TmpTDFrame[] ParseFrames(Stream s) { var start = s.Position; var width = s.ReadUInt16(); var height = s.ReadUInt16(); var size = new Size(width, height); s.Position += 8; var imgStart = s.ReadUInt32(); s.Position += 8; var indexEnd = s.ReadInt32(); var indexStart = s.ReadInt32(); s.Position = indexStart; var count = indexEnd - indexStart; var tiles = new TmpTDFrame[count]; var tilesIndex = 0; foreach (var b in s.ReadBytes(count)) { if (b != 255) { s.Position = imgStart + b * width * height; tiles[tilesIndex++] = new TmpTDFrame(s.ReadBytes(width * height), size); } else tiles[tilesIndex++] = new TmpTDFrame(null, size); } s.Position = start; return tiles; }
public static void ReadBlock(Stream stream, out BlockType blockType, out byte[] data) { blockType = (BlockType)stream.ReadByte(); var sizeBuffer = stream.ReadBytes(2); var size = (ushort)(sizeBuffer[0] | sizeBuffer[1] << 8); data = stream.ReadBytes(size - 2); }
protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream) { base.LoadFromStream(stream); if (Version == 1) { _CreationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt64(); _ModificationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt64(); TimeScale = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt64(); } else // if(Version == 0) { _CreationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); _ModificationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); TimeScale = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); } _Rate = stream.ReadBEInt32(); _Volume = stream.ReadBEInt16(); Reserved = stream.ReadBytes(2 + (2 * 4)); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) Matrix[i] = stream.ReadBEInt32(); PreDefined = stream.ReadBytes(6 * 4); NextTrackID = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); }
public WavLoader(Stream s) { while (s.Position < s.Length) { if ((s.Position & 1) == 1) s.ReadByte(); // Alignment var type = s.ReadASCII(4); switch (type) { case "RIFF": FileSize = s.ReadInt32(); Format = s.ReadASCII(4); if (Format != "WAVE") throw new NotSupportedException("Not a canonical WAVE file."); break; case "fmt ": FmtChunkSize = s.ReadInt32(); AudioFormat = s.ReadInt16(); Type = (WaveType)AudioFormat; if (Type != WaveType.Pcm && Type != WaveType.ImaAdpcm) throw new NotSupportedException("Compression type is not supported."); Channels = s.ReadInt16(); SampleRate = s.ReadInt32(); ByteRate = s.ReadInt32(); BlockAlign = s.ReadInt16(); BitsPerSample = s.ReadInt16(); s.ReadBytes(FmtChunkSize - 16); break; case "fact": { var chunkSize = s.ReadInt32(); UncompressedSize = s.ReadInt32(); s.ReadBytes(chunkSize - 4); } break; case "data": DataSize = s.ReadInt32(); RawOutput = s.ReadBytes(DataSize); break; default: // Ignore unknown chunks { var chunkSize = s.ReadInt32(); s.ReadBytes(chunkSize); } break; } } if (Type == WaveType.ImaAdpcm) { RawOutput = DecodeImaAdpcmData(); BitsPerSample = 16; } }
public ShpTSReader(Stream stream) { stream.ReadUInt16(); var width = stream.ReadUInt16(); var height = stream.ReadUInt16(); var size = new Size(width, height); var frameCount = stream.ReadUInt16(); for (var i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) frames.Add(new FrameHeader(stream, size)); for (var i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { var f = frames[i]; if (f.FileOffset == 0) continue; stream.Position = f.FileOffset; // Uncompressed if (f.Format == 1 || f.Format == 0) f.Data = stream.ReadBytes(f.Size.Width * f.Size.Height); // Uncompressed scanlines else if (f.Format == 2) { f.Data = new byte[f.Size.Width * f.Size.Height]; for (var j = 0; j < f.Size.Height; j++) { var length = stream.ReadUInt16() - 2; stream.Read(f.Data, f.Size.Width * j, length); } } // RLE-zero compressed scanlines else if (f.Format == 3) { f.Data = new byte[f.Size.Width * f.Size.Height]; for (var j = 0; j < f.Size.Height; j++) { var length = stream.ReadUInt16() - 2; Format2.DecodeInto(stream.ReadBytes(length), f.Data, j * f.Size.Width); } } } spriteFrames = Exts.Lazy(() => frames.Cast<ISpriteFrame>()); }
