public bool VerifyRestriction(GameElementData restriction) { if (restriction.type != GameElementType.State) { return(false); } if (restriction.key == ProgressType.maxLevel.ToString()) { return(_data.maxLevel >= restriction.value); } else if (restriction.key == ProgressType.rank.ToString()) { return(_data.rankIndex >= restriction.value); } else if (restriction.key == ProgressType.xp.ToString()) { return(_data.xp >= restriction.value); } else if (restriction.key == ProgressType.topScore.ToString()) { return(_data.maxLevel >= restriction.value); } int index = _data.progress.GetIndex(restriction); if (index == -1) { return(false); } return(_data.progress[index].value >= restriction.value); }
public bool IncreaseCurrency(GameElementData amount) { currencyIncreasingSignal.Dispatch(amount); _data.currencies.Increase(amount); updateCurrencySignal.Dispatch(_data); return(Save()); }
private BuyItemResult BuyItemByCostArray(string itemId, IEnumerable <GameElementData> costs) { if (!restrictionVerifier.VerifyRestrictions(itemConfigModel.GetRestrictions(itemId))) { Debug.Log("StoreManager.BuyItemByCostArray - Restrictions not met for item - " + itemId); return(new BuyItemResult(BuyItemResultCode.RestrictionsNotMet)); } else if (!currencyStateModel.SufficientCurrency(costs)) { Debug.Log("StoreManager.BuyItemByCostArray - Insufficient currency for item - " + itemId); return(new BuyItemResult(BuyItemResultCode.InsufficientCurrency)); } currencyStateModel.DecreaseCurrency(costs); ItemConfigData itemData = itemConfigModel.GetItem(itemId); GameElementData ge = itemConfigModel.ToGameElement(itemData); var items = new List <GameElementData> { ge }; collectGameElementsSignal.Dispatch(items); if (itemData.itemType == ItemType.Reward) { rewardItemBoughtSignal.Dispatch(itemData); } return(new BuyItemResult(BuyItemResultCode.Success)); }
public void OnClick() { soundManager.PlaySound(SoundMapping.Map.GeneralButtonClick, SoundLayer.Main); GameElementData gameElementData = new GameElementData(rewardType, key, amount); requestRewardedAdsSignal.Dispatch(gameElementData); }
private void CollectPurchasedItem() { GameElementData ge = itemConfigModel.ToGameElement(_purchasedItem); collectGameElementsSignal.Dispatch(new List <GameElementData> { ge }); }
public bool IncreaseCurrencyEarned(System.Enum key, int value) { GameElementData currencyEarned = GameElementData.CreateCurrency(key, value); currencyStateModel.IncreaseCurrency(currencyEarned); Player.currenciesEarned.Increase(currencyEarned); return(true); }
public GameElementData GetProgress(System.Enum key) { int index = Player.progress.FirstIndex(p => p.key == key.ToString()); if (index == -1) { return(GameElementData.CreateState(key.ToString(), 0)); } return(Player.progress[index].Clone() as GameElementData); }
private void BuyItemPack(ItemGroupConfigData itemGroupData, Promise <BuyItemResult> promise) { if (itemGroupData.items.Count == 0) { logger.LogError(Tag, "BuyItemPack - Group contains no items"); promise.Resolve(new BuyItemResult(BuyItemResultCode.Error)); return; } string itemIdToBuy = itemGroupData.items[0]; // For item groups with more than if (itemGroupData.items.Count > 1) { ItemConfigData packCost = itemGroupConfigModel.GetPackCost(; if (packCost == null) { logger.LogError(Tag, "Cannot find Pack cost - item groups with more than one item require a pack cost item"); promise.Resolve(new BuyItemResult(BuyItemResultCode.Error)); return; } itemIdToBuy =; } // Pay the costs, then give the player the rest of the items in the group BuyItem(itemIdToBuy).Done(buyItemResult => { if (buyItemResult.resultCode.Equals(BuyItemResultCode.Success)) { foreach (string itemId in itemGroupConfigModel.GetItemIds( { ItemConfigData item = itemConfigModel.GetItem(itemId); if (item.itemType == ItemType.PackCost) { continue; } GameElementData ge = itemConfigModel.ToGameElement(item); var items = new List <GameElementData> { ge }; collectGameElementsSignal.Dispatch(items); } } else { logger.Log(Tag, "BuyItemPack - Will not collect game elements since buy attempt failed. Result code: " + buyItemResult.resultCode); } promise.Resolve(buyItemResult); }); }
public bool DecreaseCurrency(GameElementData amount) { if (SufficientCurrency(amount)) { int index = GetIndex(amount); currencyDecreasingSignal.Dispatch(amount); _data.currencies[index] -= amount; updateCurrencySignal.Dispatch(_data); } return(Save()); }
public static void Set(this List <GameElementData> _this, GameElementData amount) { int gameElementIndex = _this.FirstIndex(element => element.key == amount.key && element.type == amount.type); if (gameElementIndex == -1) { _this.Add(amount); } else { _this[gameElementIndex].value = amount.value; } }
