private static string ConvertValue(String value) { Dictionary<String, String> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>(); replacements.Add("&sp;", " "); replacements.Add("&1uc;", "{-|}"); replacements.Add("&", "&"); replacements.Add("&bs;", "{# BackSpace}"); replacements.Add("&cr;", "{# Return}"); replacements.Add("&uc;", "{MODE:CAPS}"); replacements.Add("&lc;", "{MODE:LOWER}"); replacements.Add("&dw;", "{# Control_L(BackSpace)}"); replacements.Add("\\", "\\\\"); replacements.Add("\"", "\\\""); foreach (string key in replacements.Keys.OrderByDescending(_k=>_k.Length)) { value = value.Replace(key, replacements[key]); } if (value.Contains("&+i;")) { value = String.Format("{0}{{^}}", value.Replace("&+i;", "")); } if (value.Contains("&rb;")) { value = String.Format("{{^}}{0}", value.Replace("&rb;", "")); } return value.Trim(); }
public List<String> publisher_update_task( String api, String topic, List<string> pub_uris) { XmlRpcValue l = new XmlRpcValue(); l.Set(0, api); l.Set(1, ""); //XmlRpcValue ll = new XmlRpcValue(); //l.Set(0, ll); for(int i = 0; i < pub_uris.Count; i++) { XmlRpcValue ll = new XmlRpcValue(pub_uris[i]); l.Set(i + 1, ll); } XmlRpcValue args = new XmlRpcValue(); args.Set(0, "master"); args.Set(1, topic); args.Set(2, l); XmlRpcValue result = new XmlRpcValue(new XmlRpcValue(), new XmlRpcValue(), new XmlRpcValue(new XmlRpcValue())), payload = new XmlRpcValue(); = api.Replace("http://","").Replace("/","").Split(':')[0]; Ros_CSharp.master.port = int.Parse( api.Replace("http://", "").Replace("/", "").Split(':')[1]); Ros_CSharp.master.execute("publisherUpdate", args, result, payload, false ); return new List<string>(new []{"http://ERIC:1337"}); }
/// <summary> /// 修改已有的文件名。 /// </summary> /// <param name="oldWjm">旧文件名</param> /// <param name="newWjm">新文件名</param> /// <returns>是否修改成功</returns> public bool changeGYBGPMWjm(String oldWjm, String newWjm) { if (null == oldWjm || null == newWjm) { return false; } String dwjm = newWjm.Replace(".PDF", ".DOC"); IDictionary<String, Object> para = new Dictionary<String, Object>(); para.Add("oldwjm", oldWjm); para.Add("newwjm", newWjm); para.Add("dwjm", dwjm); bool result = true; try { sqlMapper.Update("ChangeGYBG_PM_wjm", para); //修改PDF文件名 OperationFile.ReNameFile(oldWjm, newWjm); //修改DOC文件名 oldWjm=oldWjm.Replace(".PDF", ".DOC"); newWjm=newWjm.Replace(".PDF", ".DOC"); OperationFile.ReNameFile(oldWjm, newWjm); } catch { result = false; } return result; }
public static string encryptBase64Url(String text) { text = text.Replace("+","-"); text = text.Replace("/","_"); text = text.Replace("=","$"); return text; }
/// <summary> /// Converts an XMLstring to an array of GBaseElement (Name and Type) structures /// </summary> /// <param name="XMLString">An XML string of the form: field..type..field..type...</param> /// <returns>An array of GBaseElement that is the parsed, passed XMLstring</returns> public GBaseElement[] FieldsToGBaseElementArray(String XMLString) { Stack<GBaseElement> _elements = new Stack<GBaseElement>(); // Initially use a stack to hold the elements XMLString = XMLString.Replace("\t", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", ""); // Replace the tabs, newllines, and returns in the string // Loop until break is hit while (true) { _GBaseElement.Name = XMLString.Substring(XMLString.IndexOf("Name=\"") + 6, // Set the name to be the string between "Name=\"" and the next " XMLString.IndexOf("\"", XMLString.IndexOf("Name=\"") + 6) - (XMLString.IndexOf("Name=\"") + 6)).ToLower(); // Set the Type to be the string between <Type> and </Type> _GBaseElement.Type = GetXMLBetweenTags("Type", XMLString).ToLower(); _elements.Push(_GBaseElement); // Push the newly generated object into _elements XMLString = XMLString.Substring(XMLString.IndexOf("</Field>") + 8, // Get rid of the portion of the string that has been evaluated XMLString.Length - (XMLString.IndexOf("</Field>") + 8)); if (XMLString.Replace(" ", "").Length == 0) // Get rid of any left over spaces (sometimes they presist) and see if there is no more to look over break; } return _elements.ToArray(); // Return the stack as an array }