public static Account Decrypt(Stream inputStream, ConsoleType consoleType) { var hmac = new HMACSHA1(consoleType == ConsoleType.Retail ? RetailKey : DevkitKey); var hash = inputStream.ReadBytes(16); var rc4Key = hmac.ComputeHash(hash); Array.Resize(ref rc4Key, 16); var rest = inputStream.ReadBytes(388); var body = RC4.Decrypt(rc4Key, rest); var compareBuffer = hmac.ComputeHash(body); if (!memcmp(hash, compareBuffer, 16)) throw new InvalidDataException("Keys do not match"); return ModelFactory.GetModel<Account>(body.Skip(8).ToArray()); }
public R8Frame(Stream s) { // Scan forward until we find some data var type = s.ReadUInt8(); while (type == 0) type = s.ReadUInt8(); var width = s.ReadInt32(); var height = s.ReadInt32(); var x = s.ReadInt32(); var y = s.ReadInt32(); Size = new Size(width, height); Offset = new int2(width / 2 - x, height / 2 - y); /*var imageOffset = */ s.ReadInt32(); var paletteOffset = s.ReadInt32(); var bpp = s.ReadUInt8(); if (bpp != 8) throw new InvalidDataException("Error: {0} bits per pixel are not supported.".F(bpp)); var frameHeight = s.ReadUInt8(); var frameWidth = s.ReadUInt8(); FrameSize = new Size(frameWidth, frameHeight); // Skip alignment byte s.ReadUInt8(); Data = s.ReadBytes(width * height); // Ignore palette if (type == 1 && paletteOffset != 0) s.Seek(520, SeekOrigin.Current); }
public DatabaseObject Decode(Stream source) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); } // Create a binary reader that can be disposed without disposing the underlying stream. string type; string lenStr; using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new DisposeProtectedStream(source))) { // First token is the type type = ReadToken(reader); // Second is the len lenStr = ReadToken(reader); } long len = -1; if(!Int64.TryParse(lenStr, out len)) { throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("Invalid object, length token value is not an integer: {0}", lenStr)); } // Should now be at the object body, read that in (for now) byte[] data = source.ReadBytes(len); return new DatabaseObject(DatabaseObjectTypeHelper.Parse(type), data); }
public static String Decode(Stream stream) { int len = Int32EncodingLE.Decode(stream); if (len == -1) return null; byte[] buf = stream.ReadBytes(len); return Decode(buf); }
public Stream Open(Stream stream) { stream.Seek(DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] data; if (DataCompression == 0) { data = stream.ReadBytes(DataSize); } else { var dataBuffer = stream.ReadBytes(DataCompressedSize); var inflater = new Inflater(false); inflater.SetInput(dataBuffer); data = new Byte[DataSize]; inflater.Inflate(data); } return new MemoryStream(data); }
protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream) { base.LoadFromStream(stream); _Predefined = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); HandlerType = new FourCC(stream.ReadBytes(4)); for (int i = 0; i < _Reserved.Length; i++) _Reserved[i] = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); Name = stream.ReadNullTerminatedUTF8String(); }
public FileGroup(Stream reader, long offset) { var nameOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); /* unknown */ reader.ReadBytes(18); FirstFile = reader.ReadUInt32(); LastFile = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.Seek(offset + (long)nameOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); Name = reader.ReadASCIIZ(); }
