public void TranslationTranslateResultGetTest()
            TranslationFileResponse fileResponse = new TranslationFileResponse();
            fileResponse = translationApi.TranslationTranslateFileGet("../../test.txt", "en", "fr", null, null, false, false, null, null, null, null, true, null, null);

            String translationResponse = null;
            translationResponse = translationApi.TranslationTranslateResultGet(fileResponse.RequestId, null);
        public void TranslationTranslateStatusGetTest()
            TranslationFileResponse fileResponse = new TranslationFileResponse();
            fileResponse = translationApi.TranslationTranslateFileGet("../../test.txt", "en", "fr", null, null, false, false, null, null, null, null, true, null, null);

            TranslationStatus translationStatus = new TranslationStatus();
            translationStatus = translationApi.TranslationTranslateStatusGet(fileResponse.RequestId, null);
        public void TranslationTranslateResultGetAsyncTest()
            TranslationFileResponse fileResponse = new TranslationFileResponse();
            fileResponse = translationApi.TranslationTranslateFileGet("../../test.txt", "en", "fr", null, null, false, false, null, null, null, null, true, null, null);

            String translationResponse = null ;
            Task.Run(async () =>
                translationResponse = await translationApi.TranslationTranslateResultGetAsync(fileResponse.RequestId, null);
 public void TranslationTranslateFileGetTest()
     TranslationFileResponse fileResponse = new TranslationFileResponse();
     fileResponse = translationApi.TranslationTranslateFileGet("../../test.txt", "en", "fr", null, null, false, false, null, null, null, null, false, null, null);
 public void TranslationTranslateFileGetAsyncTest()
     TranslationFileResponse fileResponse = new TranslationFileResponse();
     Task.Run(async () =>
         fileResponse = await translationApi.TranslationTranslateFileGetAsync("../../test.txt", "en", "fr", null, null, true, false, null, null, null, null, false, null, null);
        public void TranslationTranslateCancelGetTest()
            TranslationFileResponse fileResponse = new TranslationFileResponse();
            fileResponse = translationApi.TranslationTranslateFileGet("../../test.txt", "en", "fr", null, null, false, false, null, null, null, null, true, null, null);

            TranslationCancel translationCancel = new TranslationCancel();
            translationCancel = translationApi.TranslationTranslateCancelGet(fileResponse.RequestId, null);
    /// <summary>
    /// Translate File Translate a file from source language to target language\n\n\n* In asynchronous mode (async=true), the response will be a JSON containing a request identifier. This identifier can then be used to poll the request status and its result when completed.\n\n  ```\n  {\n     \&quot;requestId\&quot;: \&quot;54a3d860e62ea467b136eddb\&quot; /* Request identifier to use to get the status,\n                                                the result of the request and to cancel it */\n     \&quot;error\&quot;: \&quot;\&quot;, /* Error at request level */\n  }\n  ```\n\n* In synchronous mode, the response will be either:\n\n  * The **translated document**, directly, if `source` parameters was not `auto` and `withSource` was not true\n  * A `multipart/mixed` document with the following parts:\n\n    1. **Detected language**, if request was done with `auto` source language\n\n      * Header:\n\n        `part-name: detectedLanguage`\n\n      * Body: JSON document\n        ```\n        {\n          detectedLanguage: \&quot;string\&quot;\n          detectedLanguageConfidence : number\n        }\n        ```\n\n    2. **Source document**, if request was done with `withSource`:\n\n      * Header: `part-name: source`\n      * Body: Source document\n\n    3. **Translated document**\n\n      * Header: `part-name: output`\n\n      * Body: Translated document\n
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Input">Input file\n</param>/// <param name="Source">Source language code ([details](#description_langage_code_values)) or `auto`.\n\nWhen the value is set to `auto`, the language will be automatically detected, used to enhance the translation, and returned in output.\n</param>/// <param name="Target">Target language code ([details](#description_langage_code_values))</param>/// <param name="Format">Format of the source text.\n\nValid values are `text` for plain text, `html` for HTML pages, and `auto` for automatic detection. The MIME type of file format supported by SYSTRAN can also be used (application/vnd.openxmlformats, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument, ...)\n</param>/// <param name="Profile">Profile id\n</param>/// <param name="WithSource">If `true`, the source will also be sent back in the response message. It can be useful when used with the withAnnotations option to align the source document with the translated document\n</param>/// <param name="WithAnnotations">If `true`, different annotations will be provided in the translated document. If the option &#39;withSource&#39; is used, the annotations will also be provided in the source document. It will provide segments, tokens, not found words,...\n</param>/// <param name="WithDictionary">User Dictionary or/and Normalization Dictionary ids to be applied to the translation result. Each dictionary &#39;id&#39; has to be separate by a comma.\n</param>/// <param name="WithCorpus">Corpus to be applied to the translation result. Each corpus &#39;id&#39; has to be separate by a comma.\n</param>/// <param name="Options">Additional options.\n\nAn option can be a JSON object containing a set of key/value generic options supported by the translator. It can also be a string with the syntax &#39;&lt;key&gt;:&lt;value&gt;&#39; to pass a key/value generic option to the translator.\n</param>/// <param name="Encoding">Encoding. `base64` can be useful to send binary documents in the JSON body. Please note that another alternative is to use translateFile\n</param>/// <param name="Async">If `true`, the translation is performed asynchronously.\n\nThe \&quot;/translate/status\&quot; service must be used to wait for the completion of the request and the \&quot;translate/result\&quot; service must be used to get the final result. The \&quot;/translate/cancel\&quot; can be used to cancel the request.\n</param>/// <param name="BatchId">Batch Identifier\n</param>/// <param name="Callback">Javascript callback function name for JSONP Support\n</param>
    /// <returns>TranslationFileResponse</returns>
    public TranslationFileResponse TranslationTranslateFileGet (string Input, string Source, string Target, string Format, int? Profile, bool? WithSource, bool? WithAnnotations, string WithDictionary, string WithCorpus, List<string> Options, string Encoding, bool? Async, string BatchId, string Callback) {

