Each StoreKindData element represents the data to be stored for a single Kind-ID. RELOAD base -12 p.86 --mine
Пример #1
 public void Store(ResourceId resId, StoreKindData kindData) {
   string resourceId = resId.ToString();
   lock (resources) {
     if (!resources.ContainsKey(resourceId)) {
       resources.Add(resourceId, new Resource(resId, s_ReloadConfig));
     Resource resource = resources[resourceId];
     foreach (StoredData storedData in kindData.Values) {
       resource.AddStoredData(kindData.Kind, storedData, kindData.Generation_counter);
    ResourceStored(resId, kindData);
Пример #2
        public IEnumerator<ITask> PreJoinProdecure(List<BootstrapServer> BootstrapServerList)
            bool attached = false;
            ulong bsTransId = 0;

            if (m_topology.LocalNode.Id == null)
                yield break;

            ReloadMessage reloadSendMsg;
            ReloadMessage reloadRcvMsg = null;

            /* This is the begin of populating the neighbor table
               convert local node to resource id + 1 and sent an attach to it
            Destination dest = new Destination(new ResourceId(
              m_topology.LocalNode.Id + (byte)1));
            Destination last_destination = null;
            Node NextHopNode = null;
            int succSize = m_ReloadConfig.IamClient ? 1 : ReloadGlobals.SUCCESSOR_CACHE_SIZE;
            for (int i = 0; i < succSize; i++)
                //if (last_destination != null && last_destination == dest)
                if (last_destination != null && last_destination.Equals(dest))    // markus: we have to use Equals method
                if (m_ReloadConfig.IamClient)
                    reloadSendMsg = create_attach_req(dest, false);
                    reloadSendMsg = create_attach_req(dest, true);

                //we do not know the bootstrap peer's node id so far so we leave that parameter empty Node(null)

                ReloadDialog reloadDialog = null;
                int RetransmissionTime = ReloadGlobals.RetransmissionTime + ReloadGlobals.MaxTimeToSendPacket;

                /* Modification for Clients out of draft, TLS stack will take some time
                 * to initialize, add another 10s waiting */
                if (m_ReloadConfig.IamClient && i == 0)
                    RetransmissionTime += 10000;

                int iRetrans = ReloadGlobals.MaxRetransmissions;

                int iCycleBootstrap = 0;

                while (iRetrans >= 0 &&
                  m_ReloadConfig.State < ReloadConfig.RELOAD_State.Shutdown)
                    /* This is the first bootstrap contacting sequence if NextHopNode 
                     * is still zero, in any other case 
                     * use an attach to the node where we got the last answer from 
                    if (NextHopNode == null)
                        /* we could use a foreach loop, but CCR would multitask it, but we
                         * want serialize that here
                        if (iCycleBootstrap >= BootstrapServerList.Count())
                            iCycleBootstrap = 0;

                        BootstrapServer bss = BootstrapServerList[iCycleBootstrap++];

                        if (attached == true)

                        //TKTODO Rejoin of bootstrap server not solved 
                        List<IceCandidate> ics = new List<IceCandidate>();
                        IceCandidate ice = new IceCandidate(new IpAddressPort(
                          AddressType.IPv4_Address, ReloadGlobals.IPAddressFromHost(
                          m_ReloadConfig, bss.Host), (UInt16)bss.Port),

                        // markus: change cand_type to bootstrap
                        ice.cand_type = CandType.tcp_bootstrap;


                        NextHopNode = new Node(reloadRcvMsg == null ?
                          null : reloadRcvMsg.OriginatorID, ics);

                        /* use a new ReloadDialog instance for every usage, Monitor requires it                         */
                        reloadDialog = new ReloadDialog(m_ReloadConfig, m_flm, NextHopNode);

                        if (iCycleBootstrap > 0)
                            // save transaction id from request to bootstrap
                            if (NextHopNode.IceCandidates[0].addr_port.ipaddr.ToString() == BootstrapServerList[iCycleBootstrap - 1].Host &&
                                NextHopNode.IceCandidates[0].addr_port.port == BootstrapServerList[iCycleBootstrap - 1].Port)
                                bsTransId = reloadSendMsg.TransactionID;
                          String.Format("{0} ==> {1} Dest={2} TransId={3:x16}",
                          RELOAD_MessageCode.Attach_Request.ToString().PadRight(16, ' '),
                          NextHopNode, dest.ToString(), reloadSendMsg.TransactionID));