public static byte[] ConvertFromBase64String(String dataStr) { dataStr = dataStr.Replace("$", "/"); dataStr = dataStr.Replace("#", "+"); byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(dataStr); return data; }
private String escapeAscii(String text) { text = text.Replace("\x0a", "\\n"); text = text.Replace("\x0d", "\\r"); text = text.Replace("\xa0", "\\u00a0"); return text; }
public Boolean VerificaRut(String rut) { bool validacion = false; try { rut = rut.ToUpper(); rut = rut.Replace(".", ""); rut = rut.Replace("-", ""); int rutAux = int.Parse(rut.Substring(0, rut.Length - 1)); char dv = char.Parse(rut.Substring(rut.Length - 1, 1)); int m = 0, s = 1; for (; rutAux != 0; rutAux /= 10) { s = (s + rutAux % 10 * (9 - m++ % 6)) % 11; } if (dv == (char)(s != 0 ? s + 47 : 75)) { validacion = true; } } catch (Exception) { } return validacion; }
public static String adaptarTexto(String txt) { if (txt.Substring(0, 2).Equals("rt")) { txt = txt.Substring(2); } if (txt != null && !txt.Equals("")) { char[] acentuados = new char[] { 'ç', 'á', 'à', 'ã', 'â', 'ä', 'é', 'è', 'ê', 'ë', 'í', 'ì', 'î', 'ï', 'ó', 'ò', 'õ', 'ô', 'ö', 'ú', 'ù', 'û', 'ü' }; char[] naoAcentuados = new char[] { 'c', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u' }; for (int i = 0; i < acentuados.Length; i++) { txt = txt.Replace(acentuados[i], naoAcentuados[i]); } } txt = txt.Replace("rt ", "#rt "); txt = txt.Replace("retweet", "#rt"); txt = txt.Replace("de um #rt", "de #rt"); txt = removerPontuacao(txt); txt = adaptarPreco(txt); return txt; }
public void gotAT(String newATCommand) { newATCommand = newATCommand.Replace("\r", ""); newATCommand = newATCommand.Replace("\n", ""); Console.WriteLine("adding:" + newATCommand); slots[actSlot].settingStrings.Add(newATCommand); }
public static string decryptBase64Url(String base64Url) { base64Url = base64Url.Replace("-", "+"); base64Url = base64Url.Replace("_", "/"); base64Url = base64Url.Replace("$", "="); return base64Url; }
public void ConvertResult(System.String applicationDirectory, System.String resultsDirectory) { XslTransform xslt = new XslTransform(); xslt.Load(applicationDirectory + "DVT_RESULTS.xslt"); System.String resultsFilename = resultsDirectory + "\\Summary_" + _resultsFilename; XPathDocument xpathdocument = new XPathDocument(resultsFilename); // XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(resultsFilename.Replace (".xml", ".html"), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); // writer.Formatting = Formatting.None; // xslt.Transform(xpathdocument, null, writer, null); // writer.Flush(); // writer.Close(); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(resultsFilename.Replace(".xml", ".html"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); xslt.Transform(xpathdocument, null, fileStream, null); fileStream.Close(); resultsFilename = resultsDirectory + "\\Detail_" + _resultsFilename; xpathdocument = new XPathDocument(resultsFilename); // writer = new XmlTextWriter(resultsFilename.Replace (".xml", ".html"), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); // writer.Formatting = Formatting.None; // xslt.Transform(xpathdocument, null, writer, null); // writer.Flush(); // writer.Close(); fileStream = new FileStream(resultsFilename.Replace(".xml", ".html"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); xslt.Transform(xpathdocument, null, fileStream, null); fileStream.Close(); }
public static String GetLogicalTag(String templateText) { String pattern = @"[\[][\%][\?][^=@].*?[\%][\]]"; Regex regex = new Regex(pattern); MatchCollection matchCollection = regex.Matches(templateText); bool flags = false; pattern = @"(\[\%\?\%\])"; regex = new Regex(pattern); MatchCollection fix = regex.Matches(templateText); if (fix.Count != 0) flags = true; foreach (Match item in matchCollection) { if (flags) { String temp = item.Value.Trim(new Char[] { '[', '%', '?', ']' }); templateText = templateText.Replace(item.Value, " if( " + temp + " ) {"); templateText = templateText.Replace("[%?%]", " } "); } else { String temp = item.Value.Trim(new Char[] { '[', '%', '?', ']' }); templateText = templateText.Replace(item.Value, " if( " + temp + " ) "); } } return templateText; }