public InstallShieldCABExtractor(FileSystem context, string hdrFilename) { var fileGroups = new List<FileGroup>(); var fileGroupOffsets = new List<uint>(); hdrFile = context.Open(hdrFilename); this.context = context; // Strips archive number AND file extension Name = Regex.Replace(hdrFilename, @"\d*\.[^\.]*$", ""); var signature = hdrFile.ReadUInt32(); if (signature != 0x28635349) throw new InvalidDataException("Not an Installshield CAB package"); commonHeader = new CommonHeader(hdrFile); cabDescriptor = new CabDescriptor(hdrFile, commonHeader); /* unknown */ hdrFile.ReadBytes(14); for (var i = 0U; i < MaxFileGroupCount; ++i) fileGroupOffsets.Add(hdrFile.ReadUInt32()); hdrFile.Seek(commonHeader.CabDescriptorOffset + cabDescriptor.FileTableOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); directoryTable = new List<uint>(); for (var i = 0U; i < cabDescriptor.DirectoryCount; ++i) directoryTable.Add(hdrFile.ReadUInt32()); foreach (var offset in fileGroupOffsets) { var nextOffset = offset; while (nextOffset != 0) { hdrFile.Seek((long)nextOffset + 4 + commonHeader.CabDescriptorOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var descriptorOffset = hdrFile.ReadUInt32(); nextOffset = hdrFile.ReadUInt32(); hdrFile.Seek(descriptorOffset + commonHeader.CabDescriptorOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fileGroups.Add(new FileGroup(hdrFile, commonHeader.CabDescriptorOffset)); } } hdrFile.Seek(commonHeader.CabDescriptorOffset + cabDescriptor.FileTableOffset + cabDescriptor.FileTableOffset2, SeekOrigin.Begin); foreach (var fileGroup in fileGroups) { for (var i = fileGroup.FirstFile; i <= fileGroup.LastFile; ++i) { AddFileDescriptorToList(i); var fileDescriptor = fileDescriptors[i]; var fullFilePath = "{0}\\{1}\\{2}".F(fileGroup.Name, DirectoryName(fileDescriptor.DirectoryIndex), fileDescriptor.Filename); index.Add(fullFilePath, i); } } }
public static ApplicationData Read(Stream stream) { var blockSize = stream.ReadByte(); if (blockSize <= 0) { return null; } var data = stream.ReadBytes(blockSize); return new ApplicationData((byte) blockSize, data); }
public WavLoader(Stream s) { while (s.Position < s.Length) { if ((s.Position & 1) == 1) s.ReadByte(); // Alignment var type = s.ReadASCII(4); switch (type) { case "RIFF": FileSize = s.ReadInt32(); Format = s.ReadASCII(4); if (Format != "WAVE") throw new NotSupportedException("Not a canonical WAVE file."); break; case "fmt ": FmtChunkSize = s.ReadInt32(); if (FmtChunkSize != 16) throw new NotSupportedException("{0} fmt chunk size is not a supported encoding scheme.".F(FmtChunkSize)); AudioFormat = s.ReadInt16(); if (AudioFormat != 1) throw new NotSupportedException("Non-PCM compression is not supported."); Channels = s.ReadInt16(); SampleRate = s.ReadInt32(); ByteRate = s.ReadInt32(); BlockAlign = s.ReadInt16(); BitsPerSample = s.ReadInt16(); break; case "data": DataSize = s.ReadInt32(); RawOutput = s.ReadBytes(DataSize); break; default: // Ignore unknown chunks var chunkSize = s.ReadInt32(); s.ReadBytes(chunkSize); break; } } }
public override byte[] Decompress(Stream s, int dataLen, uint key) { var sb = new List<byte>(); var decoder = new LZWDecoder(); while (sb.Count < dataLen) { sb.AddRange(decoder.Decode(s.ReadBytes(s.ReadInt32()))); } return sb.ToArray(); }
public static void Decode (Stream stream, BitArray val) { Debug.Assert (stream != null, "Stream is null"); Int16 num = Int16EncodingLE.Decode (stream); byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length-2]; buffer = stream.ReadBytes (2, ((uint)stream.Length - 2)); // if (EncodingHelpers.Endian != EndianTypes.LittleEndian) // EncodingHelpers.ReverseBytes (buffer, 2, buffer.Length); val = new BitArray (buffer); val.Length = num; }
public static bool HandlePacket( ServerBase sender, Stream stream ) { UInt16 id = BitConverter.ToUInt16( stream.ReadBytes( 2 ), 0 ); if ( stTypeIDs.Count <= id ) throw new Exception( "Unknown packet type recieved" ); ServerPacketType type = stTypeIDs[ id ]; if ( type == null ) throw new Exception( "Unknown packet type recieved" ); return type.PacketHandler( sender, type, stream ); }