                          new IterativeTask<ReloadMessage, ReloadMessageFilter, int>(
                          reloadSendMsg, new ReloadMessageFilter(reloadSendMsg.TransactionID),
                          RetransmissionTime, reloadDialog.Execute));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                          "PreJoinProcedure: " + ex.Message);

                    yield return Arbiter.Receive(false, reloadDialog.Done, done => { });

                    if (!reloadDialog.Error && reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage != null)
                        if (reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.TransactionID == bsTransId)

                            if (reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list.Count == 1)
                                BootstrapServer bsServer = BootstrapServerList[iCycleBootstrap - 1];
                                bsServer.NodeId = reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list[0].destination_data.node_id;
                                BootstrapServerList.RemoveAt(iCycleBootstrap - 1);
                                BootstrapServerList.Insert(iCycleBootstrap - 1, bsServer);
                                m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_RELOAD, String.Format("Bootstrap ID: {0}", reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list[0].destination_data.node_id));
                                //Console.WriteLine("Bootstrap ID: {0}", reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list[0].destination_data.node_id);
                            else if (reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list.Count == 2)
                                BootstrapServer bsServer = BootstrapServerList[iCycleBootstrap - 1];
                                bsServer.NodeId = reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list[1].destination_data.node_id;
                                BootstrapServerList.RemoveAt(iCycleBootstrap - 1);
                                BootstrapServerList.Insert(iCycleBootstrap - 1, bsServer);
                                m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_RELOAD, String.Format("Bootstrap ID: {0}", reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list[1].destination_data.node_id));
                                //Console.WriteLine("Bootstrap ID: {0}", reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage.forwarding_header.via_list[1].destination_data.node_id);

                            bsTransId = 0;


                    /* still bootstrapping, allow cycling trough different bootstraps by
                     * resetting NextHopNode
                    if (i == 0)
                        NextHopNode = null;

                    /* If a response has not been received when the timer fires, the request
                       is retransmitted with the same transaction identifier. 
                    if (iRetrans >= 0)
                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_WARNING, String.Format("Retrans {0} Attach  {1} TransId={2:x16}", iRetrans, NextHopNode, reloadSendMsg.TransactionID));
                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_ERROR, String.Format("Failed! Attach {0} TransId={1:x16}", NextHopNode, reloadSendMsg.TransactionID));
                        if (ReloadGlobals.AutoExe)
                            m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_ERROR, "PreJoin: Exit because initial Attach Faild!");
                    if (reloadDialog != null && !reloadDialog.Error && reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage != null)
                        //the SourceNodeID delivered from reloadDialog comes from connection table and is the last hop of the message
                        reloadRcvMsg = reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage;
                        RELOAD_MessageCode msgCode = reloadRcvMsg.reload_message_body.RELOAD_MsgCode;
                        if (reloadRcvMsg != null)
                            if (msgCode == RELOAD_MessageCode.Attach_Answer)
                                  String.Format("{0} <== {1} last={2} TransId={3:x16}",
                                  msgCode.ToString().PadRight(16, ' '), reloadRcvMsg.OriginatorID,
                                  reloadRcvMsg.LastHopNodeId, reloadRcvMsg.TransactionID));

                                AttachReqAns answ = (AttachReqAns)reloadRcvMsg.reload_message_body;

                                if (answ != null)
                                    m_ReloadConfig.State = ReloadConfig.RELOAD_State.PreJoin;

                                    /*  An Attach in and of itself does not result in updating the routing
                                     *  table of either node.
                                     *  Note: We use the routing table here only for storing ice candidates 
                                     *  for later use, we will not update successor or predecessor list
                                    NextHopNode = new Node(reloadRcvMsg.OriginatorID, answ.ice_candidates);
                                    /*  An Attach in and of itself does not result in updating the routing
                                     *  table of either node.
                                     *  Note: We use the routing table here only for storing ice candidates 
                                     *  for later use, we will not update successor or predecessor list