/// <summary> /// Processes the internal argruments in a string. /// </summary> public static String ProcessArguments(String data) { data = data.Replace("$(Quote)", "\""); data = data.Replace("$(AppDir)", PathHelper.GetExeDirectory()); data = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(data); return data; }
public static Dictionary<String, String> JsonObjectToDictionaryList(String StringDataIn) { Dictionary<String, String> Json = new Dictionary<string, string>(); StringDataIn = StringDataIn.Replace("{", "");//Beginn of Object StringDataIn = StringDataIn.Replace("}", "");//End of Object return JsonObjectToDictionary(StringDataIn); }
/// <summary> Removes all unecessary whitespace from the given String (intended to be used with Primitive values). /// This includes leading and trailing whitespace, and repeated space characters. Carriage returns, /// line feeds, and tabs are replaced with spaces. /// </summary> protected internal virtual System.String removeWhitespace(System.String s) { s = s.Replace('\r', ' '); s = s.Replace('\n', ' '); s = s.Replace('\t', ' '); bool repeatedSpacesExist = true; while (repeatedSpacesExist) { int loc = s.IndexOf(" "); if (loc < 0) { repeatedSpacesExist = false; } else { System.Text.StringBuilder buf = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); buf.Append(s.Substring(0, (loc) - (0))); buf.Append(" "); buf.Append(s.Substring(loc + 2)); s = buf.ToString(); } } return(s.Trim()); }
private String modifycatorString(int inAccuracy, String dataString, int inputStringFormat) { if (dataString.Length > inAccuracy) dataString = dataString.Substring(0, inAccuracy); dataString = dataString.Replace('E', 'e'); dataString = dataString.Replace('.', ','); if (dataString.IndexOf(',') == 0) dataString = "0" + dataString; if ((dataString[0] != '-') && (dataString[0] != '+')) dataString = "+" + dataString; if (dataString.IndexOf(',') == -1) if (dataString.IndexOf('e') != -1) dataString = dataString.Substring(0, dataString.IndexOf('e')) + ",0" + dataString.Substring(dataString.IndexOf('e')); else dataString = dataString + ",0"; if ((dataString[dataString.IndexOf('e') + 1] != '+')&& (dataString[dataString.IndexOf('e') + 1] != '-')) dataString = dataString.Replace("e", "e+"); if (dataString.IndexOf('e') == -1) dataString = dataString + "e+0"; return dataString; }
internal static System.String GetFileName(System.String name) { if (name == null || name.Length == 0) { return(name); } name = name.Replace("\t", ""); try { name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(name); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { // Remove invalid chars foreach (char ichar in System.IO.Path.InvalidPathChars) { name = name.Replace(ichar.ToString(), System.String.Empty); } name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(name); } try { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(name); if (fi != null) { fi = null; } } catch (System.ArgumentException) { name = null; #if LOG if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(System.String.Concat("Filename [", name, "] is not allowed by the filesystem")); } #endif } return(name); }
public static System.String RemoveIllegalChars(System.String Str) { if (Str == null) { Str = "Unknown"; } Str = Str.Replace('\\', '-'); Str = Str.Replace('/', '-'); System.String[] AllowedCharsArray = new System.String[] { "q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "h", "j", "k", "l", "n", "m", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "_", " ", "(", ")", "-" }; System.Collections.ArrayList AllowedChars = new System.Collections.ArrayList(AllowedCharsArray); System.String OutStr = ""; foreach (System.Char TestChar in Str.ToCharArray()) { if (AllowedChars.Contains(TestChar.ToString().ToLower())) { OutStr += TestChar.ToString(); } } if (OutStr == "") { OutStr = "Unknown"; } return(OutStr); }