      // verify the required parameter 'Input' is set
      if (Input == null) throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'Input' when calling TranslationTranslateFileGet");
      // verify the required parameter 'Target' is set
      if (Target == null) throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'Target' when calling TranslationTranslateFileGet");

      var path = "/translation/file/translate";
      path = path.Replace("{format}", "json");

      var queryParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
      var headerParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
      var formParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
      var fileParams = new Dictionary<String, String>();
      String postBody = null;

       if (Source != null) queryParams.Add("source", apiClient.ParameterToString(Source)); // query parameter
       if (Target != null) queryParams.Add("target", apiClient.ParameterToString(Target)); // query parameter
       if (Format != null) queryParams.Add("format", apiClient.ParameterToString(Format)); // query parameter
       if (Profile != null) queryParams.Add("profile", apiClient.ParameterToString(Profile)); // query parameter
       if (WithSource != null) queryParams.Add("withSource", apiClient.ParameterToString(WithSource)); // query parameter
       if (WithAnnotations != null) queryParams.Add("withAnnotations", apiClient.ParameterToString(WithAnnotations)); // query parameter
       if (WithDictionary != null) queryParams.Add("withDictionary", apiClient.ParameterToString(WithDictionary)); // query parameter
       if (WithCorpus != null) queryParams.Add("withCorpus", apiClient.ParameterToString(WithCorpus)); // query parameter
       if (Options != null) queryParams.Add("options", apiClient.ParameterToString(Options)); // query parameter
       if (Encoding != null) queryParams.Add("encoding", apiClient.ParameterToString(Encoding)); // query parameter
       if (Async != null) queryParams.Add("async", apiClient.ParameterToString(Async)); // query parameter
       if (BatchId != null) queryParams.Add("batchId", apiClient.ParameterToString(BatchId)); // query parameter
       if (Callback != null) queryParams.Add("callback", apiClient.ParameterToString(Callback)); // query parameter
      if (Input != null) fileParams.Add("input", Input);

      // authentication setting, if any
      String[] authSettings = new String[] { "accessToken", "apiKey" };

      // make the HTTP request
      IRestResponse response = (IRestResponse) apiClient.CallApi(path, Method.GET, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, formParams, fileParams, authSettings);

      if (((int)response.StatusCode) >= 400) {
        throw new ApiException ((int)response.StatusCode, "Error calling TranslationTranslateFileGet: " + response.Content, response.Content);
      if (!(bool) Async){  //non async calls return raw text, not JSON, avoid deserialization
        TranslationFileResponse fileResponse = new TranslationFileResponse();
        fileResponse.Outputs = new List<TranslationOutput>();
        TranslationOutput output = new TranslationOutput();
        output.Output = response.Content;
        return fileResponse;
      return (TranslationFileResponse) apiClient.Deserialize(response.Content, typeof(TranslationFileResponse));