                                    if (CheckAndSetAdmittingPeer(NextHopNode) &&
                                      NextHopNode.Id != reloadRcvMsg.LastHopNodeId)
                                        // Send ping to establish a physical connection
                                          new IterativeTask<Destination, PingOption>(new Destination(
                                          NextHopNode.Id), PingOption.direct, SendPing));

                                    if (m_ReloadConfig.IamClient)
                                        m_ReloadConfig.LastJoinedTime = DateTime2.Now;
                                        TimeSpan joiningTime = m_ReloadConfig.LastJoinedTime - m_ReloadConfig.StartJoinMobile;
                                          "Join:" + joiningTime.TotalSeconds.ToString());

                                    attached = true;
                            else if (msgCode == RELOAD_MessageCode.Error)
                                if (dest.type == DestinationType.node)
                                    ErrorResponse error = (ErrorResponse)reloadRcvMsg.reload_message_body;

                                    if (error != null)
                                          String.Format("Prejoin: Got Error {0} from {1} deleting {2}",

                            m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_ERROR, "PreJoinProcedure: reloadRcvMsg == null!!");

                        last_destination = dest;
                        dest = new Destination(new ResourceId(reloadRcvMsg.OriginatorID) + (byte)1);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_ERROR, "PreJoinProcedure: " + ex.Message);
            } // End Successor Search

            // FingerTable enrichment
            if (!m_ReloadConfig.IamClient)
                List<FTEntry> fingers = m_topology.routing_table.AttachFingers();
                Port<bool> attachNextPort = null;
                Boolean attachNext = true;
                /* JP SHOULD send Attach requests to initiate connections to each of
                 * the peers in the neighbor table as well as to the desired finger
                 * table entries.
                foreach (FTEntry finger in fingers)
                    attachNextPort = new Port<bool>();
                      new IterativeTask<FTEntry, Port<bool>>(
                      finger, attachNextPort, AttachFinger));
                    /* Wait for finger attach */
                    yield return Arbiter.Receive(false, attachNextPort, next =>
                        attachNext = next;
                    if (!attachNext)

            /* see base -18 p.106
            /* 4.  JP MUST enter all the peers it has contacted into its routing
            /*     table.

            /* Once JP has a reasonable set of connections it is ready to take its 
             * place in the DHT.  It does this by sending a Join to AP.
            if (m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer != null)
                if (!m_ReloadConfig.IamClient)
                    m_ReloadConfig.State = ReloadConfig.RELOAD_State.Joining;

                      m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer.Id, true);

                    reloadSendMsg = create_join_req(
                      new Destination(m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer.Id));
                    ReloadDialog reloadDialog = null;

                    int RetransmissionTime = ReloadGlobals.RetransmissionTime + ReloadGlobals.MaxTimeToSendPacket;
                    int iRetrans = ReloadGlobals.MaxRetransmissions;

                    while (iRetrans >= 0 && m_ReloadConfig.State < ReloadConfig.RELOAD_State.Shutdown)
                        reloadDialog = new ReloadDialog(m_ReloadConfig, m_flm, m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer);

                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_RELOAD, String.Format("{0} ==> {1} TransId={2:x16}", RELOAD_MessageCode.Join_Request.ToString().PadRight(16, ' '), m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer, reloadSendMsg.TransactionID));

                        Arbiter.Activate(m_DispatcherQueue, new IterativeTask<ReloadMessage, ReloadMessageFilter, int>(reloadSendMsg, new ReloadMessageFilter(reloadSendMsg.TransactionID), RetransmissionTime, reloadDialog.Execute));
                        yield return Arbiter.Receive(false, reloadDialog.Done, done => { });

                        if (!reloadDialog.Error && reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage != null)