public GetSystemFlags(String CurrentFlags) { InitializeComponent(); foreach (EnumFlags EFlags in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumFlags))) { _ValueFlags.Add(EFlags.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < _ValueFlags.Count; i++) { listBox_Flags.Items.Add(_ValueFlags[i].ToString()); } // Parse current flags CurrentFlags = CurrentFlags.Replace("(", ""); CurrentFlags = CurrentFlags.Replace(")", ""); CurrentFlags = CurrentFlags.Replace(" ", ""); string[] ParsedString = CurrentFlags.Split(new char[]{'+'}); for (int i = 0; i < ParsedString.Length; i++) { listBox_Flags.SelectedItems.Add(ParsedString[i]); } }
//Method to eliminate Hyperlinks from numbers public static String cleanString(String s) { s.Trim(); s = s.Replace("hyperlink", ""); s = s.Replace(" ", ""); //finds the last index where ' occurs int end = s.LastIndexOf("\""); int num = s.Length; int n = s.Length - end; char[] a = s.ToCharArray(); char[] b = new char[256]; int j = 0; for (int i = end + 1; i < s.Length; i++) { b[j] = a[i]; j++; } string str = new string(b); return str; }
public String EscapeForXMLandHTML(String myString) { myString = myString.Replace("<", "<"); myString = myString.Replace(">", ">"); myString = myString.Replace("&", "&"); return myString; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new CSS range token. /// </summary> /// <param name="range">The selected range string.</param> /// <param name="position">The token's position.</param> public CssRangeToken(String range, TextPosition position) : base(CssTokenType.Range, range, position) { _start = range.Replace(Symbols.QuestionMark, '0'); _end = range.Replace(Symbols.QuestionMark, 'F'); _range = GetRange(); }
public static String getLatFromAddress2(String s) { s = s.Replace("Suite", ""); s = s.Replace("suite", ""); s = s.Replace("Apt", ""); s = s.Replace("apt", ""); //Instance class use (Geocode) (Can be made from static/instance class) var geocodeRequest = new GeocodingRequest { Address = s, }; var geocodingEngine = new GeocodingEngine(); GeocodingResponse geocode = geocodingEngine.GetGeocode(geocodeRequest); Result match1 = null; try { match1 = geocode.Results.First(); } catch (Exception) { return "notfound"; } Double lat = match1.Geometry.Location.Latitude; return lat.ToString(); }
public Address(String sourceAddressCode) { if (sourceAddressCode.StartsWith(LexicalSymbols.LabelAddress)) { this.IsLabelledAddress = true; this.AddressLabel = sourceAddressCode.Replace(LexicalSymbols.LabelAddress, String.Empty); } else if (sourceAddressCode.StartsWith(LexicalSymbols.BinaryAddress)) { this.BinaryAddress = int.Parse(sourceAddressCode.Replace(LexicalSymbols.BinaryAddress, String.Empty)); this.SourceAddress = BinaryToSource(this.BinaryAddress); } else { this.SourceAddress = int.Parse(sourceAddressCode); if (this.SourceAddress >= 0) { this.BinaryAddress = SourceToBinary(this.SourceAddress); } else { this.BinaryAddress = this.SourceAddress; } } }
/// <summary> /// Generates a valid DotNet name. /// </summary> /// <param name = "prefix">The prefix.</param> /// <param name = "value">The value.</param> /// <returns>A valid DotNet name.</returns> public static String GenerateDotNetName(String prefix, String value) { value = value.Replace('-', ' '); value = value.Replace('&', ' '); String[] parts = value.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); return parts.Aggregate(prefix, (s, part) => s += (part.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + part.Substring(1))); }
private static string TidyUpArtist(String artist) { artist = artist.Replace("&&", "&"); artist = artist.Replace("\"", """); artist = artist.Replace("<", "<"); artist = artist.Replace(">", ">"); return artist; }
