Пример #1
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AdminScript      adminScript = new AdminScript();
            string           sql_query   = "SELECT tbl_emp_id, tbl_emp_name, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbl_code_edit` WHERE `tbl_code_user_emp` = e.`tbl_emp_id` AND MONTH(tbl_code_date) = '" + date_start.Value.Month + "' AND YEAR(tbl_code_date) = '" + date_start.Value.Year + "') AS amount , `tbl_code_date`,tbl_cpoint_id,tbl_cpoint_name,tbl_code_note FROM `tbl_code_edit` LEFT JOIN `tbl_emp` e ON `tbl_code_user_emp` = tbl_emp_id LEFT JOIN `tbl_cpoint` ON `tbl_cpoint_id` = `tbl_code_cpoint` WHERE `tbl_code_status` IS NOT NULL AND MONTH(tbl_code_date) = '" + date_start.Value.Month + "' AND YEAR(tbl_code_date) = '" + date_start.Value.Year + "' ORDER BY tbl_cpoint_id,DATE_FORMAT(tbl_code_date,'%d-%m-%Y'),tbl_code_user_emp";
            MySqlDataAdapter adap        = new MySqlDataAdapter();
            MySqlConnection  conn        = new MySqlConnection(adminScript.strCon);
            MySqlCommand     cmd         = new MySqlCommand();;
            DataSet_Report   dataSet1    = new DataSet_Report();
            PopupReport      popup       = new PopupReport();
            string           nameCpoint  = script.GetCpoint(File.ReadAllText(script.file_cpoint).Split('|')[0]);

            popup.Text     = "รายงานการขอแก้ไขงาน ระบบ TIS";
            cmd.Connection = conn;
            cmd.CommandText = sql_query;

            adap.SelectCommand = cmd;
            adap.Fill(dataSet1, "report_EditJob");

            EditJob editJob = new EditJob();


            /*DefectiveStrapsReport defectiveStraps = new DefectiveStrapsReport();
             * defectiveStraps.SetDataSource(dataSet1);
             * defectiveStraps.SetParameterValue("para_cpoint", nameCpoint);*/

            popup.cry_View.ReportSource = editJob;
Пример #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (textBox2.Text != "")
                MySqlDataAdapter adap = new MySqlDataAdapter();
                MySqlConnection  conn = script.conn;
                MySqlCommand     cmd;
                DataSet_Report   reportDB = new DataSet_Report();
                PopupReport      popup    = new PopupReport();
                popup.Text = "ใบท้าย ธร.3";
                string sql = "SELECT 'เงินเกินบัญชี' AS title, null AS row_num, tbl_emp_name, CONCAT('ตู้   ',tbl_income_cabinet)  AS tbl_income_cabinet, CONCAT(tbl_income_in_time,' น. - ',tbl_income_out_time,' น.') AS tbl_around_time, 'จำนวน' AS unit, tbl_income_over AS amount FROM tbl_income JOIN tbl_emp ON tbl_emp_id = tbl_income_emp_id JOIN tbl_status_around ON tbl_status_around_id = tbl_income_around_id JOIN tbl_around ON tbl_status_around_aid = tbl_around_id  WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date_start_r1.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "' AND tbl_income_over > 0 AND tbl_status_around_cpoint_id ='" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' UNION SELECT 'เงินเกินบัญชี' AS title, 0 AS row_num, NULL AS tbl_emp_name, 'ตู้ 99' AS tbl_income_cabinet, NULL AS tbl_around_time, IF( SUM(tbl_income_over) IS NOT NULL, 'รวม', NULL ) AS unit, SUM(tbl_income_over) AS amount FROM tbl_income JOIN tbl_emp ON tbl_emp_id = tbl_income_emp_id JOIN tbl_status_around ON tbl_status_around_id = tbl_income_around_id JOIN tbl_around ON tbl_status_around_aid = tbl_around_id WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date_start_r1.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "' AND tbl_income_over > 0 AND tbl_status_around_cpoint_id ='" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' UNION SELECT 'ผู้ใช้ทางไม่รับเงินทอน' AS title, NULL AS row_num, tbl_emp_name, CONCAT('ตู้   ',tbl_income_cabinet) AS tbl_income_cabinet , CONCAT(tbl_income_in_time,' น. - ',tbl_income_out_time,' น.') AS tbl_around_time, 'จำนวน' AS unit, tbl_income_user AS amount FROM tbl_income JOIN tbl_emp ON tbl_emp_id = tbl_income_emp_id JOIN tbl_status_around ON tbl_status_around_id = tbl_income_around_id JOIN tbl_around ON tbl_status_around_aid = tbl_around_id WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date_start_r1.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "' AND tbl_income_user > 0 AND tbl_status_around_cpoint_id ='" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' UNION SELECT 'ผู้ใช้ทางไม่รับเงินทอน' AS title, 0 AS row_num, NULL AS tbl_emp_name, 'ตู้ 99' AS tbl_income_cabinet, NULL AS tbl_around_time, IF( SUM(tbl_income_user) IS NOT NULL, 'รวม', NULL ) AS unit, SUM(tbl_income_user) AS amount FROM tbl_income JOIN tbl_emp ON tbl_emp_id = tbl_income_emp_id JOIN tbl_status_around ON tbl_status_around_id = tbl_income_around_id JOIN tbl_around ON tbl_status_around_aid = tbl_around_id WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date_start_r1.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "' AND tbl_income_user > 0 AND tbl_status_around_cpoint_id ='" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' ORDER BY tbl_income_cabinet,tbl_around_time";
                cmd            = new MySqlCommand();
                cmd.Connection = conn;
                cmd.CommandText = sql;
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@row", 1);
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@row_u", 1);
                adap.SelectCommand = cmd;
                adap.Fill(reportDB, "Report_ts3");

