Пример #1
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /* Constructor w/ no action string and contextual precedence
         * defined */
        public production(
            non_terminal lhs_sym,
            production_part[] rhs_parts,
            int rhs_l,
            int prec_num,
            int prec_side) : this(lhs_sym, rhs_parts, rhs_l, null)
            /* Set the precedence */
Пример #2
  /*--- Constructor(s) ----------------------------------------*/

  /** Full constructor.  This constructor accepts a LHS non terminal,
   *  an array of RHS parts (including terminals, non terminals, and 
   *  actions), and a string for a final reduce action.   It does several
   *  manipulations in the process of  creating a production object.
   *  After some validity checking it translates labels that appear in
   *  actions into code for accessing objects on the runtime parse stack.
   *  It them merges adjacent actions if they appear and moves any trailing
   *  action into the final reduce actions string.  Next it removes any
   *  embedded actions by factoring them out with new action productions.  
   *  Finally it assigns a unique index to the production.<p>
   *  Factoring out of actions is accomplished by creating new "hidden"
   *  non terminals.  For example if the production was originally: <pre>
   *    A ::= B {action} C D
   *  </pre>
   *  then it is factored into two productions:<pre>
   *    A ::= B X C D
   *    X ::= {action}
   *  </pre> 
   *  (where X is a unique new non terminal).  This has the effect of placing
   *  all actions at the end where they can be handled as part of a reduce by
   *  the parser.
  public production(
    non_terminal    lhs_sym, 
    production_part[] rhs_parts, 
    int             rhs_l,
    string          action_str)
      int         i;
      action_part tail_action;
      string declare_str;
      int rightlen = rhs_l;

      /* remember the length */
      if (rhs_l >= 0)
	_rhs_length = rhs_l;
      else if (rhs_parts != null)
	_rhs_length = rhs_parts.Length;
	_rhs_length = 0;
      /* make sure we have a valid left-hand-side */
      if (lhs_sym == null) 
	throw new internal_error(
	  "Attempt to construct a production with a null LHS");

      /* I'm not translating labels anymore, I'm adding code to declare
	 labels as valid variables.  This way, the users code string is
	 6/96 frankf */

      /* check if the last part of the right hand side is an action.  If
         it is, it won't be on the stack, so we don't want to count it 
	 in the rightlen.  Then when we search down the stack for a
         Symbol, we don't try to search past action */

      if (rhs_l > 0) {
	if (rhs_parts[rhs_l - 1].is_action()) {
	  rightlen = rhs_l - 1;
	} else {
	  rightlen = rhs_l;

      /* get the generated declaration code for the necessary labels. */
      declare_str = declare_labels(
		    rhs_parts, rightlen, action_str);

      if (action_str == null) 
	action_str = declare_str;
	action_str = declare_str + action_str;	 	  

      /* count use of lhs */

      /* create the part for left-hand-side */
      _lhs = new symbol_part(lhs_sym);

      /* merge adjacent actions (if any) */
      _rhs_length = merge_adjacent_actions(rhs_parts, _rhs_length);

      /* strip off any trailing action */
      tail_action = strip_trailing_action(rhs_parts, _rhs_length);
      if (tail_action != null) _rhs_length--;

      /* Why does this run through the right hand side happen
	 over and over?  here a quick combination of two 
	 prior runs plus one I wanted of my own
	 frankf 6/25/96 */
      /* allocate and copy over the right-hand-side */
      /* count use of each rhs symbol */
      _rhs = new production_part[_rhs_length];
      for (i=0; i<_rhs_length; i++) {
	_rhs[i] = rhs_parts[i];
	if (!_rhs[i].is_action()) {
	  if ((((symbol_part)_rhs[i]).the_symbol()).GetType()==typeof(terminal)) {
	    _rhs_prec = 
	    _rhs_assoc = 

      /*now action string is really declaration string, so put it in front!
	6/14/96 frankf */
      if (action_str == null) action_str = "";
      if (tail_action != null && tail_action.code_string() != null)
	action_str = action_str + "\t\t" +  tail_action.code_string();

      /* stash the action */
      _action = new action_part(action_str);

      /* rewrite production to remove any embedded actions */

      /* assign an index */
      _index = next_index++;
//      System.Console.WriteLine(_index+":len:"+rhs_l);