public virtual void RefractorString(ref String s) { s = s.Replace("~(", "bitnot("); s = s.Replace(" && ", " and "); s = s.Replace(" || ", " or "); s = s.Replace("!", "not "); s = s.Replace("nop", "nop()"); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string where all "wrong" directory separator chars are replaced by the ones used by the system /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The original path string potentially with wrong chars</param> /// <returns>The corrected path string</returns> static String FixDirectorySeparators(String path) { if(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '\\') path = path.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/') path = path.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); return path; }
private static String replaceSpecialChart(String sourceData) { sourceData = sourceData.Replace("\r\n", "<br>"); sourceData = sourceData.Replace("\n", "<br>"); sourceData = sourceData.Replace(@"\", @"\\"); sourceData = sourceData.Replace("'", "\\'"); return sourceData; }
private static String ReplaceWithFilePaths( String strFileData, String appDir, String binDir, String strOriginUrl){ strFileData = strFileData.Replace("$AppDir$", appDir); strFileData = strFileData.Replace("$AppDirUrl$", MakeFileUrl(appDir)); strFileData = strFileData.Replace("$CodeGen$", MakeFileUrl(binDir)); if (strOriginUrl != null) strFileData = strFileData.Replace("$OriginUrl$", strOriginUrl); return strFileData ; }
public String BuildAbsoluteUrl(String rootUrl) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootUrl)) throw new ArgumentNullException("rootUrl"); return (String.Equals(rootUrl, ArcGIS.ServiceModel.PortalGateway.AGOPortalUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ? (DontForceHttps ? rootUrl : rootUrl.Replace("http://", "https://")) + RelativeUrl.Replace("tokens/", "") : (DontForceHttps ? rootUrl : rootUrl.Replace("http://", "https://")) + RelativeUrl; }
public String Purge(String text) { text= text.Replace(" "," "); text = text.Replace("\r\n", " "); text = text.Replace(" ", " "); return text; }
String EscapeForHtml(String str) { str = str.Replace("'", "'"); str = str.Replace("\"", """); str = str.Replace("\n", " "); str = str.Replace("<", "<"); str = str.Replace(">", ">"); return str; }
private Support getMetricValue(ItemSet val, Metric m) { ItemSet[] splitItems = val.Split(','); if (splitItems.Length == 1) { switch (m) { case Metric.SupportCount: float x = Convert.ToInt32(this._sparseMatrix.Compute("COUNT([" + val + "])", "[" + val + "] = 1")); return(x); case Metric.Support: float y = Convert.ToInt32(this._sparseMatrix.Compute("COUNT([" + val + "])", "[" + val + "] = 1")); return(y / this._sparseMatrix.Rows.Count); case Metric.Confidence: //find support count of whole and divide it by that of the antecedent float supportCountWhole = getMetricValue(val.Replace('#', ','), Metric.SupportCount); float supportCountAntecedent = getMetricValue(val.Split('#')[0], Metric.SupportCount); return(supportCountAntecedent == 0 ? 0 : supportCountWhole / supportCountAntecedent); default: return(0); } } else { switch (m) { case Metric.Support: StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("["); foreach (ItemSet item in splitItems) { query.Append(item); query.Append("] = 1 AND ["); } query.Remove(query.Length - 5, 5); DataRow[] drColln = _sparseMatrix.Select(query.ToString()); if (drColln.Length > 0) { return((float)drColln.Length / _sparseMatrix.Rows.Count); } else { return(0); } case Metric.Confidence: //find support count of whole and divide it by that of the antecedent float supportCountWhole = getMetricValue(val.Replace('#', ','), Metric.Support); //same as using supportcount because it is a ratio float supportCountAntecedent = getMetricValue(val.Split('#')[0], Metric.Support); //same as using supportcount because it is a ratio return(supportCountAntecedent == 0 ? 0 : supportCountWhole / supportCountAntecedent); default: return(0); } } }
