Пример #1
        protected override void DoWork()
            lock (portal)
                    IntSet      idset = new IntSet();
                    XmlDocument doc   = new XmlDocument();
                    XMLUtil.CollectID(doc.DocumentElement, idset);

                    XmlElement name_attr = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Document/Hmi.TextGraphicList.TextList/AttributeList/Name") as XmlElement;
                    name_attr.InnerText = list_name;

                    XmlElement entry_list = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Document/Hmi.TextGraphicList.TextList/ObjectList") as XmlElement;

                        MultilingualText text = new MultilingualText();
                        foreach (string culture in cultures)
                            text.AddText(culture, "?");
                        XmlElement entry = ListEntry(doc, 0, true, text);

                    List <int> keys = new List <int>(texts.Keys);
                    foreach (int k in keys)
                        XmlElement entry = ListEntry(doc, k, false, texts[k]);
                        XMLUtil.ReplaceID(entry, idset);

                    TIAutils.ImportTextListXML(doc, text_lists);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogMessage(MessageLog.Severity.Error, "Failed create HMI text list:\n" + ex.Message);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a tag named prefix + index
        /// Create one if it doesn't exist, using tag prefix + (index-1) as template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prefix">Start of tag name. Typically ends with '_'</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index added to end of name</param>
        /// <param name="plc_tag">PLC tag to connect to</param>
        public void AddIndexedTag(string prefix, int index, string plc_tag, DataType type = null)
            string     tag_name = prefix + index.ToString();
            XmlElement tag      = tag_list.SelectSingleNode("Hmi.Tag.Tag[AttributeList/Name/text()='" + tag_name + "']") as XmlElement;

            if (tag == null)
                string     template_name = prefix + (index - 1).ToString();
                XmlElement template      = tag_list.SelectSingleNode("Hmi.Tag.Tag[AttributeList/Name/text()='" + template_name + "']") as XmlElement;
                if (template == null)
                    throw new Exception("No tag " + template_name + " to use as template for tag " + tag_name);
                tag = template.CloneNode(true) as XmlElement;
                tag_list.InsertAfter(tag, template);
                XMLUtil.ReplaceID(tag, idset);

                // Change name
                XmlElement name_elem = tag.SelectSingleNode("AttributeList/Name") as XmlElement;
                name_elem.InnerText = tag_name;

            // Erase all type information and let the import figure it out
            XmlElement attr_list   = tag.SelectSingleNode("AttributeList") as XmlElement;
            XmlElement length_elem = attr_list.SelectSingleNode("Length") as XmlElement;

            if (length_elem != null)
            if (type != null)
                XmlElement coding_elem = attr_list.SelectSingleNode("Coding") as XmlElement;
                if (coding_elem != null)
                    if (type is REAL || type is LREAL)
                        coding_elem.InnerText = "IEEE754Float";
                        coding_elem.InnerText = "Binary";

            XmlElement link_list     = tag.SelectSingleNode("LinkList") as XmlElement;
            XmlElement hmi_type_elem = link_list.SelectSingleNode("HmiDataType") as XmlElement;

            if (hmi_type_elem != null)
            XmlElement type_elem = link_list.SelectSingleNode("DataType") as XmlElement;

            if (type_elem != null)

            // Set PLC tag
            XmlElement controller_tag_elem = tag.SelectSingleNode("LinkList/ControllerTag/Name") as XmlElement;

            if (controller_tag_elem == null)
                throw new Exception("No PLC tag for HMI tag " + tag_name);
            controller_tag_elem.InnerText = plc_tag;