                        /* If a response has not been received when the timer fires, the request
                           is retransmitted with the same transaction identifier. 
                        if (iRetrans >= 0)
                            m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_WARNING, String.Format("Retrans {0} Join  {1} TransId={2:x16}", iRetrans, m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer, reloadSendMsg.TransactionID));
                            m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_ERROR, String.Format("Failed! Join {0} TransId={1:x16}", m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer, reloadSendMsg.TransactionID));

                        if (!reloadDialog.Error)
                            reloadRcvMsg = reloadDialog.ReceivedMessage;
                            RELOAD_MessageCode msgCode = reloadRcvMsg.reload_message_body.RELOAD_MsgCode;
                            if (reloadRcvMsg != null)
                                if (msgCode == RELOAD_MessageCode.Join_Answer)
                                    m_topology.routing_table.SetWaitForJoinAnsw(reloadRcvMsg.OriginatorID, false);

                                      String.Format("{0} <== {1} TransId={2:x16}",
                                      msgCode.ToString().PadRight(16, ' '), reloadRcvMsg.OriginatorID,

                                    NodeState nodestate = m_topology.routing_table.GetNodeState(reloadRcvMsg.OriginatorID);

                                    if (nodestate == NodeState.updates_received)
                                        /* we previously received an update from admitting peer (maybe 
                                         * race condition), now joining is complete in any other case 
                                         * wait for updates to come from this node */
                                        m_ReloadConfig.State = ReloadConfig.RELOAD_State.Joined;
                                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_RELOAD, String.Format("Joining completed"));
                                        m_ReloadConfig.LastJoinedTime = DateTime.Now;
                                        TimeSpan joiningTime = m_ReloadConfig.LastJoinedTime - m_ReloadConfig.StartJoining;
                                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_MEASURE, String.Format("Join:{0}", joiningTime.TotalSeconds.ToString()));

                                        m_ReloadConfig.LastJoinedTime = DateTime.Now;
                                        TimeSpan joiningTime = m_ReloadConfig.LastJoinedTime - m_ReloadConfig.StartTime;
                                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_MEASURE, String.Format("Join:{0}", joiningTime.TotalSeconds.ToString()));

                                          String.Format("Prejoin: nodestate != update_recv at Node {0}", m_machine.ReloadConfig.ListenPort));
                                m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_ERROR, "PreJoinProcedure: reloadRcvMsg == null!!");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_ERROR, "PreJoinProcedure: " + ex.Message);
                    if (m_ReloadConfig.SipUri == "")
                        m_ReloadConfig.SipUri = String.Format("{0}@{1}", ReloadGlobals.HostName,

                    if (m_ReloadConfig.SipUri != null && m_ReloadConfig.SipUri != "")
                        // explictite SIP registration as minimal config for RELOAD clients

                        IUsage sipRegistration = m_machine.UsageManager.CreateUsage(Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION,
                        sipRegistration.ResourceName = m_ReloadConfig.SipUri;
                        List<StoreKindData> clientRegistrationList = new List<StoreKindData>();
                        StoreKindData sipKindData = new StoreKindData(sipRegistration.KindId,
                                                                      0, new StoredData(sipRegistration.Encapsulate(true)));
                        Arbiter.Activate(m_DispatcherQueue, new IterativeTask<string, List<StoreKindData>>(m_ReloadConfig.SipUri, clientRegistrationList, Store));
                  String.Format("PreJoinPredure => Node {0} has no admitting peer = {1}!",
                  m_machine.ReloadConfig.ListenPort, m_ReloadConfig.AdmittingPeer));
                if (ReloadGlobals.AutoExe)
        } // End PreJoin        
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method maintains data storage of incomming store requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource_id"></param>
        /// <param name="kind_data"></param>        
        public void Store(ResourceId resource_id, StoreKindData kind_data) {

            storage.Store(resource_id, kind_data);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a StoreReq message from wire.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rm"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="reload_msg_size"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override RELOAD_MessageBody FromReader(ReloadMessage rm, BinaryReader reader, long reload_msg_size)

            UInt32 message_len = 0;
            /* try to read the packet as a StoreReq packet */
                long posBeforeMsg = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                RELOAD_MsgCode = (RELOAD_MessageCode)(UInt16)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16());
                message_len = (UInt32)(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((int)reader.ReadInt32()));

