private static void DownloadConfiguration(string domain) { string store = "google"; if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) { store = "apple"; } string url = domain + PRIVACY_SETTINGS_URL_ADDITION + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; for (int tries = 0; tries < 3; tries++) { bool result = TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(url, PRIVACY_SETTINGS_JSON_FN); if (result) { DownloadLocalConsentForm downloadLocalConsentForm = new DownloadLocalConsentForm(); downloadLocalConsentForm.DownloadLocalConsentForms(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); return; } else { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Unity build returned with error: PrivacySettingsConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download configuration for privacy settings. retrying."); } } if (UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.inBatchMode) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Unity build returned with error: PrivacySettingsConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download configuration for privacy settings. failing build"); EditorApplication.Exit(-1); } }
private static void DownloadConfiguration(string domain) { string store = "google"; if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) { store = "apple"; } string url = domain + RATEUS_URL_ADDITION + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; string output = null; if (!TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(url, RATEUS_JSON_FN, out output)) { Debug.LogWarning("RateUsConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download configuration. Wont download app icon"); return; } #if UNITY_ANDROID if (output != null) { var rateUsJson = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(output); if (rateUsJson != null) { string iconUrl = rateUsJson["iconUrl"]; if (iconUrl != null) { string extenstion = iconUrl.Substring(iconUrl.LastIndexOf(".", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) + 1); TTPEditorUtils.DownloadFile(iconUrl, "Assets/StreamingAssets/ttp/rateus/game_icon." + extenstion); } } } #endif }
private static string url; //static to retain the domain for next use void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label("Select a custom domain:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); url = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Domain", url); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Download")) { TTPMenu.DownloadConfigurations(url); this.Close(); } }
private static void DownloadConfiguration(string domain) { string store = "google"; if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) { store = "apple"; } string url = domain + CORE_URL_ADDITION + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; bool result = TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(url, CORE_JSON_FN); if (!result) { Debug.LogWarning("CoreConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download global configuration."); } #if UNITY_ANDROID string strictModeConfigUrl = domain + "/" + STRICT_MODE_JSON_FN + "/" + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; bool strictModeResult = TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(strictModeConfigUrl, STRICT_MODE_JSON_FN); if (!strictModeResult) { Debug.LogWarning("CoreConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download configuration for strict mode android"); } #endif var additionalConfigUrl = domain + "/" + ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_JSON_FN + "/" + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; var additionalConfigResult = TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(additionalConfigUrl, ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_JSON_FN); if (!additionalConfigResult) { Debug.LogWarning("CoreConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download additional configuration"); } #if UNITY_IOS else { var json = File.ReadAllText(CONFIGURATIONS_PATH + "/" + CORE_JSON_FN + ".json"); if (json != null) { var dict = TTPJson.Deserialize(json) as Dictionary <string, object>; if (dict != null) { var conversionModelType = "A"; if (dict.ContainsKey("conversionModelType")) { conversionModelType = dict["conversionModelType"] as string; } var conversionRulesUrl = "" + conversionModelType + "/conversion.js"; TTPEditorUtils.DownloadStringToFile(conversionRulesUrl, "Assets/StreamingAssets/ttp/conversion/conversion.js"); } } } #endif }
private static void DownloadConfiguration(string domain) { string store = "google"; if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) { store = "apple"; } string url = domain + ANALYTICS_URL_ADDITION + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; bool result = TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(url, ANALYTICS_JSON_FN); if (!result) { Debug.LogWarning("PrivacySettingsConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download configuration for privacy settings."); } }
private static void DownloadConfiguration(string domain) { string store = "google"; if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) { store = "apple"; } string url = domain + URL_ADDITION + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; Debug.Log("RewardedInterstitialsConfigurationDownloader:url=" + url); bool result = TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(url, JSON_FN); if (!result) { Debug.LogWarning("RewardedInterstitialsConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download configuration."); } }
public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string path) { string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { Debug.Log("ARG " + i + ": " + args[i]); if (args[i] == "-configEnv") { string input = args[i + 1]; if (!input.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Debug.Log("TTPMenu: detected batch mode configEnv. will download configurations. env - " + input); TTPMenu.DownloadConfigurations(MakeUrl(input)); } else { Debug.Log("TTPMenu: detected batch mode configEnv, but env is not mentioned. param after configEnv - " + input); } } } }
private static void DownloadConfiguration(string domain) { string store = "google"; if (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) { store = "apple"; } string url = domain + BANNERS_URL_ADDITION + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; Debug.Log("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: download config from url: " + url); bool result = TTPMenu.DownloadConfiguration(url, BANNERS_JSON_FN); if (!result) { Debug.LogWarning("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: failed to download configuration."); } string houseAdsConfigUrl = domain + BANNERS_HOUSE_ADS_URL_ADDITION + store + "/" + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; Debug.Log("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: houseAdsConfigUrl: " + houseAdsConfigUrl); string houseAdsJson = null; if (TTPEditorUtils.DownloadStringToFile(houseAdsConfigUrl, BANNERS_HOUSE_ADS_FP, out houseAdsJson)) { var houseAdsConfig = JSON.Parse(houseAdsJson); if (houseAdsConfig != null) { var apps = houseAdsConfig["apps"]; if (apps != null) { if (System.IO.File.Exists("Assets/StreamingAssets/ttp/houseads/")) { System.IO.File.Delete("Assets/StreamingAssets/ttp/houseads/"); } foreach (var app in apps.Values) { string thumbnailUrl = app["thumbnail"]; if (thumbnailUrl != null) { Debug.Log("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: download thumbnail form url: " + thumbnailUrl); string fn = thumbnailUrl.Substring(thumbnailUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (TTPEditorUtils.DownloadFile(thumbnailUrl, "Assets/StreamingAssets/ttp/houseads/" + fn)) { app["thumbnail"] = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(thumbnailUrl); } } } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(BANNERS_HOUSE_ADS_FP, houseAdsConfig.ToString()); string[] files = ZipUtil.ZipDirectoryContents(BANNER_ZIP_PATH, "Assets/StreamingAssets/ttp/houseads"); if (files != null) { foreach (string path in files) { Debug.Log("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: delete file from path: " + path); System.IO.File.Delete(path); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: NO files in houseads dir."); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: there're NO apps in JSON."); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("BannersConfigurationDownloader:: DownloadConfiguration: JSON parse of houseAdsConfig failed."); } } }