public ShpD2Frame(Stream s) { var flags = (FormatFlags)s.ReadUInt16(); s.Position += 1; var width = s.ReadUInt16(); var height = s.ReadUInt8(); Size = new Size(width, height); // Subtract header size var dataLeft = s.ReadUInt16() - 10; var dataSize = s.ReadUInt16(); byte[] table; if ((flags & FormatFlags.PaletteTable) != 0) { var n = (flags & FormatFlags.VariableLengthTable) != 0 ? s.ReadUInt8() : (byte)16; table = new byte[n]; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) table[i] = s.ReadUInt8(); dataLeft -= n; } else { table = new byte[256]; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) table[i] = (byte)i; table[1] = 0x7f; table[2] = 0x7e; table[3] = 0x7d; table[4] = 0x7c; } Data = new byte[width * height]; // Decode image data var compressed = s.ReadBytes(dataLeft); if ((flags & FormatFlags.SkipFormat80) == 0) { var temp = new byte[dataSize]; Format80.DecodeInto(compressed, temp); compressed = temp; } Format2.DecodeInto(compressed, Data, 0); // Lookup values in lookup table for (var j = 0; j < Data.Length; j++) Data[j] = table[Data[j]]; }
public InstallShieldPackage(FileSystem context, string filename) { Name = filename; s = context.Open(filename); try { // Parse package header var signature = s.ReadUInt32(); if (signature != 0x8C655D13) throw new InvalidDataException("Not an Installshield package"); s.Position += 8; /*var FileCount = */s.ReadUInt16(); s.Position += 4; /*var ArchiveSize = */s.ReadUInt32(); s.Position += 19; var tocAddress = s.ReadInt32(); s.Position += 4; var dirCount = s.ReadUInt16(); // Parse the directory list s.Position = tocAddress; // Parse directories var directories = new Dictionary<string, uint>(); for (var i = 0; i < dirCount; i++) { // Parse directory header var fileCount = s.ReadUInt16(); var chunkSize = s.ReadUInt16(); var nameLength = s.ReadUInt16(); var dirName = s.ReadASCII(nameLength); // Skip to the end of the chunk s.ReadBytes(chunkSize - nameLength - 6); directories.Add(dirName, fileCount); } // Parse files foreach (var dir in directories) for (var i = 0; i < dir.Value; i++) ParseFile(s, dir.Key); } catch { Dispose(); throw; } }
/* Unpack a GIM into a Bitmap */ public override Bitmap Unpack(ref Stream data) { /* Convert the GIM to an image */ try { GimFile imageInput = new GimFile(data.ReadBytes(0, (int)data.Length)); ImgFile imageOutput = new ImgFile(imageInput.GetDecompressedData(), imageInput.GetWidth(), imageInput.GetHeight(), ImageFormat.Png); return new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(imageOutput.GetCompressedData())); } catch { return null; } }
/// <summary>发送数据流。</summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> protected override void OnSend(Stream stream) { lock (this) { var client = Client; if (!_hasSetAsync) { client.UploadDataCompleted += new UploadDataCompletedEventHandler(client_UploadDataCompleted); client.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadDataCompleted); } var data = stream.ReadBytes(); if (data.Length < 128) client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(Uri.ToString() + "?" + DataHelper.ToHex(data))); else client.UploadDataAsync(Uri, data); } }
public void UnpackAll(Stream stream, string baseDirectory) { int memoryGateSize = (int)((GC.GetTotalMemory(false) + estimatedMaximumBufferSize) / (1024*1024)) + 1; Log.Write("Checking if we have {0} MB of RAM available... ", memoryGateSize); try { new MemoryFailPoint(memoryGateSize); Log.Success("ok"); } catch(InsufficientMemoryException) { Log.Warning("failed. There might be errors."); } var digits = (int) Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(fileCount)); string mask = "{0,"+digits+"}/{1}: {2} "; for (int i = 0; i < fileEntry.Count; i++) { var entry = fileEntry[i]; Log.Write(mask, i+1, fileCount, entry.filename); try { stream.Seek(entry.offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var localOffset = stream.ReadInt32(); stream.Seek(entry.offset + localOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var outFilename = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, entry.filename); var outDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(outFilename); if (!Directory.Exists(outDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(outDirectory); var input = stream.ReadBytes((int) (entry.compressedLength - localOffset)); var output = new byte[entry.decompressedLength]; LZF.Decompress(input, input.Length, output, output.Length); using (var outStream = File.OpenWrite(outFilename)) outStream.Write(output, 0, output.Length); Log.Success("ok"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("failed: " + e.Message); } } }