                Byte res_id_length = reader.ReadByte();
                if (res_id_length == 0)
                    throw new System.Exception("Resource ID length == 0!");
                resourceId = new ResourceId(reader.ReadBytes(res_id_length));
                replica_number = reader.ReadByte();

                long posBeforeRead = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                UInt32 kindDataLen = (UInt32)(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt32()));
                /* StoreKindData Receive loop */
                while (StreamUtil.ReadBytes(posBeforeRead, reader) < kindDataLen)

                    UInt32 kindId = (UInt32)(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(reader.ReadInt32()));
                    UInt64 generation = (UInt64)(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt64()));

                    var store_kind_data = new StoreKindData(kindId, generation);

                    long posBeforeSD = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                    UInt32 storedDataLen = (UInt32)(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(reader.ReadInt32()));

                    if (RELOAD_MsgCode == RELOAD_MessageCode.Store_Request)
                        while (StreamUtil.ReadBytes(posBeforeSD, reader) < storedDataLen)
                            /* reading properties of StoredData struct */
                            UInt32 stored_data_lenght = (UInt32)(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt32()));
                            UInt64 storage_time = (UInt64)(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt64()));
                            UInt32 lifetime = (UInt32)(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt32()));

                            ReloadGlobals.DataModel data_model = myManager.GetDataModelfromKindId(store_kind_data.Kind);

                            Boolean exists;
                            IUsage usage;
                            StoredDataValue stored_data_value;

                            switch (data_model)
                                case ReloadGlobals.DataModel.SINGLE_VALUE:
                                    throw new NotImplementedException("There is no Usage with Single Value atm");

                                case ReloadGlobals.DataModel.ARRAY:
                                    UInt32 index = (UInt32)(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((int)reader.ReadInt32()));
                                    exists = (reader.ReadByte() == 0x00 ? false : true);
                                    usage = myManager.GetUsageFromReader(rm, reader, reload_msg_size, store_kind_data.Kind);

                                    stored_data_value = new StoredDataValue(index, usage, exists);

                                case ReloadGlobals.DataModel.DICTIONARY:
                                    UInt16 keyLength = (UInt16)(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((short)reader.ReadInt16()));
                                    string key = BitConverter.ToString(reader.ReadBytes(keyLength), 0, keyLength);  //key is a hex string
                                    key = key.Replace("-", "");
                                    exists = (reader.ReadByte() == 0x00 ? false : true);
                                    usage = myManager.GetUsageFromReader(rm, reader, reload_msg_size, store_kind_data.Kind);

                                    stored_data_value = new StoredDataValue(key, usage, exists);

                                    throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("The data_model {0} is not supported", data_model));
                            StoredData stored_data = new StoredData(storage_time, lifetime, stored_data_value);
                            stored_data.Signature = new Signature(myManager.m_ReloadConfig).FromReader(reader, reload_msg_size);
                            // TODO Process signature
                UInt32 totalRead = StreamUtil.ReadBytes(posBeforeMsg, reader);
                reload_msg_size = reload_msg_size - (totalRead + 1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            return this;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new StoreKindData to the request
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeKind">The Kind to be stored</param>
 /// <returns>The total number of differnt Kinds to be stored</returns>
 public int appendStoreKindData(StoreKindData storeKind)
     if (storeKind.Values.Count != 0)
         return store_kind_data.Count;
     throw new SystemException("StoreKindData parameter is null");
Пример #6
    public void GatherCommandsInQueue(string command, Usage_Code_Point codePoint, int type, NodeId viaGateway, bool CommandFinished = false, params object[] arguments)  //TODO: combine to one single method
      IUsage usage = null;
      StoredDataSpecifier specifier = null;

