//public static string a = ""; // COP-OUT METHOD HEADER COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * \fn int Square() * \brief To create a new Square by validating or else defaulting new values * \details THis is if you have more to say about what the function does and don't want to inline comment * \param[in] char[] newColour An incoming value meant to become the square's colour * \param[out] char[] newSideLength An incoming value meant to become the square's side length * \exception This is if we have some big ol try catches? * \see CallsMade() * \return None * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public BuyerPage() { InitializeComponent(); BuyerClass.ParseContracts(); DG1.ItemsSource = BuyerClass.Contracts; DG2.ItemsSource = BuyerClass.acceptedContracts; TMSLogger.LogStatusEvent += LogStatusEventHandler; Folder.ItemsSource = invoiceFiles; }
private void DG2_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { foreach (FC_ContractFromRuss c in DG2.SelectedItems) { BuyerClass.NominationView(c); } DG3.ItemsSource = null; DG3.ItemsSource = BuyerClass.tempCarriers; }
private void Confirm_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BuyerClass.Nominations(); DG2.ItemsSource = null; DG3.ItemsSource = null; }
// COP-OUT METHOD HEADER COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * \fn int Square() * \brief To create a new Square by validating or else defaulting new values * \details THis is if you have more to say about what the function does and don't want to inline comment * \param[in] char[] newColour An incoming value meant to become the square's colour * \param[out] char[] newSideLength An incoming value meant to become the square's side length * \exception This is if we have some big ol try catches? * \see CallsMade() * \return None * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//load refresh button { DG1.ItemsSource = null; BuyerClass.ParseContracts(); DG1.ItemsSource = BuyerClass.Contracts; }