public ActionResult ThankYou()
            NVPAPICaller PPAPICaller = new NVPAPICaller();
            NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
            string token = string.Empty;
            string payerID = string.Empty;
            string finalPaymentAmount = string.Empty;
            string retMsg = string.Empty;
            string currency = string.Empty;
            string email = string.Empty;
            string transactionId = string.Empty;
            token = Session["token"].ToString();
            var payPalFee = string.Empty;
            AspNetUser userToUpdate = null;
            //use the PayPal token to get the details of payment - this could include shipping details
            bool ret = PPAPICaller.GetDetails(token, ref decoder, ref retMsg);
            if (ret)
                payerID = decoder["PayerID"];
                token = decoder["token"];
                finalPaymentAmount = decoder["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT"];
                currency = decoder["CURRENCYCODE"];
                email = decoder["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CUSTOM"];
                transactionId = token;
                payPalFee = "0"; //decoder["PAYMENTINFO_n_FEEAMT"];
                // string Success= "Payment successful for - PayerID: " + payerID + "; Amount: " + finalPaymentAmount;

            NVPCodec confirmdecoder = new NVPCodec();

            //confirm that payment was taken
            bool ret2 = PPAPICaller.ConfirmPayment(finalPaymentAmount, token, payerID, currency, ref confirmdecoder, ref retMsg);
            if (ret2)
                //if payment was taken do some back end processing to mark order as paid
                //use token to work out which order to mark as paid
                token = confirmdecoder["token"];

                var txn = transactionId;
                var amount = finalPaymentAmount;
                userToUpdate = UserManager.FindByEmail(email);
                if (userToUpdate != null)
                    userToUpdate.Package = 1;
                    userToUpdate.RegisterPayPalDate = DateTime.Now;
                    userToUpdate.RegisterPayPalTxnID = txn;
                    userToUpdate.PayPalAmount = double.Parse(amount);
                    userToUpdate.PayPalAmountAfterDeduct = double.Parse(amount) - double.Parse(payPalFee);
                    userToUpdate.PayPalMisc = "PayerID="+payerID;
                var updateUserResult = UserManager.Update(userToUpdate);
                //payment has not been successful - don't send goods!

            PaypalPaymentModel oThankyouModel = new PaypalPaymentModel();
            oThankyouModel.AmountPaid = userToUpdate.PayPalAmount.ToString();
            oThankyouModel.TxnString = userToUpdate.RegisterPayPalTxnID;

            return View(oThankyouModel);
        private ActionResult PreparePayPalPayment(AspNetUser oModel)

            string token = string.Empty;
            string retMsg = string.Empty;
              NVPAPICaller PPCaller = new NVPAPICaller();
            bool ret = PPCaller.ExpressCheckout(oModel.FirstName +" "+oModel.LastName +" Basic Product", "BASIC", "220", "1", "USD",  oModel.Email, ref token, ref retMsg);
            if (ret)
               Session["token"] = token;
               return  Redirect(retMsg);
                //PayPal has not responded successfully, let user know
                //lblError.Text = "PayPal is not responding, please try again in a few moments.";
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

            //string IP = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PayPalBaseUrl"];
            //string businessPaypalId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BusinessPayPalId"];
            //string businessPaypalTransction = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PayPalTxnUrl"];
            //double itemCost = 10.00;
            //string redirect2 = IP + @"Account/Thankyou";
            //string IPN = IP + @"Account/PayPalIPN";
            //string Cancel = IP + @"Home/Index";
            //string redirect = businessPaypalTransction+"&business=" + businessPaypalId;
            //redirect += "&amount=" + itemCost;
            //redirect += "&custom=" + oModel.Email;
            //redirect += "&address1=" + oModel.Address;
            //redirect += "&email=" + oModel.Email;
            //redirect += "&item_number=1";
            //redirect += "&currency_code= USD";
            //redirect += "&return=" + redirect2;
            //redirect += "&cancel_return=" + Cancel;
            //redirect += "&item_name=" + "Basic Package";
            //redirect += "&notify_url=" + IPN;
            //return Redirect(redirect);