Пример #1
        public static string GetSPid(string folderBack)
            string[]    arr     = folderBack.Split('/');
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            int         unitId  = Convert.ToInt16(account.UnitID);
            string      strPID  = "";
            string      strYMD  = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd");

            string    strSelPID = "select SPID, SPidNo from [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[6] + " where DateRecord='" + strYMD + "'";
            DataTable dtPMaxID  = SQLBase.FillTable(strSelPID);
            int       intNewID  = 0;

            if (dtPMaxID == null)
            if (dtPMaxID.Rows.Count == 0)
                string strInsertID = "insert into [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[6] + " (SPID,SPidNo,DateRecord) values('P',0,'" + strYMD + "')";
                intNewID = 0;
                intNewID = Convert.ToInt32(dtPMaxID.Rows[0]["SPidNo"]);

            string strUpdateID = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[6] + " set SPidNo='" + intNewID + "' where DateRecord ='" + strYMD + "'";


            strPID = dtPMaxID.Rows[0]["SPID"].ToString() + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd") + GFun.GetNum(unitId, 4) + GFun.GetNum(intNewID, 4);
Пример #2
        public static System.Data.DataTable GetBasicContent()
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      strSql  = "select distinct Type as SID,TypeDesc as Text from tk_ConfigContent where validate='v' ";
            DataTable   dt      = SQLBase.FillTable(strSql, "FlowMeterDBCnn");

Пример #3
        public static DataTable GetConfigCont(string Type)
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      strSql  = "select SID,Text from tk_ConfigContent where Type = '" + Type + "' and Validate = 'v' and UnitID = '" + account.UnitID + "'";
            DataTable   dt      = SQLBase.FillTable(strSql, "SupplyCnn");

Пример #4
        public static DataTable GetUser()
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      unitid  = account.UnitID;
            string      strSql  = "select UserId,UserName,ExJob from [BJOI_UM]..UM_UserNew where DeptId = '" + unitid + "' and ExJob != ''";
            DataTable   dt      = SQLBase.FillTable(strSql);

Пример #5
        public static int InsertApproval(string PID, string RelevanceID, string webkey, string folderBack, ref string a_strErr)
            int         intInsertBas = 0;
            int         intUpdateBas = 0;
            int         intLog       = 0;
            Acc_Account account      = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      createUser   = account.UserID.ToString();
            SQLTrans    sqlTrans     = new SQLTrans();

            string[] arr = folderBack.Split('/');
            // BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/10/52/tk_PID/54/tk_UserLog
            string strInsertBas = "insert into [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[1] + " (PID,RelevanceID,ApprovalContent,CreateUser,CreateTime,Validate,State,Job,ApprovalPersons,ApprovalLevel,AppType)"
                                  + " select '" + PID + "','" + RelevanceID + "','" + webkey + "','" + createUser + "','" + DateTime.Now + "','v','0',Duty,UserId,[Level],AppType from [BJOI_UM]..UM_Examine where BuType = '" + webkey + "'";

            string strUpdateBas = "";

            if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0)
                strUpdateBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[5] + "' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                strUpdateBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[5] + "' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";

            string strInsertLog = "insert into [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[8] + " values ('" + RelevanceID + "','提交" + webkey + "审批操作','提交" + webkey + "审批成功','" + DateTime.Now + "','" + account.UserName + "','" + webkey + "')";

                if (strInsertBas != "")
                    intInsertBas = sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsertBas, CommandType.Text, null);
                if (strUpdateBas != "")
                    intUpdateBas = sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(strUpdateBas, CommandType.Text, null);
                if (strInsertLog != "")
                    intLog = sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsertLog, CommandType.Text, null);
            catch (SqlException e)
                a_strErr = e.Message;

            return(intInsertBas + intUpdateBas);
Пример #6
        // 确认新增小组
        public static int InsertGroup(string text, ref string a_strErr)
            int      intInsert = 0;
            SQLTrans sqlTrans  = new SQLTrans();

            string    strSql  = "select top 1 GroupID,DeptId from UM_Group  where Validate='v' order by GroupID desc ";
            DataTable dt      = SQLBase.FillTable(strSql, "AccountCnn");
            int       GroupID = 0;
            string    DeptID  = "";

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                GroupID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["GroupID"].ToString()) + 1;
                DeptID  = dt.Rows[0]["DeptId"].ToString();
                GroupID = 1;
                Acc_Account acc = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
                DeptID = acc.UnitID;
            string strInsertOrder = "insert into UM_Group (GroupID,GroupName,DeptId,Validate) ";

            strInsertOrder += " values ('" + GroupID + "','" + text + "','" + DeptID + "','v') ";
                if (strInsertOrder != "")
                    intInsert = sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsertOrder, CommandType.Text, null);

            catch (SqlException e)
                a_strErr = e.Message;