                Report_TS3 myReport  = new Report_TS3();
                string     direction = "";
                if (mainForm.cpoint_id == "902" || mainForm.cpoint_id == "904")
                    direction = "ขาเข้า";
                if (mainForm.cpoint_id == "903" || mainForm.cpoint_id == "905")
                    direction = "ขาออก";
                //myReport.SetParameterValue("para_head", "");
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_cpoint", script.GetCpoint(mainForm.cpoint_id));
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_around", script.GetAroundTime(around.ToString()));
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_date", date_start_r1);
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_in_out", direction);
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_user", script.getEmpName_Group(textBox1.Text).Split('|')[0]);
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_group_user", script.NotManager(textBox1.Text));
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_head", comboBox1.Text);
                myReport.SetParameterValue("para_print", textBox2.Text.Trim());
                myReport.SetParameterValue("pos", label5.Text.Split(':')[0]);

                //myReport.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 0, 0);
                popup.cry_View.ReportSource = myReport;
Пример #3
        private void reportStrapes(bool print, MySqlConnection para_conn, string cpoint)
                string           sql_query  = "SELECT tbl_straps_date AS date_value , s.tbl_straps_number AS straps,CONCAT(e.tbl_emp_id,' ',e.tbl_emp_name) AS emp, CONCAT(c.tbl_emp_id,' ',c.tbl_emp_name) AS control, s.tbl_straps_note AS note FROM tbl_straps s LEFT JOIN tbl_emp e ON s.tbl_straps_emp_operate = e.tbl_emp_id LEFT JOIN tbl_emp c ON c.tbl_emp_id = s.tbl_straps_emp_control WHERE MONTH(s.tbl_straps_date) = '" + date_start.Value.Month + "' AND YEAR(s.tbl_straps_date) = '" + date_start.Value.Year + "' AND tbl_straps_status = 1  AND tbl_straps_note != 'นำไปใช้รัดถุงเงินพิเศษ (ผจด) / ' ORDER BY tbl_straps_date";
                MySqlDataAdapter adap       = new MySqlDataAdapter();
                MySqlConnection  conn       = para_conn;
                MySqlCommand     cmd        = new MySqlCommand();;
                DataSet_Report   dataSet1   = new DataSet_Report();
                PopupReport      popup      = new PopupReport();
                string           nameCpoint = script.GetCpoint(cpoint);

                popup.Text     = "รายงานสายรัดชำรุด ด่านฯ" + nameCpoint;
                cmd.Connection = conn;
                cmd.CommandText = sql_query;

                adap.SelectCommand = cmd;
                adap.Fill(dataSet1, "tbl_strape");