      /* put us in the global collection of productions */

      /* put us in the production list of the lhs non terminal */
Пример #3
 /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/	
 /* Constructor w/ no action string and contextual precedence
    defined */
 public production(
   non_terminal    lhs_sym, 
   production_part[] rhs_parts, 
   int             rhs_l,
   int             prec_num,
   int             prec_side):this(lhs_sym,rhs_parts,rhs_l,null)
     /* Set the precedence */
Пример #4
  /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

  /** Constructor with no action string. */
  public production(
    non_terminal    lhs_sym, 
    production_part[] rhs_parts, 
    int             rhs_l) : this(lhs_sym,rhs_parts,rhs_l,null) { }
Пример #5
        /** Method with the actual generated action code. */
    	public  Symbol CUP_parser_do_action(
                                  int                        CUP_parser_act_num,
                                  lr_parser CUP_parser_parser,
                                  Stack            CUP_parser_stack1,
                                  int                        CUP_parser_top)
                                  /* Symbol object for return from actions */
                                  Symbol CUP_parser_result;
                                  mStack CUP_parser_stack= new mStack(CUP_parser_stack1);

                                  /* select the action based on the action number */
                                  switch (CUP_parser_act_num)
                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 106: // empty ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(29/*empty*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 105: // opt_semi ::= SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(7/*opt_semi*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 104: // opt_semi ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(7/*opt_semi*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 103: // non_terminal ::= NONTERMINAL 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(8/*non_terminal*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 102: // non_terminal ::= NON TERMINAL 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(8/*non_terminal*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 101: // robust_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 100: // robust_id ::= NONASSOC 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "nonassoc"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 99: // robust_id ::= RIGHT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "right"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 98: // robust_id ::= LEFT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "left"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 97: // robust_id ::= PRECEDENCE 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "precedence"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 96: // robust_id ::= START 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "start"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 95: // robust_id ::= WITH 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "with"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 94: // robust_id ::= SCAN 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "scan"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 93: // robust_id ::= INIT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "init"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 92: // robust_id ::= NONTERMINAL 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "nonterminal"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 91: // robust_id ::= NON 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "non"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 90: // robust_id ::= TERMINAL 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "terminal"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 89: // robust_id ::= PARSER 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "parser"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 88: // robust_id ::= ACTION 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "action"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 87: // robust_id ::= CODE 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "code"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 86: // robust_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 85: // label_id ::= robust_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(38/*label_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 84: // symbol_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(37/*symbol_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 83: // symbol_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(37/*symbol_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 82: // nt_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(36/*nt_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 81: // nt_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(36/*nt_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 80: // new_non_term_id ::= ID 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int non_term_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int non_term_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string non_term_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* see if this non terminal has been declared before */
                                          if (symbols[non_term_id] != null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error( "Symbol \"" + non_term_id + 
                                                  "\" has already been declared");
                                              if (multipart_name.Equals("")) 
                                              /* build the non terminal object */
                                              non_terminal this_nt = 
                                                  new non_terminal(non_term_id, multipart_name);

                                              /* put it in the non_terms table */
                                              non_terms.Add(non_term_id, this_nt);

                                              /* build a production_part and put it in the symbols table */ 
                                              symbols.Add(non_term_id, new symbol_part(this_nt));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(26/*new_non_term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 79: // new_term_id ::= ID 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int term_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int term_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string term_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* see if this terminal has been declared before */
                                          if (symbols[term_id] != null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error("Symbol \"" + term_id + 
                                                  "\" has already been declared");
                                              /* if no type declared, declare one */
                                              if (multipart_name.Equals("")) 
                                              /* build a production_part and put it in the table */ 
                                                  new symbol_part(new terminal(term_id, multipart_name)));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(25/*new_term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 78: // type_id ::= type_id LBRACK RBRACK 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          multipart_name = multipart_name+"[]"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(19/*type_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 77: // type_id ::= multipart_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(19/*type_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 76: // import_id ::= multipart_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(15/*import_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 75: // import_id ::= multipart_id DOT STAR 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(15/*import_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 74: // multipart_id ::= robust_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int an_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int an_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string an_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(13/*multipart_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 73: // multipart_id ::= multipart_id DOT robust_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int another_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int another_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string another_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(13/*multipart_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 72: // opt_label ::= empty 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = null; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(39/*opt_label*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 71: // opt_label ::= COLON label_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int labidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int labidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string labid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = labid; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(39/*opt_label*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 70: // prod_part ::= CODE_string 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int code_strleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int code_strright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string code_str = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* add a new production part */
                                          add_rhs_part(new action_part(code_str));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(24/*prod_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 69: // prod_part ::= symbol_id opt_label 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int symidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int symidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string symid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          int labidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int labidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string labid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* try to look up the id */
                                          production_part symb = (production_part)symbols[symid];