Пример #7
        public static Acc_Account ValidateUser(string a_strUserName, string a_strPwd)
            string      strError    = "";
            DataRow     oRow        = null;
            Acc_Account instAccount = new Acc_Account();
            DataTable   dt          = GetAccount(a_strUserName, GAccount.SystemID, ref strError);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                oRow = dt.Rows[0];
                //instAccount.UserID = GFun.SafeToInt32(oRow[0]);
                //instAccount.UserName = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[1]);
                //instAccount.UnitID = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[2]);
                //instAccount.Rights = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[3]);
                //instAccount.UnitCode = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[4]);
                //instAccount.UnitName = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[5]);
                //instAccount.UnitBrief = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[6]);
                //instAccount.HigherUnitID = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[7]);
                //instAccount.Functions = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[8]);
                //instAccount.UserRole = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[9]);
                //instAccount.FunctionsCode = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[12]);
                //instAccount.BranchID = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[13]);
                //instAccount.BranchPCD = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[14]);
                //instAccount.BranchName = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[15]);

                instAccount.UserID        = GFun.SafeToInt32(oRow[0]);
                instAccount.UserName      = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[1]);
                instAccount.UnitID        = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[2]);
                instAccount.Rights        = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[3]);
                instAccount.UnitName      = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[4]);
                instAccount.FunctionsCode = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[5]);
                instAccount.UserRole      = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[6]);
                instAccount.UserMobile    = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[7]);
                instAccount.RoleNames     = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[8]);
                instAccount.Path          = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[9]);
                instAccount.Exjob         = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[10]);
Пример #8
        public static int InsertContent(string type, string text, ref string a_strErr)
            int      intInsert  = 0;
            int      intContent = 0;
            SQLTrans sqlTrans   = new SQLTrans();

            string      XID      = PreGetTaskNo(type);
            string      strSql   = "select SID,TypeDesc from tk_ConfigContent where Type='" + type + "'";
            DataTable   dt       = SQLBase.FillTable(strSql, "SupplyCnn");
            string      SID      = "";
            string      TypeDesc = "";
            Acc_Account acc      = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                SID      = dt.Rows[0]["SID"].ToString();
                SID      = SID.Substring(0, SID.Length - 1);
                SID      = SID + (Convert.ToInt32(XID) - 1).ToString();
                TypeDesc = dt.Rows[0]["TypeDesc"].ToString();
            string strInsertOrder = "";
            string strConte       = "";

            if (type == "BusinessDistribute")
                strInsertOrder += "insert into tk_BusinessDistribute (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
                strConte       += "insert into tk_ConfigContent (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
            else if (type == "BillingWay")
                strInsertOrder += "insert into tk_ConfigBillWay (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
                strConte       += "insert into tk_ConfigContent (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
            else if (type == "CPZLZXBZ")
                strInsertOrder += "insert into tk_ConfigQualityStandard (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
                strConte       += "insert into tk_ConfigContent (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
            else if (type == "Relation")
                strInsertOrder += "insert into tk_ConfigReation (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
                strConte       += "insert into tk_ConfigContent (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
            else if (type == "ScaleType")
                strInsertOrder += "insert into tk_ConfigScalType (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
                strConte       += "insert into tk_ConfigContent (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
                strInsertOrder += "insert into tk_ConfigContent (XID,SID,Text,Type,TypeDesc,Validate,UnitID) values ('" + XID + "','" + SID + "','" + text + "','" + type + "','" + TypeDesc + "','v','" + acc.UnitID + "')";
                if (strInsertOrder != "")
                    intInsert = sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsertOrder, CommandType.Text, null);
                if (strConte != "")
                    intContent = sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(strConte, CommandType.Text, null);
            catch (SqlException e)
                a_strErr = e.Message;

            return(intInsert + intContent);
Пример #9
        public static Acc_Account GetAccountInfo(HttpContextBase httpContext)
            String      strLoginName;
            Acc_Account oGAccountInfo = null;
            IPrincipal  user          = httpContext.User;

            if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)

                oGAccountInfo = (httpContext.Session[KEY_CACHEUSER]) as Acc_Account;

            if (oGAccountInfo != null)

            strLoginName            = user.Identity.Name.Split('^')[0];
            oGAccountInfo           = new Acc_Account();
            oGAccountInfo.LoginName = strLoginName;

            string  strError = "";
            DataRow oRow     = null;

            DataTable dt = GetAccount(strLoginName, SystemID.ToString(), ref strError); //SQLBase.FillTable(strSql, AccountCnn);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                oRow = dt.Rows[0];
                //oGAccountInfo.UserID = GFun.SafeToInt32(oRow[0]);
                //oGAccountInfo.UserName = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[1]);
                //oGAccountInfo.UnitID = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[2]);
                //oGAccountInfo.Rights = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[3]);
                //oGAccountInfo.UnitCode = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[4]);
                //oGAccountInfo.UnitName = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[5]);
                //oGAccountInfo.UnitBrief = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[6]);
                //oGAccountInfo.HigherUnitID = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[7]);
                //oGAccountInfo.Functions = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[8]);
                //oGAccountInfo.UserRole = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[9]);

                oGAccountInfo.UserID        = GFun.SafeToInt32(oRow[0]);
                oGAccountInfo.UserName      = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[1]);
                oGAccountInfo.UnitID        = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[2]);
                oGAccountInfo.Rights        = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[3]);
                oGAccountInfo.UnitName      = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[4]);
                oGAccountInfo.FunctionsCode = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[5]);
                oGAccountInfo.UserRole      = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[6]);
                oGAccountInfo.UserMobile    = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[7]);
                oGAccountInfo.RoleNames     = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[8]);
                oGAccountInfo.Path          = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[9]);
                oGAccountInfo.Exjob         = GFun.SafeToString(oRow[10]);

            httpContext.Session[KEY_CACHEUSER] = oGAccountInfo;