      if (command.Equals("Store"))
			StoreKindData kindData;
			usage = m_UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, type, arguments);
			//foreach (UInt32 kindId in usage.Kinds)    TODO:
                //kindData = new StoreKindData(kindId, 0, new StoredData(usage.Encapsulate(kindId, true)));
                kindData = new StoreKindData(usage.KindId, 0, new StoredData(usage.Encapsulate(true)));
			if (CommandFinished == true)
				if (viaGateway != null)
					storeViaGateway.Add(gatheredStoreDatas, viaGateway);
				gatheredStoreDatas = new List<StoreKindData>();
		if (command.Equals("Fetch"))
            //UInt32[] kinds = UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, null, null).Kinds; TODO: cleanup
            UInt32 kind = UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, null, null).KindId;
			// To further garantee SIP Usage with Telefonenumbers
			if (codePoint == Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION && arguments[0].ToString().StartsWith("+"))
				string FetchUrl = "";
				ReloadConfigResolve res = new ReloadConfigResolve(m_ReloadConfig);
                FetchUrl = res.ResolveNaptr(arguments[0].ToString());
				if (FetchUrl == null)
					ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_WARNING, "DNS Enum fallback to sip uri analysis");
                    FetchUrl = arguments[0].ToString();
					FetchUrl = FetchUrl.TrimStart(' ');
					FetchUrl = FetchUrl.Replace(" ", "");
          FetchUrl = "sip:" + FetchUrl + "@" + m_ReloadConfig.OverlayName;
					arguments[0] = FetchUrl;
            //foreach (UInt32 kindId in kinds)      TODO: cleanup
                specifier = m_UsageManager.createSpecifier(kind, arguments);
			if (CommandFinished == true)
				if (viaGateway != null)
					fetchViaGateway.Add(gatheredSpecifiers, viaGateway);
				gatheredSpecifiers = new List<StoredDataSpecifier>();
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// This method gathers all Kinds that will be sent withon one single request.
 /// @precondition: The storing data MUST have the same Resource Name.
 /// @precondition: The the command MUST be the same. (e.g., ONLY store | fetch)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Store | Fetch</param>
 /// <param name="codePoint">The Identifier for the Usage to be performed</param>
 /// <param name="type">Some Usages define differents types (see sip usage). Place here that value in Usage spec.</param>
 /// <param name="arguments">argument[0] Resource Name
 ///                         If SIP Registration: args[1] = uri | contact prefs
 ///                         If DisCo Registration: args[1] TODO
 ///                         If Access List: args[1] = kinId
 ///                                         args[2] = from_user
 ///                                         args[3] = to_user
 ///                                         args[4] = allow_delegation</param>
 public void GatherCommands(string command, Usage_Code_Point codePoint,
     int type, params object[] arguments) {
   IUsage usage = null;
   StoredDataSpecifier specifier = null;
   /* Check  plausibility of user commands */
   if (m_ReloadConfig.CommandQueuePort.ItemCount > 0 &&
      command != (string)m_ReloadConfig.CommandQueuePort.Test()) {
     throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
         "Your command {0} is not the same as previews command {1}.",
   /* Process store command */
   if (command.Equals("Store")) {
     StoreKindData kindData;
     usage = m_UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, type, arguments);
     kindData = new StoreKindData(usage.KindId,
                                  0, // mok! TODO generation management
                                  new StoredData(usage.Encapsulate(true)));
   /* Process fetch command */
   if (command.Equals("Fetch")) {
     string[] str_arguments = arguments.Select(item => (string)item).ToArray();
     UInt32 kind = UsageManager.CreateUsage(codePoint, null, null).KindId;
     // To further garantee SIP Usage with Telefonenumbers
     if (codePoint == Usage_Code_Point.SIP_REGISTRATION &&
         str_arguments[0].StartsWith("+")) {
       string FetchUrl = "";
       ReloadConfigResolve res = new ReloadConfigResolve(m_ReloadConfig);          
       FetchUrl = res.ResolveNaptr(str_arguments[0]);
       if (FetchUrl == null) {
           "DNS Enum fallback to sip uri analysis");
         FetchUrl = str_arguments[0];
         FetchUrl = FetchUrl.TrimStart(' ');
         FetchUrl = FetchUrl.Replace(" ", "");
         FetchUrl = "sip:" + FetchUrl + "@" + m_ReloadConfig.OverlayName;
       arguments[0] = FetchUrl;
     specifier = m_UsageManager.createSpecifier(kind, str_arguments);