                                          /* if that fails, symbol is undeclared */
                                          if (symb == null)
                                              if (lexer.error_count == 0)
                                                  lexer.emit_error("Symbol \"" + symid + 
                                                      "\" has not been declared");
                                              /* add a labeled production part */
                                              add_rhs_part(add_lab(symb, labid));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(24/*prod_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 68: // prod_part_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(23/*prod_part_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 67: // prod_part_list ::= prod_part_list prod_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(23/*prod_part_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 66: // rhs ::= prod_part_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          if (lhs_nt != null) 
                                              /* build the production */
                                              production p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                              /* if we have no start non-terminal declared and this is 
                                             the first production, make its lhs nt the start_nt 
                                             and build a special start production for it. */
                                              if (start_nt == null)
                                                  start_nt = lhs_nt;

                                                  /* build a special start production */
                                                  add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt),"start_val"));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                                  emit.start_production = 
                                                      new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation in any case */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(28/*rhs*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 65: // rhs ::= prod_part_list PERCENT_PREC term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int term_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int term_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string term_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          symbol sym = null;
                                          if (lhs_nt != null) 
                                              /* Find the precedence symbol */
                                              if (term_name == null) 
                                                  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("No terminal for contextual precedence");
                                                  sym = null;
                                                  sym = ((symbol_part)symbols[term_name]).the_symbol();
                                              /* build the production */
                                              production p;
                                              if ((sym!=null) && (sym.GetType()==typeof(terminal))) 
                                                  p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos,
                                                  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid terminal " + term_name + 
                                                      " for contextual precedence assignment");
                                                  p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                              /* if we have no start non-terminal declared and this is 
                                             the first production, make its lhs nt the start_nt 
                                             and build a special start production for it. */
                                              if (start_nt == null)
                                                  start_nt = lhs_nt;

                                                  /* build a special start production */
                                                  add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt),"start_val"));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                                  if ((sym!=null) && (sym.GetType()==typeof(terminal))) 
                                                      emit.start_production = 
                                                          new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, 
                                                          rhs_pos, ((terminal)sym).precedence_num(),
                                                      emit.start_production = 
                                                          new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation in any case */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(28/*rhs*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 64: // rhs_list ::= rhs 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(27/*rhs_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 63: // rhs_list ::= rhs_list BAR rhs 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(27/*rhs_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 62: // production ::= error NT$13 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$13
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(22/*production*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 61: // NT$13 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Syntax Error"); 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(56/*NT$13*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 60: // production ::= nt_id NT$11 COLON_COLON_EQUALS NT$12 rhs_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$11
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).value;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$12
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(22/*production*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 59: // NT$12 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(55/*NT$12*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 58: // NT$11 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;

                                          /* lookup the lhs nt */
                                          lhs_nt = (non_terminal)non_terms[lhs_id];

                                          /* if it wasn't declared, emit a message */
                                          if (lhs_nt == null)
                                              if (lexer.error_count == 0)
                                                  lexer.emit_error("LHS non terminal \"" + lhs_id + 
                                                      "\" has not been declared");

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(54/*NT$11*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 57: // production_list ::= production 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(12/*production_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 56: // production_list ::= production_list production 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(12/*production_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 55: // start_spec ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(11/*start_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 54: // start_spec ::= START WITH nt_id NT$10 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$10
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          int start_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left;
                                          int start_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).right;
                                          string start_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(11/*start_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 53: // NT$10 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int start_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int start_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string start_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* verify that the name has been declared as a non terminal */
                                          non_terminal nt = (non_terminal)non_terms[start_name];
                                          if (nt == null)
                                              lexer.emit_error( "Start non terminal \"" + start_name + 
                                                  "\" has not been declared");
                                              /* remember the non-terminal for later */
                                              start_nt = nt;

