character width when we see a change in font
                // or a change in the font size
                if ((chr.Font != prevChar.Font) || !Utils.Feq(chr.FontSize, prevChar.FontSize))
                    previousAveCharWidth = -1;

                // is there any vertical ruling that goes across chr and prevChar?
                acrossVerticalRuling = false;
                foreach (Ruling r in verticalRulings)
                    if (VerticallyOverlapsRuling(prevChar, r) && VerticallyOverlapsRuling(chr, r) && prevChar.X < r.Position && chr.X > r.Position ||
                        (prevChar.X > r.Position && chr.X < r.Position))
                        acrossVerticalRuling = true;

                // Estimate the expected width of the space based on the
                // space character with some margin.
                wordSpacing = chr.WidthOfSpace;
                deltaSpace  = 0;
                if (double.IsNaN(wordSpacing) || wordSpacing == 0)
                    deltaSpace = double.MaxValue;
                else if (lastWordSpacing < 0)
                    deltaSpace = wordSpacing * 0.5f; // 0.5 == spacing tolerance
                    deltaSpace = ((wordSpacing + lastWordSpacing) / 2.0f) * 0.5f;

                // Estimate the expected width of the space based on the
                // average character width with some margin. This calculation does not
                // make a true average (average of averages) but we found that it gave the
                // best results after numerous experiments. Based on experiments we also found that
                // .3 worked well.
                if (previousAveCharWidth < 0)
                    averageCharWidth = chr.Width / chr.GetText().Length;
                    averageCharWidth = (previousAveCharWidth + (chr.Width / chr.GetText().Length)) / 2.0f;
                deltaCharWidth = averageCharWidth * AVERAGE_CHAR_TOLERANCE;

                // Compares the values obtained by the average method and the wordSpacing method and picks
                // the smaller number.
                expectedStartOfNextWordX = -double.MaxValue;

                if (endOfLastTextX != -1)
                    expectedStartOfNextWordX = endOfLastTextX + Math.Min(deltaCharWidth, deltaSpace);

                // new line?
                sameLine = true;
                if (!Utils.Overlap(chr.Top, chr.Height, maxYForLine, maxHeightForLine)) // getBottom()
                    endOfLastTextX           = -1;
                    expectedStartOfNextWordX = -double.MaxValue;
                    maxYForLine      = -double.MaxValue;
                    maxHeightForLine = -1;
                    minYTopForLine   = double.MaxValue;
                    sameLine         = false;

                endOfLastTextX = chr.Right;

                // should we add a space?
                if (!acrossVerticalRuling && sameLine && expectedStartOfNextWordX < chr.Left && !prevChar.GetText().EndsWith(" "))
                    sp = new TextElement(
                        new PdfRectangle(prevChar.BoundingBox.BottomLeft, new PdfPoint(expectedStartOfNextWordX, prevChar.BoundingBox.TopRight.Y)),
                        " ",
                        prevChar.WidthOfSpace, 0);

                    sp = null;

                maxYForLine      = Math.Max(chr.Top, maxYForLine);       // getBottom()
                maxHeightForLine = Math.Max(maxHeightForLine, chr.Height);
                minYTopForLine   = Math.Min(minYTopForLine, chr.Bottom); // .getTop()

                dist = chr.Left - (sp != null ? sp.Right : prevChar.Right);

                // added by BobLd
                // handle cases where order of character is not good, implement quicksort???
                if (dist < -wordSpacing)
                    dist = double.MaxValue; // force create new word because testColumnRecognition() fails
                // end added

                if (!acrossVerticalRuling && sameLine && (dist < 0 ? currentChunk.VerticallyOverlaps(chr) : dist < wordSpacing))
                    // create a new chunk
                    textChunks.Add(new TextChunk(chr));

                lastWordSpacing      = wordSpacing;
                previousAveCharWidth = sp != null ? (averageCharWidth + sp.Width) / 2.0f : averageCharWidth;

            List <TextChunk> textChunksSeparatedByDirectionality = new List <TextChunk>();

            // count up characters by directionality
            foreach (TextChunk chunk in textChunks)
                // choose the dominant direction
                bool      isLtrDominant = chunk.IsLtrDominant() != -1; // treat neutral as LTR
                TextChunk dirChunk      = chunk.GroupByDirectionality(isLtrDominant);

Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Merges this TextChunk with the other.
 /// <para>Also does it in place.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 public TextChunk Merge(TextChunk other)