public bool ResetProgress(string key, int value = 0) { int index = _data.progress.GetIndex(key); if (index == -1) { return(false); } _data.progress[index] = GameElementData.CreateState(key, value); return(Save()); }
public bool SufficientCurrency(GameElementData amount) { int index = GetIndex(amount); if (index == -1) { insufficientCurrencySignal.Dispatch(_data); return(false); } else { return(_data.currencies[index].value >= amount.value); } }
public static void Increase(this List <GameElementData> _this, GameElementData amount) { int gameElementIndex = _this.FirstIndex(element => element.key == amount.key && element.type == amount.type); if (gameElementIndex == -1) { _this.Add(amount); Debug.Log("<color=yellow>GameElementListExtensions - first</color> " + amount.value.ToString()); } else { _this[gameElementIndex].value += amount.value; Debug.Log("<color=yellow>GameElementListExtensions</color> " + amount.value.ToString()); } }
public GameElementData GetLevelProgress(string levelConfigId, System.Enum key) { LevelStateData data = _sharedStateItems.FirstOrDefault(l => == levelConfigId); if (data != null) { int index = data.progress.FirstIndex(p => p.key == key.ToString()); if (index != -1) { return(data.progress[index].Clone() as GameElementData); } } return(GameElementData.CreateState(key.ToString(), 0)); }
public void SetProgress(GameElementData data) { int index = _data.progress.GetIndex(data.key); if (index == -1) { _data.progress.Add(data); Save(); } else { _data.progress[index].type = data.type; _data.progress[index].value = data.value; Save(); } }
public void SetProgress(string key, int value = 0, GameElementType type = default(GameElementType)) { GameElementData newData = null; int index = _data.progress.GetIndex(key); if (index == -1) { newData = new GameElementData(type, key, value); _data.progress.Add(newData); Save(); } else { newData = _data.progress[index]; newData.value = value; Save(); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the progress. /// </summary> /// <param name="setOnlyIfHigher">If set to <c>true</c> will assign only if the value is higher.</param> public bool SetProgress(System.Enum key, int value, bool setOnlyIfHigher = false) { int index = Player.progress.FirstIndex(p => p.key == key.ToString()); if (index == -1) { Player.progress.Add(GameElementData.CreateState(key.ToString(), value)); return(true); } else { if (value >= Player.progress[index].value || !setOnlyIfHigher) { Player.progress[index] = GameElementData.CreateState(key.ToString(), value); return(true); } } return(false); }
public GameElementData ToGameElement(ItemConfigData item) { GameElementType eType = GameElementType.Item; string key =; switch (item.itemType) { case ItemType.Currency: eType = GameElementType.Currency; key = item.itemTypeKey; break; // A Pack cost does not give any game elements, it only significes costs - so we'll give 0 soft currencies case ItemType.PackCost: return(new GameElementData(GameElementType.Currency, CurrenciesType.soft.ToString(), 0)); } GameElementData ge = new GameElementData(eType, key, item.quantity); return(ge); }
public bool IncreaseProgress(System.Enum key, int value = 1) { GameElementData progress = GetProgress(key); return(SetProgress(key, progress.value + value)); }
public int GetProgressValue(string key) { GameElementData data = GetProgress(key); return((null != data) ? data.value : 0); }
public bool IncreaseProgress(GameElementData progress) { _data.progress.Increase(progress); return(Save()); }
public bool IncreaseProgress(string key, int value) { return(IncreaseProgress(GameElementData.CreateState(key, value))); }
public object Clone() { GameElementData c = new GameElementData(type, key, value); return(c); }
public bool IncreaseCurrency(System.Enum key, int value) { return(IncreaseCurrency(GameElementData.CreateCurrency(key, value))); }
private int GetIndex(GameElementData currency) { return(_data.currencies.FirstIndex(data => data.key == currency.key)); }
public bool VerifyRestriction(GameElementData restriction) { return(GetCurrencyAmount(restriction.key) >= restriction.value); }
public bool VerifyRestriction(GameElementData restriction) { return(restriction.type == GameElementType.Item && GetQuantity(restriction.key) >= restriction.value); }
public static int GetIndex(this List <GameElementData> _this, GameElementData gameElementData) { return(_this.FirstIndex(element => element.key == gameElementData.key)); }
public bool SufficientCurrency(System.Enum key, int value) { return(SufficientCurrency(GameElementData.CreateCurrency(key, value))); }
public bool IncreaseQuantity(GameElementData gameElement) { return(IncreaseQuantity(gameElement.key, gameElement.value)); }