                                              /* build a special start production */
                                              add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt), "start_val"));
                                              add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                              add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                              emit.start_production = 
                                                  new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(53/*NT$10*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 52: // term_id ::= symbol_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int symleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int symright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string sym = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* check that the symbol_id is a terminal */
                                          if (symbols[sym] == null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error("Terminal \"" + sym + 
                                                  "\" has not been declared");
                                          RESULT = sym;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(41/*term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 51: // terminal_id ::= term_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int symleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int symright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string sym = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = sym;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(40/*terminal_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 50: // terminal_list ::= terminal_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(32/*terminal_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 49: // terminal_list ::= terminal_list COMMA terminal_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(32/*terminal_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 48: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE NONASSOC NT$9 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$9
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 47: // NT$9 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(52/*NT$9*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 46: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE RIGHT NT$8 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$8
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 45: // NT$8 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(51/*NT$8*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 44: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE LEFT NT$7 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$7
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 43: // NT$7 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(50/*NT$7*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 42: // precedence_l ::= preced 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(33/*precedence_l*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 41: // precedence_l ::= precedence_l preced 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(33/*precedence_l*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 40: // precedence_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(30/*precedence_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 39: // precedence_list ::= precedence_l 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(30/*precedence_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 38: // non_term_name_list ::= new_non_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(21/*non_term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 37: // non_term_name_list ::= non_term_name_list COMMA new_non_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(21/*non_term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 36: // term_name_list ::= new_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(20/*term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 35: // term_name_list ::= term_name_list COMMA new_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(20/*term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 34: // declares_non_term ::= non_term_name_list NT$6 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$6
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(35/*declares_non_term*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 33: // NT$6 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(49/*NT$6*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 32: // declares_term ::= term_name_list NT$5 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$5
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(34/*declares_term*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 31: // NT$5 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(48/*NT$5*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 30: // symbol ::= non_terminal error NT$4 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$4
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 29: // NT$4 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(47/*NT$4*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 28: // symbol ::= TERMINAL error NT$3 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$3
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 27: // NT$3 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(46/*NT$3*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 26: // symbol ::= non_terminal declares_non_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 25: // symbol ::= non_terminal type_id declares_non_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 24: // symbol ::= TERMINAL declares_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 23: // symbol ::= TERMINAL type_id declares_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 22: // symbol_list ::= symbol 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(10/*symbol_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 21: // symbol_list ::= symbol_list symbol 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(10/*symbol_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 20: // scan_code ::= SCAN WITH CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = ((string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value);
                                          if (emit.scan_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant scan code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user code */
                                              emit.scan_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(17/*scan_code*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 19: // init_code ::= INIT WITH CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.init_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant init code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user code */
                                              emit.init_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(16/*init_code*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 18: // parser_code_part ::= PARSER CODE CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.parser_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant parser code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user included code string */
                                              emit.parser_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(9/*parser_code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 17: // action_code_part ::= ACTION CODE CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.action_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant action code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user included code string */
                                              emit.action_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(4/*action_code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 16: // code_parts ::= code_parts code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(5/*code_parts*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 15: // code_parts ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(5/*code_parts*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 14: // code_part ::= scan_code 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 13: // code_part ::= init_code 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 12: // code_part ::= parser_code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 11: // code_part ::= action_code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 10: // import_spec ::= IMPORT import_id NT$2 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$2
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(14/*import_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 9: // NT$2 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* save this import on the imports list */

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(45/*NT$2*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 8: // import_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(3/*import_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 7: // import_list ::= import_list import_spec 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(3/*import_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 6: // package_spec ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(2/*package_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 5: // package_spec ::= PACKAGE multipart_id NT$1 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$1
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(2/*package_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 4: // NT$1 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* save the package name */
                                          emit.package_name = multipart_name;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(44/*NT$1*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 3: // spec ::= error symbol_list precedence_list start_spec production_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(1/*spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 2: // spec ::= NT$0 package_spec import_list code_parts symbol_list precedence_list start_spec production_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$0
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(1/*spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 1: // NT$0 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* declare "error" as a terminal */
                                          symbols.Add("error", new symbol_part(terminal.error));

                                          /* declare start non terminal */
                                          non_terms.Add("$START", non_terminal.START_nt);
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(43/*NT$0*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 0: // $START ::= spec EOF 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int start_valleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int start_valright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          object start_val = (object)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          RESULT = start_val;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(0/*$START*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          /* ACCEPT */
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /* . . . . . .*/
                                          throw new System.Exception(
                                              "Invalid action number found in internal parse table");