public static System.String RemoveChar(System.String consoleInput) { consoleInput = consoleInput.Replace('(', ' '); consoleInput = consoleInput.Replace(')', ' '); consoleInput = consoleInput.Replace(',', ' '); consoleInput = consoleInput.Trim(); return(consoleInput); }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog { InitialDirectory = @"D:\", Title = "Browse PDF Files", CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, DefaultExt = "pdf", Filter = "pdf files (*.pdf)|*.pdf", FilterIndex = 2, RestoreDirectory = true, ReadOnlyChecked = true, ShowReadOnly = true }; if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { textBox1.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName; file_name = textBox1.Text; System.String[] nameList = file_name.Split('\\'); nCnt = nameList.Length; //textBox2.Text = nameList[nCnt - 1]; System.String pdf_name = nameList[nCnt - 1]; excel_name = pdf_name.Replace("pdf", "xls"); textBox2.Text = excel_name; } }
/// <summary> Appends the text to the output.</summary> /// <param name="string">The text node. /// </param> public override void VisitStringNode(IText string_Renamed) { if (!mIsScript && !mIsStyle) { System.String text = string_Renamed.GetText(); if (!mIsPre) { text = Translate.Decode(text); if (ReplaceNonBreakingSpaces) { text = text.Replace('\u00a0', ' '); } if (Collapse) { StringUtil.CollapseString(mBuffer, text); } else { mBuffer.Append(text); } } else { mBuffer.Append(text); } } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the given System.String object contains symbols or /// special characters. /// </summary> /// <param name="str">The given string object to check.</param> /// <param name="ignoreSpaces">Remove spaces before compare?</param> /// <returns>True if any characters in the given string are /// symbols or special characters, else False.</returns> public static bool HasSymbol(this System.String str, bool ignoreSpaces = true) { return(!(ignoreSpaces ? str.Replace(" ", "") : str) .ToCharArray() .All(Char.IsLetterOrDigit)); }
/// <summary> Returns the package name for model elements of the given version - e.g. /// "Genetibase.NuGenHL7.model.v24.". This method /// is identical to <code>getVersionPackagePath(...)</code> except that path /// separators are replaced with dots. /// </summary> public static System.String getVersionPackageName(System.String ver) { System.String path = getVersionPackagePath(ver); System.String packg = path.Replace('/', '.'); packg = packg.Replace('\\', '.'); return(packg); }
public static void insert(System.String mac, int offset, byte[] bytes) { mac = mac.Replace(":", "").Replace("-", ""); long l = System.Convert.ToInt64(mac, 16); ArrayHelper.insertLong(bytes, l, offset, 6); }
public void Info(System.String msg) { msg = msg.Replace("\n", "\r\n"); LogMsg(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " [INFO]" + " " + msg); }
//DATABASE #region database methods private void CheckDatabase(String plateNumber, String picURL) { plateNumber = plateNumber.Replace(" ", "").ToUpper(); String qry = "SELECT Person.PersonName, Person.PersonSurname, Car.IsRegistered FROM Car, Person WHERE Car.CarNumberPlate = '" + plateNumber + "' AND Car.PersonID = Person.IDNumber"; _vehicleCount++; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(qry, _conn); OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader != null && !reader.HasRows) { DisplayPlate(new LicencePlate("error-" + plateNumber, false)); sendSingleCarInfoToAll(plateNumber, "<UNKNOWN>", "UNKNOWN", picURL); } while (reader != null && reader.Read()) { String fname = reader.GetString(0); String sname = reader.GetString(1); Boolean isRegistered = reader.GetBoolean(2); DisplayPlate(new LicencePlate(plateNumber, isRegistered)); sendSingleCarInfoToAll(fname, sname, plateNumber, picURL); } if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } }
}//AnalyseFile /// <summary> /// getDstFileNameByThrdNum eg. is log contains: [Thrd: 5476] then dest file: ./DstLogPath/Thrd_5476.log /// </summary> /// <param name="strThrdNum"></param> /// <returns></returns> private System.String getDstFileNameByThrdNum(System.String strThrdNum) { System.String strDstFileName = ""; System.String strThrdNumSubStr = ""; int nfindSunStr = -1; //[Thrd: 5476] if (strThrdNum.Length > 0) { nfindSunStr = -1; nfindSunStr = strThrdNum.IndexOf(":"); } if (nfindSunStr > 0) { strThrdNumSubStr = strThrdNum.Substring(nfindSunStr + 1); nfindSunStr = -1; } //remove "]" strThrdNumSubStr = strThrdNumSubStr.Replace("]", " "); //remove " " strThrdNumSubStr = strThrdNumSubStr.Trim(); //./DstLogPath/Thrd_5476.log strDstFileName = m_strDstLogPath + "Thrd_" + strThrdNumSubStr + ".log"; return(strDstFileName); }//AnalyseFile