public static bool HandlePacket( ClientBase sender, Stream stream ) { UInt16 id = BitConverter.ToUInt16( stream.ReadBytes( 2 ), 0 ); if ( stNextID <= id ) throw new Exception( "Unknown packet type recieved" ); ClientPacketType type = stTypeIDs[ id ]; return type.PacketHandler( sender, type, stream ); }
public VqaReader(Stream stream) { = stream; // Decode FORM chunk if (stream.ReadASCII(4) != "FORM") throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid vqa (invalid FORM section)"); /*var length = */ stream.ReadUInt32(); if (stream.ReadASCII(8) != "WVQAVQHD") throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid vqa (not WVQAVQHD)"); /* var length = */stream.ReadUInt32(); /*var version = */stream.ReadUInt16(); /*var flags = */stream.ReadUInt16(); Frames = stream.ReadUInt16(); Width = stream.ReadUInt16(); Height = stream.ReadUInt16(); blockWidth = stream.ReadUInt8(); blockHeight = stream.ReadUInt8(); Framerate = stream.ReadUInt8(); cbParts = stream.ReadUInt8(); blocks = new int2(Width / blockWidth, Height / blockHeight); numColors = stream.ReadUInt16(); /*var maxBlocks = */stream.ReadUInt16(); /*var unknown1 = */stream.ReadUInt16(); /*var unknown2 = */stream.ReadUInt32(); // Audio /*var freq = */stream.ReadUInt16(); /*var channels = */stream.ReadByte(); /*var bits = */stream.ReadByte(); /*var unknown3 = */stream.ReadBytes(14); var frameSize = Exts.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(Width, Height)); cbf = new byte[Width*Height]; cbp = new byte[Width*Height]; palette = new uint[numColors]; origData = new byte[2*blocks.X*blocks.Y]; frameData = new uint[frameSize, frameSize]; var type = stream.ReadASCII(4); if (type != "FINF") { stream.Seek(27, SeekOrigin.Current); type = stream.ReadASCII(4); } /*var length = */stream.ReadUInt16(); /*var unknown4 = */stream.ReadUInt16(); // Frame offsets offsets = new UInt32[Frames]; for (var i = 0; i < Frames; i++) { offsets[i] = stream.ReadUInt32(); if (offsets[i] > 0x40000000) offsets[i] -= 0x40000000; offsets[i] <<= 1; } CollectAudioData(); Reset(); }
// VQA Frame public void DecodeVQFR(Stream s) { while (true) { // Chunks are aligned on even bytes; may be padded with a single null if (s.Peek() == 0) s.ReadByte(); var type = s.ReadASCII(4); var subchunkLength = (int)int2.Swap(s.ReadUInt32()); switch(type) { // Full frame-modifier case "CBFZ": Format80.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength), cbf); break; case "CBF0": cbf = s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength); break; // frame-modifier chunk case "CBP0": case "CBPZ": // Partial buffer is full; dump and recreate if (cbChunk == cbParts) { if (type == "CBP0") cbf = (byte[])cbp.Clone(); else Format80.DecodeInto(cbp, cbf); cbOffset = cbChunk = 0; } var bytes = s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength); bytes.CopyTo(cbp,cbOffset); cbOffset += subchunkLength; cbChunk++; break; // Palette case "CPL0": for (var i = 0; i < numColors; i++) { var r = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2); var g = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2); var b = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2); palette[i] = (uint)((255 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b); } break; // Frame data case "VPTZ": Format80.