                DefectiveStrapsReport defectiveStraps = new DefectiveStrapsReport();
                defectiveStraps.SetParameterValue("para_cpoint", nameCpoint);

                if (print)
                        defectiveStraps.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 0, 0);
                        MessageBox.Show("พิมพ์ " + nameCpoint + "สำเร็จ", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    catch { MessageBox.Show("พิมพ์ " + nameCpoint + "ไม่สำเร็จ", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
                    popup.cry_View.ReportSource = defectiveStraps;
            catch { MessageBox.Show("พิมพ์ " + script.GetCpoint(cpoint) + "ไม่สำเร็จ", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
Пример #4
        public void GetReport(int around, string date, bool all, bool print, bool sendBank)
            if (around != 0)
                MySqlDataAdapter adap = new MySqlDataAdapter();
                MySqlConnection  conn = script.conn;
                MySqlCommand     cmd;
                DataSet_Report   reportDB = new DataSet_Report();
                PopupReport      popup    = new PopupReport();
                popup.Text = "รายงานการนำส่งรายได้ค่าธรรมเนียมผ่านทาง";
                string sql      = "";
                string sql1     = "";
                string sql_mana = "";
                if (sendBank)
                    string sql_line9 = "IF(tbl_income_over_sys=0,null,tbl_income_over_sys)";
                    if (mainForm.line9 == "9")
                        sql_line9 = "null";