/// <summary> /// Checks if the given string contains any numeric characters. /// </summary> /// <param name="str">The given string object to check.</param> /// <param name="ignoreSpaces">Remove spaces before compare?</param> /// <returns>True if any characters in the given string are numeric, /// else False.</returns> public static bool HasNumeric(this System.String str, bool ignoreSpaces = true) { return((ignoreSpaces ? str.Replace(" ", "") : str) .ToCharArray() .Any(Char.IsDigit)); }
/// <summary> /// Itrerating thru the entire Keys enumeration; downed key names are stored in keyBuffer /// (space delimited). /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void timerKeyMine_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Keys))) { if (IsKeyBeingPressed(i)) { AddKeyToBuffer(i); string keyBufferCompare = keyBuffer.Replace(" ", string.Empty); foreach (var shortKey in WatchedShortKeys) { string fullKey = (ShortKeyConfiguration.Default.Prefix + shortKey.Key + shortKey.Suffix).ToUpperInvariant(); if (keyBufferCompare.EndsWith(fullKey)) { Invoke(() => { SendKeys.Send($"{{BACKSPACE {fullKey.Length}}}"); }); string keys = shortKey.ReplacementKey; if (!shortKey.UseClipboard) { keys = PerformNewLineFix(keys); } keys = ReplaceRegexPatterns(keys); if (shortKey.UseClipboard) { Invoke(() => { try { IDataObject clipboardData = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); Clipboard.SetDataObject(keys); SendKeys.Send($"^(v)"); Clipboard.SetDataObject(clipboardData); } catch { } }); } else { keys = ReplaceSendKeysSpecialCharacters(keys); Invoke(() => { SendTheseKeys(keys); }); } if (shortKey.CursorLeftCount > 0) { Invoke(() => { SendKeys.Send($"{{LEFT {shortKey.CursorLeftCount}}}"); }); } break; } } } } }
virtual public string GetDescriptionWithoutSpecialCharacters() { string desc = this.desc; desc = desc.Replace('\n', ' '); desc = desc.Replace('\"', '\''); return(desc); }
/// <summary> /// Check if given System.String object is all upper case. /// </summary> /// <param name="str">The string object to check.</param> /// <param name="ignoreSpaces">Remove spaces before checking?</param> /// <returns>True if the entire string is upper case, else False.</returns> public static bool IsUpper(this System.String str, bool ignoreSpaces = true) { return((ignoreSpaces ? str.Replace(" ", "") : str) .ToCharArray() .Select(C => (int)C) .All(C => C >= 65 && C <= 90)); }
/// <summary> /// Check if given System.String object contains lower case. /// </summary> /// <param name="str">The string object to check.</param> /// <param name="ignoreSpaces">Remove spaces before checking?</param> /// <returns>True if the object contains any lower case, else False.</returns> public static bool HasLower(this System.String str, bool ignoreSpaces = true) { return((ignoreSpaces ? str.Replace(" ", "") : str) .ToCharArray() .Select(C => (int)C) .Any(C => C >= 97 && C <= 122)); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the given string contains all numeric characters. /// </summary> /// <param name="str">The given string object to check.</param> /// <param name="Classic">Switch to force RegEx comparison instead /// of Linq.</param> /// <param name="ignoreSpaces">Remove spaces before compare?</param> /// <returns>True if all characters in the given string are numeric, /// else False.</returns> public static bool IsNumeric(this System.String str, bool Classic = false, bool ignoreSpaces = true) { if (Classic) //No LINQ available e.g. .NET 2.0 { return(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch( (ignoreSpaces ? str.Replace(" ", "") : str), @"^[0-9]+$")); } else //This method is on average 670% faster than RegEx method. { return((ignoreSpaces ? str.Replace(" ", "") : str) .ToCharArray() .All(Char.IsDigit)); } }