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength), origData); // This is the last subchunk return; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown sub-chunk {0}".F(type)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Takes compressed archived image data and returns the raw image data /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public byte[] DecompressTex(Stream archiveStream, int offset, int uncSize, int cprSize) { int pos = 0; archiveStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); int magicNumber = archiveStream.ReadValueS32(); pos += 4; if (magicNumber != -1641380927) { throw new FormatException("Magic Number is not correct. Invalid archive data"); } int blockSize = archiveStream.ReadValueS32(); pos += 4; int readCprSize = archiveStream.ReadValueS32(); //Archive cprSize doesn't include header size pos += 4; int uncReadSize = archiveStream.ReadValueS32(); if (uncReadSize != uncSize) { throw new FormatException("Uncompressed data sizes don't match. Read: " + uncReadSize + ", expected: " + uncSize); } pos += 4; int noChunks = (uncSize + blockSize - 1) / blockSize; CompressedChunkBlock[] chunks = new CompressedChunkBlock[noChunks]; for (int i = 0; i < noChunks; i++) { CompressedChunkBlock chunk = new CompressedChunkBlock(); chunk.cprSize = archiveStream.ReadValueS32(); chunk.uncSize = archiveStream.ReadValueS32(); chunk.rawData = new byte[chunk.cprSize]; pos += 8; chunks[i] = chunk; } if (readCprSize + pos != cprSize) { throw new FormatException("Compressed data sizes don't match. Invalid archive data"); } byte[] rawData = new byte[readCprSize]; rawData = archiveStream.ReadBytes(readCprSize); archiveStream.Close(); using (MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(rawData)) { for (int i = 0; i < noChunks; i++) { chunks[i].rawData = data.ReadBytes(chunks[i].cprSize); } } byte[] imgBuffer = new byte[uncSize]; int resultPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < noChunks; i++) { CompressedChunkBlock chunk = chunks[i]; byte[] tempResult = new byte[chunk.uncSize]; try { LZO1X.Decompress(chunk.rawData, tempResult); } catch { throw new Exception("LZO decompression failed!"); } Buffer.BlockCopy(tempResult, 0, imgBuffer, resultPos, chunk.uncSize); resultPos += chunk.uncSize; } return imgBuffer; }
public MemoryStream DecompressPCC(Stream raw, IPCCObject pcc) { raw.Seek(pcc.header.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin); int pos = 4; pcc.NumChunks = raw.ReadValueS32(); List<Chunk> Chunks = new List<Chunk>(); //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Reading chunk headers..."); for (int i = 0; i < pcc.NumChunks; i++) { Chunk c = new Chunk(); c.uncompressedOffset = raw.ReadValueS32(); c.uncompressedSize = raw.ReadValueS32(); c.compressedOffset = raw.ReadValueS32(); c.compressedSize = raw.ReadValueS32(); c.Compressed = new byte[c.compressedSize]; c.Uncompressed = new byte[c.uncompressedSize]; //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunk " + i + ", compressed size = " + c.compressedSize + ", uncompressed size = " + c.uncompressedSize); //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Compressed offset = " + c.compressedOffset + ", uncompressed offset = " + c.uncompressedOffset); Chunks.Add(c); } //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\tRead Chunks..."); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Chunks.Count; i++) { Chunk c = Chunks[i]; raw.Seek(c.compressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); c.Compressed = raw.ReadBytes(c.compressedSize); ChunkHeader h = new ChunkHeader(); h.magic = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 0); if (h.magic != -1641380927) throw new FormatException("Chunk magic number incorrect"); h.blocksize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 4); h.compressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 8); h.