                    if (all)
                        string sum_select = "(SELECT SUM(tbl_incom_other_amount) FROM tbl_incom_other WHERE tbl_incom_other_date_send = '" + date_start_r1.Text + "' AND ( tbl_incom_other_list_incom_id = 2 OR tbl_incom_other_list_incom_id = 3 ) AND tbl_incom_cpoint_id = '" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "')";
                        sql      = "SELECT tbl_status_around_aid, tbl_around_time, tbl_status_around_date, tbl_income_money_bag, tbl_income_straps AS tbl_income_straps, IF( tbl_income_emp_id IS NULL, 'ถุงเงินพิเศษ', tbl_income_emp_id ) AS tbl_income_emp_id, IF( e.tbl_emp_name IS NULL, CONCAT(o.`tbl_emp_name`,'(รองฯ)'), e.tbl_emp_name ) AS tbl_emp_name, tbl_income_cabinet, tbl_income_job, tbl_income_in_time, tbl_income_out_time, tbl_income_total, tbl_income_bank, IF(tbl_income_user_tmp=0,null,tbl_income_user_tmp) as tbl_income_user, IF(tbl_income_fine_tmp=0,null,tbl_income_fine_tmp) as tbl_income_fine, IF(tbl_income_other=0,null,tbl_income_other) as tbl_income_other, tbl_cpoint_name, STR_TO_DATE( tbl_status_around_date, '%e-%c-%Y' ) AS date_around,IF(tbl_income_over = 0,null,tbl_income_over) as tbl_income_over," + sql_line9 + " as tbl_income_over_sys,IF(tbl_income_other_ts2=0,null,tbl_income_other_ts2) as tbl_income_other_ts2 FROM tbl_income LEFT JOIN tbl_emp e ON e.tbl_emp_id = tbl_income_emp_id JOIN tbl_status_around ON tbl_income_around_id = tbl_status_around_id JOIN tbl_cpoint ON tbl_cpoint_id = tbl_status_around_cpoint_id JOIN tbl_around ON tbl_status_around_aid = tbl_around_id LEFT JOIN tbl_emp o ON o.`tbl_emp_id` = `tbl_status_around_emp_open_id`";
                        sql     += " WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date + "' AND tbl_cpoint_id = '" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' ORDER BY tbl_income_cabinet,tbl_income_job";
                        sql1     = "SELECT tbl_incom_other_around AS tbl_status_around_aid, '" + date_start_r1.Text + "' AS tbl_around_time, tbl_incom_other_date AS tbl_status_around_date, tbl_incom_other_bag AS tbl_income_money_bag, tbl_incom_other_straps AS tbl_income_straps, IF(tbl_incom_other_emp_id IS NOT NULL,'ถุงเงินพิเศษ',NULL) AS tbl_income_emp_id, IF(tbl_incom_other_emp_id IS NOT NULL,'*ผู้ใช้ทางและค่าปรับบัตรหายที่เกิน 30 วัน',NULL) AS tbl_emp_name, '' AS tbl_income_cabinet, '' AS tbl_income_job, '' AS tbl_income_in_time, '' AS tbl_income_out_time, " + sum_select + " AS tbl_income_total, " + sum_select + " AS tbl_income_bank, '0' AS tbl_income_user, '0' AS tbl_income_fine, '0' AS tbl_income_other, '" + script.GetCpoint(mainForm.cpoint_id) + "' AS tbl_cpoint_name, STR_TO_DATE( tbl_incom_other_date_send, '%e-%c-%Y' ) AS date_around FROM tbl_incom_other  WHERE tbl_incom_other_date_send ='" + date_start_r1.Text + "' AND (tbl_incom_other_list_incom_id = 2 OR tbl_incom_other_list_incom_id = 3) AND tbl_incom_cpoint_id = '" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' GROUP BY tbl_incom_cpoint_sub_id";
                        sql_mana = "SELECT tbl_emp_name ,tbl_emp_group_name,CONCAT(tbl_cpoint_name,' ',tbl_status_around_cpoint_sub_id) AS cpoint_report FROM tbl_status_around a JOIN tbl_emp e ON a.tbl_status_around_emp_open_id = e.tbl_emp_id JOIN tbl_emp_group g ON g.tbl_emp_group_id = e.tbl_emp_group_id JOIN tbl_cpoint c ON c.tbl_cpoint_id = a.tbl_status_around_cpoint_id WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date + "' AND tbl_cpoint_id = '" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' ORDER BY tbl_status_around_cpoint_sub_id";
                        sql      = "SELECT tbl_status_around_aid, tbl_around_time, tbl_status_around_date, tbl_income_money_bag, tbl_income_straps AS tbl_income_straps, IF( tbl_income_emp_id IS NULL, 'ถุงเงินพิเศษ', tbl_income_emp_id ) AS tbl_income_emp_id, IF( e.tbl_emp_name IS NULL, CONCAT(o.`tbl_emp_name`,'(รองฯ)'), e.tbl_emp_name ) AS tbl_emp_name, tbl_income_cabinet, tbl_income_job, tbl_income_in_time, tbl_income_out_time, tbl_income_total, tbl_income_bank, IF(tbl_income_user_tmp=0,null,tbl_income_user_tmp) as tbl_income_user, IF(tbl_income_fine_tmp=0,null,tbl_income_fine_tmp) as tbl_income_fine, IF(tbl_income_other=0,null,tbl_income_other) as tbl_income_other, tbl_cpoint_name, STR_TO_DATE( tbl_status_around_date, '%e-%c-%Y' ) AS date_around,IF(tbl_income_over = 0,null,tbl_income_over) as tbl_income_over," + sql_line9 + " as tbl_income_over_sys,IF(tbl_income_other_ts2=0,null,tbl_income_other_ts2) as tbl_income_other_ts2 FROM tbl_income LEFT JOIN tbl_emp e ON e.tbl_emp_id = tbl_income_emp_id JOIN tbl_status_around ON tbl_income_around_id = tbl_status_around_id JOIN tbl_cpoint ON tbl_cpoint_id = tbl_status_around_cpoint_id JOIN tbl_around ON tbl_status_around_aid = tbl_around_id LEFT JOIN tbl_emp o ON o.`tbl_emp_id` = `tbl_status_around_emp_open_id`";
                        sql     += " WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date + "' AND tbl_cpoint_id = '" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' AND tbl_status_around_cpoint_sub_id = '" + mainForm.sub_cpoint + "' ORDER BY tbl_income_cabinet,tbl_income_job";
                        sql1     = "SELECT tbl_incom_other_around AS tbl_status_around_aid, '" + date_start_r1.Text + "' AS tbl_around_time, tbl_incom_other_date AS tbl_status_around_date, tbl_incom_other_bag AS tbl_income_money_bag, tbl_incom_other_straps AS tbl_income_straps, IF(tbl_incom_other_emp_id IS NOT NULL,'ถุงเงินพิเศษ',NULL) AS tbl_income_emp_id, IF(tbl_incom_other_emp_id IS NOT NULL,'*ผู้ใช้ทางและค่าปรับบัตรหายที่เกิน 30 วัน',NULL) AS tbl_emp_name, '' AS tbl_income_cabinet, '' AS tbl_income_job, '' AS tbl_income_in_time, '' AS tbl_income_out_time, SUM(tbl_incom_other_amount) AS tbl_income_total, SUM(tbl_incom_other_amount) AS tbl_income_bank, '0' AS tbl_income_user, '0' AS tbl_income_fine, '0' AS tbl_income_other, '" + script.GetCpoint(mainForm.cpoint_id) + "' AS tbl_cpoint_name, STR_TO_DATE( tbl_incom_other_date_send, '%e-%c-%Y' ) AS date_around FROM tbl_incom_other  WHERE tbl_incom_other_date_send ='" + date_start_r1.Text + "' AND (tbl_incom_other_list_incom_id = 2 OR tbl_incom_other_list_incom_id = 3) AND tbl_incom_cpoint_id = '" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' AND tbl_incom_cpoint_sub_id = '" + mainForm.sub_cpoint + "'";
                        sql_mana = "SELECT tbl_emp_name ,tbl_emp_group_name,CONCAT(tbl_cpoint_name,' ',tbl_status_around_cpoint_sub_id) AS cpoint_report FROM tbl_status_around a JOIN tbl_emp e ON a.tbl_status_around_emp_open_id = e.tbl_emp_id JOIN tbl_emp_group g ON g.tbl_emp_group_id = e.tbl_emp_group_id JOIN tbl_cpoint c ON c.tbl_cpoint_id = a.tbl_status_around_cpoint_id WHERE tbl_status_around_aid = '" + around + "' AND tbl_status_around_date = '" + date + "' AND tbl_cpoint_id = '" + mainForm.cpoint_id + "' AND tbl_status_around_cpoint_sub_id = '" + mainForm.sub_cpoint + "' ORDER BY tbl_status_around_cpoint_sub_id";