Пример #6
        /*--- Constructor(s) ----------------------------------------*/

        /** Full constructor.  This constructor accepts a LHS non terminal,
         *  an array of RHS parts (including terminals, non terminals, and
         *  actions), and a string for a final reduce action.   It does several
         *  manipulations in the process of  creating a production object.
         *  After some validity checking it translates labels that appear in
         *  actions into code for accessing objects on the runtime parse stack.
         *  It them merges adjacent actions if they appear and moves any trailing
         *  action into the final reduce actions string.  Next it removes any
         *  embedded actions by factoring them out with new action productions.
         *  Finally it assigns a unique index to the production.<p>
         *  Factoring out of actions is accomplished by creating new "hidden"
         *  non terminals.  For example if the production was originally: <pre>
         *    A ::= B {action} C D
         *  </pre>
         *  then it is factored into two productions:<pre>
         *    A ::= B X C D
         *    X ::= {action}
         *  </pre>
         *  (where X is a unique new non terminal).  This has the effect of placing
         *  all actions at the end where they can be handled as part of a reduce by
         *  the parser.
        public production(
            non_terminal lhs_sym,
            production_part[] rhs_parts,
            int rhs_l,
            string action_str)
            int         i;
            action_part tail_action;
            string      declare_str;
            int         rightlen = rhs_l;

            /* remember the length */
            if (rhs_l >= 0)
                _rhs_length = rhs_l;
            else if (rhs_parts != null)
                _rhs_length = rhs_parts.Length;
                _rhs_length = 0;

            /* make sure we have a valid left-hand-side */
            if (lhs_sym == null)
                throw new internal_error(
                          "Attempt to construct a production with a null LHS");

            /* I'm not translating labels anymore, I'm adding code to declare
             * labels as valid variables.  This way, the users code string is
             * untouched
             * 6/96 frankf */

            /* check if the last part of the right hand side is an action.  If
             * it is, it won't be on the stack, so we don't want to count it
             * in the rightlen.  Then when we search down the stack for a
             * Symbol, we don't try to search past action */

            if (rhs_l > 0)
                if (rhs_parts[rhs_l - 1].is_action())
                    rightlen = rhs_l - 1;
                    rightlen = rhs_l;

            /* get the generated declaration code for the necessary labels. */
            declare_str = declare_labels(
                rhs_parts, rightlen, action_str);

            if (action_str == null)
                action_str = declare_str;
                action_str = declare_str + action_str;

            /* count use of lhs */

            /* create the part for left-hand-side */
            _lhs = new symbol_part(lhs_sym);

            /* merge adjacent actions (if any) */
            _rhs_length = merge_adjacent_actions(rhs_parts, _rhs_length);

            /* strip off any trailing action */
            tail_action = strip_trailing_action(rhs_parts, _rhs_length);
            if (tail_action != null)

            /* Why does this run through the right hand side happen
             * over and over?  here a quick combination of two
             * prior runs plus one I wanted of my own
             * frankf 6/25/96 */
            /* allocate and copy over the right-hand-side */
            /* count use of each rhs symbol */
            _rhs = new production_part[_rhs_length];
            for (i = 0; i < _rhs_length; i++)
                _rhs[i] = rhs_parts[i];
                if (!_rhs[i].is_action())
                    if ((((symbol_part)_rhs[i]).the_symbol()).GetType() == typeof(terminal))
                        _rhs_prec =
                        _rhs_assoc =

            /*now action string is really declaration string, so put it in front!
             * 6/14/96 frankf */
            if (action_str == null)
                action_str = "";
            if (tail_action != null && tail_action.code_string() != null)
                action_str = action_str + "\t\t" + tail_action.code_string();

            /* stash the action */
            _action = new action_part(action_str);

            /* rewrite production to remove any embedded actions */

            /* assign an index */
            _index = next_index++;
//      System.Console.WriteLine(_index+":len:"+rhs_l);

            /* put us in the global collection of productions */
            _all.Add(_index, this);

            /* put us in the production list of the lhs non terminal */
Пример #7
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Constructor with no action string. */
        public production(
            non_terminal lhs_sym,
            production_part[] rhs_parts,
            int rhs_l) : this(lhs_sym, rhs_parts, rhs_l, null)