Пример #10
        public static int UpdatezhunchuApproval(string IsPass, string Opinion, string Remark, string PID, string webkey, string folderBack, string RelevanceID, ref string a_strErr)
            int intInsertBas = 0;
            int intUpdateBas = 0;
            int intLog       = 0;
            int intAllBas    = 0;
            //string strstate = "";
            //int intstate = 0;
            Acc_Account account = GAccount.GetAccountInfo();
            string      UserId  = account.UserID.ToString();

            string[] arr   = folderBack.Split('/');
            int      state = 0;

            if (IsPass == "是")
                state = 1;
                state = -1;
            //BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/62/61/tk_PID/29/tk_UserLog 年度
            //BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/10/73/tk_PID/75/tk_UserLog 恢复供货
            string strInsertBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[1] + " set ApprovalMan = '" + UserId + "',ApprovalTime = '" + DateTime.Now + "',IsPass = '******',Opinion = '" + Opinion + "',"
                                  + "Remark = '" + Remark + "',State = '" + state + "' where PID = '" + PID + "' and ApprovalPersons = '" + UserId + "'";
            string strUpdateBas = "";

            if (state == -1)
                if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0)
                    strUpdateBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[7] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0 && arr[7] == "29")
                    strUpdateBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set nState = '" + arr[7] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[7] == "29")
                    strUpdateBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set nState = '" + arr[7] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                    strUpdateBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[7] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
            string strInsertLog = "insert into [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[8] + " values ('" + RelevanceID + "','" + webkey + "审批操作','" + webkey + "审批操作成功','" + DateTime.Now + "','" + account.UserName + "','" + webkey + "审批')";

            if (strInsertBas != "")
                intInsertBas = SQLBase.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsertBas, CommandType.Text, null);
            if (strUpdateBas != "")
                intUpdateBas = SQLBase.ExecuteNonQuery(strUpdateBas, CommandType.Text, null);
            if (strInsertLog != "")
                intLog = SQLBase.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsertLog, "SupplyCnn");

            string    str    = "select ApprovalLevel,SUBSTRING(AppType,1,1) as Type,SUBSTRING(AppType,3,1) as num  from [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[1] + " where PID = '" + PID + "' and state = '0'";
            DataTable dt     = SQLBase.FillTable(str);
            string    Type   = "";
            int       num    = 0;
            int       bol    = 0;
            int       Hcount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                Type = dt.Rows[i]["Type"].ToString();
                if (Type == "1")
                    bol = 1;
                if (Type == "2")
                    bol = 1;
                if (Type == "3")
                    num = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i]["num"]);
                    string    level = dt.Rows[i]["ApprovalLevel"].ToString();
                    string    str1  = "select count(*) from [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[1] + " where PID = '" + PID + "' and state = '1' and AppType = '3-" + num + "'";
                    DataTable dt2   = SQLBase.FillTable(str1);
                    if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Hcount = Convert.ToInt16(dt2.Rows[0][0]);
                    if (Hcount < num)
                        bol = 1;
            //BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/23/22/tk_PID/10/tk_UserLog 准出停止
            //BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/26/25/tk_PID/10/tk_UserLog 准出暂停
            //BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/29/28/tk_PID/10/tk_UserLog 准出淘汰
            //BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/62/61/tk_PID/29/tk_UserLog 年度
            //BGOI_BasMan/tk_SApproval/tk_SupplierBas/SID/10/73/tk_PID/75/tk_UserLog 恢复供货
            string strAllBas = "";

            if (bol == 0 && state != -1)
                if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0 && arr[4] == "23")
                    strAllBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='3' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0 && arr[4] == "26")
                    strAllBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='2' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0 && arr[4] == "29")
                    strAllBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='4' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0 && arr[4] == "10")
                    strAllBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0 && arr[4] == "4")
                    strAllBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='0' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[2].IndexOf("..") > 0 && arr[4] == "62")
                    strAllBas = "update " + arr[2] + " set nState = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[4] == "23")
                    strAllBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='3' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[4] == "26")
                    strAllBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='2' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[4] == "29")
                    strAllBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='4' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[4] == "10")
                    strAllBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                else if (arr[4] == "4")
                    strAllBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set State = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='0' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                    strAllBas = "update [" + arr[0] + "].." + arr[2] + " set nState = '" + arr[4] + "',wstate='1' where " + arr[3] + " = '" + RelevanceID + "'";
                strAllBas = "";
            if (strAllBas != "")
                intAllBas = SQLBase.ExecuteNonQuery(strAllBas, "SupplyCnn");
            return(intInsertBas + intUpdateBas);