                cmd            = new MySqlCommand();
                cmd.Connection = conn;
                cmd.CommandText = sql;

                adap.SelectCommand = cmd;
                adap.Fill(reportDB, "Report_Around");

                if (reportDB.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("ไม่พบข้อมูล", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    if (sendBank)
                         * ReportSendBank p_sendBank = new ReportSendBank();
                         * p_sendBank.SetDataSource(reportDB);
                         * p_sendBank.SetParameterValue("user_print", mainForm.emp_control_id + " " + script.GetEmpName(mainForm.emp_control_id));
                         * p_sendBank.SetParameterValue("date_job", date_start_r1.Value);
                         * p_sendBank.SetParameterValue("sub_cpoint", all ? "" : mainForm.sub_cpoint);
                         * popup.cry_View.ReportSource = p_sendBank;
                         * popup.Show();
                        CrystalReport1 myReport = new CrystalReport1();
                        string us_p = "Administrator System";
                        if (mainForm.emp_control_id != "")
                            us_p = script.GetEmpName(mainForm.emp_control_id);
                        myReport.SetParameterValue("user_print", us_p);
                        myReport.SetParameterValue("date_job", date_start_r1.Value);
                        myReport.SetParameterValue("sub_cpoint", all ? "" : mainForm.sub_cpoint);
                        int             i   = 1;
                        int             sub = script.GetSubNum(int.Parse(mainForm.cpoint_id));
                        MySqlDataReader rs  = script.Select_SQL(sql_mana);
                        while (rs.Read())
                            myReport.SetParameterValue("DeputyManager" + i, rs.GetString("tbl_emp_name"));
                            if (sub > 1)
                                myReport.SetParameterValue("cpoint" + i, rs.GetString("cpoint_report"));
                                myReport.SetParameterValue("cpoint" + i, rs.GetString("cpoint_report").Substring(0, rs.GetString("cpoint_report").Length - 1));

                            string[] pos = rs.GetString("tbl_emp_group_name").Split(' ');
                            if (pos.Length > 2)
                                string pos_tmp = "";
                                for (int j = 0; j < pos.Length; j++)
                                    if (j == 0)
                                        pos_tmp += pos[j] + "\r\n";
                                        pos_tmp += pos[j] + " ";
                                myReport.SetParameterValue("DeputyManager" + i + "_pos", pos_tmp);
                                myReport.SetParameterValue("DeputyManager" + i + "_pos", rs.GetString("tbl_emp_group_name"));

                        if (i <= 3)
                            if (i <= 2)
                                myReport.SetParameterValue("cpoint2", "");
                                myReport.SetParameterValue("DeputyManager2", "");
                                myReport.SetParameterValue("DeputyManager2_pos", "");
                            myReport.SetParameterValue("cpoint3", "");
                            myReport.SetParameterValue("DeputyManager3", "");
                            myReport.SetParameterValue("DeputyManager3_pos", "");

                        if (print)
                                myReport.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 0, 0);
                                MessageBox.Show("พิมพ์ไม่สำเร็จ กรุณาพิมพ์ในระบบย้อนหลัง", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            //myReport.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 0, 0);
                            popup.cry_View.ReportSource = myReport;
                            if (!all)
                                popup.cry_View.ShowPrintButton  = false;
                                popup.cry_View.ShowExportButton = false;
Пример #5
        private void Print(bool print, int doc)
            Thread progressThread = new Thread(delegate()
                ProgressForm progress = new ProgressForm();
                //progress.Text = "กำลังพิมพ์...";