/// <summary> /// 转义正则表达式 /// </summary> public static System.String EscapeRegex(this System.String SourceString) { System.String[] oList = { "\\", ".", "+", "*", "?", "{", "}", "[", "^", "]", "$", "(", ")", "=", "!", "<", ">", "|", ":" }; System.String[] eList = { "\\\\", "\\.", "\\+", "\\*", "\\?", "\\{", "\\}", "\\[", "\\^", "\\]", "\\$", "\\(", "\\)", "\\=", "\\!", "\\<", "\\>", "\\|", "\\:" }; for (int i = 0; i < oList.Length; i++) { SourceString = SourceString.Replace(oList[i], eList[i]); } return(SourceString); }
/// <summary>Initialize member variable setting the base file path</summary> /// <param name="basePath">representing base path location /// </param> public FileGenerator(System.String basePath) { // make sure there is a \ appended to ouput director path System.Console.Out.WriteLine(basePath); this.basePath = basePath.Replace('\\', '/'); if ((basePath[basePath.Length - 1]) != '/') { basePath = basePath + "/"; } }
public static 文字列 シモナイズ(this 文字列 閣下) { foreach (var 相当 in シモナイズテーブル) { if (閣下.Contains(相当.Key)) { 閣下 = 閣下.Replace(相当.Key.ToString(), 相当.Value); } } return(閣下); }
public static System.Double Parse(System.String s) { try { return(System.Double.Parse(s.Replace(".", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator))); } catch (OverflowException) { return(System.Double.MaxValue); } }
public static System.Decimal ToDecimal(System.String AValue) { if (AValue.Contains(",")) { AValue = AValue.Replace(".", ""); } else { AValue = AValue.Replace(".", ","); } System.Decimal NewValue; if (!DecimalUtils.IsValid(AValue, out NewValue)) { return(0); } else { return(NewValue); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static System.Single Parse(System.String s) { if (s.EndsWith("f") || s.EndsWith("F")) { return(System.Single.Parse(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1).Replace(".", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator))); } else { return(System.Single.Parse(s.Replace(".", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator))); } }
public System.String EscapeExpression(System.String input) { if (input == null || input.Length == 0) { return("''"); } if (input.IndexOf('\'') != -1) { return(input.Replace("'", "''")); } return(input); }
private System.String ReplaceString(System.String inputString, Hl7MessageDelimiters messageDelimiters) { // get the default message delimiters - these will have been used in the HL7 scripts, etc Hl7MessageDelimiters defaultMessageDelimiters = new Hl7MessageDelimiters(); // update the string to use the given message delimiters System.String localString1 = inputString.Replace(defaultMessageDelimiters.ComponentDelimiter, messageDelimiters.ComponentDelimiter); System.String localString2 = localString1.Replace(defaultMessageDelimiters.SubComponentDelimiter, messageDelimiters.SubComponentDelimiter); System.String outputString = localString2.Replace(defaultMessageDelimiters.RepetitionSeparator, messageDelimiters.RepetitionSeparator); return(outputString); }
public static System.Double ToDouble(System.String AValue) { AValue = AValue.Replace(".", ""); System.Double NewValue; if (!DoubleUtils.IsValid(AValue, out NewValue)) { return(0); } else { return(NewValue); } }
private void ConvertResult() { XslTransform xslt = new XslTransform(); xslt.Load(_applicationDirectory + "DVT_RESULTS.xslt"); System.String resultsFilename = _resultsDirectory + "\\Summary_" + _resultsFilename; XPathDocument xpathdocument = new XPathDocument(resultsFilename); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(resultsFilename.Replace(".xml", ".html"), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); writer.Formatting = Formatting.None; xslt.Transform(xpathdocument, null, writer, null); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); resultsFilename = _resultsDirectory + "\\Detail_" + _resultsFilename; xpathdocument = new XPathDocument(resultsFilename); writer = new XmlTextWriter(resultsFilename.Replace(".xml", ".html"), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); writer.Formatting = Formatting.None; xslt.Transform(xpathdocument, null, writer, null); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); }