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 12); //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunkheader read: Magic = " + h.magic + ", Blocksize = " + h.blocksize + ", Compressed Size = " + h.compressedsize + ", Uncompressed size = " + h.uncompressedsize); pos = 16; int blockCount = (h.uncompressedsize % h.blocksize == 0) ? h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize : h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize + 1; List<Block> BlockList = new List<Block>(); //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read Blockheaders..."); for (int j = 0; j < blockCount; j++) { Block b = new Block(); b.compressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos); b.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos + 4); //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Block " + j + ", compressed size = " + b.compressedsize + ", uncompressed size = " + b.uncompressedsize); pos += 8; BlockList.Add(b); } int outpos = 0; //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read and decompress Blocks..."); foreach (Block b in BlockList) { byte[] datain = new byte[b.compressedsize]; byte[] dataout = new byte[b.uncompressedsize]; for (int j = 0; j < b.compressedsize; j++) datain[j] = c.Compressed[pos + j]; pos += b.compressedsize; try { LZO1X.Decompress(datain, dataout); } catch { throw new Exception("LZO decompression failed!"); } for (int j = 0; j < b.uncompressedsize; j++) c.Uncompressed[outpos + j] = dataout[j]; outpos += b.uncompressedsize; } c.header = h; c.blocks = BlockList; count++; Chunks[i] = c; } MemoryStream result = new MemoryStream(); foreach (Chunk c in Chunks) { result.Seek(c.uncompressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); result.WriteBytes(c.Uncompressed); } return result; }
public void Read(Stream stream) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { byte[] signature1Bytes = stream.ReadBytes(4); byte[] signature2Bytes = stream.ReadBytes(4); uint signature1 = signature1Bytes.ToUInt(); uint signature2 = signature2Bytes.ToUInt(); bool pass = signature1 == Signature1 && signature2 == Signature2; if (!pass) throw new FormatException("Database has incorrect file signature"); byte[] versionBytes = stream.ReadBytes(4); uint version = versionBytes.ToUInt(); if ((version & Mask) > (Version & Mask)) throw new FormatException("The file version is unsupported"); ms.Write(signature1Bytes); ms.Write(signature2Bytes); ms.Write(versionBytes); while(this.ReadNext(stream, ms)) { // Add Logging Statement } this.Hash = ms.ToSHA256Hash(); } }
protected bool ReadNext(Stream input, Stream output) { int nextByte = input.ReadByte(); if (nextByte == -1) throw new EndOfStreamException(); byte fieldIdByte = (byte)nextByte; output.WriteByte(fieldIdByte); KeePassFileHeaderFields field = (KeePassFileHeaderFields)fieldIdByte; byte[] sizeBytes = input.ReadBytes(2); ushort size = sizeBytes.ToUShort(); byte[] data = null; if (size > 0) data = input.ReadBytes(size); output.Write(sizeBytes); output.Write(data); switch (field) { case KeePassFileHeaderFields.EndOfHeader: return false; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.DatabaseCipherId: this.DatabaseCipherId = data; break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.DatabaseCompression: if (data.Length < 1) throw new Exception("Invalid Header"); byte flag = data[0]; this.DatabaseCompression = data[0]; break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.DatabaseCipherKeySeed: this.DatabaseCipherKeySeed = data; break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.MasterKeyHashSeed: this.MasterKeyHashKey = data; break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.MasterKeyHashRounds: this.MasterKeyHashRounds = data.ToInt32(); break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.DatabaseCipherIV: this.DatabaseCipherIV = data; break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.RandomBytesCryptoKey: this.RandomByteGeneratorCryptoKey = data; break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.HeaderByteMark: this.HeaderByteMarks = data; break; case KeePassFileHeaderFields.RandomBytesCryptoType: if (data.Length < 1) throw new Exception("Invalid Header"); this.RandomByteGeneratorCryptoType = data[0]; break; default: return false; } return true; }