public Offer(TableSystem TS) { InitializeComponent(); this.TS = TS; PeopleCount.Maximum = TS.ChairCount; }
private void TBL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TableSystem TS = null; if (Reserve != null) { TS = Reserve(this); } Offer OF = new Offer(TS); OF.ShowDialog(); }
private void UpdateLocations() { foreach (TableView TW in TableViews) { this.Controls.Remove(TW.TBL); this.Controls.Remove(TW.P); this.Controls.Remove(TW.M); } TableViews.Clear(); Tables = Server.Deserialize <Table>(Server.PostQuery(Constants.QueryURL, "query=SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE hall_id=" + + "&pas=Delishes228")); DateTime N = DateTime.Now; List <Table> Reserved = Server.Deserialize <Table>(Server.PostQuery(Constants.QueryURL, "query=SELECT FROM " + "offer O, TBL T, tbl_offer TOF " + "WHERE = TOF.tbl_id AND TOF.offer_id = AND '" + N.Year + "-" + N.Month + "-" + N.Day + " " + N.Hour + ":" + N.Minute + ":" + N.Second + "' BETWEEN " + "O.time_start AND O.time_end;&pas=Delishes228")); foreach (Table T in Tables) { TableView TW = new TableView(T, edit_mode); this.Controls.Add(TW.TBL); this.Controls.Add(TW.P); this.Controls.Add(TW.M); TableViews.Add(TW); if (edit_mode) { TW.TableMove += Validate; TW.TableMoved += TW_TableMoved; TW.Destroyed += TW_Destroyed; this.KeyDown += TW.KeyDown; } else { TW.Reserve += TW_Reserve; foreach (Table R in Reserved) { if ( == { TW.TBL.BackColor = Color.Red; TW.T.moveable = 0; } } } TableSystem TS = new TableSystem(); TS.Tables.Add(TW); TableSystems.Add(TS); foreach (TableView TWW in TableViews) { if ( != && Table.Intersects(TW.T, TWW.T) && Table.Intersects(TWW.T, TW.T)) { int T2Side = Table.GetIntersectionSide(TW.T, TWW.T); int OP = Table.GetIntersectionSide(TWW.T, TW.T); if (TW.Connected[T2Side / 2 - 1] != null || TWW.Connected[OP / 2 - 1] != null) { continue; } ReMergeTables(TW, TWW, T2Side, OP); } } } }