getItemFromGUID() публичный Метод

finds the item with the given guid
public getItemFromGUID ( string guidString ) : TSF.UmlToolingFramework.UML.Extended.UMLItem
guidString string the string with the guid
Результат TSF.UmlToolingFramework.UML.Extended.UMLItem
        /// <summary>
        /// called when the selected item changes
        /// This operation will show the guid of the selected element in the eaControl
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Repository">the EA.Repository</param>
        /// <param name="GUID">the guid of the selected item</param>
        /// <param name="ot">the object type of the selected item</param>
        public override void EA_OnContextItemChanged(EA.Repository Repository, string GUID, EA.ObjectType ot)
            if (this.eaControl == null)
                this.eaControl = Repository.AddWindow("My Control", "MyAddin.MyEAControl") as MyEAControl;
            if (this.eaControl != null)
                var    model  = new TSF_EA.Model(Repository);
                var    action = model.getItemFromGUID(GUID) as TSF_EA.Action;
                string name   = GUID;
//				if( action != null)
//				{
//					action.kind = TSF_EA.ActionKind.BroadcastSignal;
//					name = +" "+ Enum.GetName(typeof(TSF_EA.ActionKind), action.kind);
//				}