            if (mainForm.line9 == "9")
                OfficialReport9 report9 = new OfficialReport9();
                report9.SetParameterValue("user_print", script.GetEmpName(mainForm.emp_control_id));
                report9.SetParameterValue("cpoint", script.GetCpoint(mainForm.cpoint_id));
                report9.SetParameterValue("doc_number", txt_doc_num.Text.Trim() == "" ? "                  " : txt_doc_num.Text.Trim());
                report9.SetParameterValue("tel_cpoint", script.GetCpointTel(mainForm.cpoint_id));
                report9.SetParameterValue("date_report", date_send.Text);
                report9.SetParameterValue("num_doc", CountDoc());
                report9.SetParameterValue("1", numeric1.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric1.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("2", numeric2.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric2.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("3", numeric3.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric3.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("4", numeric4.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric4.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("5", numeric5.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric5.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("6", numeric6.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric6.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("7", numeric7.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric7.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("8", numeric8.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric8.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("9", numeric9.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric9.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("10", numeric10.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric10.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("11", numeric11.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric11.Value.ToString());
                report9.SetParameterValue("user_send", script.GetEmpName(user_send));
                report9.SetParameterValue("user_send_group", script.NotManager(user_send));
                report9.SetParameterValue("head_moterway", File.ReadAllLines(script.file_head_moterway));
                report9.SetParameterValue("total_doc", (numeric1.Value + numeric2.Value + numeric3.Value + numeric4.Value + numeric5.Value + numeric6.Value + numeric7.Value + numeric8.Value + numeric9.Value + numeric10.Value + numeric11.Value));
                if (mainForm.line9 == "9")
                    report9.SetParameterValue("send_h", "1");
                    if (int.Parse(mainForm.cpoint_id) < 705)
                        report9.SetParameterValue("send_h", "2");
                        report9.SetParameterValue("send_h", "3");
                report9.SetParameterValue("other_send", textBox1.Text.Trim());
                report9.SetParameterValue("q_print", doc);

                if (print)
                        report9.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 0, 0);
                        MessageBox.Show("พิมพ์ไม่สำเร็จ", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    PopupReport popup = new PopupReport();
                    popup = new PopupReport();
                    popup.cry_View.ReportSource = report9;
                    //popup.cry_View.PrintMode = false;
                    popup.Text = "บันทึกข้อมความ";
                OfficialReport7 report7 = new OfficialReport7();
                report7.SetParameterValue("user_print", script.GetEmpName(mainForm.emp_control_id));
                report7.SetParameterValue("cpoint", script.GetCpoint(mainForm.cpoint_id));
                report7.SetParameterValue("doc_number", txt_doc_num.Text.Trim() == "" ? "                   " : txt_doc_num.Text.Trim());
                report7.SetParameterValue("tel_cpoint", script.GetCpointTel(mainForm.cpoint_id));
                report7.SetParameterValue("date_report", date_send.Text);
                report7.SetParameterValue("num_doc", CountDoc());
                report7.SetParameterValue("1", numeric1.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric1.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("2", numeric2.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric2.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("3", numeric3.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric3.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("4", numeric4.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric4.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("5", numeric5.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric5.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("6", numeric6.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric6.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("7", numeric7.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric7.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("8", numeric8.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric8.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("9", numeric9.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric9.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("10", numeric10.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric10.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("11", numeric11.Value.ToString() == "0" ? "-" : numeric11.Value.ToString());
                report7.SetParameterValue("user_send", script.GetEmpName(user_send));
                report7.SetParameterValue("user_send_group", script.NotManager(user_send));
                report7.SetParameterValue("total_doc", (numeric1.Value + numeric2.Value + numeric3.Value + numeric4.Value + numeric5.Value + numeric6.Value + numeric7.Value + numeric8.Value + numeric9.Value + numeric10.Value + numeric11.Value));
                report7.SetParameterValue("head_moterway", File.ReadAllLines(script.file_head_moterway));
                if (mainForm.line9 == "9")
                    report7.SetParameterValue("send_h", "1");
                    if (int.Parse(mainForm.cpoint_id) < 705)
                        report7.SetParameterValue("send_h", "2");
                        report7.SetParameterValue("send_h", "3");
                report7.SetParameterValue("other_send", textBox1.Text.Trim());
                report7.SetParameterValue("q_print", doc);

                if (print)
                        report7.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 0, 0);
                        MessageBox.Show("พิมพ์ไม่สำเร็จ", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    PopupReport popup = new PopupReport();
                    popup = new PopupReport();
                    popup.cry_View.ReportSource = report7;
                    //popup.cry_View.PrintMode = false;
                    popup.Text = "บันทึกข้อมความ";