public UGSearch(IReadOnlyCollection <IWebElement> divList) { List <IWebElement> asList = new List <IWebElement>(divList); List <UGSearchResult> all = new List <UGSearchResult>(); if (asList.Count != 0) { asList.RemoveAt(0); // Remove header string currentArtist = ""; foreach (IWebElement div in asList) { string artistMaybe = div.FindElements(By.XPath("./*"))[0].Text.Trim(); if (artistMaybe.Length > 0) { currentArtist = artistMaybe; } if (!UGSearchResult.PaidOnly(div)) { all.Add(new UGSearchResult(currentArtist, div)); } } all.Sort(HumanRankReviews); } this.allResults = all; }
public static bool PaidOnly(IWebElement div) { var columns = UGSearchResult.GetColumns(div); string type = columns[3].Text.Trim().ToLower(); return(type == "official" || type == "pro"); }
private int HumanRankReviews(UGSearchResult first, UGSearchResult second) { // Special human bayesian judgment call case if (first.rating == 4 && second.rating == 5 && second.numRatings < 5 && first.numRatings > 30) { return(-1); // Give precedence to lots of reviews over a few 5s } if (first.rating == second.rating) { return(first.numRatings > second.numRatings ? -1 : 1); // Same stars, take with more reviews } return(first.rating > second.rating ? -1 : 1); // Just go by number of stars }
public UGSearchResult(string artist, IWebElement div) { this.artist = artist; var columns = UGSearchResult.GetColumns(div); var nameCell = columns[1]; var ratingCell = columns[2]; var typeCell = columns[3]; if (this.HasRating(ratingCell)) { this.numRatings = this.GetNumRatings(ratingCell); this.rating = this.GetRating(ratingCell); } this.songAndVer = nameCell.Text.Trim(); this.href = nameCell.FindElement(By.TagName("a")).GetProperty("href"); this.canStoreContent = this.TextFormattedContent(typeCell); }
public UGTab GetTab(UGSearchResult searchResult) { string tab; if (!searchResult.canStoreContent) { tab = "Cannot store in text format, see: " + searchResult.href; } else { this.browser.Navigate().GoToUrl(searchResult.href); tab = browser.FindElementByTagName("code").Text; } return(new UGTab(searchResult.artist, searchResult.songAndVer, searchResult.rating, searchResult.numRatings, tab)); }
public List <UGTab> GetAllTabs(List <BasicSong> allTracks, UGType type) { Directory.CreateDirectory(DIR_NAME); Console.WriteLine($"Getting {allTracks.Count} tabs"); List <UGTab> tabs = new List <UGTab>(); try { foreach (BasicSong track in allTracks) { string fullTrack = $"{track.artist} - {track.title}"; Console.WriteLine($"Searching for tabs for {fullTrack}"); UGSearch searchResults = this.GetSearchResult(track, type); UGSearchResult bestCandidate = searchResults.GetBestResult(); Console.WriteLine($"Getting tab for {fullTrack}"); if (bestCandidate == null) { Console.WriteLine($"No tab found for {fullTrack}"); File.AppendAllText($"{DIR_NAME}/NOT_FOUND.txt", fullTrack + "\n"); } else { UGTab tab = this.GetTab(bestCandidate); tabs.Add(tab); File.WriteAllText($"{DIR_NAME}/{this.FileSafeFileName(tab)}",; } } browser.Quit(); return(tabs); } catch { browser.Quit(); throw; } }